I have wet the bed on and off all my life and am back to nightly bedwetting for about 3 years now. As a child I was a chronic bedwetter and this continued through my teens and started again in my mid 20's and from then on I have wet on and off untll my mid 40's when my bedwetting became more regular. Being a bedwetter has never bothered me in fact just the opposite as I genuinely sleep so much better when I wet the bed. So now I just sleep in terry nappies and protect my bed.
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Lifelong Bedwetter
Hi,it was nice to see some other than myself own up to his bed wetting I too have been a bed wetter all my life with the odd dry spell here and there.I have as time has gone on grown to enjoy this and the things needed to keep my bed dry,a good rubber sheet now nicely stained,terry nappies and ether real rubber pants or plastic pants and even when sleeping away from home disposables yes even the disposable nappy has its good points.Keep up the good work and hope the new lay out stops all the dam spam
Lifelong Bedwetter
I thoroughly enjoy my bedwetting too I relised I enjoyed it during my teens when I started wetting on purpose at first out of laziness because I was so used to sleeping in a wet bed that when I found I could stay dry and woke when needing to pee I usually just wet the bed and went back to sleep. Gradually I started to enjoy this and soon I was wetting before I went to sleep so I could spend the whole night wet. Although I did still wet in my sleep sometimes , more often it was deliberate. I was made to see the doctor at 15 to see why I was still bedwetting but no one ever suspected I enjoyed this and often it was deliberate. I was refered to the continence nurse and my mother was able to get various bedwetting aids including a proper fitted cover for my bed and large blue disposable incontinence pants like big nappies. I was supposed to see a specialist but never went. My bedwetting was just accepted in our family after that. I never knew for certain but I think my mother knew I didi it on purpose but nothing was ever said.
I was dry from being about 18 till I was about 22 when I started bedwetting again. I still lived at home and my mother just said "I knew it would happen again sooner or later" since then I have wet on and off all my life, sometimes in my sleep, usually after drinking lots of beer. More often though I wet on purpose when the mood took me.
Finally after many years of both wetting on purpose I decided that I might as well regress because I always sleep so much better when wet. Somehow I just feel so relaxed and secure laying in my wetness, just as I did as a child.
My regression didn't take long and now I wet in my sleep almost every night and use terry nappies and plastic pants to keep the bed dry. I have no regrets about becoming a true bedwetter again .
Originally posted by HewholovestobewetI have wet the bed on and off all my life and am back to nightly bedwetting for about 3 years now. As a child I was a chronic bedwetter and this continued through my teens and started again in my mid 20's and from then on I have wet on and off untll my mid 40's when my bedwetting became more regular. Being a bedwetter has never bothered me in fact just the opposite as I genuinely sleep so much better when I wet the bed. So now I just sleep in terry nappies and protect my bed.
As a child I wet the bed most every night into my ninth year. Except for a few brief periods, I was put to bed in diapers till dry. A part of me wanted to be dry. At the same time, another side enjoyed bed-wetting to the point of wetting or re-wetting while awake. Mom scolded, pleaded, even mildly spanked - as if I was doing it on purpose!
Once dry, I didn’t have a genuine nocturnal accident for about ten years. To fill the avoid, when home alone I secretly wet and cleaned up before my folks returned. Over and over I promised myself never again, only to give into the urge at the next opportunity. Couldn’t stop.
Then it happened, during my nineteenth summer I wet the bed after a beer party. Happened again, and again. Lastly that summer before leaving for college, I purposely induced a sleep wetting with beer. That summer planted the seed for my regression a few years later.
Today, when I tank up and wear diapers I almost always wake up wet with no memory. Conversely, when I don’t prepare/plan to wet, I’m generally dry in the morning. For me sleep wetting is the ultimate, can’t picture life without it.
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