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Bambinos VS ... anthing else ... ?

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  • Bambinos VS ... anthing else ... ?

    Hello everyone!

    I am look for advice and suggestions from some disposable diaper wearers. I used to use Abri-Form X and I moved to Bambinos ... is there anything out there that I may want to try?

    Not concerned so much with look as feel and function. Do Cushies or anything else match up to Bambinos?

    Looking forward to hearing anyone's thoughts! THANKS for your time!

  • #2
    Contifit are good - white, plain, thick, hold a lot!

    Otherwise, I love Tena still - they are thin when you put them on, but they swell up like mad when you wet yourself, feels and looks amazing!

    Lille supreme are nice and comfy too - nice plastic, very soft!


    • #3
      Well that is all good if he is on your side of the pond. If he is in the US, I highly suggest that you try Dry 24/7.

      Just realize they run big, so if you are on the cusp of small/med or med/large, go with the smaller size.

      They are also much better for floods, the Abena and Bambinos can hold a lot, but only if you don't flood them. This is due to them having a lot of super absorbant gel, but only a little wood pulp. The wood pulp allows diapers to soak up wetness super quick, but can't hold as much, so you need both to be able to both soak it up quickly then dispurse it to the super absorbant gel.


      • #4
        Honestly, I think Abenas are far superior to Bambino in terms of functionality.

        The only thing I know of that has more capacity than Abri X-plus is the Dry 24/7s, but their quality control isn't the best so I haven't bought any in some time.


        • #5
          Thank You All!!!

          That is exactly what I wanted! A nice group of suggestions ... so thank-you!

          Okay, I've worn Bambinos and Abenas before so I know what I'm getting and what to expect from them. I've seen and been wanting to try the ABU Cushies and honestly ... I had never heard of the Dry 24/7s so I ordered a sample from each and see how it goes.

          THANKS for the info and suggestions and if anyone has anything else PLEASE don't hesitate to write!!!



          • #6
            Would love to try bambinos, however as I havent my diaper of choice is the tena maxi slip - they crinckle, they hold heaps (which is great as it increases the bulk) and they are close of white.

