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Story: Mama's Girl

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  • Story: Mama's Girl

    Been working on this one off and on for a while now, finished the first part in a wild burst of energy last night. It’s the first of three parts.




    Natalie Portman as Kim

    The subway rocked under her feet—Kim shifted nervously and checked her watch, feeling her stomach roll. She was only a few hours late, but she knew it was still tempting fate. She knew she should have phoned home first, but her friend Beth had been there and she didn’t want to look ridiculous in front of her… after all, how many girls her age had to phone their mommies before they went for a few drinks after work?

    She was now beginning to regret her willfulness, though… the weekend was coming up, and she had a date with Nick the next night. The last thing she wanted was to be grounded. She saw her cheeks color red in the window of the subway car. Unconsciously, she reached back and touched her bottom, rubbing it a bit through the seat of her trousers as she wondered how many girls her age were still turned over their mother’s knees and given a bare bottom spanking for perceived misbehavior. Not to mention her mother’s more… unorthodox methods of behavior modification.

    She felt her belly roll again-- touched it gently. She sighed and prayed it wasn’t happening again, prayed it was only the alcohol disagreeing with her. With a chill, Kim felt her bowels begin to stir. She rubbed her stomach, hoping to sooth it, but it was no use. She clenched her butt-cheeks tightly and hoped she’d be able to make it home. She was almost to her stop, and from there it was only a block and a half home.

    But by the time she reached her station, she knew it wasn’t meant to be… She was desperate, flexing her glutes tightly and shifting in place as subtly as possible. She hated using public restrooms, but she’d learned over the years (she shivered, trying not to think of her many embarrassing accidents) that at a cretin point, she had to put her pride aside and find the nearest toilet.

    The doors slid open; Kim was one of the first on the platform. She rushed, pushing her small, slender body through the crowd. She was a tiny girl, little over five feet, and she had to fight especially hard to make it through the crowds at rush hour.

    Her urge increased. Clenching her buttocks tightly, Kim pushed her way through the crowd as best as she could. She reached back and discreetly pressed her palm against her butt-crack. Her insides gurgled incessantly and she knew she was on the verge of an accident. She was hot now in spite of the cold air—she pushed a lock of hair out of her face. She broke into a wide grin when she saw the ladies room door.

    “Excuse me!” she exclaimed, pushing her way through the crowd. “Pardon me! Oh, please let me through!” She pushed through the door, her desperation entering its final phase. She pressed her palm against her bottom tightly… it was going to be a photo finish.

    There was a group of women about her age standing at the mirror, chatting and fixing their make-up. Blushing, Kim rushed past them. They were the sort of girls who’d always intimidated her in school, always bigger than her, and impossibly mature. She put a lot of time and effort into her make-up and clothes, trying to make herself seem more adult, but the truth was, Kim had always felt like a little girl trying to play dress up and blend into the adult world-- like no matter how hard she tried, it was never good enough… she could never compete with women who were so much more effortlessly mature than she was.

    She rushed past them, blushing when she realized they were all so much taller than she was. What are they, she thought, hurrying into the stall , models? The girls looked up and stared as she ran past and slammed the stall behind her.

    Locking the door, Kim threw her purse to the floor, and began frantically undoing her pants. She tugged them down, revealing a pair of cotton candy pink little-girl brief style panties beneath, the kind a six year old would wear, covered in little rainbows.

    There was a knock outside, almost making Kim jump out of her skin. “Everything ok in there?” It must’ve been one of the women from the sink, her voice full of concern. By way of response, Kim spun and slammed her rear-end down on the toilet.

    Once, Kim had gone to see a movie with her friend Beth. In one scene, two boys were chased into the girl’s bathroom and hid in one of the stalls. She remembered how everyone around her brayed in laughter when a pair of pretty girls came in, went into the stalls on opposite sides of the heroes, and began having noisy diarrhea- how she blushed and cringed as Beth and everyone else howled, watching the boys react in horror while the girls played “Battleshits,” farting and plopping and filling the toilet, knowing that it was not unlike how she often sounded when she suffered what her mother referred to as one of her “flare ups”.

    It was all she could think of now as her ass exploded loudly; she grunted involuntarily as she lost control, farting a loose, sloppy mess into the bowl beneath her.

    “Oh my God!” cried the voice just outside the door, busting into laughter along with her friends. Kim struggled to hold it; clenching her cheeks, crossing her ankles, and straining, with all her might, trying to keep from embarrassing herself any further.

    But the cramps were incessant, and Kim gave a cry as she farted and gushed a torrent of diarrhea into the water. The women outside the stall broke into shocked laughter as Kim played a one-woman game of Battleshits, farting and splattering and plopping loudly into the bowl. Outside the women roared with laughter as Kim erupted flatulently into the toilet, uncontrollably voiding her bowels into the water below. She tapped her feet, gasped and grunted, unleashing another round of violent farting and splashing. The stench hit her—she nearly fainted with embarrassment when one of the women outside the stall said “Ew! Smells like something died in here!” This couldn’t possibly get any worse.

    “Oh my God!” She heard one of them shriek, “Look at her panties!”

    Kim quickly glanced down. She realized her pink little girl panties had been stretched tightly between her ankles, visible the entire time! She shifted uncomfortably and involuntarily farted out another mudslide.

    “Uh! C’mon girls, let’s go!”

    They quickly left. Kim remained seated for another five minutes, but the worst was over. She reached for the toilet paper.

    Her blood ran cold: There were only about 4 squares left on the roll—not nearly enough to clean up after the mess she just made. She tore them off, wiped as carefully as she could, but it was no use. She rooted through her purse, searching for Kleenex or old receipts—something, anything to clean her ass with. Finding nothing, she checked the time on her phone, felt her heart sink—now she was really late. She decided to bite the bullet—flushing, she rose and carefully tugged up her pants and panties. Her stomach rolled—she was still gooey and messy between her cheeks, but there wasn’t much she could do about it now. She could only hope Mommy wouldn’t perform a panty inspection when she got home. Kim pulled up her pants and exited the stall, washed her hands quickly and exited the room.

    She tried to ignore it, but her buttcrack was so itchy. Kim resisted the urge, but finally, about a block from home, she realized it was driving her insane. She reached around and gave a brief, but frantic scratch through her pants, blushing grimly when she realized a truly massive skidmark would be developing in the seat of her pretty panties.
    She practically ran toward the elevator in her building. She stepped inside and quickly hit the button for the top floor. Her rump was itching like mad—she reached behind and scratched again as the doors closed.

    Kim closed the door quietly behind her. The apartment was dark and still, and for a moment, she thought she was home-free… maybe her mother had gone out, or was visiting a neighbor. Maybe she could go to the toilet, clean up quickly and slip on some sweats, toss her stained panties down the incinerator, and be back before—

    “Well, well.”

    Her mother’s voice behind her nearly gave Kim a heart attack. She spun, finding herself face to face with her mother.

    It wasn’t that she was a stern woman. Most of the time she was quite loving and supportive to her daughter, carefully regulating Kim’s dietary needs and monitoring her digestive condition. Kim’s mother had once been an eminent doctor, but she’d left it all behind to take care of Kim and study her rare digestive condition full time. She literally dedicated her life to her daughter.

    Which I guess is why, Kim reflected, staring into her mother’s angry eyes, she keeps me on such a short leash.

    It was true. Her mother had a strict set of rules, she kept her daughter’s life carefully ordered, and she maintained discipline like a drill sergeant, spanking and grounding Kim like a teenager for the slightest infraction.

    In fact, truth be told, she had some very unique punishments that she was always willing to implement. She was a slight woman, not much bigger than her daughter, but when she was angry, her eyes went small and dark.

    “Nice of you to join me, finally,” she said, keeping her fury out of her voice. “Nothing to say for yourself?” she asked after a moment. “Where were you young lady?”

    “I went out with Beth,” Kim said quietly.

    “Why didn’t you call?”

    “It was only for a little while, mama,” she whispered.

    “It doesn’t matter sweetheart, you know the rule. You call mommy if you’re not coming straight home from work.” She tilted her head and inspected her. Kim panicked, knowing she could read the guilt on her face. “What’s wrong? C’mon, Kim, out with it: I know there’s something you aren’t telling me.”

    But she could only stare at the floor. “Were you drinking? You know how that upsets your condition, sweetie.” Silence. Kim shifted, blushing, feeling like a naughty little girl, not the young woman that she was. Her mother sighed. “Well, whatever’s wrong, you better hope I don’t find out young lady, because you’re already going to get a spanking before bed tonight for not calling me like that… I was very worried.”

    Kim rolled her eyes and stomped her foot. Her mother put her hands on her hips and snapped: “do you think I’m being unfair, little girl?” she reached around and swatted Kim’s bottom, making her hop and yelp. “You know what? Take down those pants, princess—it’s time for a panty inspection.”

    Kim groaned, but complied, slowly sliding off her shoes. This was what she’d been dreading; if there was a skidmark on the seat of her panties (and there almost certainly was) and her mom saw it (which she almost certainly would) a spanking would be the least of her problems; She’d most likely be grounded all weekend, which meant at very least she wasn’t going to be seeing Nick tomorrow. She undid her pants and slid them down her slender legs, fuming again at the ridiculousness of a woman her age being spanked and grounded. She thought about complaining again, but realized it would probably earn her a longer spanking, and possibly another weekend grounded.

    Finally, Kim stood in front of her mother in her shirttails, panties and socks. Her mother barked “hands on head!’ Kim complied without thinking, blushing furiously as her mother took a walk around her, inspecting her panties from the outside. “Ok, sweet-pea: Take them down for mommy now.”

    Kim sighed and tugged her pretty pink panties with the pretty little rainbows that any second grade girl would be pleased to own down over her firm tushy, letting them fall inside out, and pulled them tight between her knees to keep them from falling. She returned her hands to the top of her head and blushed furiously as her mother turned her critical gaze to the inside of her panties. Kim squeezed her eyes shut when she heard the gasp behind her. “Young Lady!” her mother uttered, giving her a series of stinging spanks to her bare, quivering bottom, making Kim hop in place absurdly with her panties around her knees. “Look at this stain!” she said, cracking her palm against Kim’s jiggling buns. “Utterly disgraceful, Little Girl!”
    Last edited by Wet Set; March 19, 2012, 09:54 AM.

  • #2

    “Mommy! OW! Wait, please listen! OWIE!” Kim begged, tears springing to her eyes. “My tummy got upset and I had to use the potty at the train station, and there was no toilet-paper—OW OW OUCH OW!” she cried as her mother landed a flurry of smacks to her bare bottom.

    “A likely story! You aggravated your condition with alcohol, then you were too drunk and lazy to wipe yourself properly!

    “No mommy, it wasn’t like that! OW!” She squealed as her mother landed one final spank, then tugged her panties down, letting them fall around her ankles.

    “Just look at the state of these!” her mother cried, holding up the panties inside out to show Kim the thick swath of poop in her pretty pink panties; a wide, brown stain that ran down almost the entire length of the seat. Kim cringed in humiliation.

    “Get that little bottom into the bathroom, young lady.” Kim yelped as her mom swatted her bare backside. She ran full speed down the hall, her derriere jiggling wildly behind her the entire way.

    She stood on the cool tile and stared at herself in the mirror on the back of the bathroom door, blushing at the sight of her pink butt peeking out from under her shirt, reflected in the medicine chest. Her mother entered a tossed the panties into the garbage. “Those are coming out of your allowance, young lady.” Kim fumed at being reminded that her mother paid her an allowance out of her own bank account. “Strip,” she ordered.

    Kim complied, removing the shirt. Soon she stood before her mother, completely naked. “Bend over the tub.”

    She did, presenting the pale pink heart of her bottom for inspection. She yelped as her mom swatted her, leaving a handprint on her rump. “Spread your legs.” Kim complied and flushed bright red as she heard her mother tear off a few sheets of toilet paper and felt her slip the wad into her crack and press it against her anus. She bit her lip, trying not to cry out in shame as her mother wiped her butt like a toddler. She discarded the original wad in the toilet and pulled off another. Wipe, wipe, wipe. She paused to check. “Oh what a messy baby,” she chided gently, discarding the wipe and tearing off another. Kim’s eyes crossed with embarrassment as her mother took yet another crack at wiping her butt for her.

    Her mom began to fill the bathtub. She sat Kim on the edge of the tub and brushed her hair. Nude, Kim took in deep breaths, sucking the warm steam into her lungs and tried to relax, tried not to think about what would be coming next. Her mom held her hand and helped her up. Stepping into the water, Kim lowered herself slowly. The water was just on the verge of being too hot—exactly the way she liked it.

    She sank down into the warm broth and tried to relax. Her mother took a soft wash-cloth, squirted some liquid soap onto it, and worked up a good lather, before she began washing Kim’s back and arms. The girl flushed crimson as she lifted her rump to allow her mother and her invasive washcloth access to her buttcrack and anus, which she cleaned vigorously. Shamefully, Kim realized she was getting aroused, especially when mom reached around and began scrubbing her pussy. She giggled as the rag tickled her belly; her mother’s clinical demeanor slipping, she allowed herself a grin and tickled her daughter’s tummy, then her armpits, before moving onto her breasts. Kim shut her eyes and wriggled her toes, determined not to show her arousal. She focused on the spanking she was probably minutes away from getting, the thought cooling her desire to a low simmer. Finally, her mother announced they were done and pulled the plug. Standing before her, lovely and nude, her body glowing a delicious pink, Kim’s mom dried her off with a big fluffy towel. She squealed and giggled, the ultra-soft fibers tickling her entire body.

    At last, Kim stood before her beaming mother in her birthday suit. She blushed and lowered her gaze to the floor, covering her crotch shyly. “Now young lady,” she said with a wolfish grin, “I want you to march that little tushy into my room and wait quietly on the bed until I get there. Go on—scat!”

    She turned Kim toward the door and delivered a hard slap to her rump. Kim yelped and bolted from the room, running bare-naked down the hall. Her mother grinned as she watched her daughter’s adorable bare rump jiggle its way down the hall and disappear into her bedroom. She turned and went to work cleaning the bathroom.

    Kim sighed, throwing her naked body onto her mother’s bed, shivering as her flesh, still radiating warmth from her bath, hit the cool bedspread. She stretched and rolled over on her back, wriggling her bare bottom on the cool, slick sheets. She felt so strange-- almost giddy, as though she were drunk. She cast her gaze to the corner of the room, to the oversized crib right next to her mother’s bed-- more of a single bed with bars and a door. Where I’ll probably be sleeping tonight, she thought with a pout.

    She flipped over on her belly, shivering when her nipples made contact with the cool, smooth bedspread, and hardened beneath her.

    She heard the door open behind her. Kim didn’t look, trying to deny the inevitable. Her mother crossed the room and sat next to her. Kim felt her mom’s fingers in her hair gently. “Pretty baby…” She bent down and kissed her daughter’s cheek sweetly. “You’re still my pretty little baby, aren’t you?” Kim moaned, but her mother giggled, reaching out and giving her daughter’s soft bare rump a squeeze. “Yes you are! You’re always going to be mama’s pretty little baby.” She patted Kim’s bare rump firmly. “Alright, sweetheart,” she said kindly but firmly,” it’s time to face the music. Stand up. Come on, let’s go,” she encouraged, giving her bottom another firm pat. Groaning, Kim complied.

    She stood in front of her mother, naked and quivering, utterly at her mercy. “Mama, please,” she begged softly, but her mother simply shushed her.

    “C’mon, darling; over my knee right now,” she ordered firmly, barely suppressing a smirk as the girl lowered her naked body across her lap. Kim groaned, knowing she must look exceedingly silly across her mom’s lap with her bare butt stuck up in the air behind her, perfectly presented for a spanking. Her mother tapped her bare cheeks firmly, making her buns wobble.

    She began the spanking, firmly applying her palm to Kim’s squirming backside in even measured strokes, making her pout and squirm. Kim tried to take her punishment stoically, but soon she was kicking and howling as her mom first turned her tushy a mouth-watering pink, then a sore, angry red. Kim wriggled and whined, but her mother had a firm grip on her—there would be no escaping this punishment for her whiny little brat of a daughter. She smirked and stepped up the pace of the spanking, really making Kim kick and scream. In a last, desperate attempt to save her ass, she thrust her palm back to cover herself. Her mother simply took her wrist and pinned her hand at the small of her back. Her daughter now immobilized, she took a moment to rub and squeeze her little bottom before launching into the final salvo of spanks, delivered quick and hard and all at once, designed to take her to her limits. Kim scissored her feet in the air behind her and yowled, her mother really blistering her backside, making her cheeks wobble and turn red. Kim squeezed her eyes shut and fought back tears, unable to stop a single droplet from trickling down her cheeks and onto the bedspread…

    And then, just as she was about to go over her limit and start bawling, it was over. Kim hung limply over her mother’s lap, her bottom radiating stinging, prickling heat. She lay like a rag-doll, oo-ing and ah-ing softly to herself as her mother caressed her hot pink tushy, squeezing and patting the downy soft cheeks. “Stand up baby,” she commanded softly.

    Kim climbed to her feet and stood before her mother, naked and vulnerable, feeling smaller than usual. Her mother watched her with just the smallest hint of a smirk; Kim covered her pussy bashfully; she could feel both sets of cheeks glowing with a different type of heat in the dim light. Her mother patted her thigh. “Come sit in my lap, baby,” she said softly, holding out her arms toward her. Slowly, as though she were hypnotized, Kim crossed the space between them and sat her small, naked body in her mother’s lap. She felt her mother’s arms enfold her in their embrace, pulling her into the woman’s warm bosom. She felt one of her arms adjust, felt a warm hand on her well spanked tushy, rubbing and patting soothingly.

    She suddenly realized she was crying. She pulled herself even closer and let go, sobbing into her mother’s warm embrace.

    After she finally stopped crying, they just sat there and cuddled for a while. When she was finally calmed, her mother patted her rump and said the words she’d been dreading: “Ok, sweetheart, let’s get you ready for bed.”

    She stood and kneaded her sore bottom, waiting for her mother to rise before spreading herself out on the bed again, stretching down onto her belly like a cat, her bare, spanked bottom jutting into the air behind her. She lay perfectly still, her mother bustling about the room around her, gathering Kim’s sleepwear. She felt the bed depress when her mother sat next to her. “I’m going to take your temperature,” she whispered softly, making Kim cringe with embarrassment. Moments later, she felt a finger coated in gel gently going in between her cheeks, greasing her sensitive little anus. And then, suddenly, there was the thermometer pushing its way home. She gasped and fought the urge to clench, the cool glass tube making her shiver and wriggle and feel all tickly inside. She realized she was getting aroused again, but tried to fight it.

    A few minutes crawled by. Kim willed herself to lie perfectly still the cold instrument in her rear-end making the rest of her body feel even warmer in contrast. Her mother cupped her crack, the thermometer sticking out from between her fingers.

    She grunted as, without warning, the thermometer was pulled from her bottom. Her mother pronounced her temperature to be slightly elevated. “Probably just from the bath,” she declared, setting the thermometer aside, “but just the same, I think its best you take it easy for a couple of days”

    Kim’s heart sank, even though she’d been expecting the next announcement since she’d left the bar earlier in the evening—another lifetime ago for Kim.

    “You’re grounded young lady,” her mother announced firmly. Kim groaned, her mother ignored her and rolled her naked daughter onto her back. “Until Monday morning at least.”

    That’s a relief, She thought with a sigh, lifting her legs high into the air at her mother’s command to allow her to sprinkle talc onto her upturned bottom. She sighed as it was patted in; she hated to admit it, but it did sooth the sting of the spanking.

    She felt her mother take her legs and lift them into the air. Her bottom was lowered—not to the cool, slippery surface of the bedspread, but to the thick, thirsty pads of a diaper. The padding was pulled up between her legs and taped in place expertly. Kim sighed and sat up, looking down to find herself in diapers once again. “Arms up!” Kim complied and found herself in an ultra short baby doll nighty with a slit in the back for easy diaper checks. “Open!” a pacifier was pushed between her lips. “Now hold still…” her mother ordered, banding her hair up in pig-tails.

    Finished, her mother stood back and beamed proudly at her handy-work. From the bed, Kim stared back, dazed. The contrast between her beautiful, obviously adult features and body and her infantile clothes created a disorienting effect. It was almost like she wasn’t real.

    “You look adorable!” her mother cooed. She sat next to Kim on the bed and wrapped her arms around her. “Here,” she said pulling Kim to her feet, “let me have a look at you!” Kim reluctantly got to her feet, turning and posing and putting on a little fashion show for her grinning mother. With her sexy bare legs and heart-breakingly lovely features, she could have been a model, but the big, fluffy diaper and cute little girl dress made her look like nothing but an overgrown baby. She fidgeted with her hem and sucked her soother. She felt so small and helpless.

    “OK, honey, bedtime.” Kim’s mom rose from the bed, unlatched and opened the door in the side of her crib. Kim pouted, but her mother was firm; “come on, Kim—bedtime.” She took the girls hand firmly and led her toward the crib, ushering her through the door with a couple of pats to her padded backside. She closed and latched the door behind her. Kim clutched the bars and looked out at her mother pleadingly. She laughed and tickled her daughter under her chin through the bars. “Sweet dreams, princess,” she grinned. “Mommy’s going to watch some TV; I’ll be back in a bit.” She turned off the light and shut the door.

    In the dark, Kim pouted and sat back on the mattress. Now what?

    She reclined with a sigh, settling in amongst the stuffed animals to pout about her helplessness. Was this her destiny? How long would she live like this—suspended between womanhood and infancy? Maybe she really was nothing but a helpless big baby, grown old, but not grown up.

    She reached down the front of her diaper and began playing with herself.
    Last edited by parker longabaugh; February 17, 2012, 11:48 AM.


    • #3


      Her eyes fluttered open.

      The sunlight filtered through the crib-bars cast slats of shadow across her face. Kim yawned lazily, the pacifier dropping from her mouth. Groaning, she stretched, diaper crinkling below her. She wasn’t wet, but her bladder was full, on the verge of bursting. She pressed her thighs together tightly, squishing the thick padding between them up against her bald crotch.

      Her mother was already up… the bed was made up neat, and mommy was nowhere in sight. Kim spotted the baby monitor on the bedside table… apparently she’d decided to let her sleep in this morning.

      She yawned and scratched her belly and decided to try and wait it out. She let her thoughts drift, trying to find something else to occupy her mind. She didn’t want to think about Nick (just picturing him in her mind made her legs tremble), but it was impossible to avoid. There was no way they’d be going out that night—that much Kim was certain of. The only questions left were whether or not he

      could wait a week… and whether or not he’d want too. Her mother did have a knack for embarrassing her in front of her boyfriends.

      Kim shifted and squirmed, reaching down and pressed her hand against the crotch of her diaper. Squirming on her back, she was approaching her limits. She briefly thought about trying to hold it a little longer, but quickly decided she was reaching her breaking point… and the last thing she wanted to worry about this morning was a wet diaper. “Mama!” she called into the baby monitor urgently. “Mama! Can you hear me? I’ve gotta go potty!” She waited, laying perfectly still and listening for some sort of response.

      Moments later, the door opened, and Kim’s mother entered with a big grin. “Morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?”

      “Yes mommy,” she said, nodding. “Mama? Can I please use the potty?”

      “Of course you can baby!” she replied sweetly. She unlatched and opened the door in the side of the crib, helping Kim crawl out. She reached out and pressed her palm against the crotch of Kim’s diapers, finding them dry. “Good girl! You kept your pampers clean and dry all night!” Smiling, she took her blushing daughter’s hand and led her down the hallway and into the living room, where her big-girl potty sat in the center of the room.

      Waddling as fast as her diapers would allow, Kim rushed into the living room.

      Her jaw dropped, eyes widening in horror: sitting at the coffee table was a middle age woman and a younger girl, clearly mother and daughter. The woman looked at her with smug understanding, the girl with amused contempt. She was younger than Kim by at least a few years; Kim estimated her to be around 18 or 19 years old, and very pretty. She turned red, then crimson when she saw the baby monitor on the coffee-table between them—they must’ve heard every word she and her mother had said. Kim wanted to melt into the carpet.

      She heard a tearing sound, then felt a cool breeze on bare skin below, making the flesh of her thighs go goose pimply. She realized her mother had come up behind her and stripped her diaper off, leaving her nude below the hem of her wispy baby-doll nighty. She noticed the girl snickering at her bare pussy and timidly reached down to cover herself.

      “Sweet-Pea, this is Ms. Ives from across the hall and her daughter, Mia,” her mother said casually, as though her daughter hadn’t just entered the room in a diaper and wasn’t presently standing in front of everyone bottomless.

      “Hello there, dear,” Ms. Ives smiled at her condescendingly, “your mommy’s told us so much about you.”

      Mia just smirked and rolled her eyes. She made absolutely no effort to hide how ludicrous she clearly thought Kim was.

      Kim just stood uncomfortably for a moment before finally whispering softly: “pleased to meet you ma’am.”

      She heard the lid of the potty go up behind her. She turned to see her mom grin and pat the seat. “Come on sweetie; show our guests how you potty like a big girl.”

      She wanted to refuse. She thought briefly about running down the hall to the bathroom, but realized it would probably only earn her a spanking in front of the guest. She was getting desperate. Frantically, she scurried over to the potty and slammed her dainty hiney down on the big, plastic potty. Her bladder burst, unleashing a long gush, thundering against the bowl. “AHHHH…” she sighed, humiliated and relieved. She forced her eyes open. Ms. Ives grinned condescendingly. Mia openly laughed, shocked and delighted by the scene. Kim’s mother massaged her daughters shoulders and whispered soothingly too her.

      At last, she dribbled to a stop. Her mother tore off a couple of strips of toilet paper, reached between Kim’s thighs and wiped her dry. “Good girl!” She praised. “What a good girl you are!” Kim looked into the smirking face of Mia and nearly died. To be treated like an infant in front of a girl who was younger than her was the ultimate humiliation.

      The nighty was pulled up over her head; She rose from the potty, only to be promptly laid naked on the floor for a fresh diaper. She squeezed her eyes shut as her legs were lifted and her bare bottom was powdered thoroughly, trying to drown out the giggles from the couch. She sighed as her mother pinned a cloth diaper around her waist, then tugged a pair of frilly baby bloomers over-top. She covered her breasts and sat shyly, waiting for her mother to get her dress and hold it open so she could slip her arms in.

      “Oh, that’s so pretty!” Ms. Ives gushed when she saw Kim in her frilly pink finery. The dress was a lacy creation of bows and ruffles, the epitome of infantile femininity; yet it also exposed her bare legs and left her diapered bottom protruding from under its hemline. Once she was dressed, Kim’s mom made her put on a little show for the neighbors, turning this way and that and showing off her dress and diapers.

      Kim cringed when she heard her mother announce: “Breakfast time!” She groaned , finding herself sitting cross-legged on the floor in her fluffy diapers with her bib around her neck, her mother feeding her a huge bowl of her special oatmeal.

      Kim’s mom had developed the oatmeal herself when Kim was a little girl. Due to her digestive condition, it was vital that Kim keep regular. It was made with a special kind of oat, one almost five times more fibrous than any other. Consequently, it could absorb more fluid and expand more than any other oatmeal, thus ensuring Kim was always very regular. Combine with the “special formula” she was given, designed to promote absorption, lubricate and stimulate her bowels, her mommy could essentially control when and where Kim had a bowel movement.

      Kim ate down the brown slop quickly, embarrassed by the stares and giggles of the guests. Her mother spooned it up carefully, but she still wound up with oatmeal all over her face and down her bib. She ate quickly and quietly before sitting still for her mother to clean off her face with a cloth.

      At last Kim stood in the center of the room, her face clean and shiny, her mother beaming at her proudly. She looked over at Mia: Kim’s heart froze when she heard her mother say: “Why don’t you show Mia your room, honey?”

      Kim hadn’t changed her room since she was twelve; it was pink and white, the dressers and shelves lined with dolls and little girl playthings. Her bed was pink and lacy, piled high with satin pillows and stuffed animals. Kim sat on the sheets nervously, trying to hide her big bulky diaper and watching Mia pace the room and inspect her belongings with a skeptically dismissive smirk. She examined the “Little Mermaid” poster on her wall with a snort, making Kim blush. She was so uncomfortable: the tension was palatable. Her dress was hot, her diapers even more so. “We could, um, watch some TV…” she said uncertainly.

      Mia scoffed derisively. She stood in front of her TV. “What movies have you got?” she asked, picking one of the cases up off the top. “’Beauty and the Beast,’ huh?” she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she put it back. Kim blushed and looked down at her feet. Though she was more than five years younger than her, Kim still felt very intimidated by Mia. She seemed so much more mature and grown up to her. She wished she knew what to say… that she didn’t look like such a dorky little girl. She realized she was desperate for Mia to like her—to treat her like an equal. She wracked her brain, trying to think of something, anything adult for them to do.

      “We could… um… we, uh…”

      Mia flopped down on the bed next to her, ignoring her. “How about you let me see those sexy little diapers of yours?” she asked, not even waiting for an answer before she simply reached forward, took the hem of Kim’s dress and flipped it up. Kim squeaked in protest, reaching out to stop her. Mia smacked the back of her hand firmly. “Stay still!” she scolded, lifting Kim’s skirt to her chest. She sat back and tried to hold still while Mia poked and prodded the front of her diapers. “That’s really weird.” She looked right into Kim’s eyes; she wanted to flinch, but she couldn’t look away. “You’re what—25? 26? You still let your mommy put you in diapers?” She pressed the padding into the girl’s crotch. Kim shivered.

      “Show me your ass,” Mia commanded, taking her arm and pulling Kim forward onto her hands and knees. She flipped the skirt up onto her back, giggling at the wide expanse of her bulging, ruffled fanny. “Look at that little bottom,” she smirked, running her hand over Kim's padded rump, feeling it’s soft, fluffy material under hear palm, “so cute in this great, big diaper.” Kim blushed and cringed as Mia playfully fondled and patted her butt. “Does your mama spank you?”

      Kim froze. She prayed Mia wouldn’t force her to say. She felt a medium hard whack against her padded tushy. “Huh? Does she spank your cute little butt?” another whack. “I would,” she said lustily, rubbing and patting Kim’s diapered backside. “If you were mine, I’d put you over my knee… I’d pull down your little diapers…” She bent down close and whispered in Kim’s ear “and then I’d spank your little bottom until it was bright red …” She slipped a hand down the back of her bloomers and pressed her fingers against her crotch. In her diapers, Kim was getting very moist… she cursed her body for betraying her once again.

      “You little perv!” Mia scolded with a mocking laugh, “are you getting off on this?!” There was amused outrage in her voice, but between Kim’s legs, she worked her fingers harder and faster. Kim was humiliated, but she was rooted to the spot, unable to move. All she could was waggle her big diapered bottom and groan in response to Mia’s teasing manipulations. “Aw, does widdle baby wike dat?” she cooed, smirking. “Is dat making widdle baby wet?” she giggled. “Hmm? Is mommy Mia gonna have to change a soggy widdle diaper?”

      Suddenly, Mia tackled her, forcing her over on her side. Kim struggled, but the younger girl was bigger and stronger than she was. Mia forced her onto her back and sat on her diapered pelvis before taking her wrists and pinning them to the mattress, effectively immobilizing her. Kim struggled fruitlessly against her tormenter, succeeding only in exhausting herself. Mia bent down close, until their lips were nearly touching, until Kim could feel the warmth and moisture of Mia’s breath on her face as she whispered: “You’re like a great big dolly, aren’t you?” She sealed her lips around Kim’s; she lay, paralyzed, as Mia had her way with her. “A big, baby dolly for me to play with…” Gathering Kim’s slender wrists in one hand, she reached down with the other and felt her captive’s small, perfectly formed breasts through her dress. Kim whimpered in response.

      The door began to open. Quickly, Mia slid off of her and settled with her back against the wall, looking nonchalant. Kim lay on the bed, dazed. Her mom walked in with a smile. “Are you two having a good time in here?”

      “Yes ma’am.” Mia smiled sweetly. Kim rolled over, pushed herself up on her arms. She was trembling—she hoped mommy wouldn’t sense anything was up—her mom had an uncanny ability to sense whenever anything was wrong.

      “Oh, I’m so happy to hear that, Mia, because I’m going out for a while tonight, and I wonder if you’d mind babysitting?”

      Kim nearly wet herself—she shot a frightened glance at Mia. The girl smiled malevolently. “I would love to!” she said gleefully.

      “Really? You don’t mind changing diapers, do you?”

      Kim was so embarrassed she thought she’d burst into flame. “No, I’m totally OK with that,” Mia said, trying to stifle a laugh.

      “Great! Can you be here at seven?”

      “Yes, ma’am.”

      Kim felt sick. “That’s great!” said her mother. “In the meantime: I think your mom wants to see you back at your place.”

      Mia rose. “Thanks very much for the coffee.” She tickled Kim under the chin. “See you later, cutie.” She winked and turned and left the room.

      Kim fixed her eyes on the bedspread. This couldn’t get any worse.

      Her mom smiled at her. “Ready to run some errands, sweetheart?”

      Last edited by Wet Set; March 19, 2012, 09:55 AM.


      • #4
        Great start

        Thanks for posting this. Can't wait to read more.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Legsup
          Thanks for posting this. Can't wait to read more.

          Thanks! glad you enjoyed it!


          • #6
            I have to say from beginning to end an enjoyable read,
            the element of slight reluctance and domination in
            the relationship between daughter and mother, was
            very well depicted.
            I am never a fan of forcing someone, but this play of
            coercion and submission is something I find very pleasing.

            I am a big fan of storys icluding, desperation, panty inspectionts,
            mild spanking, and having your girl use the potty in front of someone,
            so your story was indeed to my full satisfaction,
            the introduction of a babysitter and the possibility of diapers in public,
            are very promising for future instalments.

            An aside to "adult entertainment", not wholy my cup of tea, I am no
            friend of drugging or mindcontrolling the girls, but still a nice twist to
            the genre.

            Keep up the good work.

            but thats just me


            • #7
              Originally posted by daddyjake
              I have to say from beginning to end an enjoyable read,
              the element of slight reluctance and domination in
              the relationship between daughter and mother, was
              very well depicted.
              I am never a fan of forcing someone, but this play of
              coercion and submission is something I find very pleasing.

              I am a big fan of storys icluding, desperation, panty inspectionts,
              mild spanking, and having your girl use the potty in front of someone,
              so your story was indeed to my full satisfaction,
              the introduction of a babysitter and the possibility of diapers in public,
              are very promising for future instalments.

              An aside to "adult entertainment", not wholy my cup of tea, I am no
              friend of drugging or mindcontrolling the girls, but still a nice twist to
              the genre.

              Keep up the good work.

              but thats just me
              Thanks for the comments. Glad you liked it.
              Last edited by Wet Set; March 19, 2012, 09:56 AM.


              • #8
                Mama's Girl: Saturday Afternoon

                (This one kind of got away from me… it’s messy and very humiliating—consider yourself forewarned.)


                Winona Ryder as Gwen


                Sucking her soother miserably, Kim squeezed her Mommy’s hand in hers. The bottom of her diapers would have been totally visible in this short little dress anyway, but the hem bounced with every step she took, displaying her oversized pampers to everyone who looked—which was pretty much everyone. She tried to keep her eyes down, but every once in a while she’d glance up and see someone pointing or giggling or sometimes just staring at her—in disbelief, in shock, in outrage… once or twice she even detected something she was sure was lust.

                Her legs were bare from the leg bands of her bulging, ruffled plastic pants to the tops of her frilly ankle socks. Her big little-girl jelly shoes clacked loudly beneath her. Kim sucked her pacifier and kept her eyes fixed on the ground, blushing from the stares and snickers. Her mother, seemingly oblivious to the attention they were drawing, squeezed her hand and tugged her along. Kim had to waddle as fast as her bulky diapers would allow.

                The humiliation was unbearable and her feet were starting to hurt, but they finally reached their destination.

                The boutique was small and nondescript; it had no window displays, thick, black curtains obscured all views of the interior, its door was locked (entry could only be gained by pushing a buzzer)—there wasn’t even a sign. Kim’s mom pushed the button and waited for the buzz before pulling the door open.

                They stepped into the main entrance, which was only a waiting room. A line of comfortable chairs sat against the far wall for customers to wait for their appointments—but there’d be none of that for Kim and her mother. They were honored guests.

                A curtain moved aside, and Mrs. Potter stepped out. She was an older woman, but fit; a woman who took care of herself and took pride in her appearance. She greeted Kim’s mother warmly, then turned her attention to the girl. “And how are we today, sweetheart?” she cooed, tickling her under the chin.

                She sulked. Her mother shot her a sharp look. “Answer Mrs. Potter,” she said.

                “Good,” Kim said shyly from behind the pacifier.

                “I see mommy’s got you in one of your little outfits,” Said Mrs. Potter, smiling knowingly. “Were you a bad little girl?”

                Kim turned red. Unable to force herself to answer, she was almost happy when her Mother chimed in for her: “Kimmy’s in punishment today—she came home very late from work last night without calling mommy.”

                Kim cringed, embarrassed, but happy her mother hadn’t told Mrs. Potter about the skid-marked panties.

                “You naughty girl!” Mrs. Potter scolded with a smile, “I hope your mother tanned your little bottom for that!”

                “Oh, don’t worry,” said Kim’s mom with a smirk, “Kimmy’s going to be sitting very gingerly today, I think”

                “And rightfully so” said Mrs. Potter, leading them into the back; “I’d do the same to Gwen—if she were still working, that is,” she said with a smirk. “Speaking of which: I hope you don’t mind-- I was about to give her a bottle.”

                “Oh, go ahead,” said Kim’s mom as they arrived in the back room.

                On the floor in her oversized playpen, Gwen gave them a look of misery and embarrassment through the bars working her pacifier nervously in her mouth. Although Kim and her mother had seen her in this positions many times over the years, she still blushed furiously under her bonnet and tried to tug the hem of her dress down over the seat of her diapers (to no avail). She and Kim regarded each other with mutual sympathy and embarrassment; it was comforting to be near someone in the same situation, but it was also a humiliating reminder of their own status.

                Mrs. Potter opened the side door of the playpen and extended a hand, helping Gwen to her feet as Kim was ushered through the door and took a seat on the floor.

                Gwen was lead over to the couch and stood by awkwardly as her mom settled. The woman held her arms out toward her: “Come honey; time for your baba!”

                Blushing furiously, she sat in the woman’s lap and cuddled close. Her mother took the bottle from the table and put it in her mouth. Reluctantly, Gwen started to suck.

                Kim blushed and looked away. It wasn’t milk in the bottle, but her mother’s special formula. Combine with the special oatmeal she knew Gwen was also fed regularly (she’d probably just finished a big bowl right before they walked in), Kim knew that Gwen was in for a very messy diaper in short order—most likely in front of herself and her mother. She blushed in sympathy for the girl and prayed she wouldn’t be next.

                Kim knew Gwen’s story well. She’d been an arrogant, willful young woman, on the corporate fast-track. Her mother watched with pride as Gwen built the seemingly perfect life for herself—a great job, a nice house, and a wonderful husband. But pride turned to horror; Mrs. Potter was forced to watch helplessly as Gwen became a venal, cutthroat monster who abused and lost her husband and destroyed her personal and professional life in an alcoholic implosion. Kim had watched Gwen sit by blushing as her mother told the story of how she took her daughter in at her lowest and vowed to never make the same mistake again. How she decided to take control of her daughter’s life before she hurt herself. How she “demoted” her daughter back to infancy. How she began a strict regimen of domestic discipline and diaper domination. How she would never allow her daughter to grow up and commit the same mistakes again.

                Kim looked at Gwen, thankful once more to not be her; at least she was allowed to go to work and have something of a life. At least diapers were only a small part of her routine, used only for punishment. Gwen was anywhere from five to ten years her senior and had been in diapers 24/7 as long as Kim had known her, and for a couple of years before that at least. She watched Gwen and worried—was this what the future held for her, too?

                The women chatted as Gwen slurped down her bottle, slowly at first and only quickening her pace when her mother threatened her with a spanking. Kim watched the disappearing liquid with dreadful sympathy—Gwen’s embarrassment was only beginning. She knew from firsthand experience what lay ahead for her.

                Soon she was finished the bottle. Gwen blushed as her mother pulled her close and patted her back, forcing out a loud burp. “Good girl!” her mother praised, making Gwen cringe with embarrassment.

                “Ok, girls,” Mrs. Potter said, “you two play for a bit while we chat.”

                Kim and Gwen were led across the room and into the playpen, the door latching shut behind them. The Mommies returned to their seats and chatted. Kim picked up a stuffed bunny and cuddled it while Gwen crossed her arms and sulked, a look of absolute misery on her face. Kim reached out and touched her leg comfortingly, but she continued to sulk and pout. Kim took her pacifier out and leaned in close to whisper: “Hey, it’s ok…”

                Gwen scoffed. “You know what that stuff does…”

                “Gwen, I’ve seen it before…”

                “I just….” She started to cry. “It’s so embarrassing!”

                Kim patted and rubbed her back soothingly, trying to comfort her. Taking the stuffed bunny, she tickled Gwen under the chin, making her grin. She reached around and found a stuffed bear, and soon they were playing like real toddlers. Though childish and embarrassing, it was relaxing and helped them take their minds off the situation. Kim kept half an ear on the mother’s conversation:

                “…Can’t wait to see it, Barb…” Kim’s mom was bursting with excitement. “Those other little outfits you made for Kim are so adorable—I’m always so tempted to send her to work in one!”

                “It’s my pleasure,” Mrs. Potter replied, “I can’t repay you for your special oatmeal and formula.” She smiled. “It’s made Gwen so much more—controllable.”

                After “dealing with” her own daughter, Mrs. Potter began talking with other frustrated mothers, all struggling with their own immature daughters. She set up a business to help them, providing clothing and furniture for adult baby girls. She’d met Kim’s mom online a few years ago, and they’d worked out a little exchange: the oatmeal and formula for the crib and some cute little outfits. They ended up going into business producing and selling the special oatmeal and formula to a highly specialized, but loyal clientele… and they’d done quite well for themselves.

                Beside Kim, Gwen groaned and rubbed her stomach. Kim touched her shoulder. “You OK?”

                In response, Gwen passed gas loudly, muffled by her diapers. “Oh. My. God.” She groaned, turning red. Kim rubbed her back, crinkling her nose as the stench emerged.

                “Gwen, its ok—let it go,” she whispered sweetly. She knew all too well that it was only a matter of time before a similar fate befell her.

                But Gwen hunched over, bearing her teeth, her insides cramping. She could hear her tummy gurgle, feel the contents of her intestines swelling and the rolling of her bowels, the liquid stimulating them into action. It was a hopeless cause, and yet she still fought against it, even as Kim rubbed her shoulders and whispered soothingly for her to let go.

                Instead she only fought harder to protect her dignity, thus making it even more embarrassing when she uncontrollably released a wet, bubbling fart into her diapers. She clenched her bottom one final time, trying desperately to control herself like she used to be able to. Kim’s whispered comforts only made it all worse, only made her more determined to keep her diapers clean.

                Her stomach grumbled. With a squeal, an involuntary gush came farting out of her, settling heavily in the seat of her diaper.

                “Are you OK?” asked Kim.

                Gwen grunted in response, eliciting another round of mushy poop into her pampers with a series of squishy farting squelches. The back of her diaper filled, the warm, greasy mush smearing across her buttocks and filling the space between her cheeks.

                “Oh-oh,” Mrs. Potter chuckled, “sounds like someone’s gonna need a new diapee…”

                Gwen cried pathetically. Kim kissed her cheek and helped her up to her knees. Her bowels churning, Gwen stuck out her butt and grunted…

                Another mushy explosion, another poopy avalanche into her diapers, its seat expanding visibly behind her. At last, she was finished. Shaky, like she would lose her balance at any time, Gwen leaned into Kim for support. She peaked back over her shoulder; beneath her pretty little party dress, the lumpy seat of Gwen’s pampers bulged and sagged. A very obvious poopy stench emerged. She buried her face in Kim’s shoulder and sobbed.

                The two mommies wrinkled and crinkled their noses and chuckled to each other. “Whew-Wee!” exclaimed Kim’s mom, “Somebody’s very messy indeed!”

                Mrs. Potter moved over to the playpen, squatting down, she reached through the bars, pulled out the waistband of Gwen’s diaper and peeked inside. “Goodness!” she laughed. “That’s a very poopy diaper!”

                She opened the door and helped Gwen to her feet, leading her out through the door and shutting it behind her. Kim gripped the bars of the playpen and watched intently as Gwen was led across the room to the large changing table against the far wall, her messy diaper wobbling behind her. Her mother stripped her out of her dress, revealing her lumpy, sagging diaper to the room. Gwen peeked over her shoulder at Kim sadly as her mother helped her up onto the table; she grimaced as her diaper squished beneath her. Gwen lay back quietly and tried not to squirm.

                Mrs. Potter undid the tapes on the front of the diaper and folded the front panel down, exposing Gwen’s very messy diaper to the room. “PEE-U!” she cried, crinkling her nose and fanning her face theatrically. Gwen sobbed gently as the clean-up began. The cool wipes felt wonderful on her messy skin, and she forced herself to lay as still as possible during the process.

                Kim watched with morbid fascination as Gwen’s poopy rear-end was meticulously cleaned off by her mommy, then smeared with lotion. Kim tried to deny the site of Gwen having diaper-rash ointment rubbed into her tushy was making her aroused.

                Gwen’s bottom and pussy were powdered, and a fresh diaper was pulled up between her thighs. Soon she was standing in front of everyone, naked but for her big diaper. “Here; wait’ll you see the new outfit I made for Gwen—I just finished it yesterday!” said Mrs. Potter, rushing from the room, leaving Gwen topless and diapered in front of the company. Blushing hotly, Gwen reached up shyly and covered her breasts.

                Her mother returned quickly, a pink cloth bundle in her arms. She helped Gwen step inside and pulled it up her legs. Soon she stood before the guests in a pair of powder pink shorty-pant overalls, her cheeks red with embarrassment. With Kim’s mother laughing and applauding in the background, Mrs. Potter popped a pacifier into Gwen’s mouth and had her do a couple of little spins. Kim stared, at once mortified for her friend and aroused to see her dressed in such embarrassing, revealing clothes.

                Taking her by the hand, Gwen’s mom lead her across the room and back into the playpen. She sat heavily on her diapered rump and crossed her arms, pouting from behind her soother. Kim slid over and put her arm around Gwen’s shoulders, murmuring comfortingly.

                The mothers chatted for a while more before Kim’s mom finally rose. “Well, Barb, we should probably get going…”

                Mrs. Potter checked the clock. “Yes, I have another appointment that should be stopping by any second.” She looked at Gwen and smiled: “and then I should be giving the Stinker over there her bath, right honey?”

                Gwen cringed and blushed.

                A chiming sound emerged—“Oh,” said Mrs. Potter, “There they are now!” She pressed the buzzer. The two women went over to the playpen, unlatched the door, and helped their daughters to their feet before ushering them out. The two stood side by side, blushing. Their mothers straightened out their outfits and checked to make sure everything was in place, admonishing the squirming girls to hold still. “Oh, you two look so cute!” she gushed. The girls shuffled their feet and fixed their eyes on the floor, desperate to avoid any more embarrassing attention.

                “Oh Kim,” her mother whispered softly, leaning in to kiss her daughter on the forehead, “don’t sulk.”

                Kim nodded and sucked her pacifier, psyching herself up for what was sure to be yet another dreadful humiliation.

                “Come along dear; these are new customers and I think it would do them well to see our two most adorable successes,” she beamed, pinching their cheeks. “Now come along, sweetie. Don’t dawdle,” she said, landing a swat to her daughter’s hugely diapered bottom.

                “Oh! I almost forgot!” Mrs. Potter trotted into the next room, returning quickly with a pink box wrapped in a string. “Here it is,” she said, handing it to Kim’s mom, “my best work yet, if I say so myself.”

                “Thanks, Barb,” said Kim’s mom, “I can’t wait to get her in it!”

                “Any time, honey,”
                Last edited by parker longabaugh; March 4, 2012, 06:25 PM.


                • #9
                  Mama's Girl: Saturday Afternoon pt. 2

                  They returned to the entrance, and were shocked to find a girl, only 18 years old, across the lap of an older woman who was clearly her mother, getting her bare bottom blistered by a firm oak hairbrush. Behind them, a second girl, obviously the first girl’s twin, stood facing the wall, pants and panties at half-mast, sobbing with her naked butt blazing bright red. The group froze, mesmerized by the strange scene before them. With her tight jeans bunched up around her knees, the girl kicked her feet in the air behind her, and her mother was beating a steady rhythm against her jiggling bottom. The girl sobbed and wailed, pleading, but her mother just continued spanking and lecturing.

                  “It’s too late now, girls,” she said firmly, swatting her daughter’s backside, “I told you what was going to happen if you didn’t straighten out.”

                  “BUT MA-MAW…!” the girl wailed helplessly.

                  “I don’t want to hear it, young lady,” her mother said, “I warned you girls what the consequences for misbehavior and bad grades would be, but you didn’t listen.” She continued to apply the brush to her daughter’s blazing tushy, making her squeal. “You probably thought I was bluffing, didn’t you? Well, here we are, little girls, and there’s nothing you can say or do that’s going to stop me from putting the pair of you in diapers for the summer!”

                  The girl burst into fresh tears at that, and in the corner her sister pouted miserably, rubbing her bare, spanked bottom like a petulant child. Kim watched the proceedings with wide-eyed shock, squirming in proxy-embarrassment for the girls. The mother ceased her spanking for a moment to acknowledge Mrs. Potter and her guests.

                  “Terribly sorry about this, ladies,” she said, giving her sobbing daughter’s bright-red buns a squeeze, “but the girls simply refused to listen to reason.”

                  “Perfectly understandable,” Mrs. Potter answered with a smile, “I know from experience that nothing sorts out a naughty girl like a bright red hiney and a fluffy diaper.” She reached over and patted Gwen’s freshly diapered tushy. “Right, honey?” she smirked, making her daughter blush as red as the twin’s butts.

                  They watched her deliver another 25 spanks, then stop, resting a hand on her daughter’s bright-red bottom. “OK, Susan—I want you to get that red tushy of yours up against the wall next to Tina and I want you to stay there until I say so.” Sobbing, the girl climbed to her feet and shuffled over to stand beside her sister, bare pussy and bright red bottom on full display. Susan settled in next to Tina, each a perfect copy of the other, right down to the exact shade of crimson across their blushing bottoms. As the twins sobbed and quivered in unison, their mother rose and came across the room to properly greet the two business-women and their adult baby daughters.

                  “Ann Nelson,” she said, shaking their hands. “These are my daughters, Susan and Tina.” She turned toward them and said sharply “say hello, girls!”

                  They each choked out a trembling hello, never stopping to take a break from rubbing their sore bottoms.

                  Kim’s mom and Mrs. Potter introduced themselves and their blushing, cringing daughters. “Oh, they are so darling!” she said, reaching forward to pinch their cheeks and tickle them under the chin. Kim and Gwen fidgeted and blushed in response. “I know two more young ladies who are going to look absolutely adorable in these clothes,” she said smugly toward the twins.

                  The girls peeked over their shoulders and regarded the adult babies with matching horrified expressions, before bursting into tears once more. The very thought of being transformed into a pair of oversized teenaged-toddlers was too much for the two fashionable, modern young women to bear.

                  The mothers chatted momentarily, comparing stories of their willful, spoiled daughters and the methods of discipline they’d used to punish them, to varying degrees of success. They chatted about the various styles of clothing and furniture that Mrs. Potter dealt in, and she was very interested in the “special diet’ developed by Kim’s mother. “These two always did look most adorable in poopy, droopy diapers,” she said with a chuckle. The twins could only stammer and sob, mortified at the degree of control their mother was going to have over them.

                  At last, Kim’s mother took her daughter’s hand once more. “Well, we’ve got to run,” she said apologetically. Goodbyes were said, phone numbers were exchanged, and the women agreed to get their diapered daughters together for a play-date in the near future. And with that, Mrs. Nelson called her daughters over to join them. With tears streaming down their cheeks, they waddled over to their mother in tandem, pants and panties around their knees, their faces as red as their well spanked tushies. Kim watched them waddle off behind their mother, Mrs. Potter, and Gwen, their bare butts glowing bright red behind them like a pair of taillights.

                  They strolled through the park, the pink box tucked under her mother’s arm. Him held her hand and sucked her soother, trying to avoid eye contact with the passers-by. She could feel their looks, their eyes on her thickly pampered bottom, but there was nothing she could do about. She waddled passively beside her mother, frowning and trying futility to tug the hem of her dress down over her bulging, ruffled butt. She desperately wanted to get home (even though she knew she had an evening of being babysat by Mia ahead of her). But her mother pulled her toward a bench and announced, loudly enough to be heard by anybody listening: “Time for your baba, baby!”

                  Kim dragged her feet and struggled to pull her hand free. “No, mommy, please!”

                  “Yes! Come along young lady or I give you a spanking first,” she warned, delivering an open hand swat to her diapered backside. She sat and pulled Kim into her lap. People watched and chuckled, and Kim shot her mother a pleading look.

                  “No mama, please don’t…”

                  But it was too late—her mother popped the nipple into her mouth, and before she knew it, Kim was slurping down a big bottle of formula.

                  From its taste, you would never know it wasn’t milk. But as the liquid filled her belly and began mixing with the oatmeal she eaten earlier, the pulp inside her began to soak it up and swell inside her. By the time the bottle was halfway done, she was already quite full, but she knew it didn’t matter— she knew her mom was going to sit here until she’d drank every drop.

                  She sucked as fast as she could, trying to limit her humiliating public exposure. People slowed as they walked by to stare, and her diaper was on full display. Finally, though, she had to take a break: her tummy was so full she thought she might burst. She realized her bladder was quite full. It was one problem too many to have to deal with, she spread her legs and released her bladder slowly, trying not to call attention to herself.

                  Her tummy was starting to cramp now. Loud, burbling gurgles emerged, and she felt a gas-bubble descending. She clenched her buns, trying desperately to keep from humiliating herself any further, but another cramp stabbed her in the belly and squeezed out a loud fart.

                  “OOpsie!” her mother chided her blushing daughter, “baby made a little toot!”

                  Kim was mortified, but she now had enough room in her to finish her bottle. Her guts cramped and gurgled as the contents expanded inside and stimulated her bowels into action. When she’d finally finished, Kim knew that a dirty diaper was imminent. The only question now was whether or not she could make it home first.

                  Her mother pulled her into a sit, wrapped her arms around her and patted her on the back until she emitted a burp.

                  Her mother ushered Kim off her lap. She stood by waiting for her mom to gather their things. Kim felt her tummy gurgle and growl. She felt absolutely stuffed… worse, she could feel her bowels twitching to life inside her.

                  They continued their walk, Kim’s mother keeping a tight grip on her diapered daughter to make sure she wouldn’t run off to try and find a toilet. Her stomach cramping and gurgling, Kim started to sweat. A very strong urge to move her bowels was steadily building up inside her. Somewhere down below, the pressure was beginning to rise. Her diaper was hot and humid around her waist, its seat chafing the soft skin of her delicate rear-end.

                  They ambled through the park slowly, Kim’s situation becoming more dire by the second. Her bowels lurched and gurgled, the urge grew stronger and stronger, and by the time they neared the other end of the park, she was desperate. Waddling as fast as her big diaper and tightly clenched butt-cheeks would allow, Kim wiped the sweat from her brow and prayed she wouldn’t be too late.

                  They continued their walk, Kim growing more desperate by the second. She started passing gas, soft little fluffs at first, but soon she was involuntarily squeezing out loud, wet farts. The relief was unbelievable, but her mother made smirking comments every time the tell-tale rumble emerged from the seat of her diapers, making Kim blush brightly.

                  She looked up, seeing a handsome man jogging toward them. Kim’s heart dropped: oh my god, she thought, it’s Nick! She looked down quickly and prayed he wouldn’t recognize her.

                  “Kim!” He called. She cringed, realizing he was coming over. “Hey Kim!”

                  He stopped in front of her. Kim groaned inwardly—he was so hot, just being around him was making her sweat. She redoubled her efforts to keep her diapers clean. “How’s it going?” he asked. She looked up at him pleadingly—he frowned, noticing her pacifier. “Um…”

                  Kim’s mother extended her hand. “Hi, I’m Kim’s mom.” Nick shook her hand, still staring at Kim. She blushed and squirmed as he ran his gaze over her—her and her embarrassing baby outfit.

                  “Pleased to meet you,” he said absently.

                  “You must be Nick.”

                  “What? Oh—right…” he said absently, finally noticing Kim’s diaper.

                  “Kim’s told me so much about you—it’s too bad she can’t see you tonight.”

                  “Kim?” he asked slowly, “what are you wearing?”

                  “I--um,” she stammered. “That—it—I--”

                  “I’m afraid Kimmy’s in punishment at the moment,” her mother explained with a sad smile.

                  Kim thought she’d implode with embarrassment. Her stomach burbled ominously—she clenched her cheeks so tightly they shook. “Uh, punishment?” Nick asked.

                  “Yes, she came home quite late last night without calling and gave me quite the scare!”

                  “Mommy, please,” Kim begged tearfully.

                  But her mother surged ahead undaunted. “Then, I found a big nasty skid mark in her pretty panties!”

                  Kim groaned. Nick looked at her wide eyed.

                  “So I wiped her little backside, then I spanked her and sent her to bed with a diapered bottom,” she smiled, ruffling Kim’s hair. “And now she’s in diapers for the rest of the weekend! Right honey?”

                  Kim pouted glumly, tears rolling down her cheeks. Nicked looked at her, confused and horrified by her mother’s tale. “Kim…?” he said uncertainly.

                  She looked at him, desperate to say something, anything that would make him forget. “I--”

                  Her stomach gurgled. A cramp doubled her over—she clenched tightly, but it was no use. Her buttocks parted and she pushed out a thick, mushy gush into her diaper with a noisy, gassy fart. Her humiliation was overwhelming, even more overwhelming than the relief she felt.

                  Nick gasped and took a step back, driven by Kim dumping another splattering, farty mess into the seat of her diaper.

                  “Uh oh,” her mother smirked, patting the seat of Kim’s diaper, “sounds like Kimmy’s making her mommy a big present!”

                  Kim looked up into Nick’s face, seeing only horror and revulsion. She was desperate to explain—to find something to say that would make him like her again.

                  But instead her tummy gurgled, followed by another uncontrollable surge of poop and gas emerging with a rude noise, the seat of her diapers bulging visibly behind her.

                  She finished. Feet wide apart, she struggled to find her balance. She didn’t want to, but morbid curiosity forced her to peek over her shoulder. The seat of her diapers bulged and sagged behind her, its lumpy seat obvious to even a casual glance.

                  She looked to Nick for sympathy, but he looked disgusted. Kim felt her mother’s arm on her elbow.

                  “Come along, darling,” said her mother, leading her over to a nearby bench. “Let’s get you changed.”

                  In a daze, Kim didn’t resist being pulled along, nor when her mother eased her onto the bench, her mushy diaper squishing beneath her. She passively lay back when her gently pushed her, and only whimpered pathetically as her dress was flipped up, revealing her diaper to the world. They’d attracted a small crowd now, including Nick, whose expression suggested someone unable to look away from a gory train-wreck.

                  She shot her mother a pleading look, but she didn’t notice, undoing the pins and folding down the front panel. A collective “EEWW!” rippled through the crowd when the full extent of Kim’s mess was revealed. It looked like a bucket of thick, brown clay had been poured down the back, smearing her buttocks and lower back and almost the entire seat of the diaper.

                  “Whew-wee!” Her mother exclaimed, fanning her face. “You messed this diaper right up, didn’t you, Honey?” she said sweetly, going to work on Kim’s messy hiney. Kim hid her face and cried, sure that this most public of humiliations would literally kill her.

                  She felt the cool wet-wipe go between her cheeks, cleaning out her gooey butt-crack. She looked up at Nick, bursting into sobs once more when she saw how pale he looked, like he would faint.

                  Finally, she was clean. Her mother dusted her tushy with powder and sealed her into a new diaper. Rising steadily to her feet, Kim hung her head and sobbed as the crowd burst into applause. She looked for Nick, but he was nowhere in sight. Her mother took her hand once more.

                  “Okay, princess, home time.” Taking her hand, she led Kim toward home. “I think you need a bath and a nap before Mia comes over to babysit tonight…”

                  (Author Commentary:

                  Ok, as I say, this one kind of got away from me. When I sat down to start writing, I only knew that Kim and her mom were going on a public outing. There was no Mrs. Potter, Gwen, or Nelson Twins I my original outline, and in fact I’d planned a trip to the mall or the bank or something. But then I thought—‘I always wonder where the baby clothes and furniture come from in these stories… maybe it’s time to find out.’ So I wrote Mrs. Potter in, then decided that she must have a daughter of her own, then figured that she should have some other clients too. Before I knew it, I had a whole secret society of Dommy Mommies and their diapered daughters on my hands. Gwen and the twins won’t be back in this story, but a spin-off is inevitable… perhaps a whole series of them.

                  Anyway, that’s the story behind the story, if anyone cared. I hope everyone liked it, but even if you didn’t, I still hope you’re eagerly awaiting Saturday Night.)

                  Last edited by Wet Set; March 19, 2012, 09:57 AM.


                  • #10
                    A worthy continuation of the story, the visit
                    in the little shop of diaperpunishment was
                    unexpected but nonetheless enjoyable.
                    The oatmeal and formula combination to
                    control the girls bowel movement is a
                    elegant idea, much preferable to laxatives
                    or something obscure like mindcontrol.

                    Pertaining diapers in public, I have to
                    admit I am more for the subtle approach,
                    cloth a mommy or daddy would choose for
                    their little girls, but not obviously AB, with
                    the diapers only noticeable but not visible,
                    and a less blatant approach to the
                    embarrasing situations.

                    Still I am very expectant for the next chapter.

                    But thats just me


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by daddyjake
                      A worthy continuation of the story, the visit
                      in the little shop of diaperpunishment was
                      unexpected but nonetheless enjoyable.
                      The oatmeal and formula combination to
                      control the girls bowel movement is a
                      elegant idea, much preferable to laxatives
                      or something obscure like mindcontrol.

                      Pertaining diapers in public, I have to
                      admit I am more for the subtle approach,
                      cloth a mommy or daddy would choose for
                      their little girls, but not obviously AB, with
                      the diapers only noticeable but not visible,
                      and a less blatant approach to the
                      embarrasing situations.

                      Still I am very expectant for the next chapter.

                      But thats just me

                      Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate it. I don't know, maybe I should have written a completely different story for Gwen and the Twins and just had Kim and her mom go to the mall or something. I liked it, but I'm not really sure it fit with what I'd written up to that point-- and what's going to come next.

                      I think the next two parts will be a little more up your ally. Did you check out the other stories I posted? What did you think?


                      • #12
                        Mama's Girl: Saturday Night (part 1)

                        (Sorry about the wait on this one, everyone. I know you're probably wondering how many more parts I can possibly break this story into (just two more, I promise!) but everyone had waited so long and so many people kept asking when it was going to be done that I got to a good mid point and figured "what the hell?"

                        I'm still plugging away on it so stay tuned for the last two parts (and no, I have absolutely no idea when they might arrive, sorry...)

                        This part is pretty dark and maybe a little sad... but just remember it's always darkest before the light...)

                        By the time they got home, Kim had stopped crying, but her eyes were red and her face puffy and wet with tears.

                        Her mother opened the door and ushered Kim inside with a couple of pats on the bulging seat of her diapers. She waddled over the threshold, desperate to get inside and away from the world. She’d gone numb, her humiliation at the park sending her into a mild shock. She stood by passively and allowed her mother to undress her, stripping her down to her diaper. She stood there, nude and sobbing, her mother regarding her with a small smile. She tucked a finger under Kim’s chin, tilting her head back until their eyes met. “Never mind, dear,” she said, “he was only a boy. You’ll survive.” She kissed her on the forehead. “Come along, darling,” she whispered, taking her hand and leading her to the bathroom.

                        Her mother ran the bath and stripped Kim out of her diaper. She stood there, pale and naked and frail. Her mother wrapped her arms around the shivering girl. “Oh sweetie,” she cooed softly, “don’t be pouty.” Kissing her cheek, she ushered Kim into the hot bath with a few pats to her quivering bottom.

                        The bath felt wonderful. Kim sat still and allowed her mother to wash her, probing and scrubbing every nook and cranny of her body until she was clean once more. “We want you smelling nice and fresh for Mia tonight, right honey?” Kim frowned at the thought; who knew what fresh embarrassments Mia would inflict on her?

                        Once she was clean, her mother helped her out of the tub and dried her shivering, naked body. Kim followed her mother into her bedroom. She shed the towel; naked once more, she spread herself out on her mother’s bedspread, lying passively on her stomach, bare bottom twitching in the air behind her, shivering as her mother squirted a thick “S” of baby oil onto her plump buns and began rubbing and kneading her derrière firmly. Kim sighed and tried to enjoy it.

                        Her tushy massage stopped. She felt powder raining down lightly onto her glistening bottom, felt her mother’s soft, warm hand rubbing and patting it in. “Turn over baby.”

                        Kim complied, turning over on her back. She stared into the ceiling and passively complied when her mother told her to lift her bum so she could slip the big, new diaper under her. Her front was oiled and powdered-- and just like that, Kim was diapered once more.

                        Her mother went to the closet and selected a very cute pair of footed PJ’s with a drop-hatch in the seat. She beamed proudly as she dressed Kim and popped a pacifier into her mouth. “Now come along, sweetheart,” she said, helping Kim to her feet and ushering her toward the crib. “You lie down for a little nap. I don’t want you to be cranky when Mia comes.”

                        Kim lowered herself to the mattress and wrapped the blankets around her. She was tired, and was actually looking forward to a nap. Her mother shut and locked the door to the crib. Turned and smiled before she left. “Sweet dreams, princess,” she grinned, and turned off the lights before she shut the door behind her.

                        In the darkness, Kim rolled onto her tummy and began sobbing softly.


                        The voice was far away. Kim moaned and squeezed her eyes shut. “Kim? Come on, honey—wakey wakey!”

                        Kim’s eyes fluttered open. It was dark, but she could just make out someone’s shape next to the crib. “Mommy?” she said softly into the dark. There was a throaty chuckle.

                        “No, sweetie,” said the voice. She saw a hand reach through the bars, felt cool fingers touching her forehead and playing with her hair. “Not Mommy.”

                        The bedside lamp went on with a click. Kim squinted against the painful light; blinded she groaned and pressed her face into the pillow. She forced herself to turn over and open her eyes as wide as she dared. Mia loomed over with a sadistically sweet smile.

                        “C’mon baby. Time to rise and shine. We’re going to have all kinds of fun tonight.”

                        The door opened. Yawning, Kim crawled out of the crib and stood before Mia, sleepy and a little scared. Squeezing her thighs together, she felt the diaper squish against her crotch. She realized with a rush of embarrassment that she’d wet in her sleep.

                        Mia was captivated by her PJ’s. She turned Kim around in little circles and laughed at the zipper and her obvious bulging diaper. She ordered Kim to hold still while she unsnapped the drop-hatch, exposing her big fluffy diaper. “Look at that cute widdle bottom!” she gushed, rubbing and patting the seat.

                        She unzipped the PJ’s and pealed them off slowly, revealing Kim’s delicate, beautiful figure in the soft light, the massive, bulging diaper around her backside standing in direct contrast to her petite body. She tried to cover herself with her arms, but Mia reached up and pulled them down with a foxy grin. “None of that now, baby girl,” she said softly. “You’re mommy’s not here to protect you now…”

                        “Mia,” Kim began in a tiny, quivering voice. “I’ve had a really bad day… do you think…” she paused, beginning to sob, “do you think you could just be nice to me tonight?”

                        “Oh, did babykins have a tough day?” said Mia mockingly, making Kim cringe. “Huh? Wassa matter, baby? You got a diaper rash?”

                        Suddenly, she shoved Kim onto the bed. Squealing, Kim rolled onto her stomach and tried to crawl away, but Mia pounced on her, laughing as she wrestled the squirming girl to the mattress. Blushing fiercely, Kim struggled to escape, but the younger girl was easily able to pin her to the bedspread. Giggling, Mia gave Kim’s diapered butt a series of medium-hard swats, making her squeal and kick her feet against the mattress. Kim buried her face into the bedspread, overcome with embarrassment and anger at being so powerless.

                        Mia stopped. She lay on top of Kim and giggled, pressing close to whisper. “You better be a good girl and do as you’re told,” she husked, “or I’ll pull that diaper down and give you a real spanking.” She pressed her lips to the back of Kim’s neck; she squirmed and grew hot as Mia kissed her gently and ran her smooth little hands over her body.

                        “Now,” she said, swatting Kim’s bottom firmly, “let’s get you dressed.”

                        She rose and headed over to the closet, but stopped when she spied the package on the dresser. “What’s this? Something new?” She slid the white box open and stared inside in wonder. “Oh my God,” she whispered, ecstatic as she began taking items from the box. “This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!”

                        Kim squirmed and blushed, nude but for her big, crinkly diaper. Mia took a pair of translucent white tights and drew them up Kim’s legs and stretched them over the massive, bulging diaper; Kim groaned, embarrassed when she realized the tights had five rows of frills across the seat.

                        Next, Mia took a childish cotton undershirt and drew it over Kim’s head. She tucked it into the tights’ waistband, maintaining eye-contact the entire time. Kim was desperate to look away, but Mia’s teasing smile held her in place, helplessly hypnotized by the younger girl’s sadistic smirk.

                        The dress came next. Flimsy, short, and nearly see through, the gauzy baby-doll style dress was pure and white. Kim peeked over her shoulder, blushing furiously when she saw that her bulging, ruffled tushy was amply revealed beneath its frilly hemline.

                        Kim couldn’t help but start to sob when Mia gleefully took the last item from the bag: A pair of feathered angel wings, like you’d seen on a cute Halloween costume for preschoolers. Mia went around back and helped the sobbing Kim thread her arms through the elastic arm holes. “Stand still,” she commanded fussing with the wings until they stood out adorably behind each shoulder.

                        “Awww, what a cute widdle angel!” Mia cooed faux-sweet, her smile teasing and triumphant. Kim stood before her, belittled and submissive in her adorable little girl style angel costume. Mia helped her into a pair matching Mary Jane shoes, and then instructed the blushing Kim through an embarrassing fashion show, walking across the room, turning this way and that while she stood by grinning and appraising her.

                        Of course, she looked adorable. Her firm, lithe body was enhanced and revealed by the childish garments, leaving little question that she was a beautiful, grown young woman dressed in humiliating little girl garments and reduced to the status of an overgrown infant. She stood, red-faced and shifting from foot to foot as Mia walked around her, chuckling as she adjusted and straightened the outfit until it was perfect.

                        “There!” she said with an evil grin, “now you’re ready to go out!”

                        Kim’s blood went cold. “Wa-what do you mean?” she asked, her voice quivering. “Where’re we goin’?”

                        “It’s a surprise baby,” Mia said with a smile, patting Kim’s ruffled, padded backside. She took the older girl’s hand firmly. “Now come along, young lady,” she said sternly, tugging the struggling Kim through the apartment and out the front door.

                        It wasn’t until they were on the street before Kim came out of her stupor. The sudden realization that she was out in public dressed in her embarrassing adult baby angel outfit hit her, making her whole body tingle with humiliation. She wriggled and squirmed against Mia’s grip on her writs. But Mia just dragged her along, hailing a cab as she did. “Let me go!” Kim squeaked, utterly failing to sound authoritative.

                        “Get in there!” Mia barked, pushing Kim fiercely into the back of the cab with a swat to her diapered backside. She settled in just as Mia slid in beside her and stated their destination to the driver.

                        “NO!” Kim cried, reaching for the door beside her. Mia took her wrists tightly and pulled her close with a malevolent grin.

                        “C’mon baby,” she sneered as the cab pulled out into traffic, “loosen up…”

                        She sealed her lips over Kim’s roughly, forcing her tongue into the girl’s helpless mouth. Kim tightened and struggled, emitting a helpless moan when the younger girl just laughed and forced Kim’s hands behind her head.

                        Mia moved in for the kill, kissing Kim hungrily; ferocious, she pressed herself against Kim, feeling her breasts with her free hand. Kim stiffened and fought feebly. “Hold still!” Mia commanded quietly but firmly. She leaned in close—Kim felt the girl’s warm, moist breath on her ear. ”Be a good girl or I’ll spank your bare bottom!”

                        Kim groaned in response, fear and arousal tying her stomach in knots. She took a deep, shaky breath and forced herself to lay still and let Mia kiss and fondle her. Her diapers were hot and sweaty around her loins, and her pussy was getting damp.

                        The cab-ride was spent is a dreamy state of sexual arousal accompanied by the tingle of humiliation as Mia teased her expertly, pushing her to the edge of orgasm, then pulling back to cuddle sweetly, leaving her quivering in her diapers and angel costume.

                        The cab rolled gently to a stop. Kim’s stomach tightened as Mia handed the driver some money and whipped the door open. She crawled out—Kim cowered in the corner, dizzy.

                        “C’mon!” Mia barked, reaching in and taking Kim firmly by the wrist. “Get that diapered tush out here,” she commanded, pulling the girl out of the cab. Kim struggled and squirmed, but she couldn’t fight her tormenter off. The door slammed behind her, and Kim watched the cab speed off into the night with a sinking heart.

                        “Let’s go, baby!” Mia commanded, swatting Kim’s thickly padded butt. She took her hand and dragged her off.

                        Kim twisted, struggled, and squirmed, but Mia just dug her fingers painfully into her wrist and tugged her along, swatting her bulbous bottom when she fell too far behind. It was right in the middle of the evening rush, and the streets were crowded. Kim fixed her eyes on the pavement, but she knew everyone was staring at her. In the distance, loud music was throbbing. It grew louder and louder with each step, until Kim could feel it thudding in her chest.

                        Mia pulled her down a flight of stairs. The music was at near full volume now—Kim turned red as they approached a large man at the door. She blushed and squirmed as Mia smiled brightly at him and handed him some money for the cover charge. Kim tried to hide behind her as the doorman looked her up and down with a raised eyebrow. She felt faint when she saw him zero in on her protruding hips and crotch. He stamped their hands—Mia pulled her inside the club.

                        It was hot—Kim began perspiring almost immediately. The already warm diaper became a greenhouse—a bead of sweat collecting on her lower back and trickling down her butt crack, making her shiver. The music was almost deafening, she could feel the throbbing beat pulsating inside her. All around her people were staring at her outfit, some chuckling and whispering to each other, some laughing outright, and some just staring incredulously.

                        Pulling futilely against Mia’s grip, Kim struggled as she was pulled toward a booth near the back, where two other girls about Mia age were drinking cocktails. They looked up as the pair approached the table, smiling and calling out greetings to their friend. Mia stood In front of the table grinning, forcing Kim to stand next to her.

                        “This is the little sprat I was telling you about,” she said with a mean smirk. Kim squawked as Mia spun her around and lifted the back of her dress to reveal her bulging, ruffled bottom to the girls. “Isn’t that the cutest little diapered bottom?” Mia gushed, giving Kim’s rump a firm pat.

                        The girls whooped and hollered, and the one closest to her on her end, an attractive, buxom blond, reached out and swatted her butt, making Kim squeal as the others roared with laughter.

                        Mia pushed her into the booth roughly before sliding in after her, effectively trapping her. She shouldered Kim in, until she found herself squeezed tight between Mia and an attractive, dark skinned beauty. The girl watched Kim slide in beside her with her dark brown eyes, and there was an expression on her face that was hungry. She wrapped an arm around Kim’s shoulders and drew her in close to her. Mia pushed in tightly on the other side, and Kim found herself squeezed between their soft, perfumed flesh. Mia introduced the blonde on the end.

                        “That’s Cheryl,” she said.

                        “And I’m Monica,” said the girl next to her, leaning in close to whisper in her ear. “I’ve been dying to meet you,” she purred, grinning at Kim like a shark grins at its dinner. Kim squirmed and blushed, fixing her eyes on the table.

                        Monica reached out and took her chin gently, tilting it up until their eyes met. Kim struggled for breath, desperate to break free, but it was like the girl had her entranced. Chuckling to herself, she leaned in and kissed her softly. Kim groaned, shocked, but she didn’t pull back; instead, she found herself falling into the sweet kiss, the gentle embrace and the alluring scent of her perfume…

                        She heard the others girl laugh. Kim broke the kiss, blushing furiously.

                        “Looks like someone’s enjoying herself!” Mia smirked, reaching around and sticking her hand into the front of Kim’s tights. She squealed when she felt Mia’s hand worming its way into her diaper and grope at her pussy. “She’s soaking wet,” she confirmed for her friends.

                        Kim struggled and fought weakly, but the two girls just held her in place, kissing and fondling her in the moist, throbbing heat of the club. Cheryl watched, fascinated, but board. “Who feels like dancing?” she asked the group.

                        Kim felt herself hauled up from the booth and all but carried onto the dance floor by the trio of younger girls. She found herself in the midst of an undulating sea of people moving in time with the music. Her costume was once more drawing stares and snickers from the other patrons. She wanted to run—to flee somewhere, but the girls had her boxed in. She shuddered, the girls grinding against her in time with the music.

                        “I love this cute little diapered ass!” she heard Cheryl say behind her as she smacked her ruffled bottom. She tried to wriggle away, but only wound up pressing against Mia and Monica as Cheryl squeezed and kneaded her butt-cheeks through the seat of her diapers. They pressed in tightly around her… Kim groaned, feeling soft, moist mouths on the back of her neck, on her cheeks, on her lips, their supple hands touching her all over… She found herself quivering, sweaty, humiliated and painfully aroused.

                        The song came to a close and the girls retreated back to their booth, carrying the limp and exhausted Kim along with them. They packed her back in, this time flanked by Monica and Cheryl, with Mia watching from the end with a sly smile. They ordered another round of drinks, then returned to fondling and teasing the hapless Kim. She fought to catch her breath, her muscles like jelly, the girls prodding and squeezing the bulky diaper wrapped around her middle. Though she was blushing brightly, the gentle touching actually felt heavenly, and she was content to give herself over, growing more and more aroused when they would lean forward to plant soft kisses on her forehead, cheeks, or lips.

                        “Who wants to feed her a bottle?” she heard Mia say, the girl’s devious cackle freezing Kim’s heart in her chest. She looked over and teared up when she saw Mia reach into her purse and take out a large bottle of the special formula.

