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potty or not

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  • potty or not

    As you know from my previous posts,
    I prefer to put my babygirl on a potty
    or in our case a chamberpot, to the
    rather arduous cleanup of a poopy nappy.

    I’d like to know where your guys
    preferences lie on this issue.
    No problem, she wont poop her nappy
    I prefer for her to use the nappy
    She tells me, and I put her on a potty
    She tells me, and I put her on the toilet

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    Unless she is sick with diarrhea, my girl has zero potty privileges. That's the way she wanted it, and so I gladly agreed. She goes (both ways) in her pants, in bed, in her diaper, or lays on a disposable pad on the floor and does it all there, for me to gladly clean up.

    When she does it in bed - poop or piss - we cuddle and I stroke and kiss her, giving her as much pleasure as possible to enhance her pooping and peeing.
    For us, it's a highly-romantic thing, and if I take her outside to do it in her pants, I hold her romantically and we make out as she pushes it all out into her clothes.

    For us, it is not role play or any other kind of BS fantasizing; it is a way of life, and it makes us even more affectionate, and our love grow stronger as we bond more and more. We believe role play is stupid (it's for players), so we never do it.


    • #3
      I only did this once so far, and I have to say it wasn't an entirely enjoyable experience

      I was watching spongebob and when I felt the need I just went without giving it much thougt, it was no biggy, lifting up my well padded behind it came out nearly on its own, much easier in fact than the first time I tried to deliberately pee my diaper, when I sat back down the trouble started, it oozed around like it was trying to escape the diaper and it felt really iky

      my bf wasn't amused either, because of the smell, he put me in the shower right away, to give me a thorough clean up

      since than I tell him if I have to go number two and he puts me on the toilet, stays with me till I'm done, wipes me and puts me in a fresh diaper,
      Thats better

