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Schoolgirl in the Woods

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  • Schoolgirl in the Woods

    From the book: Gratification 4: Helpless & Vulnerable, here is the opening story from its pages:


    “SchoolGirl in the Woods” -

    It was Friday afternoon, but she could tell all ready that the weekend to come would be unlike any other she had experienced before. And her imagination ran wild inside her mind.

    Holding her Daddy’s hand she calmly walked alongside him as they headed down the nature trail behind at a local campground they were staying at until Sunday.

    It was still early in the spring and the summer camping season hadn’t begun yet. But her Daddy knew the owner of the campground and was able able to pitch a tent in their favorite spot at the edge of the woods.

    In a sense, the campground was their playground for this weekend – save for the runners, joggers, and hikers who used the woods and the trails year-round.

    Opportunities such as this were rare and seldom. And taking advantage of them was what made her relationship with him one that she had dreamed of, but never found … until she found him.


    Dressed in a white, short-sleeved button down shirt and a red checked skirt with pleats she bobbed her head back and forth as her pigtails flopped about. With each waddled step, she heard the crinkling of the diaper which peaked out from the bottom hem of her skirt.

    It was that sound, her outfit and his presence that kept clear in her mind that she wasn’t just his submissive lover, but also his BabyGirl and his passion for life. Right that second, she was also a SchoolGirl in the Woods.

    She was a nature girl by heart and by studies, able to identify plants, types of trees and anything green you could put in front of her. And she had been naming and listing all they walked past on their stroll.

    When they turned down the newly-finished nature trail, she embarked on a journey she hadn’t been on before and it directed her thoughts back to the beginning of the journey she had begun with him:

    She had met him at a local munch, a rather brave move since it was a kink munch. But opening up that side of herself and attending was the best decision she had made in her life. Not only as she able to embrace a secret she had harbored in her heart and in the fantasies of her mind, but now she had opened up to the possibility of learning what real life could be like with her fantasies included.

    Her interest in fetishes was all-inclusive, being emotional, sexual and mental for her. And while this put in a position to be hurt easily, she found security in knowing that she had found the kind of dominant guy who complimented her submissive nature.

    As they walked deeper into the woods, her reflections produced her dreams and her desire to be gratified went to the forefront of all she thought about. Often admitting that she had an extremely sexual side, she still couldn’t fully explain the journey her mind went through as her body and senses began tingling.

    The truth her Daddy discovered about her was that she was a time bomb for orgasms and the wind-up was delicious torture for her as well.

    She tapped the front of his pants with her fingertips, the first of many gesture indicating that her tingle for touch had begun. His first reaction was a swat to her diapered bottom, one that obviously didn’t sting for her padding, but still made clear his denial of her request.

    She would have to try harder to get what she wanted, but she didn’t realize that she was about receive more than she could’ve dreamed of.

    The nature trail led to the deer trail, a smaller pathway which took them as deep into the woods as they could be before they started heading out. It was this area where the deer often retreated to at night time and a moment’s notice was all the time it sometimes took to show a glimpse of the graceful creatures. If by chance, there was no view of them before they startled off, their evidence could be found all around – from deer tracks to rubbed bark on the trees … to the soft grasses the deer had flattened into a bed.

    This particular deer bed was tucked away perfectly behind bushes that opened up to the sunlight while closing off to everything else. It was such a quaint location and one which emanated the innocence of nature.

    Perhaps that’s what made it such a thrill to go to. She and her Daddy were there to explore nature, but not the kind that grew on trees – rather the nature of submission and how the opposite of innocence could be quite natural as well.

    He embraced her from behind, lowering the book bag from her shoulder before pulling her shirt tails out from behind the waist of her pleated skirt. Slowly, he unbuttoned the shirt, from the neck down.

    She closed her eyes, gasping for a moment at the controlled aggression she felt in his hands, his touch.

    “Hush, baby,” he whispered in her ear.

    The warmth of his breath traveled down her neck and across her cleavage. His words traveled inside her mind and down to the nerve-endings of her frame. He knew where to touch her, her sensitive points and could read her desires clearly.

    She felt exposed all ready, but not of her body. Not yet. Instead, her emotions were exposed and all she wanted, need, and craved was on display for his pleasure as well as her own.

    “You have such fear inside you. And you tremble because of what you don’t know,” he said softly as he lowered her shirt off her shoulders and down to her elbows. “All you need to know is that those longings you feel will captivate your heart until you find them.”

    She lowered her arms to her sides, relaxing them as the shirt fell to the ground. She felt him unfastening her bra and lowering the straps from her shoulders. She pressed her naked back up against him as the bra fell from her frame and his lips gently pecked at the side of her neck.

    She brought her hands up around his neck as his hands wandered onto her breasts, finding her nipples and rolling them between his thumbs and pointer fingers. Closing her eyes and biting her lower lip, she exhaled through the twinges of pain into the enjoyment of his groping.

    Heaving her chest out, she whimpered softly into the air.

    “Step out of your sneakers,” he whispered as she felt the button at the back of her pleated skirt being unfastened.

    She stepped out of her sneakers and with scrunched toes, took the ankle high socks off her feet.

    “That’s a good girl,” she heard him whisper as he unzipped the back of her skirt allowing it to fall to her feet.

    His words, his touch, his passion – all intoxicated her mind and her senses. Her skin traveled back and forth between involuntary goose bumps and warmth from the sunrays trickling through the treetops above.

    She was writhing with lust and her hips began rocking back against him. He cupped her diapered peach and she grinded her center into his palm.

    “How badly do you wanna erupt right now?” he whispered, taking her earlobe between his teeth.

    “A lot,” she whispered out in a breathy tone.

    “And what are you willing to do to reach the top?” he asked with a tone softer than what she expected.

    “Anything,” she pouted while rocking her body harder between his palm and his body.

    “You will beg. You will cry. You will feel pain,” he whispered. “You will obey. You will submit. And you will wait for permission.”

    “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered without a bit of free will to her shaky voice.

    He spun her around to face him. His eyes read deep into his mind. She saw his own lust, his cravings for her body. But cravings which would travel through her soul first. She saw aggression. She saw power and she saw love.

    His eyes became fixated on her irises. He saw need. He saw obsession. He saw her sense of being beginning to melt within her.

    In the middle of the woods she had become a naked BabyGirl, wearing nothing but her diaper and her earrings.
    “Unfasten my belt,” he said in a monotone.

    “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered as her hands traveled down to his waist line.

    Oh, what a strange yet exhilarating feeling. She unfastened his belt and slid it out of his pants loops, feeling the smoothness of the black leather passing through her palms. She shuddered, all ready imagining its strike to her skin.

    It was a torturous mixture of fear and arousal which passed through her thoughts, pulsed through her veins and got her heart pounding. It was an intoxicating barrage of sensations that passed through her conscience as she folded the belt in half and presented it to him with open palms and a lowered head.

    She had just prepared the implement of her punishment. Her fantasy was accepting what was to come. Her ecstasy was secretly wanting it to happen.

    Taking the belt from her, he directed her to the center of the deer bed. She knelt, closed her eyes and breathed out a long, steady breath as he lowered her diaper to mid-thigh and bent her over. Placing her forehead on the make-shift pillow he created of her button down shirt, she stretched her arms out in front of her, placing her palms flat to the grass and bracing herself for his first offering of the belt.

    But then, there was nothing. He made no sound, nor movement she could tell as he stood behind her and out of her sight.

    The woods became quiet, except for the distant chirping of birds. The pleasant warmth of the sunrays trickling through the canopy of leaves above cascaded down onto her naked back. The gentle breeze kept the heat from her skin. It seemed as if time had slowed down and all was serene around her.

    Then she felt the first strike of his belt. It landed squarely across both cheeks and she cried out – partially from being startled and partially from the pain. The sound of her squeal seemed to race through the trees, chasing after the echoing crack of his leather to her skin.

    “Open,” she heard, opening her eyes to see the pacifier nipple at her lips.

    She took the nipple in her mouth without fuss, beginning to nurse from it with a sudden need for comfort.

    She felt the second crack of his belt, delivered twice as hard as the first. She whimpered into her pacifier as she reached back and covered her bottom with her hands. He knelt down alongside her, took both of her wrists and strapped them together with the belt, resting them on the small of her back.

    His hand landed on her right bottom cheek, his third offering. The pain spidered out as his fingers and palm connected with a much wider area than the small concentrated striped of his leather.

    His hand landed on her left bottom cheek and the sting shot throughout her similarly, traveling into her left hip. The sting of a hand smack was much more painful.

    His smacks sometimes were the kind where he simply struck her bottom and took his hand away quickly. Other times, they were the kind where his force was intending to smack through her.

    But this spanking was calculated to do much more than that. At first, she saw it as punishment. Now, she was beginning to be affected emotionally by the physical pain. Punishment had become discipline. It wasn’t for what she had done wrong, but instead was intended to prevent her from doing wrong in the future.

    Each strike was exacting and her bottom became. Once the pain subsided a bit, her thoughts went from free to guided and her emotions settled into his dominance of her. It became training, guidance. And with each smack, her mind slowed to receive the direction she didn’t even know she needed until just then.

    The cool air brought relief to her bottom between each strike of his hand, but the echoing sounds of her spanking filled the woods with an atmosphere which became unremitting in its task to break her down.

    Maybe it was his stern, but comforting tone that aroused her. Maybe it was the Chinese water torture method he used that teased her, but soon she began to derive pleasure from being exposed and spanked.

    He moved from her bottom to the back of her thighs and the journey to a blissful state started over, beginning once again with a pain that made her twitch. New tears welled up in her eyes and she nibbled on her pacifier submissively as she awaited the numbing effect to direct her thoughts again.

    But before the new numb arrived, the dreamy state her mind became trapped in began to pull the sexual flavor out of her. And each strike began to fill her with a lust and yearning to be taken under and shown what submission can truly feel like.

    And just as suddenly as her spanking began, it stopped. Her physical relief was instant, but her mental relief would take longer. She felt his hands on either hip as he positioned himself behind her.

    “Now be a good girl, for Daddy,” he said with a breathy tone.

    “Yes, Daddy,” she weakly replied behind her pacifier.

    Perhaps it was ultimate submission. Or maybe just the thought of it.

    He placed his stiffened erection on the small of her back and she took it between her tiny fingers. Her eyes widened, feeling its length and its girth.

    Her thoughts and imagination ran wild with the knowledge of his size and also with the knowledge of how she was about to feel every hardened inch of him.

    She gripped his cock tightly as he slid it back out of her hands. She quivered, knowing that when next she felt him, it would be elsewhere from her grasp.

    There was no wait this time. She felt the tip of his erection at the entrance of her rosebud. And then its insertion. She bit down on the nipple of her pacifier and clenched her backdoor as tightly as she could, but his kept slowly penetrating inside her.

    Every moment of his journey into her was agonizing yet captivating. She shuddered at his unremitting entry and whimpered at how wide she was being opened. Being as she knew the pain would subside, if not numb her completely, it was only a matter of time before her mind would be taken to a place it had never been before, a place so submissive she couldn’t imagine it nor would want to. Simply experiencing it was all the fantasy she would need.

    Her whimpers increases as did his speed, but soon his penetration began to glide and she relaxed herself. Seeing she was entering headspace, he reached around her stomach and down between her legs. His fingers parted the outer lips of her labia and teased her to a swell.

    “That’s a good girl,” he said, sliding his middle finger and ring finger alongside her eager opening.

    She began to drip from her bottom edge and he kept circling her moisture back up into her center. Then two fingers plunged into her peach and opened her from a second point. She inhaled deeply through her nose and her whimpers softened into pleasant sounds. Her bottom rocked forward and back in perfect motion with his hips and his hand.

    The essence of pleasure for him was a tight-fitting and eagerly-accepting pathway. The essence of pleasure for her was a fulfilling and unremitting barrage of sensations that took her out of the space she was comfortable in and thrust her into one which she was shown comfort.

    Needless to say, being entered from two places and controlled as she ventured from pain to enjoyment was the fucking of her mind which equaled that of her body.

    His fingers began to move at a rapid pace and without another second’s prompting, his seeds shot into her with a fervency unparalleled. She could feel their sting inside her, like a thousand bees had unleashed their fury.

    She sighed in relief as he withdrew himself from her backside, but it was only momentary relief as he grabbed her hair and yanked her up into a kneeling position.

    Pressing her back up against his chest, he whispered into her ear as he pressed his palms against her hood and pounded his fingers in and out of her peach. Her bound wrists directed her fingertips to find his still-stiffened condition.

    But before she could play with him, her orgasm rocked her with a convulsion of twitches which would’ve doubled her back to the grass had his fist not kept her locks within his clench.

    Her knees grew weak, but she didn’t drop to them since she was all ready there. Her body went limp before her muscles seized up, but she didn’t collapse since he held her up. She was resigned to cum for him as long as his words, his fingers and her submission kept her scorched with a passion and a lust which found a ravenous enjoyment.

    He slid her diaper back up into place around her waist before directing her down to the grass and into a fetal position here her frame could relax for her afterglow of twitches and spasms.

    And there she remained as the sunlight beamed down on her diapered frame. She was a naked BabyGirl … Helpless and Vulnerable.

    Making Fantasies Feel Real ... One Word at a Time
