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Some experiences with women I.

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  • Some experiences with women I.

    I've been reading these forums for a long time now (I'm 25). I usually only made replies on occasion, but generally just enjoyed reading what others have said. I'd like to make my own contribution!

    I've had three experiences with close girlfriends. Two with diapers, one specifically peeing (which I'll post on the other forum when I get to it). But I reckon I'll start with my first! Though the last is my favorite.

    When I was 19/20 I met a wonderful woman as an undergraduate. Our temperaments matched up perfectly, and she was wonderfully patient with my failings (I tend to be messy by nature, I wasn't raised in a family where a clean environment was held as a value.. I had to learn this on my own when I moved out)

    In any case this particular woman I fell in love with. Eventually I told her of my fetish, the whole thing. Her first response was "I don't think I would like to partake in that." I expected this, and to me it was O.K. I like sex enough that without that certain element of stimulation I didn't feel a lacking. I should say that my interest in diapers leans strongly toward DL, not AB. It was an extension of my peeing fetish, but it developed many AB qualities (but I never found stimulation in role playing).

    One day when we were in the act of sex she had this look on her face that suggested focus. I knew it was uncommon for her, as I usually take the dominant role in sex. I was wondering what she was thinking about, and of course my mind wandered and I thought maybe she was trying to pee on me to please me. It turned out this is exactly what she was trying to do, she revealed as much to me when she couldn't do it. Upon learning this of her it made me think maybe she would be receptive to the other elements of my fetish, and my intuition here was correct. (Eventually she did manage to pee on me, by lying on my back. It was my first experience with this, and we had excellent love-making afterwards).

    Anyways! It turned out she really liked this kink of mine, and we eventually would start wearing diapers together. We would drink plenty of fluids and marathon a TV series together ('the office' for example). We'd be watching the show, and she would suddenly pause it to let me know "I'm peeing right now." Whenever she did that I would get hard, but I did my best to reciprocate. The cuddling we had was great, both in peed-in diapers (diapers being peed in while cuddling!). When we were both done we would embrace and kiss for a while, and then resume the show while in our wet diapers. I slept well those nights. I really felt I could be myself with this person, without any negative judgment on her part. She really enjoyed it, and in the end she was the one asking me to do these things with her, rather than the other way around!

    We had many experiences of this kind. She happily would take the diapers that I ordered online, and was totally okay with me wearing them too. We would both pee in them and sleep in them after peeing in them, only to finish peeing in the morning. I was truly grateful of her acceptance, when earlier she was unreceptive.

    Eventually she had to move away to another state in the U.S. and we fell apart, but I still think about it.. and occasionally we speak to one another.

    The next diaper story is my favorite, not sure when I'll post it.. but it's a great one!

  • #2
    Thanks for your story Sivo, looking forward to that other diaper story!


    • #3

      Thank you for sharing Sivo - it's sometimes hard to do and I think worries about getting flamed put some people off.

      It's heartening to read such a positive response, and you were obviously patient and not pushy by the sounds of it. I think women would enjoy the cuddling aspects of how you've described it very much - and it's pretty much what I'm looking for myself.

      Anyway, keep contributing and welcome to the forums

