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Matching Red Panties

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  • Matching Red Panties

    Taken from the book: The Mommy Grats: Girl Power, here is a story about a BabyGirl who crosses the line between want and need, learning a lesson in matching.

    Warning: This Ain’t No Daddy/BabyGirl story.


    “Matching Red Panties”

    “Above and beyond everything else, I want you to know that I love you dearly, Scarlet,” Cheryl said, opening the back of the SUV. “But I’ve truly had enough of your mouth. I cannot and I will not listen to any more of it. I can understand having a bad day. I have them sometimes, too. And it’s so easy to say that other people can’t possibly know what it feels like to be as upset as you are. But what that tells me is that you believe your situation to be worse than anything anyone else is dealing with.”

    Scarlet stood with folded arms, sass to her hips and an indifference in the expression on her face which only infuriated Cheryl more, making her see red. But Scarlet wasn’t moved or affected at all by the scolding she was receiving.

    “Is this gonna be another one of your speeches about how ungrateful I am?” Scarlet asked with a gaze of defiance. “Because I’ll be honest with you: I may be your little girl, but that doesn’t make me indebted to you.”

    “What are you trying to say me?” Cheryl asked, setting the shopping bags down in the back of the SUV. “Was there something else you wanted? Should we go back in the mall so I can buy you some more things?”

    “You know, not everything has to do with money,” Scarlet said. “People who throw around that they have spent money on you obviously did it because they wanted something.”

    Scarlet reached into the one shopping bag and took out the smaller Victoria’s secret bag. She pulled the red bra out which Cheryl had bought her, holding them up to make a point.

    You offered to buy this for me. I didn’t ask you buy it for me,” Scarlet sassed.

    “I know I offered to buy it for you. But what escapes you, little missy, is gratitude. Plain and simple,” Cheryl returned with, taking the red bra from her hand and tossing it into the back of the SUV. “When somebody offers to buy you something, that’s all the more reason to be appreciative. But I guess you don’t see it that way. I guess you can’t see it that way.”

    “What is that you are trying to say to me now?” Scarlet asked, returning the question to Cheryl.

    “People who speak of how unimportant money is, are usually the ones who spend it as opposed to providing it,” Cheryl said, with a look of hurt coming her face. “It would’ve been so easy to have given into your entitled attitude and just bought you the matching red panties to that bra, but it wouldn’t have made any difference. You would’ve wanted something else after that.”

    “What makes you think that?” Scarlet asked, quickly backing away as if she suddenly had something to hide.

    But Scarlet’s movements only shown through as a red herring to avoid the argument, especially since she was losing the battle.

    “Come here,” Cheryl snapped, grabbing Scarlet by the wrist and spinning her around.

    Cheryl lifted up the back of Scarlet’s skirt to reveal the matching red panties which still had the sales tag on them.

    “You stole them!” Cheryl snapped again. “I can’t believe you.”

    “It’s really not a big deal,” Scarlet said, choking back tears from having been caught red-handed, but maybe a little more because she knew what was going to happen now.

    “I love you, baby, but you’ve become too much for yourself at this point. You’re way too high on a horse,” Cheryl said with disappointment in her tone.

    “I guess we’re at a standstill, then. Huh?” Scarlet asked, trying desperately to keep the upper hand.

    “Not for long, little girl,” Cheryl said, reaching into the shopping bag and taking out the belt she bought Scarlet from Forever 21.

    Seeing the belt in Cheryl’s hand got Scarlet’s heart racing. It didn’t change the fact she had stolen the panties from Victoria’s Secret or that she was in trouble for it. But it spoke directly to the reason why she called Cheryl her Mommy.

    Meeting someone she could spend a lifetime loving was something that didn’t come easy for Scarlet. She had been through several relationships with other women that just didn’t seem to work out for some reason, but each time that reason remained a secret. And Scarlet felt destined to repeat the same mistakes, over and over, for a lifetime. Then she met Cheryl and the reason for her yesterdays suddenly became clear.

    Scarlet needed someone who would control her. Perhaps Scarlet’s biggest shortcoming in life wasn’t failed attempts at anything, but rather - the inability to balance her emotions with her impulses and the incapability to stay happy for long as want always trumped need by the end. And though Scarlet could never bring herself to admit to it, the end usually came when she had burned a bridge that could no longer be repaired.

    Cheryl changed all of that for her, helping to realize that she need not feel guilty for her past, but rather – she needed to accept and correct … and then move on. That way, there would be no piece of past she would ever need to run away from in the future.

    But it wasn’t an easy struggle to face – both for Cheryl and Scarlet. And along the road to healing, they fell in love. Taking the dominant role, Cheryl naturally called the shots. And, in an equally natural move, Scarlet became submissive to her.

    Scarlet placed her hands on the floor in the back of the SUV and bent over as Cheryl lifted her skirt and lowered the red panties down to the middle of her thighs. In the middle of the mall parking lot, Scarlet was going to accept and correct her mistake – whether she did it of her own free will and volition, or if her bottom had to be made as red as the panties she stole.

    But Cheryl had no intention of hurrying her little girl’s punishment along. She was finally going to see the light. But she would learn it at the pace her Mommy set for her. This was a blessing in that Scarlet had no sense of self-control and a curse in that the waiting game would be where Scarlet received her real punishment – time spent thinking about what she had done.

    But the belt from Forever 21 wouldn’t be the strap which Scarlet felt on her bottom. Instead, Cheryl took Scarlet’s hands and joined them at the small of her back, placing them in the loop of the belt and fastening it tightly around her wrists. And now, with one hand, Cheryl could not only control both of her little girl’s arms, but a simple lift of the belt would keep Scarlet from reaching back to protect her bottom from the spanking.

    Cheryl took a seat next to her on the back of the SUV, lightly caressing her hand across Scarlet’s smooth bottom.
    “It’s a red sky tonight, Baby,” Cheryl said, looking up at the last traces of sunset in the sky. “You know what that means, don’t you? Red sky by night …

    … sailor’s delight,” Scarlet said quietly as she braced herself for what was to come.

    “That means it will be a good night,” Cheryl said with that matter-of-fact tone which she sweetened with a song-like quality. “For you, this is going to be a red-letter night.”

    How embarrassing this was. Scarlet was bent over the back of her Mommy’s maroon SUV. Her panties were lowered and her bottom was visible for all to see. Her hands were bound behind her back. Sure, the back door was up, but not only did that not hide their location. It actually made them stick out like a sore thumb. The thought of someone walking by and seeing her like this was too much for her to contemplate.

    “Okay, listen, I’m sorry about stealing the panties,” Scarlet said as she tried to stand up to her feet.

    This was a big, big mistake. No sooner did Scarlet get her toes to the ground than her Mommy swung her free hand down across her bottom.

    Scarlet froze up in pain and her Mommy delivered a second blow. The sting was paralyzing and mixed with the coolness of the night air, shot little pings of agony down her legs. She couldn’t move at all, not to run away or to lie back down. The third strike came from her Mommy’s hand and landed on the back of thighs, contacting the unaffected tender skin of her legs. Scarlet bit her lower lip, trying not to burst out crying, but it was very difficult to keep quiet. This obviously wasn’t a spanking that she should’ve taken so lightly. And from the fourth stroke and the fifth one from her Mommy’s hand, it was clear to Scarlet that her Mommy was red-hot with anger.

    Finally stopping for a moment, Cheryl flexed her fingers, checking her red fingernails for an accidental chipping. Writhing in pain, Scarlet lied back down on her tummy and rested her face on the floor of the SUV.

    “Mommy,” she sniffled through her red-eyed tears. “I’m sorry.”

    “I’ve heard that before,” Cheryl replied with that same, matter-of-factly songbird tone. “You obviously weren’t sorry enough, not enough to learn your lesson.”

    Scarlet followed Cheryl’s free hand as she leaned back and reached under the back seat. Her eyes grew wide with fear. She knew exactly what her Mommy stored under the back seat … the black paddle. This spanking was about to get a lot worse. And her heart pounded in her chest upon first sight of the implement. Then she closed her eyes, vowing to not open them again until this was over.

    Unfortunately, even closing her eyes didn’t keep the visions out of her mind. And as her Mommy lightly caressed the black paddle across her bottom, teasing the skin and her anticipation, she remembered all the times in the past when her Mommy had used that black paddle on her. It was the ultimate equalizer, in a sense, because it first broke her of her stubborn will. And once her will was gone, she submitted instantly. This may have been the saving grace for Scarlet’s pending mental breakdown, though she hardly could’ve seen it as a blessing just then. Moments later, however, everything would be made clear – not to her but to the pair of 20-something girls who had strolled by at the right moment.

    “What’s going on here?” the red-headed girl asked with gaping surprise as she and her brunette friend stopped their paces to the shopping mall and stared at the sight in front of them.

    “What’s going on here?” Cheryl asked, repeating the girl’s question. “A lesson is being learned.”

    “Are you about to spank her?” the brunette asked with a growing smile.

    “Oh yes,” Cheryl answered without any increase to her pulse.

    “Why?” the brunette asked, still finding it hard to believe what she was seeing.

    “Because this little girl,” Cheryl started as she cracked the paddle across Scarlet’s exposed bottom, making her whimper into fading sobs, “… is a little thief.”

    “What did she steal?” the red-head asked with laughter.

    “Apparently, she wanted the matching red panties,” Cheryl said, cracking Scarlet’s bottom again, producing another whimper and sob from her. “So she put them on and walked out of the store.”

    “Why would she do that?” the brunette asked.

    “Girls, I would love to sit here and keep talking with, but I need to teach this little girl a lesson now,” Cheryl said, standing up and placing the black paddle squarely to Scarlet’s bottom.

    “Ooo, can we stay and watch?” the red-head head asked as the girls walked up to the back of the SUV.

    “And can we take pictures?” the brunette said, getting out her cell phone.

    “Sure,” Cheryl said cheerfully. “But stay out of the way. Don’t touch her. Don’t say anything. And my license plate better not appear in your pictures. Understood?”

    “Yes,” both of the girls said in unison as they walked to the side to get a bird’s eye view.

    Scarlet’s face turned beet red. How humiliating. How absolutely embarrassing. Was her Mommy really going to let these two stand and watch? And for as much as the situation was getting worse by the minute, Scarlet knew that the worst of the moment would be the best of the future – for more than one reason. She knew that the duress she was all ready feeling would keep the memory of this spanking as fresh in her mind as the bruises her bottom would have before it was all over. And perhaps Scarlet could find a little appreciation for the things her Mommy did for her in the future. She also knew that she hated being humiliated, but loved the memory of how it made her feel. Getting through it now, was the tough part.

    The first strike of the paddle landed on the underside of her bottom, just touching the top of the back of her thighs. She whimpered more quickly than before and went straight to the sobbing. The sting renewed itself. And as she awaited the next blow, she tried to take count of all which was happening.

    But she didn’t have much time to tally anything up before the second strike landed on the back of her thighs. Her whimpers ceased and her sobbing became constant. These weren’t playful smacks from her Mommy’s hand. They were exacting and powerful blows, intended to make a permanent point.

    The third strike and fourth strike landed on her left bottom cheek and then her right. She tensed up in pain. It was so excruciating. Crouching down and doing her best to put her feet to the ground, the snickers she heard the girls making added the word mortifying to the adjectives she would use to remember how this experience made her feel.

    The fifth strike landed on the underside of her bottom, squarely and more powerfully than all the others. The force thrust her forward as her legs kicked out in a reaction similar to a knee-jerk. Now, she couldn’t reach the ground at all and as she flew up, she assumed she looked like a fish out of water. At least, the outburst of laughter from the girls made her feel she looked that way.

    Her Mommy could no longer wind up her strikes outside of the SUV, since Scarlet had been driven a bit further inside it. This was actually a good thing. Now, her Mommy had to put one knee inside the back of the SUV and could only wind up her strikes as high as the SUV would allow her to raise the paddle.

    But the sixth strike was just as painful as her Mommy concentrated on areas of her bottom which hadn’t been affected yet. This was also a blessing in disguise. But her Mommy didn’t have any intention of bruising her badly. Unfortunately, each time her Mommy wound up her next strike, she saw the stole red panties at Scarlet’s mid-thighs. And it was this sight which served the same effect a red rag had on a charging bull.

    Scarlet’s threshold of pain, higher than most for having been paddled quite a bit in the time she had been in a relationship with Cheryl, was finally at its limit. And as the seventh strike of the black paddle landed, Scarlet’s mind began to search for other thoughts to distract her from the pain which was now emotionally unbearable.

    Much to her chagrin, the only thought which came to mind was how she had made such a fuss back at Victoria’s Secret until her Mommy bought her the red bra and then how much of a fuss she threw about wanting the matching panties. It seemed that there were no distractions that would enable her to distance herself from the punishment and, more importantly, the lesson she had neglected to learn before.

    The eighth, ninth and tenth strikes were delivered in rapid succession, the tenth one ending with the black paddle being held firmly against her bottom. Scarlet was sobbing hysterically, breathing rapidly through her sniffled tears and desperately still searching for something to do with the pain.

    The picture-taking girls scampered off quickly, laughing and giggling as they went. Cheryl removed the paddle from her bottom and returned it to its place under the backseat. She unfastened the belt and slid Scarlet’s wrists out of their bondage. Scarlet timidly bent her elbows and brought her forearms to rest with tiny soft fists along either side of her head. Her eyes were closed and she was shaking like a leaf.

    “Look, Baby,” Cheryl said, sliding the red panties up over Scarlet’s bottom and back into place. “You’re right. These red panties match the color of your bottom exactly.”

    Cheryl crawled into the back of the SUV and sat up against the backseat. Scarlet got up to her knees and weakly crawled onto her Mommy’s lap, resting her shaking frame up against her Mommy’s chest. Cheryl said nothing, simply cradling her little girl, rocking her back and forth gently and humming one of those tunes which Scarlet could never figure out the song title for.

    For as much as her Mommy was the creator of the pain that coursed through Scarlet’s mind, senses and body, she was also the provider of the needed love it took to teach her the toughest lesson any Mommy had to – correction that, if untaught would lead Scarlet into trouble in the future she couldn’t handle.

    “It’s a red sky tonight, BabyGirl,” Cheryl said, looking up through the sunroof at the now-starry sky. “You know what that means, don’t you? Red sky by night …

    … sailor’s delight,” Scarlet whispered from her resting position against her Mommy’s chest.

    “That means it will be a good night,” Cheryl whispered back to her little girl. “If you ever want to steal something again, how about you just steal Mommy’s heart, okay?”

    “Yes, Mommy,” Scarlet whispered even more softly as she had found exhaustion suddenly.

    The stress, the humiliation, the physical pain and behavior readjustment had led to a very sleepy state for the little girl. Cheryl sat up, lowered the backseat flat and eased Scarlet down into a fetal position that would allow her to find comfort with her bottom being affected anymore. Cheryl took the clothing they bought out of the shopping bag and fashioned them into a pillow, easing her little girl’s weary head onto it while taking the spare blanket they keep in the SUV and draping it over her.

    Scarlet’s eyes were at half-mast and before they closed, ushering her into sleep, her Mommy leaned forward and gently kissed her on the forehead.

    “I think this has been a red-letter night for you,” Cheryl said. “I will always love you, little girl, no matter what I have to do to show it.”

    Cheryl got out of the SUV, closed the back door and got into the driver’s seat, pulling out of the shopping mall parking lot and heading down the road, humming another one of her nameless songs.

    As Scarlet drifted off to sleep, the new memories she would have, the noise of the SUV driving down the road, the sting of her backside which had found comfort in numbness and the need for rest, took a backseat in her mind, momentarily as she realized how much Cheryl loved her.

    Many people had tried to help Scarlet in her past and when she disregarded the kindness and took their efforts for granted, they tossed her away. But it Cheryl, the lover she would forever call Mommy, who found a way to break through the failures of her past to teach her the lessons she had never learned. Tonight would remain within her conscience for the rest of her life as The Lesson of the Matching Red Panties.



    Last edited by zorroabdaddy; October 22, 2012, 11:35 AM.