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Diapers or Love?

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  • Diapers or Love?

    I propose a simple question...say you finally find the woman (or man...I'm a straight male so I'm going to use woman in my example) of your dreams. I mean she is gorgeous, smart, rich, fun, in shape, a great cook, everything you could ever want in a woman whatever it is. You are about to be married for life and she finds out about your diapers, and says either they go, or she does. Do you give them up? And I'm not talking do you hide it and get creative with it and still look at pictures on the internet. I'm talking burn everything you have, delete every picture and video you got, block forever all your AB/DL and associated sites...a full scorched earth policy. Do you do it?

    I sure as hell do, no questions asked.

  • #2
    In the heat of the moment I’d go with love, but return to diapers when the newness wore off.


    • #3
      See ya....

      I would be outta there. It really wouldn't be just about the diapers, but the fact she revealed a severely controlling side of her personality. A person like that dooms a relationship from the start. Demands wouldn't stop there, but be made whenever she wanted to get her way throughout the marriage. I've seen couples like that and feel sorry for them. It's even worse when the man has those traits, things have the potential to turn violent.

      Guess the bottom line is, I'd pass on her, someone else will come along with a kind heart, I know........she did.


      • #4
        I feel it warrants a discussion. When you love someone, you love all facets of them let then know thatb this is a part of you, if they do not wish to join, that is ok with you, but this is a part of who you are as a person. May cost you love, but if they leave because they didn't love who you were, how long would that have lasted anyway? Marriage is hard work, good luck with that.


        • #5

          as long as there is no pre nup and she is richer than sin, yup get married and if she doesn't like the diapers after the fact, go for the money


          • #6
            Huh, these replies went deeper than I thought, covering avenues I hadn't thought of. I guess for myself it's that diapers are something I continue to do more out of habit than of any real deep passion for it and I almost would want something to come along to finally put out the final embers of something that used to burn so hot. I could give it up now but I wouldn't really GET anything out of it, but trading it for something would be worth it to me, almost like I WANT someone to tell me to kick the habit. I also think both parties need to be flexible for a relationship to work, that's how my wife and I have gotten along so well for so long. We don't make DEMANDS on each other as much as REQUESTS, and if you love someone enough, you're willing to give a little to get a little. And walking away because they don't like one facet of you, well, that's a little short-sighted in my opinion. I don't like 100% of everything my wife does but I still love her more than anyone I've ever known and to leave her because she still likes to watch cartoons or is reluctant to do the dishes is pretty drastic. Oh well, to each their own I suppose.

            Last edited by Six Gun; April 4, 2013, 10:07 AM.


            • #7
              I've tried giving up diapers. It doesn't work. You can go a week or 2 or even a month, but permanent just doesn't happen. It's torturous to do that to yourself. That woman and I wouldn't work out if it came down to it. I'm not saying my woman has to participate in my diaper play, but if she's not going to be involved, then I at least need time on my own to indulge. I'm never going to totally give up diapers for anyone. No matter how perfect. Would I be willing to wear less often? Absolutely. But give up totally? No way.


              • #8

                If she did not accept it she would not be the "Girl of my dreams" simple as that!


                • #9
                  Over the years, I tried many times to give up my diapers for love. Sometimes it was "I'm so in love I don't need my diapers anymore" and other times it was "I love this girl but she'd never understand my wanting to wear diapers so they have to go."

                  Every single time, the relationship didn't last and there I was, right back in my diapers. On two occasions, after having a big fight and breaking up with the girl, when driving home I actually stopped at the store and bought a box of diapers and was back in them within an hour or two after the break up.

                  I then decided around the age of 27-28 that I'd never give up my diapers. And with that I was in the process of accepting the fact that I'd be single all my life. Then, believe it or not, I found a girl who accepted and actually likes me in my diapers and I married her!

                  Moral of the story: Love comes and love goes, but you ALWAYS have your diapers!


                  • #10
                    I can think of lots of other playful things besides diapers. If they were vanilla, they wouldn't be anywhere near my ideal partner to begin with. Having said that, yes, I could give up diapers since they're more of a fun, but occasional, thing for me. Lots and lots of kinks to explore out there. :-)



                    • #11
                      If they were vanilla, they wouldn't be anywhere near my ideal partner to begin with.
                      That is my feeling exactly. Vanilla folk are different than fetish folk, no matter what the fetish may be. They're just built different. Fetish folk will usually understand where you're at, even if their own fetishes are somewhat different than yours. Because they have struggled to accept themselves or find acceptance from others, they are more likely to accept where you are coming from. I have never had much luck with vanilla guys, though I have had good relationships with guys who don't necessarily get stiff when I poop in my pants -- just so long as they are into some sort of a fetish scene.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Maria
                        That is my feeling exactly. Vanilla folk are different than fetish folk, no matter what the fetish may be. They're just built different. Fetish folk will usually understand where you're at, even if their own fetishes are somewhat different than yours. Because they have struggled to accept themselves or find acceptance from others, they are more likely to accept where you are coming from. I have never had much luck with vanilla guys, though I have had good relationships with guys who don't necessarily get stiff when I poop in my pants -- just so long as they are into some sort of a fetish scene.
                        Maria ,
                        You wrote what my thoughts were exactly on what you had posted on here . Appreciate that you made it and wrote it down in such a clear and understandable way on how I look at this interest and whom I would really truly love . who had the same fetish as I do in getting to know and love her as the person she really is .

                        I Know this thread is about wearing diapers . Which I do on occasion , though , not very often . That finding a woman , for me , who would accept my fetish as hers as well . Would be a dream come true .

                        Thank You , for that post . I appreciate that .

                        Dusty Harold


                        • #13
                          My two cents on the matter: Definitely have to have diapers, but this doesn't imply any sort of frequency.. usually I go through diaper phases a couple times a month, and otherwise don't care for them.

                          The thing is though that if someone is really going to just drop you because of a diaper fetish, then it seems that the relationship is a bit tenuous to begin with. Imagine yourself in a situation with a person you love and they drop something on you that you really don't like, what would you do? In some extreme examples I might break up in that case because it would be impossible for me to satisfy them sexually (fetishes relating to harming me seriously, e.g.), but otherwise: seriously? I've never had any woman break up with me over my peeing/diaper fetish, and most have indulged it (and every woman I have been with I have divulged my fetish). So I don't think the love/diapers thing makes sense, they usually can coincide. Just maybe they will not coincide in the optimal way, but you know that's relationships.. you meet someone great and there's some give+take on things.


                          • #14

                            I wouldn't change something this ingrained in me, because that would be making a promise I couldn't keep.

                            Love means many things to many people, but I'd want to share, and be accepted by the woman I'm with. In real life, this means I'm single atm, and frustrated with looking. Sure I enjoy some vanilla sex, but there isn't that depth / shared intimacy there. If my gf had a fetish like this, I'd want to know about it, share it, and satisfy her too; and I definitely don't want to feel like my gf is putting up with it for me.

                            So, tough call, but I don't want to waste anyone else's time, as that would be wasting my time too... Surprisingly in the minority here - thought it would be the other way around!

