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Finding Old Memories

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  • Finding Old Memories

    I know there are a few oldsters on here besides me, and some of them are even more ancient then me, haha.

    My point is I am trying to remember about a few different magazine articles that were in the 80's? They featured articles about the pre-digital diaper age, I know one had an article in it about Carolyn's Kids and one about Florence of Amber E..

    I also remember one article, can't remember the year from Hustler and maybe Playboy, just need my memory refreshed a bit, some days I get foggy impressions others things are clear as glass.

    I would really appreciate, any information I can get, thanks

  • #2
    Hey, Johnny...

    Well I'm not THAT old but I was in my teens / 20s during the "pre-digital diaper age" of the 70s and 80s and can help you remember a few of these things.

    First off, I should point out and underscore the fact that during this era (ESPECIALLY the 70s) there was almost NOTHING to be found ANYWHERE. Today it's all over the internet. But most of us who were into this back then were absolutely convinced that we were the ONLY ONE in the ENTIRE WORLD and therefore, must be CRAZY.

    Every week I'd go troll the local porn shops (usually with my diapers on under my shorts) looking for anything even REMOTELY related to my diaper fetish and for the longest time, found nothing. Typically I'd buy various "swingers magazines" which had ads from people seeking others for all sorts of fun. Once in a while, one would mention being into golden showers but that was about it.

    About this time (1979 or thereabouts) I found a newspaper called "Fetish Times". Some of the stuff in there was disgusting (for example, I remember one of them had a big center page photo of a dog taking a dump -- yuck). But I'd also find stories about girls into peeing their panties, which were great.

    It was in a copy of FT that I found the very first ad for Amber E. It was as if I'd struck gold and a tremendous weight was now lifted off my shoulders. I'm NOT the only one! I still remember the exact wording of the ad, which said "If wearing diapers and playing baby makes you happy, please write." I can't remember the PO box but she was in Milpitas, CA.

    I wrote and was sent a catalog which offered stories and hand-made baby clothes. The clothes were handmade by Mommy Florence and because of this, when you ordered it took forever but she did the best she could.

    Among the stories she sold was one that I loved called "My Sisters' Diapers" about a guy who discovered that both of his sisters were into wearing diapers together. Fiction, but still excellent. Anybody have that one? If so, consider transcribing and posting it!

    And she had two of the very first photo sets that were out there, both in color. One was of a pretty dark haired girl named "Baby Sunshine" in diapers playing with stuffed animals in a blanket in the yard. The other was the set of Baby Wendy photos. Wendy was the first girl I ever saw who obviously had soaked her diapers.

    For a while, Amber E. published a magazine called "The Play Pen" which had articles, stories and photos -- it wasn't very high quality (she did it all on a rented copy machine) but was the best there was at the time.

    There was a "slick" magazine that appeared about this time. Oh crap, I can't remember the name but the cover had a big picture of a toilet seat and inside the "hole" was the cover photo and list of some of the highlights. There would occasionally be a diaper-related article in there.

    I think that's where I found another famous early set of diaper photos -- which featured a guy with curly hair, a blond dressed as a nurse, and a long haired brunette girl wearing nothing but diapers. There was a sign on the wall that said "Baby School" and one photo showed the brunette girl apparently squatting and wetting her diapers.

    By 1980-81, the porn "industry" appeared to be catching onto the fact that we were out there, and more publications began to appear.

    One was Nugget Magazine. A slick, and I think it was published by Penthouse. It specialized in kink and often featured articles, photos and personal ads from people into accidents, wetting, and diapers. These were published well into the 1990s and back issues can be found on the internet.

    Then there were the magazines published by Charles "Cathy" Slavik under the title of "Infantae Press" which featured photos of a pretty blond (who was his wife, I think) in diapers. Also, these had the "Beverly" photos (many were posted in the WS Diaper photo forum a few months ago). And these featured photos of Baby Jenny. She also wrote a Q&A column. And there were drawings by her husband Donovan. (Donovan is still around, corresponded with me when I was on Diaper Space, and can add much to this conversation if he sees this and wants to jump in...)

    Then came the Diaper Pail Fraternity run by Tommy. I was a member for a while and liked many of the photos and stories. But as time went on, DPF became increasingly oriented toward gays. Nothing wrong with that, except that I'm straight and didn't get into this. Also, they kept a membership roster and actively encouraged people to correspond. After I joined I started getting all sorts of letters in the mail--many WERE NOT discreet. One guy kept writing and drawing pictures of diaper pins and writing stuff like "Hey you little sissy pants, you!" on the envelopes. That had to stop so I quit.

    Mommy Carolyn of "Carolyn's Kids" mostly sold baby clothes, diapers, and accessories (big bottles, pacifiers, etc.) She put out a catalog with lots of nice photos of a blond lady (her?) modeling everything. I ordered things from her a time or two.

    There were occasionally others, but this is most of what was "out there" at the time. I hope this refreshes your memory. If anyone else wants to add to this, please do! Remembering those days brings back happy memories of when I was younger, didn't yet have kids, and could pretty much wear my diapers anytime I wanted to.


    • #3
      nice summary

      I too am no that old...but i noticed the DPF stuff way back when and I believe there were some Penthouse Letters that covered our interests in the late 80's as well.


      • #4
        Hey Pagarr

        That for replying, I had very similar memories of those times, I believe that the playpen magazine that Florence produced was originally with a partner possibly Clathy Slovack as I am familiar with Infantae Press and Emphany press, I remember something about a falling out between Florence and the co Producer of Playpen Magazine. I used to get books from them all. By the early 90's there was also the Photosets from DGS color 4 by 6 and 5 by 7. Donavon is someone new to me, btw.

        And of course the ealist stuff I found was in the 70's from Rubber Life and Rubber Nurse, which was very hard to find.

        I wrote several stories and one book for Florence to get books and stories from her. I believe my stories were under Johnny or Johnny Lee and the book was 'The Making of Donna Thacker" under the pen name Donna Thacker. i received a copy free with my order but it disappeared in a purge. Later I contacted Tommy of DPF after he acquired her business with the object of publishing it on my website. He denied me permission but sent me a copy so I could rewrite it. Although Florence knew of my Cross-Gender pen-name I regret having falsely portrayed that it was a real female.

        I also corresponded with Cathy Slovak some but naturally that one purge I did in the early 90's lost all of it.

        I wrote tons of letters to people out of these publications and to carolyns kids but I don't remember anyone replying other then the commercial owners responding.

        Hey Pied Piper

        What I am looking to remember is along the same lines you are referring to. Some of the stuff was in the small pocket sized magazines contained letters to the editor or some such. But the main article was either in Hustler, Playboy, Penthouse or one of the other mainstream magazines. I am trying to date when I first found Amber E. I know I got my first computer in about 86 but I wrote my stories longhand and typed them on my old college royal typewriter so it had to before 86.

        Thanks for all the help, it helps me pin my thoughts more precisely.


        • #5
          In addition to the publications mentioned, I remember a diaper/wetting newsletter out of Columbia, SC. As I recall they offerred pictures, stores, regression tapes, etc. Been a long time, but I think Linda Latex (whoever she was) had an advice column in the newsletter.

          However, more than magazines, for me the eighties and early nineties was about sharing desires/experiences via correspondence. Fetish Times, Nugget, DPF all contained personal ads for most any interest including diapers & wetting. In the beginning I opened a PO Box and began writing letters. Will never forget the first legitimate response, was from a woman (perhaps) who wrote about wearing makeshift diapers as an adolescent and developing a sexual attraction for them. Literally shook me to the core, there was someone else and they wanted to talk about it!

          Got to the point I spend most nights writing to like minded folks from around the world. A few of the relationships went on for years and went way beyond a shared fetish.


          • #6
            I had acted out stuff in my teens, stealing terry nappies from lines and plastic pants fromshops

            I thought I was the only one on the world.

            My future sister in law made some money writing for Janus, it was primarily about spanking but had other s+ m themes

            I remember reading the first letter by a guy who claimed to have been a teen in somewhere like Brighton in the 30s. Said his mother petticoated him and had him in kilts with petticoats outside.

            Eventually she made him wear nappies under the kilt and petticoat


            • #7
              First magazine memory...

              I was living and working in London in the late 1980s. I was in my early 20s and a long way from home in a big city. My DL tendencies were roaring along with my testosterone levels – my imagination always far beyond even my accommodating partner’s willingness to participate. Internet hadn’t started yet although there were BBS around and FidoNet was appearing hinting at eventual, anonymous, collective discussion.

              I wondered about the existence of other nappy fetishists like I wondered about life on Mars – with little realistic expectation of ever finding out.

              There were hints around. Bizarrely (on so many levels), ‘Exchange and Mart’, a wildly-popular, classified ad paper, had a thriving adult section. Many of the ads found there suggested at a wide variety of off-beat sexual practices. Amongst them were a number of small, text-based ads offering adult nappies and waterproof pants, details to be had by writing to a mailbox address somewhere – usually in Essex. Clearly Essex must be more interesting than I thought. Their proximity to ads offering whips, leather and chain restraints suggested their purpose was not strictly medicinal but who could be sure. It was at best circumstantial evidence.

              I also recall strange pub-conversation with colleagues after work: alcohol having loosened lips, we were discussing an absent colleague, Mike. Mike was a somewhat greasy, young-as-i-was, scum-cockney who was only worth in-absentia pub discussion was with regard to his widely publicised stories about his older brothers’ money-making ventures producing amateur, but highly illegal ‘extreme bondage’ videos. One of the newer junior sales reps was with us: a young, makeup-caked bottle blond whose sexual preferences were as loose as her permed curls were tight. She freely admitted that there wasn’t much she hadn’t tried. Vast quantities of cheap chardonnay had dissolved what little inhibition she had and she shrieked with laughter and delight as the older, male sales reps regaled her with increasingly exaggerated recounts of Mike’s cinematic scenarios.

              One jokingly asked her if she’d be interested in the scene where the woman was lashed down to absolute immobility on a bed for 24 hours and whose closest thing to toilet privileges was to periodically be force fed her partners pee through a funnel and hose. “EWWWW!!!” she cried, and then, as if to explain, she added quickly “Sorry, I’m not into nappies”. The group roared with laughter and the conversation quickly moved on but I was left behind wondering: Firstly, why her understandably negative reaction wasn’t focussed on the most confrontational aspect of the scene: spending 24 hours drinking her partners pee, and secondly that nobody had mentioned her wearing a nappy. That was a mental connection she appeared to have made of her own volition.

              The matter was finally put to rest courtesy of a particularly seedy adult book shop in NW1. This establishment had begun to feature regularly in ‘Exchange and Mart’ offering magazines about ‘adult babies’ – a term I’d not heard before but one obvious enough to suggest its’ meaning. It was only a couple of minutes’ walk from the office where I worked. I could even choose to buy my lunch from one of the fly-blown little sandwich shops nearby so that I would have a perfectly legitimate excuse to pass it.

              And so I did: for weeks.

              I didn’t just walk in. I was young, quite naďve and utterly inexperienced in the world of sex shops. Several times, I’d walk past it on my way to buy some lunch, hoping to get some glimpse of the world inside however the windows gave away nothing other than a painted ‘adult books’ sign in front of a grimy, opaque curtain. The door was invariably closed and similarly, its glass similarly blocked by a curtain. The thought of simply opening the door and popping inside for a look filled me with horror and so I went straight on past and, having bought my lunch, past for a second look on my return journey.

              Eventually, I got lucky. London had been in the grip of an August heat-wave. The tar was sticky on roads, railway lines were buckling, even many shops had taken chocolate off the shelves as they could not keep it from melting. On one such day, the temperature was nearly 35C – unheard of for London. It was oppressively hot and or course few smaller buildings had air conditioning given London’s usual cool and damp climate.

              After the days of sweltering heat, most shops had taken to propping open doors, windows, whatever they could manage to snatch whatever degree of breeze might pass. On this day, as I approached the adult book shop my heart leapt as I saw the door was propped open. Approaching, I slowed my pace to an amble and gave as good a long look inside as I could manage as I passed without seeming to pause. The sun was bright and it was hard to peer into the relative gloom. The shop was a tiny, bare room. There were no posters, decoration of any kind of promotional material – just cracked plaster walls. Behind a small counter, a middle aged man sitting on a stool stared listlessly back at me. Quickly breaking eye contact I scanned the wall next to him – a cheap bookshelf was there – it contained magazines side by side, flat against the rear so that their covers faced the viewer. By this time, I’d already passed the door, even at my ambling pace and so further investigation would have to wait for the return journey.

              Coming back, I knew exactly where to look and so could gaze for perhaps two seconds, directly at the products displayed. A row of identical, A4 sized magazines occupied the top two shelves. The cover was just a title on a full colour, full page glossy photo: a slightly overweight, near-naked, moustachioed and tattoed twenty-something male reclining on some kind of bed in full glossy colour. He was no oil painting. Clearly he was the star of the front page because of the absence of obvious alternatives but that wasn’t important.

              What WAS important was what he was wearing. He was wearing a large, kite-folded terry nappy pinned on under semi-opaque plastic pants, a truly ludicrous baby’s bonnet and nothing else. The nappy was bulky and his legs were spread slightly to better display his unconventional underwear to the pair of implausibly dressed, nubile nannies cooing over him with impossibly-cheesy porno-grins.

              My two seconds viewing lasted 100 years whilst my brain silently exploded at the shock of irrefutable proof nappy fetishists did exist.

              Eventually, days later, I plucked up the courage to go into the shop. The magazine in question was called “The Nappy Line” and cost a burp-inducing 25 pounds.

              It was truly awful.


              • #8
                hi WBxx

                I remember Linda Latex too but I never read her actual newsletter, it seems to be the stories and stuff I read from her was reprinted in outer publications such as Playpen magazine and Amber E.s magazine. She was very interesting and peeked my interest.

                For some reason I was never able to make many connections in those times, partly because of being to needy and immature sounding. I also had a PO Box in those days, my wife wouldn't have liked me corresponding with others even if it was totally innocent. Thanks much for responding and helping my memory.

                I am fairly sure now that I must have gotten my first connection to the scene through Fetish Times. I perused most of the modern vanilla sex magazines until I discovered the diaper magazines.

                Hi Derry

                I have talked to few actual people who admit to raiding clothes lines or stealing plastic pants, I am sure there are more out there who just won't say for reasons of their own. It's nice to actually know I am not alone in those actions, thanks for sharing with me, I truly appreciate it.. Sorry but I am not familiar with Janus.

                Hi OZNL

                I entered my first adult bookstore in cira '74 at 23 but would have had a much harder time had I not been fairly drunk and stoned on some decent weed. My problem I wasn't alone at the time having two others there who were only mostly wanted to laugh at the bizzare magazines. I remember that one guy was gaga at one about gay fist fucking, since all the mags were plastic wrapped he kept showing us the front then the back cover. I was totally shocked seeing a guys thick arm halfway up another's ass but the rubber magazines on the bottom shelf near it had my real attention. I laughed along with the others, while desperately restraining myself from picking up and looking at Rubber Life and Rubber Nurse. I really just wanted to take these guys back to the base so I could come back and buy what I wanted.

                I have been in my share of seedy looking hole in the wall porn shops but this one was more like walking into a blockbusters, modern and airly for it's day. There was a girl and a guy at the counter and both were young and well groomed. It made it easy in one way but hard in another, especially since I was buying books out of the normal and I had no idea when a soldier that might know me would walk in.

                Thanks for sharing.

