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What are your hard limits?

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  • What are your hard limits?

    As any of you know there is a wide variety of people out there that share our...desires. We all have personal minimums and maximums, and I was sort of wondering what people set for themselves for hard limits? I'll give my own as an example...

    I will not wear diapers around family or close friends, period. I wear around my wife and I've considered wearing around my one friend I have told about it, but that's it. If I plan to be somewhere where I will be seeing people I'm close to, it's a no-go for diapers.

    I will not wear diapers in a "sacred" place to me. For example, I won't wear them to my local Target because I've been going there for years and continue to go there regularly. The restaurant I worked at for 5 years is off-limits too. Places I frequent with my parents and sisters is off-limits too. Not really sure why, perhaps I want to keep those places "pure".

    I will not mess around other people. Lots of folks like to poop their pants in a crowded store and make their way out. I guess that's okay, but not for me. I'm not really afraid of it, I just respect people's rights to not be exposed to my fetish. Lets face facts, what we do isn't generally accepted by the public, so I'll keep it as tasteful as I can and mess my diaper on my way to the car or on the drive home.

    I will not wear diapers if the wife tells me not to. Most of the time she's pretty accommodating and I respect her right to veto my desire to wear a diaper when she says so. Anyone who is married knows the woman has final say and going against her wishes will only complicate your life further. It's a give respect, get respect thing. She says its okay sometimes when I can clearly see it isn't, and if my desire to wear diapers is relatively low, I'll pass.

    These are just some examples, I have other limits. I think having a personal limits set reaffirms that we are in control of ourselves and our urges. When we start doing things we know are wrong, I believe that is when we can start to think that we have a problem. Drinking alcohol is widely accepted as perfectly fine; going to work drunk or driving while drunk isn't. Everything in moderation, as they say.


  • #2
    Hard limits

    Unless one dives into the 24-7-365 side hard limits exist. I agree on the not around family rule...I may indulge in wearing when sleeping and visiting my folks but they do not invade my space so it is safe. I do not have any locations like stores or the like where I set limits. I only poop my diaper every once in a while and generally not in the public like Six Gun mentioned. That said, if I have a bit of an accident en route to the can, no harm no foul in that hard limit.

    My gf is pretty cool on wearing as your wife sounds. I had stopped wearing around her and in general as we were trying to have a kid and anything to not lower the chance (high heat down there = less sperm) I felt was worth trying. Well it is not happening. She was cleaning the closet the other day and she commented "you have too many of these (diapers), don't buy any more and use these!" I mentioned the heat and sperm relationship, to which she replied "well it isn't working so use them! if you like." I generally keep my wearing pretty minimal around friends...and more to when I am on the road with strangers or folks I work with but see rarely. I also set a hard limit on wearing when seeing my doctor. P_P


    • #3
      If it was my choice I wouldn't have hard limits, except for the pooping as it is stinky and a mess to clean up. It was kind of a rush though one time I was walking to my car at night after school in the parking garage and felt the need. Though I was kind of undecided and thinking maybe I could just pass some gas or just let out a little. Well as I got to my trunk it all came out, no one around though as it was late. You could really smell it all the way home though and had the window down. Ya I really didn't want to get pulled over at that point, pretty sure it would have be very obvious. But the it was kind of an amazing feeling when it first happened as I was undecided and then it just kind of happened and I could imagine it might be somewhat like a baby would do as it isn't like they don't feel the urge, they just don't stop it. You can even tell by their face when they do it, lol. Ya, so that was probably my one or two moments of truly feeling babyish.

      Pretty much my mom has "found out" before and disapproves, therefore I have to be careful around her. Other then that I would wear all the time if it were possible for me, but only pee. I know, I know they say be careful what you wish for, but if I "needed" them then she would have to deal. Mainly I don't wish for it though because I know there are usually other bad medical things that are the reason for the incontinence. If I could be incontinent without any other bad medical problems that would be awesome though as I actually find it hard to pee except for in massive floods, which is no good for diapers, even premium ones. So I get feed up a lot just because during the day I usually don't feel the need to go until it would be to massive of a flood for a diaper and so end up going to the bathroom.

      Once I move out though I really want to try a few weeks making myself go no matter what in the diaper and see if I can train my self to pee earlier so that I pee small amounts and not one big one every 5-6 hours.
      Last edited by dl_ashlee; April 22, 2011, 08:06 PM.


      • #4
        medcial incontinence

        I have this problem for many years
        not told many people I have told I have this incontinence
        Its 24 hr 7 days a week 365 days a year
        mostly its urine leak and some time a BM

        The ones that I have told are family and they understand
        At work Its easy,as Im not around a lot of people and it I do have a accident
        I just change ,wipe up, put the used diaper in a bag (I keep some in my backpack)
        put the bag in my backpack and take it home to dispose it (cleaners wont find it)

        If I go any place I take a back pack,that I have what ever I may
        need if I have a accident ,from diapers to a can of spray for smell
        even a hair dryer if my diaper leaks (dry my pants)

        The big problem is when I have to change I do it myself,but
        as a adult it seem that its not ok to use the restroom to
        change a diaper but after ALL the years I dont give a F__K !!!!!!!
        Its a medical problem and I cant change that.
        And I use a stall,and thats not public.....................

        One other thing,my wife likes to change my diaper for me,
        she said she likes doing it,all parts of changing a diaper
        ie: wet or messy she dose it and some times it gets
        very sexual and thats hot we both end up happy
        Last edited by daddytom; April 22, 2011, 10:48 PM.


        • #5
          Hard Limits a good idea?

          I am hardly in any position to disapprove of anyone who likes to expose the unknowing public to their kink, in view of the fact, that many years ago I was out of control myself. But I do agree in principle to SixGun, it isn't the right way to get good press or respect for the Abdl Community.

          I am not going to lecture anyone about it, but I regret the years that I went out of my way to draw people attention. I did some very outrageous stuff and was very sexually aroused by it, except for the couple of times when the police became involved it was a thrill like shoplifting and not socially uplifting. By publicly humiliating myself it filled a void in my life, I would have rather fulfilled in more constructive ways. I would just like to caution others of the danger of being arrested in diapers. It once happened to me and it was not fun or satisfying in anyway. Of course they assumed I had a medical reason, which I didn't deny, it sucked big time. I will write about sometime.

          But I find nothing wrong with wearing diapers where ever a person wants as long as you don't try to offend others with it. If you are wearing 24/7 there is no way you can always predict when you are going to need to void your bladder but you can usually hold a bowel movement. Like I have said before I don't usually use them on purpose much anymore but I have a bit problem having unexpected accidents which sucks when you are in public. Most of the time I am able to preserve my privacy, but the hardest part is when I am around my family witch is most of the time these last few years. But I spare them as much as I can. Even though they know and don't care about my kink it is still embarrassing to them for me to talk about it. My son is the most sensitive about it. It doesn't bother my mom a bit nor my granddaughter, but I am most careful around the youngsters because that is definitely my hard line, not to expose a kink to anyone underage.

