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The Diaper Job

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  • The Diaper Job

    My new story. This is the first installment. I hope you enjoy. More to come. This one sets the scene and the tone of the story.


    The economy had hurt the Johnson’s as much as anyone in the past four years. Artie had seen his already meager take home pay steadily decline. The rising cost of insurance passed on to the employees and lack of pay increases to match had decreased his net pay by as much as 5 percent per year so that he was realizing only 75% of his pay scale from four years ago. Artie was still lucky enough to have a job while his office had seen cutbacks of 20% of the work force in that same time. His wife, Janice, had begun to look for work outside the home. She had not worked outside since their son was born. Jimmy was now in middle school and was a very independent boy, so she felt it was time to contribute to the family income.

    Janice applied for many positions that fit her background but no offers had been received yet. This day she had an interview with a local company known for their baby diapers that were manufactured right there in Coochee, Georgia. The job was in the office and right up her alley for the skills required. A neighbor who worked there had given her a good reference so she was quite confident about the interview.

    The beautiful spring morning was already getting warm here in South Georgia. Janice dropped Jimmy off at school. She was dressed for her interview and looked really good this morning with a mid-length skirt and nice flowered top. The outfit accentuated her slim figure and curves while not being overly revealing. The light skirt was just above the knees and had a bounce as she walked that could turn the heads of anyone she passed. Underneath Janice wore her new flowery cotton panties and bra with stockings and open toed shoes to match the whole outfit. She really felt good this morning. “I’m going to nail this interview!” she though as she parked in the guest spaces by the front of the offices of the CooChee Manufacturing Company. Inside she was asked to have a seat and wait for the manager. Janice had had a bit too much coffee that morning so she asked the receptionist if she could use the rest room. The receptionist opened the door and escorted Janice down the hall with instructions to just return the same way when she was finished. Inside the restroom, Janice was a bit surprised to see that it was decorated in baby prints and had a slight aroma of baby powder. She looked around, opened a cabinet door and discovered a stack of diapers, wipes and other items. Janice thought “They must be open about employees bringing their babies with to work. Why else would there be this in the restroom? After all, they do make baby diapers and supplies here so it makes sense.” She also thought that the diapers appeared a little big for a baby but the actual size did not really register in her mind.

    Almost immediately after returning to the reception area Janice was met by a tall, good looking woman who introduced herself as the general manager, Margie. She followed Margie back to a conference room that had displays of the products prominently located around the walls. They were joined by Stephen, the Personnel Manager and by Kate who would be the supervisor over Janice if she got the job. The interview went very well and about two hours later, Janice was asked if she would like a tour of the whole facility and perhaps have lunch with them in the company cafeteria. Janice was thrilled because a very generous offer was made for the compensation package including better benefits than Artie received. If she accepted she would not only be supplementing their income but they could save on the insurance.

    On the tour, Janice was shown a display room with almost the complete line of products manufactured by the company at this plant and one in Paccie, Pennsylvania. There was everything for the baby including wipes, powders, creams, bottles, pacifiers and especially the major product, diapers. They made cloth diapers using imported soft materials. They also made disposables of their own design that were known for their similarity to the best qualities of cloth diapers but were inexpensive and disposable. There was a wide array of plastic pants in various prints. Sizes ranged from the tiniest diapers for preemies to regular baby diapers to toddler sizes and even preteen sized diapers for which there was a growing demand.

    In the next show room were items that really surprised Janice. There were products made for the larger sizes of teens and adults with the brand name of Secure. Kate began to explain, “Our product base is addressing all needs from birth to elderly and all in between. The ages of 25 and up are the quickest growing segment of the industry other than the elderly. The stigma of being incontinent is becoming less prevalent and more are out in the open about their medical issues. With the teens and twenties, the electronic age has brought a greater incident of those who would rather complete their tasks or play the computer games without interruption and thus are beginning to use our products on a regular basis. I hope you don’t take this wrong, but we even advertise on some of the fetish web sites and get some of the AB/DL business.”

    “Uh, what is AB/DL?” asked Janice.

    “Well, AB is Adult Baby. These are adults who, for whatever reason, desire to act and be treated like a baby. Some get a feeling of comfort from the play acting. Others feel a need to go back to a time in their lives when they had no cares other that when they would be fed and changed. Still others actually seem to get a sexual high from the play. DL is Diaper Lover or adults who just like wearing diapers whether they use the diapers or not. This is not in any way pedophilia. The AB or DL does not have anything to do with children or real babies. It is purely an adult desire and usually carried on in private. We make an adult diaper that is so discrete that you cannot tell when someone is wearing it.” With that comment she turned around as though to show off her outfit of fitted slacks and blouse. “Would you believe that I have one on right now?”

    Julie could not believe what she just heard. “You are wearing a diaper?” she asked as she looked right at Kate’s rear.

    “Though it is not required, we encourage our employees to at least try the products for a few days and see how they fit, feel and even function. After all, how can we sell something we know nothing about?”

    Julie had not given her answer about taking the offer yet. After viewing the production areas, Janice began to take notice that a good portion of the workers looked like they had padding. She realized that most of the workers had to be wearing diapers and some even looked like the diaper was a bit thicker or hanging lower in the crotch than most. Perhaps those had been used? She told Kate that she would need to sleep on it that evening and speak with Artie. Kate asked for an answer by the end of the next day as there were other candidates to interview if Janice did not want the job. “I would like you to take home some of our products to look at more closely.” She said as they walked back to the front office. Kate made sure that Janice had a sample bag with a couple of adult sized diapers in both disposable and cloth, plastic pants of Janice’s size as well as the more typical baby and toddler sized items to look over.

    Janice arrived home in the middle of the afternoon. She brought he bag into the house and sat down to think about the job, what it would mean to their family to be more secure financially and what the items in the bag represented. She thought about what Kate had said about encouraging the employees to try the products. She thought, “How far did Kate mean to go with the products? Just try them on and wear them for a while or actually use them for their intended purpose? I guess she meant to actually try them in the way a diaper is meant to be used.”

    As she sat there thinking all this, the door opened and in bounded James who had taken the big yellow school bus home. “What is all that, Mom?” He asked. Janice told her son about the job interview she had that morning. About the company and about the products the company made. She omitted the news about how the employees are encouraged to get to know all about the products. She did not show James the oversized diapers or plastic pants. That evening Janice and Artie discussed the job in length, including the suggestion of trying the products. Artie was actually turned on a little by the thought of Janice in a diaper though he hid the feelings from her. He was a little dismayed that he should have such feelings. All he said was, “It would not hurt to try one on and see how it feels. You don’t have to do any more than that and it sounds like they will not mind if you decline to wear one. I think you should take the job.

    As they prepared for bed that evening, with James already sound asleep, Janice spotted the bag of diapers and began thinking, “It would not hurt to at least try one on.” She unfolded a cloth diaper and looked it over. “It has not been all that long since James was in diapers. In fact, he still has the occasional wet night even now. I have diapered a child but how would I put this on myself?” Artie spotted her holding the diaper and began to be aroused again at the thought of his beautiful wife in a diaper. As he watched, Janice picked up the plastic pants and held them to herself as though checking the size. She was clad only in her nice panties and bra.

    Unaware that Arte was watching, Janice put down the plastic pants and reached for the diaper again. She folded the diaper just like she used to fold the baby diapers for James. Then with her panties still on, she experimented with trying to put the diaper between her legs and pulling it up the front. She extended the diaper around her waist so the corners met at her sides. She tried to reach the bag again to get the extra large diaper pins that were there but dropped the diaper in the process. As she bent down to retrieve the diaper she finally spotted Arte watching her. “Are you enjoying the show?” she asked.

    Artie answered, “Do you want some help?”

  • #2
    The Diaper Job part 2

    PART 2

    Artie answered, “Do you want some help?”

    “Only if you also try one of these on.”

    Artie hesitated, “Now what do I say?” He wondered. “If I react too quickly she will think I really want to do this, which,… of course, I do… but I don’t want her to know that. If I take too long the moment will be over.” He finally said out loud, “Well, I think we can at least find out what the items are like to put on. What can it hurt? In fact, I’ll wear one to bed if you will. We can help each other with them. Come over here and lay down. I suppose you would do this like we did with Jimmy when he was little.”

    Janice lay down on the bed. Leaving her panties on, Artie worked the cloth diaper under her rear, drew it through her legs and pinned the sides together. He made sure it was a bit snug so it would stay on and not sag. Then he worked the plastic pants over her feet, up her shapely legs, all the while gently caressing her legs as he pulled the pants up and over the diaper. Janice squirmed and said, “Watch that, Artie! You may need to take this off again.” She got up and said, “Now it is your turn. Lay down.”

    Artie lay on the bed in her place, feeling the warmth where Janice’s body had just been. Janice pulled off Arte’s pants. He had not yet begun to undress for the night. She unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off as well and pulled his undershirt over his head. She looked at Artie, lying there in just his white briefs. She noticed a little yellowness in the front of the briefs where Artie had dribbled after peeing in the bathroom a few times that day. She said, “Perhaps you should be in a diaper. You don’t seem to be able to keep your pants completely dry after all.” Artie was a little embarrassed because he thought he had hidden his dribbling from her all these years. He never considered that she did the laundry and saw the used briefs every week. She knew about his dribbling. Jimmy dribbled as well and she figured it was a normal male thing. Leaving the briefs in place, Janice repeated on Artie what he had done with her. Before the diaper was in place, Artie had another problem. He was so hard that Janice had trouble getting the diaper in place and pinned properly. She was not about to do anything to reduce Artie’s problem at this time. Maybe in the morning. As Artie got up from the bed, Janice gave him a whack on the behind that resounded through the room.

    As they finished getting ready for bed, Artie realized that he had not peed before being diapered. He said to Janice, “I think you will have to redo this diaper. I forgot to go to the bathroom before you put it on me.” Janice answered, “I’m not going to do it again. You will just have to suffer.” She knew well what she was doing to Artie. I would be tortuous for him to go all night like that.

    As they lay in bed together with the light still on, Janice began to feel a bit sweaty under the plastic pants. She almost felt that the diaper was already wet though she knew that she had not actually done anything to make it wet. She placed her hands on Artie’s diaper and felt that he, too must be pretty hot inside the diaper. Then, as she held him, Janice felt another source of warmth under her hands. Artie was laying there and actually peeing in his diaper. He rolled over from his side to his back and the sheet came off, exposing the plastic pants and diaper. Janice pulled up on one elbow and could watch the yellow wetness spread through Artie’s diaper and begin to fill up the rear of the plastic pants. Once the pee had soaked into the cloth material, Arte stayed on is back and lay there. His eyes were closed as he feigned sleep, waiting to see what Janice would do. They had not even considered that one of them would actually use the diaper and so had not used the protective pads included in the bag. Janice simply lay back on her side of the bed thinking , “I hope there are no leaks from what he just did,” and they both drifted off to sleep.

    Early in the morning, Janice woke up with the need to pee. She began to get out of bed and then it occurred to her that she was wearing a diaper. She lay back in bed and tried to relax. Try as she may, she could not bring herself to pee while still in bed. After some time, she was able to release some small spurts. She felt the small amount run into the diaper and disappear. She placed her hand in her crotch and could feel the warmth from her pee. Then, as pressure built, she was finally able to relax enough to release a strong stream of pee into the diaper. She could not bring herself to give up more control and what she had done relieved the urgent need for now. She lay back down, placed her hand on Artie’s diapered butt, and fell asleep once more.

    In the morning, no alarm sounded to wake Janice or ArtIe. In the events of the evening before, neither one had though to turn on the alarm clock. The first thing they knew was the knocking on the door as Jammy came in to tell them to get up. He had already fixed his breakfast and was headed for the school bus. Jimmy had no idea that his parents were wearing diapers, and wet ones at that, under the sheet and blanket. Bye, Mom; Bye Dad,” He called.

    “That was close,” said Artie. “I need to get to work. No time now for any recreation. I assume you will be taking the job?”

    “Yes, I will call right away and close the deal for the job. I may even try the products as they recommend. I’ll get you some breakfast before you leave.” She got up and went right into the kitchen without removing the diaper or even covering it up with a robe. After all, Artie did not have time to wait until she got dressed and she would not be able to get his weekday breakfast much longer. When Artie came out from the bedroom all dressed for work, he stopped in his tracks to watch his wife working in the kitchen in just a wet diaper, plastic pants and bra. He could not help the erection that pointed through his trousers. He went over to her and held her from behind. Janice could feel Artie’s member even through his clothing and her diaper. She turned, gave him an affectionate rub and said, “Later, honey! I think you actually like seeing me in this diaper. We can do whatever you wish tonight. This is Friday and Jimmy will be going to stay with his friend for the weekend. No one will be here to bother us.”

    Artie quickly ate his breakfast and rushed off to the office. His thoughts were very confused. “Why did I get aroused from seeing Janice in a diaper? She does have a really cute ass and the diaper was quite nice looking on her, but then when we both had the diapers on I liked the feelings. Then to actually wet the diaper and go to sleep in it was too much. Then Jimmy almost caught us!” He could not get his thoughts into his work all day.

    Janice continued to clean the kitchen clad only in her diaper and plastic pants. She had not used the bathroom yet that morning and was feeling the need for her usual morning pee. “I can wait until I finish the dishes.”, she thought. As she washed the dishes, the warm running water began to make her need more urgent and she ended up bouncing around and rushing the job. She did not really want to wet the diaper again but before she knew it, it was too late to get to the bathroom. She could feel herself begin to lose control and the diaper that was damp from the night before began to feel warm and wet. Janice lost complete control as the diaper began to soak up the hot pee while she just stood in place with her hand between her legs. She thought, “I am in the kitchen so if this thing leaks it will only be on the washable floor.” She decided to go with the flow, relax, and let it happen. “Why do I like this? It is a disgusting thing to be in a wet diaper. Seeing Artie in a diaper excited me. Then he peed in the diaper and I was more excited to think he would do that. And now, I am getting feelings from peeing in my diaper that I have not had for some time. I cannot wait for this weekend to begin.” She went up to make the bed which she did while still wearing the soaked diaper and plastic pants, surprised that the diaper had not leaked but had soaked up all she had done. She still also had her regular panties on under it all. “They must be ruined.”, she thought. In the bathroom she found that Artie had just left his wet diaper and formerly white briefs in the bathtub. He did not have time that morning to pick them up or rinse them out. She held up the briefs to examine them. Where the slight yellowness had been in one small area from Artie’s usual dribbles, the entire front and half way up the rear was wet and yellow. Artie took mega vitamins and his pee was a dark yellow color as a result. Janice found herself very turned on by the discarded briefs and diaper and she began to rub herself through her own diaper. She shoved the briefs down into her diaper and used them to rub herself to a mighty orgasm. Then she relaxed and once more her pee flooded the cloth between her legs, soaking even more into Artie’s briefs, her panties, and the diaper to pool in the crotch of the plastic pants once the cloth had absorbed all it could. She jumped into the bath tub just in time as she felt the hot pee start to drip down her legs. When it was finally over, Janice could not believe what she had just done. She had just been very naughty, like a little girl. She finished up cleaning the bedroom and bathroom.

    When Janice called Kate and told her she would take the job, Kate asked if she had considered actually wearing the products. Janice said, “I have thought about it. I may try it. Kate said, “Well, you can start Monday. We will have the product available if you decide to try.” “She has no idea!” thought Janice.


    • #3
      Anyone out there?

      Want more?


      • #4
        yes, for sure!


        • #5
          Yes please, its quite good so far, hope you can keep it going for a while i.e 15 or so chapters would be fab.


          • #6
            WetBubba, you seem to be quite talented in the literary arena...Your story is definitely interesting, and I would really like to see what happens next...I commend you on your ability to keep your readers attention, while maintaing plot, mood, and theme consistency as well as introducing and developing characters and situations...Bravo, Sir...Bravo


            • #7

              Sorry for the delay in continuing the story. I will post when I have time to write more.


              • #8
                Story Part 3

                Thank you for your patience. Here is the next installment.

                PART 3

                When Artie returned home from work that afternoon, Jimmy had already left for his weekend stay. Janice had whipped up a fantastic dinner, set the table with the best china, and poured a generous amount of wine to accompany the gourmet meal she had prepared as a celebration. She also had put on her shortest skirt and filmy blouse. The skirt would bounce as she walked and give Artie a view he would not soon forget for underneath Janice wore one of the disposable diapers from her sample bag. As the skirt bounced with each step the bottom of the diaper was just visible to someone behind her. When Janice sat down, the skirt rode up to expose whatever she was wearing. Janice had not been able to miss or ignore how the diaper had turned Artie on and she planned to explore the situation in length that evening. She admitted that wearing one last evening and this morning had also turned her on in a way she did not understand. She had been taught at a very early age that big girls and adults do not pee in their panties and so do not wear diapers. She had been potty trained quickly and had not had so much as a small accident since. While Artie dribbled a little after peeing in the toilet, it was never enough to do more than moisten his briefs and she would never have thought of a grown man wearing a diaper unless there was for some medical reason. But now, there seemed to be a new excitement beyond the medical reasons for wearing a diaper. “I don’t think this is what Kate had in mind when she suggested trying the products.”

                Janice served Artie a gin and tonic in the family room before dinner. He said, “It is your new job we are celebrating. I should be waiting on you.” “Nonsense”, she replied. “This will be the last time I can spend an afternoon fixing a nice meal. Enjoy it while you can.” Artie had a perfect view of Janice’s diapered ass as she walked back into the kitchen and thought, “I think I’ll enjoy this allot tonight!” She returned with some Hors d'œuvres and sat in the chair opposite Artie, allowing her skirt to ride up and just barely expose her diaper while seeming to not notice. As they carried on a normal conversation, Janice took note of Artie’s eyes darting down to her diapered crotch. He could not keep his attention on much else but Janice was not giving him the satisfaction of acknowledging his obvious desires. She also noticed the bulge that was growing in his pants. She got up and sashayed past Artie on the way to the kitchen to finish dinner. From the kitchen she saw that Artie had moved so he could clearly watch her as she worked. Once the food was ready, Janice called Artie to the table.

                They thoroughly enjoyed the dinner, copious amounts of wine and water, and a wonderful desert. Artie toasted to Janice and her new job and their future. He had many opportunities to observe Janice as she walked to and from the kitchen waiting on him. Janice continued to tease Artie and saw that his erection never wavered. After desert, Janice went over to Artie with her crotch totally visible. “I have another surprise for you.” She said as she lowered herself to sit on his lap. She began to kiss Artie very romantically. Then the kisses became more intense and sensual. She put her hand down under her on Artie’s erect member and caressed it through his slacks. She stood, opened Artie’s slacks and pulled them off of him, leaving him sitting there in his shirt and briefs with his member poking out of the waist. As usual, his briefs had the small stains of his dribbles.

                Janice sat back down and resumed her attentions, feeling his hardness even through the diaper. Artie began to be aware of another feeling in his crotch. Janice’s diaper began to grow warmer and seemingly softer. It began to almost mold itself around the shape of his own penis. Janice was peeing into her diaper, releasing all the liquid she had saved up over the afternoon and all the drinks she had consumed that evening. She could feel the warmth spread through the diaper and was amazed at how good it felt. She felt secure in doing this. She also felt Artie become even larger and harder, if that was possible. They both looked down at the diaper at the same time and watched the yellow liquid spread. Artie placed his hand on the diaper to feel the heat of Janice’s pee and to feel how it squished around. When she finished releasing all the pee she held, Janice began to squirm around on Artie’s lap. She moved back and forth over his hard penis. Artie said, “You had better stop or I will come in my pants.” All Janice did in reply was make a little humming sound.

                After a few minutes of the activity, Janice stopped abruptly and stood up, leaving Artie to wonder what was next. She smoothed her skirt sown over the now wet diaper, leaving the obviously wet and yellow crotch completely visible as the expanded material peeked out from under the skirt. Then she began to clear the table, taking the food and dishes back to the kitchen and giving Artie another show. Once the table was cleared, Janice climbed up onto it and lay down with her crotch facing Artie. She began to rub herself through the diaper and said, “Well! Aren’t you going to help?!” Artie reached over and also began to rub Janice, finding the right spots. He ran his fingers under the edge of the diaper where he could feel the warmth and better reach her sex. Then he pulled the diaper to one side, climbed up onto the table with her, pulled his penis through the fly of his briefs and entered her. The made love, him with his briefs still on and her with the wet diaper. Artie's briefs were getting wetter and wetter from teh hot pee that soaked into them from Janaice's diaper. He finally collapsed onto the table after feeling the ecstasy of release.

                After a few minutes the table began to be uncomfortable to remain on. Artie pulled out and began to rise. Janice said, “Where are you going?”

                “I need to pee”, her replied.

                “Oh no! No using the bathroom tonight. You can just pee your pants or go get a diaper. We are going to explore this new excitement all the way.”

                Artie was taken aback! What had gotten into Janice? “At least let me go clean up a bit.” He said.

                No. You can put on some pants and a more casual shirt but no changing anything else.

                He thought about the situation for a short while and then went into the bedroom to put on some clothes. He left on his briefs that now had become wet with Janice’s pee that had soaked into them from her diaper and with his own cum that was still on his penis. Over them he pulled on a pair of cargo shorts of a kaki color canvas material and a tee shirt before going back into the family room to join Janice who was watching TV in the same skirt and top and with her wet diaper showing. As he walked past her, Janice reached out and squeezed Artie’s rear. “Oh! You didn’t put a diaper on. You still will not be allowed near the bathroom tonight. I guess you will have to wet your pants. But then you already do a little bit, don’t you? I want to see this happen. I did some internet research this afternoon, by the way. I found some very interesting items and some movies that we can watch.”

                Artie now saw that Janice had hooked the computer up to the large screen TV and she was turning it on. On the screen came photos of other adults in diapers, some obviously soaking wet and some even with bulges in the rear. Then she started a movie that she had downloaded that afternoon. It was a movie of a group of young people out on the town for the evening. As it progressed it became obvious that some of the people were wearing diapers. They were in a bar, dancing and drinking and having a good time. One of the girls stood up as though to leave the table. She had on tight shorts, a crop top and there was a visible line showing the shape of her panties. She turned to face the camera and a sexy cameltoe showed from the front view. Artie’s eyes, glued to the cameltoe as her shorts began to darken, became even wider with amazement. Streaks of wetness started running down each leg. The sound even picked up some hissing noise. The girl was flooding her shorts right there in the bar and she was obviously enjoying the act. Then she sat back on the stool with a relieved look on her face. The camera panned to another person at the table, this time a man who was in apparent distress. His hand was holding his crotch, squeezing to try and keep from wetting but losing the battle. His pants began to show a small spot of wetness just to the right of the fly. The wetness quickly spread, ran down to the chair and started to pour off the chair to splash onto the floor.

                While Artie was glued to the video screen, Janice got a plastic sheet and covered the couch. She told Artie to sit beside her so they could both watch together. Artie had become hard once more. Janice started rubbing him through his pants while he continued to watch the video that now had changed to a couple in bed, both with diapers on and each pleasing the other. Artie did not even try to stop what Janice was doing. He started to move his hips and give his confined hard member even more stimulation. Janice felt Artie tense. His body began to jerk and a wet spot appeared on the front of his shorts as he came in his pants. Then, as he softened, he began to relax and the pee began to flow into and through the canvas material of his shorts. The front darkened. A bead of pee stared to show on the front at the tip of his penis before it soaked back in. The wetness spread and ran down to the couch to puddle on the plastic cover before soaking into the rear of Artie’s shorts. Some even ran along the plastic to soak into Janice’s skirt. She could smell the mustiness and feel the warmth before the pee cooled on her skirt. They sat on the couch in their now soaking colthes and talked about what they were feeling and how this job has brought a new dimension into their love life.

                When it was time for bed, they went into the bathroom and in the bathtub Artie dropped his shorts and briefs in a pile. They were soaking wet and had turned cool. The briefs were a golden yellow color with the obvious sticky area of his earlier release of cum. Janice took off the disposable diaper that had started to leak. She had not even realized it was leaking until she stood to leave the couch and the pee had dripped down her legs. She waddled into the bathroom and let the soaking diaper plop into the bath tub to join Artie’s shorts and briefs. After their shower, Janice found that she had used the last disposable diaper that had been in the sample package. There was another two cloth diapers and she retrieved the plastic pants they had each used the night before. She also found the baby powder and ointment in the sample bag and figured they should probably use some if they were going to continue to be using the diapers. Both of them used the toilet for a BM as they were not keen on using a diaper for that function. Then they each lay down on the bed on top of a protective pad that had also been in the sample bag. First Janice stood, totally nude, before Artie and spread ointment all over his diaper area, sprinkled a liberal amount of powder and pinned the diaper on him. After Artie was ready for bed, Janice lay down and Artie started to spread ointment on her. He did it in a way that was making Janice quite turned on once again. She looked at Artie and saw that he had a new bulge in his diaper. Artie stopped his caressing, finished powdering Janice and pinned her diaper on. He pulled up her plastic pants and as she got off the bed Artie patted her diapered bottom and said, “Time for bed. We can continue in the morning.” Janice’s diaper was getting moist, and not from pee. Artie had left her wanting more. She would show him tomorrow that he should not frustrate her that way. She calmed down her desires by going to the laundry room and taking care of the wet clothing and last night’s cloth diapers so they could wear them again tomorrow. She started the washer, thinking that she would need to put the clothes in the dryer as soon as she got up in the morning. She could not yet bring herself to go to the pharmacy and buy deposable adult diapers just yet and all she had was the four cloth diapers. She was embarrassed that they both got such pleasure from such activity.

                Artie had woken in the middle of the night with his normal need to pee and started to get out of bed when he realized that he had on a diaper. He lay back in bed and forced himself to relax but had a hard time overcoming the years of training that kept him from doing it in bed. He finally let a few spurts go. Once the tension was broken he relaxed completely, feeling the welcome release from his bladder. He felt the hot pee flow through the diaper. Lying on his back with his penis pointed up towards the waistband of his plastic pants, he could feel the wetness running down his stomach, into his pubic hair and down each side of his balls into the crack of his ass before soaking into the rear of the cloth diaper. He also felt it running down his sides and into the diaper from that angle. When he had finished, Artie took a little time to enjoy the warm feeling. He gently moved about to feel how the wet diaper felt on him, but did not want to wake Janice. He drifted back to sleep in a short time with the final thought, “I wonder if Janice has used her diaper.”

                The next morning dawned sunny and warm. Artie woke up to find Janice already out of bed. Artie felt his wet diaper and the usual need for a morning pee. He thought, “What the hell. I’m already wet. Might as well just do it again.” With that he relaxed again to feel the diaper become warm once more. Artie was surprised that each time became easier to relax and let the flow start. He got up, brushed his teeth and with only a tee shirt over the wet diaper and plastic pants went to the kitchen to see what Janice was up to. He found her there in a diaper that was also very obviously wet and hanging heavily from her hips as she fixed a nice breakfast. He could see the yellowness of her diaper through the plastic pants that were not quite completely transparent. He could hear the dryer in the laundry room and knew that a warm, fresh diaper would be available soon but right now it did not matter. He was actually enjoying the feeling of having a soaked diaper on while doing normal activities in the morning. He felt like a little boy who had just gotten up from bed and gone out to have breakfast. As it still was not leaking, Artie decided that he did not want to change just yet.

                Artie went over to Janice and hugged her from the rear, pressing himself up against her ass so that she could feel his member as it became harder and harder inside his diaper. Janice started moving so that her rear was massaging his penis, drawing Artie up to near orgasm. Then she broke away and continued fixing the breakfast which was ready to put n the table. She was teasing Artie once again.


                • #9
                  Diaper Job

                  that was Brilliant......More please!!!!


                  • #10
                    The Job Part 5

                    PART 5

                    After breakfast, Janice went to Artie’s chair, turned his chair around so she could reach his lap and plopped herself down on his lap, facing him. She began to grind her diapered hips into Artie’s diaper, bringing him to full attention. Then she paused, let out a gasp and sat very still. Artie could feel the heat as Janice filled her diaper with fresh pee while still grinding away. Just as Artie was almost at the point of no return, Janice finished peeing, quickly got up and started to clear the table, leaving Artie sitting there in compete frustration. She quickly finished clearing the table and went back over to Artie who was still very hard. She reached down to release Artie’s member from his diaper through the waist band by pulling the diaper and plastic pants partway down but not off his hips. To do this she had to undo the pins at either side and she redid them so the diaper was loosely held in place. Janice pulled aside her diaper and then she lowered herself down to take Artie inside her, their soaked diapers slapping together as she moved up and down more rapidly. Neither of them had ever had such a wild, exciting time as this before. They both reached orgasm at the same time and Janice collapsed in Artie’s arms. After sitting this way for a while, Artie felt new warmth and knew that Janice had started releasing more pee that was soaking into his own diaper. He started hearing the splashing of the overflow as it rolled off the chair and onto the floor. When she finished, Janice got off Artie, pulled her plastic pants and diaper back into place and looked hard at her husband sitting in his very soaking, overflowing diaper that was holding the combination of their juices. She indicated that they had to go clean up and get ready for the day as she turned to walk back into the bathroom. Artie sat there watching Janice’s soaking wet, diapered butt swaying seductively as she walked away. Yellow lines were running down her legs and leavng a trail on the floor from her overfilled diaper. He finally got up and pulled his diaper and plastic pants back on but the diaper was so over saturated that it instantly leaked down his legs and onto the floor. The dark yellow pee was pooled in the crotch of the plastic pants and sloshed around as he moved. He left a trail of pee on the floor pointing the way to the bathroom. What a morning this had started to be!

                    Janice cleaned up and dressed for her first day at the new diaper factory job. She rinsed out the wet diapers and plastic pants and left them hanging over the bathtub to dry. Janice had a phobia about leaving the house while the dryer was running and so she would have to place the diapers in when she returned home if they were not dry by then. Jimmy would be home before she was that afternoon so she locked the bathroom door and closed the bedroom door to ensure that he would not find the diapers hanging over the tub or the other items she had not had time to properly clean up and put away. The used disposables were in the trash in the bathroom as well.

                    After being given another tour of the office and factory so she would be completely familiar with the layout, Janice was shown to her office. It was a small room, almost a closet, but had a desk and file cabinet and comfortable chair. She was to work under Kate who was the public relations manager for the company. They would handle advertising, press releases, new product announcements and other communications with the general public. Janice would start out by taking care of product complaints that came in through the customer relations email and phone services. While Janice was sitting at her new desk, looking over the materials that were left for her to read, Kate came in and welcomed her once again to the company. Kate said, “You will need to know everything you can about our products in order to deal with the end customer. I want for you to keep these printed materials where you can consult them at a moment’s notice. If we receive any complaints at all, out policy is to replace the product with no questions asked. Obviously we do not want a used diaper to be returned so we need to believe that the customer is honest and deserves a replacement. In fact, if one item is reported as defective, we will replace it with an entire package and a coupon for more. Our reputation for a quality product and for our customer service has taken us to the top in the world of diapers. Have you thought about trying one to see what they are all about? Do you have one on at this time?”

                    Janice blushed at the thought of how she had tried the product. “Both I and my husband tried them this weekend. I would have worn one today to see how it is while working but I had no more in that sample package and I am not ready to go into a store to buy them for myself yet. So I don’t have one on at this moment.”

                    “Well, you don’t need to worry about buying them in a store, though I think it would be a good idea to do so once or twice. It would give you a better understanding of what a real customer experiences when buying our products. We will supply any of the products you wish to use for yourself and your family. One of the perks of working for this company is the free products we give our employees. You will see a few mothers and even a couple of fathers who bring their children to work. We have a nursery and day care for kids under school age and an after school activity area for kids of elementary school to middle school age where we employ high school students as a part time job. We also use middle school aged students to entertain the younger kids and pay them. Perhaps your Jimmy would like to ern some spending money. I apologize that we did not get to that area on your tour because it is in a separate building. If you look in the storage cabinet over there you will find most of what you need and just ask for anything you don’t see. The night crew regularly restocks the storage cabinets.”

                    Janice went to the cabinet and opened the door. Stacked neatly on the shelves were adult disposable diapers, powder, ointment and deodorizer. At the bottom was a bin labeled “Used Diapers” with an opening in the top in which to drop a used cloth diaper and another regular trash bin with a tight fitting lid labeled “Used Disposables”. Kate said, “If you need to change, just lock your door, change here, and the used items will be taken care of by the nightly cleaning crew. The changing pad on the top shelf is well padded and can be laid on the floor if you need to lie down to change as I do. Some find standing up to put on their own diaper is easy for them. Or if you choose to not wear one, just leave the cabinet as is. Now, you should be receiving emails soon with customer concerns. Our phone operators are very good at listening to the customer, calming them down when irate, and taking the message. Then they assure the customer that a company rep, that’s you, will contact them soon to resolve the issues. You need to make that return call within an hour or two of the original call if at all possible.. Some days there are very few but some days they just pour in. Take your time to look over each concern, decide the best way to answer and then call the customer to personally offer a solution or reassure them that the issue will be resolved quickly. Often the customer just needs to know a person will hear their concerns and take care of it. It you have anything form one of our retail outlets just send it to me and I ‘ll take care of it. Meanwhile, continue to familiarize yourself with the products in whatever manner you feel is right for you. I’ll stop in regularly to see how you are doing.” Kate shut the door as she exited the room, leaving Janice to look over the items in the cabinet and decide what to do next.


                    • #11
                      Thanks nice story and I'm looking forward to the next chapter


                      • #12
                        The Diaper Job

                        Wow - In to two pages of the forum now! And more to come. I hope you are enjoying the story. I like the newer version of the forums because we can keep the story lines together instead of needing to search for earlier posted parts.

                        Apparently I skipped a number in numbering the past chapters. Don't let it bother you - the story is completely posted to now.

                        Chapter 6

                        Janice picked up one of the disposable diapers and opened it, trying to decide if she felt confident enough to change right there in her office. She pulled out the changing pad and felt how it was well cushioned. She walked over to the door to make sure it was locked; after all, she did not want anyone to walk in while she was undressing. Janice decided to try changing without using the pad. She kicked off her shoes, pulled her slacks off and removed the pretty pink panties she was wearing. Then she opened the disposable diaper and held it between her legs, pulling the sides around from the rear. She undid the top tape tab on the right side and fastened it to the front, repeating the motion on the left side. She did the same with the lower tabs and then the center, adjusting each until the diaper was well centered and quite tight as she would with a baby. There were three tape tabs on each side of the diaper, giving it good holding power. Janice then pulled her slacks back on, straightened up the office and closed the cabinet before unlocking and opening the door. She felt the bulk of the diaper under her rear as she sat down behind the desk. She noticed that the chair was well cushioned and comfortable when she had on so much more padding. “Can I actually use this diaper here in the office?” She thought.

                        When the emails began to come in, Janice was ready and handled them professionally and quickly. Half way through the morning Kate returned to see that Janice was quite comfortable n her new job. While they were talking, Janice began to feel the need for a bathroom break. She could feel the pressure building on her bladder after having two cups of coffee and some water as she worked. Kate asked for the second time, “How are you doing with wearing our product while you work?” Janice realized that she was concentrating on not peeing her pants and blushed a bit. Kate thought the blush was embarrassment over wearing the diaper when in fact it was embarrassment that Janice had felt herself release some pee into her pants. Janice stuttered a bit while saying that she was ok with it. “I really need to take a bathroom break, though.” She replied. Kate said, “If you are wearing the product you really do not need to be concerned about bathroom breaks. That is one of the best results of using our products as an adult. You can be in an all day meeting and never have to leave to use the rest room and no one around will know. Our employees are actually much more productive because there is no need to leave for restroom breaks between regular work breaks.”

                        Kate watched as Janice turned red. Kate also saw that Janice seemed to be moving a bit in her chair. Janice could not hold it any longer and felt the hot pee start to flow into her pants, knowing that the diaper was secure and only she would need to know what she was doing, but unable to hid her embarrassment from Kate. Kate remained silent and let Janice calm down. With a pat on Janice’s shoulder, Kate rose and turned to leave the room. “I”ll just let you be. Don’t worry, you will get used to it.”

                        Janice was embarrassed but so turned on at having just wet herself in front of her new boss that she had trouble regaining her composure. As she sat back in her chair, Janice felt the hot liquid in her diaper move around and caress her crotch and bum. Then she lost complete control and the hot pee flooded the diaper. The diaper began to expand as it soaked up more and more. Janice lifted off the chair a bit to allow for more room in the diaper, just s she had observed her son do when he was little and still using diapers. When finished peeing, Janice could feel the weight of the diaper pulling down on her slacks. If she had worn a skirt, she knew the diaper would be hanging heavily instead of being held up by the slacks. “What do I do now?” She thought.

                        Janice decided to remain in the diaper for a while as she worked to find out what it was really like. She returned to her seat, slowly sat, feeling the hot diaper mold itself to her shape. It seemed heavy and hot but softer and very bulky. She had another hour before lunch time and she would stay in the soaked diaper until then. While working, Janice almost forgot she had on a very wet diaper. The temperature equalized with her own body temperature. The diaper lining kept most of the moisture off her skin and it was actually very comfortable. Janice felt the need to use the restroom again just before lunch time. As she got up, it dawned on her that she had on the diaper. She walked, almost waddled, over to the door, shut it and locked it. Then she sat back down while trying to relax. She began to feel the diaper becoming warmer once again. She leaned back in the chair, put her feet up on the desk and relaxed again to feel the pee running down towards her rear and into the back panel of the diaper. Unconsciously Janice began to rub herself through her slacks and the diaper to enhance the excitement she was feeling. She quickly reached an orgasm.


                        • #13
                          Diaper Job

                          Hiya WetBubba
                          once again a nice chapter allthough a little short, please keep'em coming


                          • #14
                            The Job Chaperts 7 & 8


                            After sitting there in the hot, soaking, yellow diaper for a few minutes, Janice heard a knock on the door. “Are you ok, Janice?” Called Kate. Janice answered, “I’m fine. Just a little occupied at the moment.” Well, I’ll save you a seat in the cafeteria. Join me when you are able. Kate called, fully knowing how Janice was occupied at that moment. Kate thought, “Janice is fitting in here very well. I never would have guessed.” Janice got up from the chair, waddled to the cabinet in her now leaking diaper and began to change. Her slacks had some wet spots on the rear where there had been a leak at both legs. Janice unsuccessfully tried to dry them and gave up. “Hopefully no one will notice,” She thought. She quickly changed, throwing the soaking diaper into the disposable bin. She put on her regular panties under her slacks, feeling the wet spots on her legs. Then she went to join Kate for lunch.

                            Kate watched Janice as she entered the cafeteria for lunch. She could see that Janice had some obvious wet spots on the back of her slacks but it looked like Janice did not have on a diaper. As Janice placed her tray on the table and sat down, Kate said, “I see that you had a little leak. Don’t worry about a thing. It happens regularly around here. Just watch the line and you will see some more.” Janice watched and soon noticed a man with a diaper bulge and small wet areas. While she watched, the wet areas grew a bit and she knew than that he had just released more pee into his diaper while standing in line. He did not even indicate that he knew what he did. She said to Kate, “He looks to be so comfortable with using a diaper that he peed without even thinking about it? I don’t know if I want that to happen.” Kate replied, “We all have our various degrees of dependence on diapers, our desire to use them regularly and our care about what shows or who knows. It is all up to you, but you need to be careful because you can lose continence if you are not careful. Then you would need to wear the diapers all the time. Some people do not care; others don’t want to be reliant on them. We call the return to needing them all the time as reverse potty training. It can take some time to happen or happen in a short period but will almost assuredly happen if you use the diapers 24 hours a day. Many have the effect after using for only 12 hours at a time. It generally shows up as a need to use the restroom more often and with less ability to hold it in. It usually results in an accident or two before the wearer concludes that he or she needs a diaper all the time. I would suggest trying them sometimes and being without them sometimes to prevent the dependence. It is your choice. You don’t have to wear them at all if you don’t care to.”

                            They finished their lunch. Kate had told Janice how to get a package of supplies to take home. Janice had decided to not wear a diaper for the rest of the afternoon and concentrated on her job. This had been the most unusual day she had ever had. She left work at 4:30 and headed home. Jimmy had gone to school right from his friend’s house and should be home by now.


                            When Janice entered the house, she could hear Jimmy playing the computer games in his room. This was what she expected and was good because she was able to get the bag of supplies into her bedroom and stashed in the closet without Jimmy seeing them. As she passed his room she called a “hello” to him and he responded with “Hi, Mom!” She went into her room, shut the door, pulled out a diaper and changed out of her work outfit. It was a warm day so she put on a pair of crop pants over the diaper and looked at herself in the mirror. She turned every way possible to see how noticeable the bulge was and could not discern anything out of the ordinary. Once dressed, Janice went to Jimmy’s room to talk about his weekend. She found out that his friend, Bob’s, dad worked in the diaper manufacturing area of the same company and his friend had a part time job after school in the nursery and day care. “Mom! He even takes care of kids in 4th and 5th grade who still wear diapers!”

                            “Well, lots of people that age and even older still use diapers. That is why the company is in business, after all.” His mother replied. “I wanted to ask you if you would like a job there. I was told they could use the help after school hours when lots of elementary school kids show up and their parents come later to pick them up. You could earn some money and even put some away.”

                            “I’ll think about it, Mom. I could use some spending money.

                            The first week at the job went very well with Janice finding her tasks to be right for her. She and Artie kept their experimenting with the diapers to a minimum for that week not wearing them to bed until later in the week. Janice had begun to wear a diaper while at work and liked the feelings she received. On Friday Janice left her diaper on after work as she drove home. It was a fresh one she had changed into late that afternoon.

                            Jimmy was already home from school and playing computer games in his room. Janice heard Jimmy call to her as she entered the house. “Hi, Mom. Could you come here? I want to ask about the job you mentioned.” Janice went and found Jimmy playing a Sims game that was an old one but one that he really liked. He liked making the characters do funny things. “I was thinking that I would like to try working at your place, especially if Bob is working there too. He says it is easy to help care for the kids and he even usually has time to get his homework done before he goes home. The kids are mostly playing on their own until their parents pick them up. Bob gets a special little bus from school that takes him right there so getting there is easy and I can come home with you.”

                            “Well, come by after school tomorrow and you can see my office and where you would be working. Then we can see what the job requires and what it pays.” Janice left Jimmy’s room and went to the kitchen to fix dinner as she heard Artie come in. Artie gave her a kiss on the cheek and patted her rear. Getting a little brave wearing this with Jimmy nearby, aren’t you?”

                            Janice replied, “Jimmy will probably find out soon anyways. He is coming to the plant tomorrow after school to see about working in the afterschool day care center. He will not help but notice that some adults are a bit padded. I understand that even some of the center workers of all ages wear a diaper while there. I would not be surprised to find out that his friend, Bob, does as well.”

                            “I guess if you are going to continue wearing one it will be a lot better to be in the open about it and easier than trying to hide it. Be careful, though. You don’t want Jimmy to start being teased at school because of us if anyone finds out about this.”

                            “I’m sure it will be ok.”

                            Artie went to the bedroom to change into his casual clothes. When he returned, Janice was so busy that she did not hear or see him standing in the kitchen doorway watching her. He was admiring her shapely figure and her rear end that appeared slightly padded from the diaper. If one was not looking for it, no one would really notice the diaper padding. As he watched, Janice paused in her stirring of the food and stood very still. She had felt the need to use the bathroom building but did not want to leave the stove or the food might burn. She could not bring herself to just let it go while still concentrating on cooking and so she paused and stood still, concentrating on her need until she felt a little spurt release into the diaper. She sighed as the relief came more quickly and her diaper became warm and soft, soaking up the hot pee. Artie could actually see the padding expand. Then Jessica went back to making dinner as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. As he remained watching, Jessica turned to reach for a dish and spotted him standing in the doorway. She was startled, and then she threw a spoon at him saying, “What are you looking at. Dinner will be ready soon so go away.”

                            “I just like what I see. It looks like you are really getting into this job situation. Be careful or Jimmy will find out.”

                            “Find out what?” They heard as Jimmy appeared behind Artie.

                            His dad replied, “That your mom has fixed your favorite dish. Now go and get your homework done or you will have no TV time after dinner.” They were lucky that Jimmy had not seen or heard more.


                            • #15
                              I really like this story, Bubba!
                              Wonderful descriptions of hot moments when Janice pees her diaper... like the last one with Artie watching

