What an amazing video and such mixed emotions about it.
I love that the girl has really shit her pants.
I love that the girl is surrounded by her friends.
I love that she doesn't seem to care that she pooped her pants.
I love the shorts she's wearing.
This is the closest video to what it'd be like to poop your pants drunk/stoned/careless I have ever seen, and it's amazing to see. The girl is totally uninhibited about what she's done and seems to be enjoying it.
What I don't particularly like is the setting and what appears to be the unhealthiness of the living conditions, but that's not for me to judge.
Great camera work. I love how close they get to the pooped pants.
Can you imagine what the room smells like?
Great find! Thanks for sharing!
Brilliant vid, they've gotta be on some kind of hard drugs though I'd say...crack/meth/heroin?? Can't believe it's alcohol or pot that'd make her like that. She's having a great time though!