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celebrities accident?

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  • #16
    Jann Arden

    Jann Arden


    "Q. What's been your most embarrassing and your most exhilarating moment in the music world so far?

    A. Well, embarrassing moment is a no brainer...I once had an intestinal problem...don't know how else to put it, in Cologne, Germany. I actually had an accident in my pants (that were stapled together no less), on stage during my first song. The rest of the night was a blur. "


    "I’m extremely bad at playing favourites. I’ve loved so many shows over the years, from Jann Arden at the Royal Theatre in Victoria, telling us about pooping her pants on stage, to Sarah Harmer, playing the music that first shaped my writing style."


    • #17

      Mel Greig recalls the humiliating moment she soiled herself on her honeymoon in Hawaii


      • #18

        Charlize Theron got food poisoning and shit her pants in Africa

        Sophia Amoruso was too shy to poop at her boyfriend's house and thought she could drive home............ends up shitting her pants in a parking lot and has to get back in her car and sit in it all the way home


        • #19
          Alyssa Mastromonaco


          Kirstie Alley



          • #20
            Here in the UK, we had a well-known runner a few years ago, I'm sorry her name escapes me, anyway, she first hit the headlines after she stopped during a marathon, and pissed into a roadside grid, a couple of years later she was filmed taking a shit into a grid, shorts pulled to one side and letting it go.
            Her excuse was she had the runs and it was either go in a grid or go in her pants, she chose the grid, she certainly made the headlines and it made me think it was deliberate. I mean, there must be loads of runners, who when needing a piss just keep running and let it go down their leg, squatting over a grid to piss is one thing, having a shit is another.
            Oh, just remembered her name, Paula Radcliffe, getting old plays havoc with the memory, lol


            Last edited by owlman; October 11, 2018, 02:20 AM.


            • #21
              More belongs in the Pee Forum but....

              Not just marathon runners but ironman and triathletes pee and poo too.

              My girlfriend was a former elite athlete on the world circuit for many years (I won't get any more specific to protect her identity), and she would openly pee on the bike all the time if she need to go.

              She said she would just hop off the seat at an appropriate time and let it go in her pants rather than waste time stopping at porta loos like a lot of others did. Her argument was that in competition where you have trained for months (or years) she was there to win, and stopping to pee was a waste of time that could be spent trying to win.

              This extended to training rides if it was inconvenient to get off the bike and pop a squat, though was less frequent. It also extended to running, and whether training or racing, if she needed to pee she would just let it flow and so almost always had pee soaked pants after a race, and regularly after a training run if a stop was inconvenient and she could get away with it.

              She has not given too much detail away, but has admitted to runners tum poops, we all get them form time to time if we run enough..... the urge to purge becomes so overwhelming you have to stop or you will shit your pants in an explosive involuntary push. She would typically find a bush to seek cover in and drop a squat, but admitted there had been a few "times" in a race she could not take time out and simply let go and had shit her pants rather than lose a race. I suspect it wasn't as violent and massive as the ones I have had or she'd have been all over the media lolz.

              She is not into our fetish but ok with it - pee mainly. If on a long trip in the car she will get desperate and ask for a diaper and if I have one in the car, she will drop her pants, pull one on and let go with a long and satisfied sigh. Sadly she won't keep it on once finished, she takes it off and pulls her panties/pants back on. If I have no diaper in the car (mostly I do not as I only did it to tease her and see if I could coax her into it.... but as it worked I'll buy more for her and plan road trips lol).... last trip I had none so she grabbed my gym towel which is always in the car - folded it over until it was like a long folded nappy and sat on it, pulling the front bit up over her puss, and let go with a self satisfied grin. I love that.

              She has yet to have a poop accident other than rushing in to show me her panties with a brown blob sitting on the crotch and telling me "Look what you made me do.... a chocolate button!" as we'd had her first experience at anal (which she loved) and it had loosened her up. That happened a few times so we backed off for a while doing that and she returned to normal.

              I have had her sleep in a diaper once - and she peed in it during the night and filled it right up in the morning - that was awesome, but she has not expressed a desire to repeat it. She'd not be open to pooping unless desperate and there was no alternative - then her practical mind would simply take the best option available be it diaper, or smuggle a load home in her pants if a public squat could mean being arrested. Neither has happened yet with me around anyway
              Last edited by Bazman; October 12, 2018, 09:21 AM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by M_F
                whatabout a close call...............?

                Lily Allen Performed Gig With Diarrhea
                Lily Allen mentioned the diarrhea concert again recently.....................https://metro.co.uk/2018/06/24/lily-...mares-7655564/


                • #23
                  Rachel Bloom


                  "Bloom: I was also quite sick the entire time we were filming the finale. I took antibiotics the morning of the music video because I wasn't getting better, and I legitimately shit my pants."

                  behind the scenes video:


                  at 27:30 she is squirming and complaining about the tacos she ate earlier. then she rushes off and says she really needs the bathroom. i guess she shit herself there or on the way to the bathroom


                  • #24
                    Amanda Holden

                    Amanda Holden admits to pooing herself in candid conversation with Keith Lemon


                    • #25
                      The video where Amanda Holden admits that she couldn't holden her bowels https://twitter.com/lemontwittor/sta...52298549796864


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by M_F
                        Amanda Holden
                        Amanda Holden admits to pooing herself in candid conversation with Keith Lemon
                        Take this sentence alone, and you could explain it like she pooed herself while in candid conversation with Keith Lemon
                        Last edited by vincp40; July 13, 2019, 12:27 AM.


                        • #27
                          Great find! Thanks.

                          Great scenario:

                          - She had a warm ball in her pants
                          - Had to walk home. Walk of shame, small steps or bow-legged?
                          - Had to tell her boyfriend
                          - Apparently was wearing briefs/knickers rather than thongs

                          Originally posted by M_F
                          The video where Amanda Holden admits that she couldn't holden her bowels https://twitter.com/lemontwittor/sta...52298549796864


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by dalton
                            Great find! Thanks.

                            Great scenario:

                            - She had a warm ball in her pants
                            - Had to walk home. Walk of shame, small steps or bow-legged?
                            - Had to tell her boyfriend
                            - Apparently was wearing briefs/knickers rather than thongs
                            And the most important thing in all this is : usually, when drunk people have poop accidents it's mostly diahrrea, and obviously she really pooped in her pants with solid load!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by messyjean
                              And the most important thing in all this is : usually, when drunk people have poop accidents it's mostly diahrrea, and obviously she really pooped in her pants with solid load!
                              that's why i think the alcohol didn't make her poop her pants.....she delayed going to the bathroom and it was too late....she blamed the alcohol for her mistake


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by M_F
                                that's why i think the alcohol didn't make her poop her pants.....she delayed going to the bathroom and it was too late....she blamed the alcohol for her mistake
                                Hahaha, yes i think so!!

