This story revolves around Sam, the cherubic little blonde who works at the comic book store Naruma and Mandy visit regularly. She is based on a young lady who used to work at a comic book store I go to, by the way.This story takes place a few weeks after the story she first appeared in, Naruma and Mandy #5 : Links to the entire Naruma and Mandy series: The following story contains all the usual stuff you find in my stories. All characters are of legal, consensual age.
Naruma and Mandy Side Story #4: Sam's Story
Sri Narada Jagganath, Esq.
Samantha "Sam" Beckett arrived at Atomic Comics at around nine in the morning. The store had acquired a huge collection of comics from a long time comic book enthusiast who'd given up the hobby, and she had to categorize and put prices on all of them. She wasn't doing this task alone: the other employees of the shop were already there, as well as a few long time customers who'd agreed to help out in exchange for a huge discount on their comics. She smiled as she saw one particular customer, a voluptuous brunette sitting on the floor and rummaging through a long box filled with comics from the late 1960's.
Sam snuck up behind the woman and shouted, "BOO!"
The woman, startled by Sam's voice, jumped, scattering a pile of comics that had been on her lap as she did so. "Sam, you fucking bitch!" She chuckled, playfully swinging at the diminutive blonde standing over her.
"I'm sorry; did I scare you, Naruma?" Sam smiled.
"You fucking suck!" Naruma rolled her eyes as she gathered up the fallen comics.
"So, Batman...where's Robin today?" Sam asked.
"Mandy wanted to be here, but she's at the rehearsal for her graduation; she sends her love."
"Aww...she loves me?"
"We both do." Naruma replied with a meaningful expression.
"Shut up." Sam giggled.
"It's true!"
"Yeah, yeah." Sam said with a smirk. "The two of you talk a good game, but when are you gonna woo me already? I'm ready to be wooed, Naruma Anne Miller!"
Naruma turned to Sam, took one of her hands, got down on one knee, and started reciting Shakespeare: "But soft! What light thru yon
window breaks? 'tis the East, and Samantha is the sun!"
"Knock it off." Sam smiled, her dimpled cheeks turning hot pink.
"Is it the moon you want? Just say the word and I'll lasso it down for ya!" Naruma went on, quoting a line from the film 'It's a Wonderful Life.'
"Will you get up from there?" Sam laughed, pulling Naruma to her feet. "Now, come on--we've got work to do!" She didn't let go of Naruma's hand, pulling the girl along with her as she walked up to the counter near the front of the store. She led Naruma behind the counter where there were several long cardboard boxes ('long boxes') filled with old comics. "We need to put each of these in a Mylar sleeve, alphabetize them, and file them in the back issue boxes."
"Yes, Ma'am!" Naruma saluted Sam before she sat cross legged on the floor and started sorting the contents of the box nearest her. "I LOVE the smell of old comics!" She sighed.
"Me too!" Sam beamed as she sat beside Naruma. "It would be cool if some company that caters to geeks like us would make a bodyspray that smells like this."
"They could call it Eał de Dork!" Naruma chuckled.
"Cute." Sam smirked. "Get to work."
A few hours later, a good deal of the comics had been sorted, but there was still quite a bit to go. It was noon by then so Quantrel, one of the store's managers, took everyone out to lunch; Naruma and Sam stayed behind to keep an eye on the store. "I'll bring you guys some burgers," He said.
"I want chicken and waffles!" Sam said.
"Make that two!" Naruma added with a wink.
"Fine." Quantrel rolled his eyes and walked away.
"I've never had that before; I can't wait to taste it!" Sam said.
"Neither can I!" Naruma replied, her eyes locked on Quantrel's butt as he walked out the door.
"Oh, my god--you total whore!" Sam chuckled. "You'll fuck anything with a pulse, won't you?"
"Definitely!" Naruma said with a wink.
"How does Mandy feel about that?" Sam asked as she stood up and stretched.
"She's cool with it--she knows I'm polyamorous. Her only rule is that I tell her about anyone I'm going to fuck around with." Naruma said whilst idly flipping through an old Sabrina the Teenage Witch comic.
"Does she Or join in?" Sam asked.
"She LOVES to watch!" Naruma answered with a naughty grin. "And she'll only have a threesome with me if I bring home another girl; she's not into dudes."
"I see! Maybe I should come over for dinner sometime!" Sam laughed.
"What about tonight?" Naruma said
"I'll have to check my schedule!" Sam smirked.
"Oh, please come!" Naruma pleaded. "We're gonna have a marathon viewing of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine!"
"How could I possibly say no to that?" Sam said. "I love that show!"
At that point, Sam and Naruma started talking about various sci-fi properties. This was a topic that was near and dear to Sam's heart, so she could go on and on about it for ages. She paused every now and then to take a sip from a can of Red Bull; she'd been guzzling energy drinks all morning long. She gradually became aware of her need to pee, but she ignored it, figuring that she could hold it for a little while. Before she knew it, twenty five minutes had flew by and her bladder was begging to be emptied. However, she didn't budge from the spot on the floor near the X-Men comics where she and Naruma were sitting.
"Are you OK, Sam?" Naruma asked when she noticed that Sam was holding her crotch and violently thumping her foot on the floor.
"I'm fine!" Sam said. "Anyway, break time is over; we need to get back to work." The moment she stood up, Sam lost control of her bladder and started wetting herself. "Damn it, not again!" She sighed as her blue jeans were soaked front and back.
"For fuck's sake, Sam!" Naruma giggled as she quickly stood up. This was the sixth time she'd seen Sam wet herself, but the sight was still incredibly arousing. "Those Red Bulls go right through you!"
"I know, right? Jeez, I'm still peeing!" Sam laughed her head off and watched as a puddle formed at her feet.
"Um...maybe you should head to the bathroom? Everyone's gonna be back soon." Naruma said; she didn't attempt to keep the arousal she was feeling out of her voice.
"Fuck 'em; they've seen me in wet jeans before!" Sam smiled. "There, all done!"
Naruma regared Sam for a second before a knowing smile came to her lips. "This wasn't an accident; you wet yourself on purpose, don't you?"
Sam took a deep breath. "I've never admitted this to anyone before. I don't wet myself on purpose, but I do hold my pee in for as long as I can until it...comes out on its own." The girl's cherubic face instantly went red all over. "I love the sensation of holding it for hours and hours! The feeling that I get when I'm uncontrollably wetting myself is practically orgasmic!" She leaned against the counter opposite the X-Men display, shutting her eyes and leaning her head back. "Walking around in wet jeans is so hot--it's the absolute best feeling ever." She raised her head and gave Naruma an inquisitive look. "I'll bet you must think I'm a total freak, don't you?"
"Not at all! Actually, you're not going to believe this, but..." Naruma leaned in and whispered "Mandy and me do this all the time."
"No way!" Sam gasped.
"Yup." Naruma replied with a smile. "There's not a day that goes by without us wetting ourselves."
"Oh. Cool." A massive grin spread across Sam's face. "Ugh, maybe I better hit the bathroom after all--I gotta poop."
"Just do it right here!" Naruma said. "You already pissed your pants, you may as well finish the job."
"That's disgusting! Who would ever do something like--" Sam's eyes opened wide and one of her hands flew to her lips. "Oh my gosh--don't tell me: you and Mandy do that, too?"
"Yup!" Naruma grinned. "All the time."
"I see. So I guess..." Sam's pale little face turned red. "I guess you wanna see me poop my pants, huh?"
"Yeah!" Naruma chuckled.
"Say pretty please!" Sam purred.
"Pretty please?" Naruma stepped forward, put both her hands on Sam's hips, and gave her a kiss. "Pretty please with sugar on top?"
"It took you long enough to do that!" Sam said. "You're a really grood kisser!"
"I know!" Naruma smiled. "So you gonna do it for me, Sammy?"
" goes!" Sam wrinkled her nose and scrunched up her tiny little face. She gasped as she loudly broke wind and poo started to slowly seep into her silky pink panties.
"Show me!" Naruma ordered.
Sam turned around and stuck her butt out. She quickly undid her pants and pulled them down to the bottom of her rump, exposing the sausage shaped bulge that was growing in the seat of her piss soaked panties.
"Good girl." Naruma stepped behind the girl, stroking the poo log that was stretching out the seat of her panties and kissing the back of her lily white neck.
"I-I feel so dirty!" Sam sighed
"Good!" Naruma replied.
"I-it's all out," Sam whispered. "Do I stink?"
"You smell as fresh as a daisy!" Naruma said whilst patting the girl's bottom.
"Um..." Sam turned around with a big grin on her face. "C-can we kiss some more?" Her cheeks went red. She considered herself to be bisexual, but she'd never done much with women before, and the very idea of doing anything sexual with another woman made her giddy, nauseous, and nervous all in one go.
"Sure!" Naruma grabbed Sam by the hips, pulled her close, and gave her another kiss. "Now, you should probably go get cleaned up before the others get back."
A few seconds later, the door to the shop opened. The store was closed for business for the day, so there was no doubt that it was Quantrel and the others. "We're back!" He called out.
"Go. GO!" Naruma gave Sam a peck on the cheek.
"We'll pick up where we left off later tonight!" Sam said with a wink before she ran off to the bathroom in the back of the store.
"Sam pissed her pants again?" Quantrel asked as he noticed the puddle the blonde had left on the floor.
"Yeah. That girl must have the bladder of a mouse." Naruma chuckled. "I'll get it up."
"Nah, I got it." Quantrel sat the food he brought for the girls on the counter. "Go ahead and eat."
"OK." Naruma sat on a stool behind the counter and started eating. A few minutes later, her cell phone rang; it was Mandy. "Hey, baby!" She smiled when she answered the call. "Guess who's coming to dinner?"
The End
Naruma and Mandy will return in Naruma and Mandy Side Story# 5: Mr. Opposite
Naruma and Mandy Side Story #4: Sam's Story
Sri Narada Jagganath, Esq.
Samantha "Sam" Beckett arrived at Atomic Comics at around nine in the morning. The store had acquired a huge collection of comics from a long time comic book enthusiast who'd given up the hobby, and she had to categorize and put prices on all of them. She wasn't doing this task alone: the other employees of the shop were already there, as well as a few long time customers who'd agreed to help out in exchange for a huge discount on their comics. She smiled as she saw one particular customer, a voluptuous brunette sitting on the floor and rummaging through a long box filled with comics from the late 1960's.
Sam snuck up behind the woman and shouted, "BOO!"
The woman, startled by Sam's voice, jumped, scattering a pile of comics that had been on her lap as she did so. "Sam, you fucking bitch!" She chuckled, playfully swinging at the diminutive blonde standing over her.
"I'm sorry; did I scare you, Naruma?" Sam smiled.
"You fucking suck!" Naruma rolled her eyes as she gathered up the fallen comics.
"So, Batman...where's Robin today?" Sam asked.
"Mandy wanted to be here, but she's at the rehearsal for her graduation; she sends her love."
"Aww...she loves me?"
"We both do." Naruma replied with a meaningful expression.
"Shut up." Sam giggled.
"It's true!"
"Yeah, yeah." Sam said with a smirk. "The two of you talk a good game, but when are you gonna woo me already? I'm ready to be wooed, Naruma Anne Miller!"
Naruma turned to Sam, took one of her hands, got down on one knee, and started reciting Shakespeare: "But soft! What light thru yon
window breaks? 'tis the East, and Samantha is the sun!"
"Knock it off." Sam smiled, her dimpled cheeks turning hot pink.
"Is it the moon you want? Just say the word and I'll lasso it down for ya!" Naruma went on, quoting a line from the film 'It's a Wonderful Life.'
"Will you get up from there?" Sam laughed, pulling Naruma to her feet. "Now, come on--we've got work to do!" She didn't let go of Naruma's hand, pulling the girl along with her as she walked up to the counter near the front of the store. She led Naruma behind the counter where there were several long cardboard boxes ('long boxes') filled with old comics. "We need to put each of these in a Mylar sleeve, alphabetize them, and file them in the back issue boxes."
"Yes, Ma'am!" Naruma saluted Sam before she sat cross legged on the floor and started sorting the contents of the box nearest her. "I LOVE the smell of old comics!" She sighed.
"Me too!" Sam beamed as she sat beside Naruma. "It would be cool if some company that caters to geeks like us would make a bodyspray that smells like this."
"They could call it Eał de Dork!" Naruma chuckled.
"Cute." Sam smirked. "Get to work."
A few hours later, a good deal of the comics had been sorted, but there was still quite a bit to go. It was noon by then so Quantrel, one of the store's managers, took everyone out to lunch; Naruma and Sam stayed behind to keep an eye on the store. "I'll bring you guys some burgers," He said.
"I want chicken and waffles!" Sam said.
"Make that two!" Naruma added with a wink.
"Fine." Quantrel rolled his eyes and walked away.
"I've never had that before; I can't wait to taste it!" Sam said.
"Neither can I!" Naruma replied, her eyes locked on Quantrel's butt as he walked out the door.
"Oh, my god--you total whore!" Sam chuckled. "You'll fuck anything with a pulse, won't you?"
"Definitely!" Naruma said with a wink.
"How does Mandy feel about that?" Sam asked as she stood up and stretched.
"She's cool with it--she knows I'm polyamorous. Her only rule is that I tell her about anyone I'm going to fuck around with." Naruma said whilst idly flipping through an old Sabrina the Teenage Witch comic.
"Does she Or join in?" Sam asked.
"She LOVES to watch!" Naruma answered with a naughty grin. "And she'll only have a threesome with me if I bring home another girl; she's not into dudes."
"I see! Maybe I should come over for dinner sometime!" Sam laughed.
"What about tonight?" Naruma said
"I'll have to check my schedule!" Sam smirked.
"Oh, please come!" Naruma pleaded. "We're gonna have a marathon viewing of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine!"
"How could I possibly say no to that?" Sam said. "I love that show!"
At that point, Sam and Naruma started talking about various sci-fi properties. This was a topic that was near and dear to Sam's heart, so she could go on and on about it for ages. She paused every now and then to take a sip from a can of Red Bull; she'd been guzzling energy drinks all morning long. She gradually became aware of her need to pee, but she ignored it, figuring that she could hold it for a little while. Before she knew it, twenty five minutes had flew by and her bladder was begging to be emptied. However, she didn't budge from the spot on the floor near the X-Men comics where she and Naruma were sitting.
"Are you OK, Sam?" Naruma asked when she noticed that Sam was holding her crotch and violently thumping her foot on the floor.
"I'm fine!" Sam said. "Anyway, break time is over; we need to get back to work." The moment she stood up, Sam lost control of her bladder and started wetting herself. "Damn it, not again!" She sighed as her blue jeans were soaked front and back.
"For fuck's sake, Sam!" Naruma giggled as she quickly stood up. This was the sixth time she'd seen Sam wet herself, but the sight was still incredibly arousing. "Those Red Bulls go right through you!"
"I know, right? Jeez, I'm still peeing!" Sam laughed her head off and watched as a puddle formed at her feet.
"Um...maybe you should head to the bathroom? Everyone's gonna be back soon." Naruma said; she didn't attempt to keep the arousal she was feeling out of her voice.
"Fuck 'em; they've seen me in wet jeans before!" Sam smiled. "There, all done!"
Naruma regared Sam for a second before a knowing smile came to her lips. "This wasn't an accident; you wet yourself on purpose, don't you?"
Sam took a deep breath. "I've never admitted this to anyone before. I don't wet myself on purpose, but I do hold my pee in for as long as I can until it...comes out on its own." The girl's cherubic face instantly went red all over. "I love the sensation of holding it for hours and hours! The feeling that I get when I'm uncontrollably wetting myself is practically orgasmic!" She leaned against the counter opposite the X-Men display, shutting her eyes and leaning her head back. "Walking around in wet jeans is so hot--it's the absolute best feeling ever." She raised her head and gave Naruma an inquisitive look. "I'll bet you must think I'm a total freak, don't you?"
"Not at all! Actually, you're not going to believe this, but..." Naruma leaned in and whispered "Mandy and me do this all the time."
"No way!" Sam gasped.
"Yup." Naruma replied with a smile. "There's not a day that goes by without us wetting ourselves."
"Oh. Cool." A massive grin spread across Sam's face. "Ugh, maybe I better hit the bathroom after all--I gotta poop."
"Just do it right here!" Naruma said. "You already pissed your pants, you may as well finish the job."
"That's disgusting! Who would ever do something like--" Sam's eyes opened wide and one of her hands flew to her lips. "Oh my gosh--don't tell me: you and Mandy do that, too?"
"Yup!" Naruma grinned. "All the time."
"I see. So I guess..." Sam's pale little face turned red. "I guess you wanna see me poop my pants, huh?"
"Yeah!" Naruma chuckled.
"Say pretty please!" Sam purred.
"Pretty please?" Naruma stepped forward, put both her hands on Sam's hips, and gave her a kiss. "Pretty please with sugar on top?"
"It took you long enough to do that!" Sam said. "You're a really grood kisser!"
"I know!" Naruma smiled. "So you gonna do it for me, Sammy?"
" goes!" Sam wrinkled her nose and scrunched up her tiny little face. She gasped as she loudly broke wind and poo started to slowly seep into her silky pink panties.
"Show me!" Naruma ordered.
Sam turned around and stuck her butt out. She quickly undid her pants and pulled them down to the bottom of her rump, exposing the sausage shaped bulge that was growing in the seat of her piss soaked panties.
"Good girl." Naruma stepped behind the girl, stroking the poo log that was stretching out the seat of her panties and kissing the back of her lily white neck.
"I-I feel so dirty!" Sam sighed
"Good!" Naruma replied.
"I-it's all out," Sam whispered. "Do I stink?"
"You smell as fresh as a daisy!" Naruma said whilst patting the girl's bottom.
"Um..." Sam turned around with a big grin on her face. "C-can we kiss some more?" Her cheeks went red. She considered herself to be bisexual, but she'd never done much with women before, and the very idea of doing anything sexual with another woman made her giddy, nauseous, and nervous all in one go.
"Sure!" Naruma grabbed Sam by the hips, pulled her close, and gave her another kiss. "Now, you should probably go get cleaned up before the others get back."
A few seconds later, the door to the shop opened. The store was closed for business for the day, so there was no doubt that it was Quantrel and the others. "We're back!" He called out.
"Go. GO!" Naruma gave Sam a peck on the cheek.
"We'll pick up where we left off later tonight!" Sam said with a wink before she ran off to the bathroom in the back of the store.
"Sam pissed her pants again?" Quantrel asked as he noticed the puddle the blonde had left on the floor.
"Yeah. That girl must have the bladder of a mouse." Naruma chuckled. "I'll get it up."
"Nah, I got it." Quantrel sat the food he brought for the girls on the counter. "Go ahead and eat."
"OK." Naruma sat on a stool behind the counter and started eating. A few minutes later, her cell phone rang; it was Mandy. "Hey, baby!" She smiled when she answered the call. "Guess who's coming to dinner?"
The End
Naruma and Mandy will return in Naruma and Mandy Side Story# 5: Mr. Opposite