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Pampers and Pom-Poms (story)

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  • Pampers and Pom-Poms (story)

    Got a request to re-post this story as it's been deleted for some reason. All characters who engage in sexual activity in the following tale are of legal, consensual age

    Pampers and Pom-Poms Part 1: Cheer Nazi


    Shri Narada Jagganath, Esq.

    “Why are you late?”

    Corsicana “Cory” Summers trembled as she stared into the face of the captain of the Kirby High cheerleading squad, Kanika Parker. The senior girl was a French braided, full-figured beauty: if one was to put her in a room with Tyra Banks, Beyonce, and Naomi Campbell, she would put them all to shame. “Well?” she asked.

    Cory was totally intimidated by Kanika, not just because she was a senior (Cory was a sophomore) and hot as shit; she also had a bit of a crush on her. “I-I had a surprise quiz in English Lit,” Cory stammered.

    “Cor, you know cheer-girls are allowed to leave class early for practice!” Kanika sighed. “Where the hell’s your uniform?”

    “I-in my bag,” Cory muttered. “I ran straight here and didn’t have time to change into it.”

    “Go get changed.” Kanika ordered.

    “O-ok!” Cory said and ran towards the gymnasium’s exit.

    “CORSICANA!” Cory froze dead in her tracks and whirled around to see Kanika stomping after her. “Where are you going?”

    “T-to the locker room.”


    “T-to change into my uniform.”

    “You don’t need to do that; change in here.”

    Cory instantly went red all over. “Kanika...I can’t!”

    “Why the hell not?”

    “I’m not wearing panties or a bra,” the girl whispered. “I never do.” Shit, why did I tell her that last bit? She thought. Now she probably thinks I’m a total slut!

    “Just change, Cory!” Kanika replied exasperatedly.


    “Cor, we’re all girls here. Each one of us has got the same things you have.”

    “I have a little bit more than her!” Lina Fujimoto, a big breasted freshman added.

    “Your dad totally brought those for you,” Elika, another member of the squad, jeered as she poked Lina’s left boob.

    “Fuck you!” Lina giggled.

    “Will you two shut the fuck up?” Kanika snapped, and then turned back to Cory. “Look, it’s not really that big of a deal, Cor.”


    “Fine! We’ve wasted enough time waiting on you. Girls, go get warmed up. Cory, if you leave this gym, don’t bother coming back.” Kanika turned to join the other girls.

    “Wait! Ok, ok, I’ll change here. Fuck!”

    “Take it off! Take it ALL off!” Jessica Jitney, a busty blonde, jeered, causing a ripple of laughter to spread through the squad.

    Cory gulped and quickly pulled her t-shirt off. The rush of cold air instantly made the pink nipples on her small breasts harden. She quickly unbuttoned her jeans and yanked them down.

    “Nice bush!” one of the nearby girls shouted. Cory didn’t like shaving “down there,” so her pubic mound was covered with curly black hairs. The girl was now naked except for her white tennis shoes and socks. A few of the girls applauded and whistled at the impromptu strip show; a few even waved fanned out dollar bills at her.

    “Knock it off,” Kanika hissed. As Cory rummaged in her bag for her uni, she noticed a cute girl with short platinum blonde hair and light gray eyes staring at her. The blondes name was Surana Jones--she was also a sophomore and had been hitting on Cory like crazy lately. Another girl, a chubby redhead named Deanna, was also running her lust-filled green eyes over Cory’s naked form.

    “She’s so fucking pretty!” Deanna squealed. “Doesn’t she look just like a younger Katy Perry?”

    “She looks more like that porn star Sasha Grey to me,” Surana replied while winking at Cory. “I wonder if she’s single.”

    Cory blushed and stepped into her dark blue mini-skirt with attached panties. Next, she put on her sleeveless jersey, which was white with a dark blue stripe extending from shoulder to shoulder. Beneath that, the word “Cougars” was written in pale blue. Cory sighed resignedly and joined the other girls, taking a spot next to Surana. “Kanika was right: it wasn’t really a big deal changing in front of us, you know?” Surana smiled. “No need to be shy: we’ve all seen you naked in the locker room lots of times! By the way, you really have a great body, Cor.”

    “T-thanks,” Cory replied as she tied her long black hair into a ponytail. “Yours ain’t so bad, either!”

    “If you ever want to see more of it, just let me know!” Surana sibilated.

    “If you’re done flirting with the new girl, Sura, I’d like to start practice now!” Kanika sneered.

    “Fuckin’ dykes,” one of the girls shouted, causing the entire squad to erupt with laughter

    “Kiss my ass, you homophobic bitches!” Surana merrily screeched whilst saluting the squad with both of her middle fingers. This elicited a further outburst of laughter, after which practice began in earnest. As usual, Kanika drilled the squad relentlessly until the girls had all their moves down pat. Before joining the squad, Cory had heard Kanika referred to as The Cheer Nazi and laughed. Now, after a week and a half of experiencing the woman’s dictatorial leadership, she realized that the nickname was entirely apt. Thirty minutes into practice, Cory had to go to the bathroom. She tried to hold it in, but all the jumping, booty shaking, pelvic thrusts, and splits she was doing made it well-nigh impossible.
    One move required her to stretch her leg over her head and hold it there for a second, causing her to silently break wind and piss herself. “Damn it!” she swore, grateful that her wet panties were hidden by her skirt. “Um...time out?”

    “What is it?” Kanika asked whilst rolling her eyes.

    “I gotta use it! Bad!” Cory whined.

    “You should have gone before practice.”

    “I didn’t need to go then!”

    “Well, you need to hold it for a few more minutes,” Kanika coldly replied. “We’re almost done.”

    “Fuckin’ Cheer Nazi,” Cory muttered.

    “You should know Nika’s rule by now: go to the bathroom before or after practice, not during,” Surana said as Cory came to stand beside her. All the girls were surrounding Kanika and watching as she demonstrated a new move. “Believe it or not, she’s usually a pretty sweet girl. We’re friends, believe it or not. It’s just that when she puts on that fucking uniform, she goes all Jekyll ‘N’ Hyde. She’s gone mad with power.”

    “Absolute power corrupts abso-fucking-lutely,” Cory sighed while rubbing her grumbling tummy.

    Kanika repeated the routine twice before ending practice. “I want you all to work on that routine at home,” she panted and then added with a smile, “Now hit the showers, you sweaty ass bitches!”

    Cory lagged behind the gaggle of giggly, gossiping girls as they left the gym, desperate to keep them from smelling the feculent eruptions coming from her ass. When she finally reached the ladies room, there was a long line of her teammates standing in front of the door, each holding their crotches and doing the “pee-pee dance”. “Fuck!” Cory growled. She went to use the adjacent men’s room, but she was quickly dissuaded from that course of action by the vile stench emanating from the place. “Eww! Boys are so fucking gross!” she grimaced seconds before a large group of girls pushed her aside and entered the men’s room.

    “Move it, newbie, unless you wanna get pissed on!” Mallory, a pretty brunette, grunted as she entered the lavatory.

    Before the door swung shut, Cory briefly glimpsed her fellow cheerleaders hiking up their skirts and pissing into the huge floor mounted urinals while standing up! One girl squatted over a urinal and voided her bowels into it! A few got on top of the sinks to do their business, urinating and defecating in them at the same time!

    “What the fuck…?” Cory briefly considered joining them before the line in front of the women’s room split in half and got in front of her; there was now an equal amount of girls in front of both restrooms. “FUCK!!” Cory hissed and headed for the ladies room on the next floor. She halted at the second floor landing and gripped her tummy; her gut was on fire! She knew she couldn’t take another step without soiling herself. “Oh god, I’m totally going to shit myself!” she whispered in a small, disbelieving voice. Tears came to her eyes with that realization--she hadn’t had an accident since she was nine! To her horror, she could already feel the hot mush forcing itself out of her butt along with a warm deluge gushing from her
    womanhood. Her face flushed with shame, Cory sank to her knees and allowed nature to take its course.

    “Cory? What’s the matter? Are you ok?”

    The raven-haired girl wiped her tears away and looked up into Surana’s concerned face. “Go away!” Cory sobbed. “I don’t want you to see me like this!” She gritted her teeth and clamped down, desperate to keep from messing herself in front of a girl she was coming to like a great deal.

    “What the hell are you talking a--oh.” Surana’s nose wrinkled as she smelled the mess Cory had made in her cheer panties. “You know, Kanika’s bathroom rule doesn’t work for me, either. I have a very small bladder and, between you and me, I shit like a horse!”
    Cory giggled and temporarily lost what little control she had left, expelling waste from both her beleaguered cunny and butthole.
    ”W-why are you telling me this?” she gasped as a great deal of wet, sticky poop silently oozed out of her tightly clenched anus.

    “I’ve had near accidents due to Kanika’s potty rules, too. Let me show you how me and a few of the other girls on the squad deal with the situation you find yourself in.” Surana yanked down her skirt and panties, revealing a white diaper beneath them!

    Cory put a hand to her lips to stifle her gasp of amazement. “Y-you wear diapers?”

    “Shhh--! Keep it down!” Surana chided. “I only wear ‘em on the days we have practice-or when I feel like being naughty! You know who else wears ‘em? Kanika!”

    “Shut. Up!” A huge grin spread across Cory’s face.

    “It’s true! She’s the one who got me into wearing them. I told you we’re friends.”

    “How close?”

    “VERY close.” Surana grinned. “We got a friends with benefits thing goin’ on. Jealous?”

    “M-maybe.” Cory blushed and toyed with her hair. “This is way too much info to process! Gimmie all the deets!”

    “Later. You look like you’re about to burst, sweetie. Here.” Surana quickly unfastened her diaper and handed it to Cory. “Its still good: I only peed in it a little.”

    “W-what the fuck am I supposed to do with this?” Cory confusedly asked, her eyes darting between the diaper and the platinum blonde tuft of hairs crowning Surana’s cunny.

    “You’re supposed to wear it, silly!” Surana chuckled. “Stop staring at my pussy and put it on!”

    “B-but...I haven’t worn one of these since I was three!” Cory replied as she turned the used diaper over and over in her hands.
    The heady aroma of Surana’s womanhood clung to it, mingling with the musky scent of her piss; the smell made Cory hornier than hell.

    “Oh, for fucks sake! Stand up!” Surana grabbed Cory under her arms and raised the girl to her feet. She then snatched down the girl’s cheerleader skirt and panties; the seat of the latter was coated with a thick, mushy layer of shit. “Step out of those,” Surana ordered, getting her second look of the day at Cory’s cunt.

    Cory did as she was told, after which Surana fastened the used diaper around the brunette’s waist. She shuddered as the piss sodden material pressed against her pink folds. “COLD!” she shrieked, and then she giggled. “This is so fucking weird.”

    “Weird in a good way?” Surana asked hopefully.

    “VERY good!” Cory sighed as she began to let the remainder of her piss flow into the diaper.

    “Hey! Cover up.” Surana, who had been standing there with her skirt and panties around her ankles, kicked them off and handed them to Cory. “Put these on before one of those stupid boys sees you.” The school was practically empty, but there were after school programs with tons of idiotic teenaged boys...they could hear them joking about in a nearby classroom.

    “What will you wear?” Cory asked through gritted teeth as her bowels let loose and filled the diaper with goopy, foul smelling shit.

    Surana responded to Cory s question by picking up Cory s shitty panties(which were attached to her cheerleader skirt) and slipping them on! Her eyes widened as her ass encountered the cold shit; she soon snapped them shut, bit her bottom lip, and made a low, throaty moan.

    “You totally get off this kind of thing, don’t you?” Cory gasped as she filled the diaper with the last of her feces.

    Surana once again let her actions speak for her. She picked up a small turd that had fallen from Cory’s ass seconds ago and rubbed it on her mouth like lipstick! She then ran her tongue over her lips, lapping up the filthy brown mush.

    “You’re such a dirty girl!” Cory exulted as she pulled on the cheer skirt and panties Surana had given her. “I love it!”

    “Really?” Surana asked with a smile.

    “Really!” Cory pulled the blonde toward her and gave her a kiss, her heart pounding fiercely as she tasted her own excreta on Surana’s lips. “All of my other girlfriends have been so fucking bland and vanilla, you know? I need someone who’s just as kinky as I am to really get me going..looks like I found what I was looking for!”

    “Is that your way of asking me out?” Surana cooed.

    “What do you think?” Cory smirked before giving the blonde another kiss. Without another word, the two girls ran hand in hand toward the stairs and didn’t stop running until they were outside in Cory’s car. As they sped off for an afternoon of debauchery, they failed to notice Kanika glaring after them from the staircase: she had been spying on the two girls the entire time, and she didn’t seem to be pleased at all…
    Last edited by Narada; October 28, 2014, 07:43 AM.

  • #2
    I missed this series Can't wait to see the other parts!!!

