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Lurker Roll Call

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  • #31
    long timer

    been here a long time don't have fast enough internet to post pics and vids but do manage to pee and poop my pants often


    • #32
      I'm still here but usually just check it out and then leave again. It's all just video links, and my personal stories no longer interest anyone. Now and then I respond to the rare personal story that does show up, just to encourage the writer to keep going.


      • #33
        I'd much rather hear your stories Maria!


        • #34
          Stories used to get a decent response here,but nowadays you can labor for several days over a story and you can expect to get maybe two responses.After a while it just wasn't worth it to me anymore.


          • #35
            I miss your stories

            Originally posted by Maria
            Stories used to get a decent response here,but nowadays you can labor for several days over a story and you can expect to get maybe two responses.After a while it just wasn't worth it to me anymore.
            And I miss you and your wit, humor and well you.


            • #36
              Maria, Sorry, but I seldom comment. . . .I ALWAYS enjoy your stories, especially with the "vintage" clothing. . .haha. Seriously, please tell us more, especially with you in full cut panties or control briefs. You are definitely classy!


              • #37
                I guess I’m guilty of that. Ive been here about 25 years and rarely comment. I enjoy your stories a lot Maria.


                • #38
                  I've been here since the old forums. I think I really preferred the old forum format. I still come here for stories and pictures.


                  • #39
                    I'm a lurker too !

                    Originally posted by Maria
                    I'm still here but usually just check it out and then leave again. It's all just video links, and my personal stories no longer interest anyone. Now and then I respond to the rare personal story that does show up, just to encourage the writer to keep going.

                    I'm a lurker, but... mayyyybee you should start a tumblr ?


                    • #40
                      I'm a lurker, but I'm a huge fan of your stories Maria

                      Will try to respond to content I like in the future, doesn't cost a thing.


                      • #41
                        Always a lurker here and for what it's worth your stories Maria send me to instant chubby haha.


                        • #42

                          Originally posted by Maria
                          I'm still here but usually just check it out and then leave again. It's all just video links, and my personal stories no longer interest anyone. Now and then I respond to the rare personal story that does show up, just to encourage the writer to keep going.
                          Maria, I too have enjoyed your stories over the years. My favorite story of yours was written years ago when you told us about when you would go to disco clubs in the 1970's and stage accidents. Please realize that your posts are NOT a waste of time. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences.


                          • #43
                            Holy shit.. the Maria. You're stories have been the subject of my fantasys since I was a teenager. I've been lurking on these boards going on 20 years now. The one that sticks out to me the most was the staged accident in front of the teenage neighbor. I fantasized so many times of being that neighbor. I understand if you don't like posting anymore b/c it doesn't feel as rewarding as it used to. Attentions spans have significantly shrunk since then and people just don't take time to appreciate work like this as much b/c of the overload of sexual stimulus available at your fingertips. Just know you're appreciated.


                            • #44
                              I was regular poster then laptop died in January............................ i have access again so i hope to post regularly again!!!!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by M_F
                                I was regular poster then laptop died in January............................ i have access again so i hope to post regularly again!!!!

