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The Late Night Grocery Store

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  • The Late Night Grocery Store

    The Late Night Grocery

    I'm going to try and recall this one in some detail. I originally wrote down everything and filed it, but for the life of me, I don't know where.

    I had a really good summer job while I was finishing my college education. It was seniority based and since I was low man, I needed to work swing shift. I worked seven days a week 3 till 11 or longer and made a lot of money. I was able to graduate without debt. It was a big deal even then.

    Anyway, by 11 PM during the summer there wasn't much going on and if I had nothing to do would stop in at a fairly large all night grocery store near the River Party Site. I could check out the magazines while also checking out the customers that were stopping in to get more beer or wine. Couples, usually young and barely twenty one were coming in to get more of what ever they had been drinking. I'm sure many were inebriated from some party or get together and were just getting more before going off for some real fun. I loved the place because it was late at night and I saw several women that had obviously wet their pants. A couple were conscious of their wet pants, others didn't seem to care. All entered the store anyway and once, I saw one cute, tall, slim brunet in snug fitting yellow corduroy jeans leave a car full of friends and come in for a case of beer. She had peed all down the insides of her pants legs. She quickly bought the beer and left. What a sight.

    Another time around midnight, a couple in their mid twenties came in for beer and snacks. I couldn't help but check her out, primarily because she was wearing dark glasses. It was midnight. Next, I noticed that she was kind of shoddily dressed in a loose fitting white blouse and a very tight pair of faded red and white short shorts with sandals. I was also attracted to her nice round butt. She'd also quite obviously peed in those short shorts. Her butt was wet in a semi circle reaching out a couple of inches from a very obvious double lined pantie crotch. The stain in front was not very large and I guess just covered where her lined panty crotch cupped her puss. She knew that anyone looking at her ass would have no doubt that she'd peed in her pants, thus the sunglasses. The guy with her watched her as she picked out a few snacks and a six pack but really didn't seem to care that she'd peed in her pants.

    I couldn't take my eyes away from her rear and left for the parking lot as they collected their snacks and beer. I followed them out, where they got into a Triumph sports car. She squeezed into the passenger seat. I can only surmise that she must have peed in her panties and short shorts while sitting their on the way to the store. I can only imagine.

    Great sighting and could not tear my eyes away from her wet ass while she shopped and then while standing in line at the check stand.

    Thanks for the memory.

  • #2
    In the days when my wife and I ran a B & B in the English countryside I often came across wet knickers in the course of making up beds or cleaning rooms. I always reckoned that you could tell the difference between a stand-up wetting and a sitting-down one by the size and position of the stain. If the wet mark went an equal distance up both front and back of the garments it was a good bet that the lady concerned had done it standing up, but if the mark extended over the whole rear, with just a little bit up the front, then she would have done it sitting, possibly on the toilet (a thought which particularly made me horny).

    On one occasion, when we had an attractive lady in her sixties staying with us, I thought I was alone in the house and went for a shower mid-afternoon. On coming out I was wearing just a brief pair of clean cotton pants and bumped into the lady in the passage. I was most embarrassed, but she did not seem to be and carried on a conversation with me while my cock began to rise inside my pants. She evidently noticed this, for she kept glancing down at my crotch, which made matters worse. I apologised for my state of undress and she said she was used to seeing her son and husband in a similar state. Eventually I managed to escape and got dressed, but not before having to relieve myself and change my pants again. While doing so I heard her go into the bathroom and lower the toilet seat.

    Later that day I went to her bedroom to draw the curtains and to turn back the bed linen. When I entered I found a pair of white nylon panties on the floor. They had been completely soaked and the gusset was also sticky with her juices. I believe she had gone to the toilet and masturbated while sitting down, probably finishing off by wetting her panties. Needless to say, my second pair of clean pants had to be changed soon after.

