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Story by Dawn

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  • Story by Dawn

    The following was written by Dawn, one of my favorite contributors to Sprinkle's story page. I hope you enjoy it.

    During a party at the weekend I got that sudden compelling rush that told me "I gotta go". The house had three bathrooms. The first I tried was occupied, the second was too (though I was sure I heard sounds from inside that suggested that there was more than peeing going on) and the third, upstairs, also had someone inside. All that rushing from one place to another only made me more desperate so I sneaked through an adjoining door into one of the bedrooms. I still had my large wine glass in my hand so I gulped down the remaining red wine, hitched up my skirt and pulled my panties to one side. I hurriedly placed the glass against my pussy and my pee shot out, gushing and splashing into the glass. The relief was intense but it was obvious that the glass was not going to hold all my stream. I looked around the room and to my left was a chest with a potted plant on top. Having managed to stop peeing, I staggered towards the plant still holding the glass between my legs (I must have looked a sight!). I poured the contents of the glass into the pot and quickly placed the glass back against my pussy. Having held back my flow, it took a few moments to get it going again but soon I was dribbling piss into the glass once more until the pressure had eased enough to stop. I looked at the just over half full glass of what now looked like white sparking wine and was about to pour it into the plant pot when I decided it looked too good to waste so I drank it quickly, adjusted my clothing, opened the door a little to see that nobody was about and went back out. I noticed the bathroom door was now open so I went in and locked the door. I sat on the pan and relaxed and sure enough my bladder was able to offer up the last of its contents. I opened my legs wide and as the last of my pee flowed from me I put my fingers into the stream and began to gently rub my pussy. I love the feeling when I pee and use my fingers at the same time to spread the wetness all around my pussy lips and clit. I was becoming quite aroused and this was the state I wanted to be in when I rejoined the party. Men can sense when a woman is turned on (must be the giving off of pheromones) and I had every intention of bedding one man in particular I had been talking to earlier in the evening. I had to wash up and this bathroom had a bidet which was perfect. A quick clean up and drying off of my now swollen pussy and I was ready to go to work. I left my “used” glass unwashed on the shelf and returned to the party. When I got downstairs the man I had set my sights on came over and said he had been wondering where I had got to. The night ended the way I hoped it would.

  • #2
    Here's another great story by Dawn.

    I was in the city doing what I love most– shopping for new clothes. I should explain that I am a mature professional business woman who has a secret passion for peeing in public places. I have only had one male friend who shared my infatuation with pee and during our lengthy relationship we did everything, and I mean everything! I used to love the feeling of his hot stream jetting deep inside my pussy then cascading out again and running between my legs. When we were on holiday (usually in Europe), him in shorts and me in a mini skirt and no panties, I used to sit on his knee in public places and let go my warm stream all over him. Often he would sneak his hand up between my legs at the same time and rub my clit until I came all over his fingers. Sometimes he would take out his dick and under cover of my skirt, he would shoot his stream of hot piss directly onto my pussy. We rarely used a toilet and drank copiously from each other whenever the opportunity presented itself. Unfortunately a job offer came up which I could not refuse and I had to move far away from him. My present partner is not shy of pissing in each other’s presence but draws a line at contact watersports. Anyway, back to my shopping trip. It was a Friday afternoon and after a very dull meeting I decided on some shopping therapy. I was in such a hurry to get away from the others at the meeting in case a post mortem of the outcome began, that I forgot to go to the toilet. As I rushed out of the building a realised that my bladder was full and I was going to have to pee soon. My mind went into overdrive as I thought of ways I could relive myself. One of my favourite stores was quite nearby and I made my way there first. I had on a previous occasion peed in their ladies changing room in the pretence of trying on a dress but that was not exciting enough. I made my way first to the toilet where I checked my make up and quickly removed my panties from under my skirt and stuffed them into my bag. Then I proceeded to the area where ladies suits were on display. I was getting pretty desperate by now but tried to walk straight without giving the game away. I knew there were ceiling cameras in the store so I chose a position where I was partly shielded by racks of clothes. At random I unhooked a suit jacket from the rack and studied it while a splayed my bare legs as far as I dare. The risk of someone coming close by and seeing me caused me to tense up and I could not release my stream. I had to relax so I concentrated more on the jacket in my hands. My body began to relax and I could feel my bladder begin to ease and the first trickle of piss came out and ran down the inside of my leg. I moved position and chose another jacket to look at and suddenly I felt that rush of excitement as my stream gushed from my pee hole and splashed onto the carpet below. It was so intense that it was splashing onto my shoes and I was aware of the sound that I was making. I had to stop the flow so I contracted my muscles as best I could and had to move to another position in case I was beginning to look suspicious. Little rivulets of pee were still running down my legs and I could not hold on to the rest of my bladder content much longer. I shifted over to another area of the store where long skirts were hanging and when I thought I was out of sight, I again let go. I realised that I was now standing on a hard surfaced area but the relief was such that I no longer cared and simply pissed hard forcing the hot steam from between my pussy lips. I was now soaking the front of my dark skirt and making a huge puddle as my pee cascaded from the material to the floor. I thought it was never going to stop. When it did, I held the long skirt in front of me as I went over to the dressing room and into a cubicle pretending to try it on. I removed my own skirt and using the inside of the new skirt, dried my pussy and legs. I knew then I had to bring myself off so my fingers began to rub my already swollen clit. I dipped two fingers inside my already slick pussy and spread the wetness all over my lips as I rubbed harder and faster until my legs gave way and a massive orgasm over took me. I was exhausted yet completely satisfied. I again used the inside of the new skirt to wipe myself and shoes dry, put on my dry panties then my own skirt. Close inspection would reveal the wet stain down the front but I guessed nobody would notice and I would use my bag to cover most of it as I left the store. I hung the new skirt on the unwanted rail at the entrance to the dressing room saying to the assistant “It’s not quite me” and left. I purposely walked along by skirt rails on my way out and could not believe the size of the puddle of piss I had left there.


    • #3
      Yet another wet tale from Dawn...

      I was at a drinks party at the weekend and met an old flame who became one of my best friends. We spent a long time chatting then mingled separately before getting together again much later. About 2am the party was beginning to break up and Malcolm asked if would like to spend the night at his place. As transport had been laid on, we got one of the cars to take us the short distance back to his house. Malcolm and his wife had split up a few years ago and he had never settled with another permanent partner.

      We sat drinking coffee cuddled up on the couch for quite a time then he took me by the hand and led me to his bed. I knew from the start we would have sex that night and somehow there seemed no rush. We slowly stripped each other’s clothes off and made love before falling asleep in each other’s arms. Sex with Malcolm (other than on the first occasion) has never been like that electrically charged, exciting and desperate need to fuck, type of situation that I love so much. It is more of an easy close relationship with a lovely man. He does not indulge in anything other than straight and oral sex.

      We woke the next morning, showered and had a late breakfast. We sat talking for a quite a while and drinking lots of coffee. Malcolm offered to drive me home around lunch as he had arranged to go clay pigeon shooting later.

      We had been on the road about 20 mins when we came to a complete standstill on a dual carriageway. We could not see far enough ahead (even from the height of his Range Rover) to discover what the problem was, but Malcolm switched on the traffic news on his radio and we heard the hold up was due to an accident. Obviously we could not turn around so we just had to sit there. It must have been another 30 mins or so when Malcolm said he wished he had not consumed so much coffee as he would have to pee soon. After a short time I could sense he was becoming agitated and I asked if he had something he could pee into. He explained that his car had been valeted only 2 days ago and there was nothing he could use. Another 10 mins went by and he was getting really desperate. I had to help him in his predicament so I said “I have something you can use to pee into”. He looked at me anxiously and said “What?” I smiled and said “My mouth”. “Very funny” he said bitingly. “I am being serious,” I replied, “have you another idea?” Malcolm stuttered “But .. I mean …….you can’t?????” I leaned across and began to unzip his trousers and told him to slip them and his pants down to his knees. He muttered something about not believing this was happening but followed my instructions. We were in a position and high enough up that nobody in the cars around us would see what was happening. Malcolm’s windows also had a deep tint. The centre console between us was a bit in the way but I managed to position myself so my mouth reached his cock. As I took it in my hand it was already swelling and I told him not to let too much out at once or we would both get soaked. I took him into my mouth and waited. Nothing was coming out! All that was happening was his cock was getting stiffer. I did not want to pull away and say anything so I kept very still. After what seemed like good a couple of minutes, I received my first mouthful of hot pee. I quickly swallowed it and it filled up again. Malcolm was in full flow now and I had difficulty drinking his piss quickly enough. I gulped it all down as fast as I could and eventually, as his stream waned, I could feel his cock growing in my mouth and he was very quickly rock hard. I sucked on it and then broke away as I felt the car begin to move slowly forwards. Malcolm said “I don’t believe you just did that and now look at the state of me” His glistening wet cock was sticking up like a flag pole. The traffic was at a halt again but I could see some movement ahead. Uncomfortable though it was, I leaned over him once again and took his cock in hand and began to masturbate him. The head of his cock was deep purple/red and fiery and began oozing pre-cum. I used long strokes, peeling his foreskin back and forth as his sticky juice leaked out wetting my fingers. I could feel him tense so I replaced my hand with my mouth and he pushed up from his seat forcing his cock deep into my eager mouth. I simply love the taste of pre-cum and can never get enough of it. I used my mouth, tongue and lips to wank him hard and was soon rewarded with a mouthful of hot spunk spurting from his throbbing cock. I swallowed every drop and sucked him dry before sitting back on my own seat again. What a lovely appetizer to lunch!

      Eventually the traffic moved slowly in single file, Malcolm pulled up his pants again and I was driven home.

