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Small but true

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  • Small but true

    Today I had something to do at uni campus. The weather was hot, and many students were outside, enjoying the sun. Very close to where I was, there were also two good-looking female students of about 22 (I guess), sitting on a bench, talking and laughing all the time. Not that uncommon, but suddenly one of the girls got up and started to pace up and down, continuing her conversation with her friend. She did not appear to be too nervous but did not stand still from then on, not even for a second. I was a little intrigued... Either she did not have to go or she had a very good control over her movements, apart from the fact that she kept on the move all the time. I really was uncertain about what was going on, but anyway it was fun to watch her, a really attractive blond slim girl. But her friend knew! She suddenly said, giggling, "If I were you, I think I'd go now!" The blonde innocently said, "Where? Why?", and continued drawing her circles and pacing to and fro. The other one grinned but did not deepen the subject, they continued talking about other topics. Not before long, however, the blonde just walked away briskly, without making any comment about it. Her friend did not look surprised but watched her hurrying off, with an amused smile. The toilets were near-by, and in fact the blonde quickly walked over to the Ladies.

    No, she did not pee her jeans, and she did not even hold herself or fidget, apart from what I described. But I felt turned on. Desperation for real... And obviously used to get desperate, knowing the exact moment where she had to leave for the toilet. Furthermore, the behavior of her understanding friend - to me, a sexy atmosphere.

    People who are used to strong porno stuff will yawn now and call it a "lame story". Maybe they are right, but it was real life, no invention or dream. I love the idea that this stunning girl probably has a habit of holding back her pee by "casually" pacing up and down, continuously, and will wait until she knows she can't hide it any longer - and her friend knows this.

    Is this a common every day scene? Do little incidents like this happen all the time?

  • #2
    It's probably more common than many think. I've known a number of girls/women throughout the years who would put it off till the last possible moment b/c they hated using restrooms, especially in public.


    • #3
      I enjoyed reading your story, even though nothing exciting happened. It's definitely not a lame story for me. I love how some women leave their visits to the toilet until the last minute.

      I used to work with a woman many years ago, and she admitted to me she loved the feeling of a full bladder. She was always telling people she needed to pee, and on a few occasions, I was lucky enough to watch her hold herself. I really do wish I had pursued her now! One of my biggest regrets.

      I've also corresponded with a couple of women who have admitted to leaving their toilet visits until the last minute when they're bursting. They love the feeling of a full bladder and deliberately hold their pee in. It's such a turn on for me to hear their stories.

      If I were to witness a sighting like yours, I would have been turned on as well, though it wouldn't merit any attention from the vast majority of people. I just wish I could see more sightings like these!


      • #4
        A couple of years ago I went in the grocery store to buy beer and a few other odds and ends. When finished, I headed toward the front.

        Only one check-out line was open and as I was heading towards it, I noticed that the girl cashier (who looked to be about 18) was walking away. When she saw me, she got a terribly anguished look on her face then turned around and went back to the cash register to ring me up.

        As she did, her look of anguish continued and she began rocking back and forth, standing on one leg, then the other. I realized that she must have really had to pee and had been heading to the ladies' room when she saw me.

        As soon as I finished and paid, she reached up and turned off the "register open" light for that lane then quickly headed toward the bathrooms, almost running.

        Hindsight is 20/20 and as I was walking out to the car, I thought "why in the world didn't I fumble around, drop my keys, drop my wallet, act like I couldn't find the debit card, etc?" It would have been mean but if I had, I bet she'd have completely soaked herself.


        • #5
          Originally posted by poopy_dipes
          Hindsight is 20/20 and as I was walking out to the car, I thought "why in the world didn't I fumble around, drop my keys, drop my wallet, act like I couldn't find the debit card, etc?" It would have been mean but if I had, I bet she'd have completely soaked herself.
          Now see, I think exploiting other peoples' misery for your own personal pleasure is just wrong.


          • #6
            You're right. As much as I'd have loved to have seen it, I'd have hated for her to do that in front of her co-workers and possibly have gotten fired.

            And honestly, in terms of jerk-off material, just imagining her doing it was almost as good as if she really had. Maybe even better because I can now imagine all the different possibilities e.g. she's fired and I find her sitting outside and console her and end up taking her home to change her wet panties, she also poops in them, I convince her she needs to wear diapers, etc.

            As Paul Simon said in "Kodachrome" nothing can ever "match my sweet imagination."


            • #7
              Now see, this kind of storytelling and conversation never would have been possible on the old flame board. Very good.

              Though the colour is still a drag and a pain in the eye. ;-)

