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The movie 'Frozen'

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  • The movie 'Frozen'

    I heard there was a scene in 'Frozen' where the lead female character wets herself while they're stuck on the ski lift.

    I love pee/wetting scenes in movies but, peeing aside, is it a good movie that's worth renting? Thanks in advance for your replies.

  • #2
    I've seen bits and pieces on TV. Neither the wetting scene nor the rest that I saw did anything for me.


    • #3
      Don't waste your money. The movie is absolutely horrible.


      • #4
        Originally posted by DeltaFoxtrot
        Don't waste your money. The movie is absolutely horrible.

        Matter of opinion. *shrug* My wife and I enjoyed the movie quite a lot. It wasn't particularly original or realistic, but for a low-budget suspense thriller, it wasn't bad at all.

        I wouldn't necessarily recommend buying it, but it is certainly worth a rental or a download.


        • #5
          Wetting from frozen




          • #6
            Thanks for the link to the peeing scene. However, the fact that she was crying really ruined it for me. Perhaps some still liked it. Different strokes for different folks, right? I still plan on seeing the movie.


            • #7
              Ski Lift Wetting

              Like 2prnot2p said, her crying kind of took away from it. The actress might have played it a little less dramatically, or in a different direction. Still, the wetting was good. Pretty girl, shapely bum and legs, and liked the white jeans and the shot of her crotch as she was peeing. Wondering if the actress actually peed in her pants or was it staged with her sitting on a tube connected to a water source off camera. Didn't look much different than water, not pee. Gives food for thought and fantasy anyway. Hey, she peed her pants, good enough!


              • #8
                Originally posted by northerner
                Like 2prnot2p said, her crying kind of took away from it. The actress might have played it a little less dramatically, or in a different direction. Still, the wetting was good. Pretty girl, shapely bum and legs, and liked the white jeans and the shot of her crotch as she was peeing. Wondering if the actress actually peed in her pants or was it staged with her sitting on a tube connected to a water source off camera. Didn't look much different than water, not pee. Gives food for thought and fantasy anyway. Hey, she peed her pants, good enough!

                There was no off-camera water source. The director has stated in numerous interviews that the actors were suspended on a real ski lift, hundreds of feet above the ground, for up to eight hours at a time during filming. No green screens were used for the height shots; they were all filmed from nearby lift chairs rigged to support the cameraman.

                This doesn't necessarily mean that the peeing was real, but he has stated in interviews that the filming was grueling and arduous for the performers, since it was extremely cold at that altitude and they were taken down only for meal breaks on the shooting days. They had to wear small heating units inside their ski suits so they didn't freeze and any small, portable water source would likely have frozen solid during the filming sequence.

                Further, when the three leads were interviewed after the film's premier, one of the males was asked what the most difficult part of the filming was. He responded that the hardest part to film for him personally was when Emma Bell wet her pants, as it was extremely uncomfortable to watch and be present for.

                So, while it certainly doesn't constitute 'proof', I think both of those sets of information obtained via interview lean strongly towards it being a genuine wetting.
                Last edited by Major Travis; July 11, 2011, 11:59 AM.


                • #9
                  I agree, Major Travis, the scene looks very authentic. Your other points make sense as well. It really must have been a grueling experience for the actors and crew alike. And, despite its unrealistic premise, I'm looking forward to seeing it this week. I think I'll like the film. Thanks.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Major Travis
                    There was no off-camera water source. The director has stated in numerous interviews that the actors were suspended on a real ski lift, hundreds of feet above the ground, for up to eight hours at a time during filming. No green screens were used for the height shots; they were all filmed from nearby lift chairs rigged to support the cameraman.
                    Yes, its a B-movie for all intents and purposes... was filmed on the lifts here in Utah. It's really depressing more than anything.
                    Last edited by DeltaFoxtrot; July 12, 2011, 01:31 AM.

