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  • #16
    Originally posted by Razz
    Try this- http://www.videobb.com/watch_video.php?v=S0jQR9atXXVl
    It's right before the 4 minute mark.
    Cheers Razz, link worked for me. Not the best wetting scene on tv but glad I got to see it. Thanks for your efforts.


    • #17
      Thanks for all the links. Appreciated as usual.

      As for the Beatles story, I've heard about how at their concerts women would pee their panties all the time screaming away. I like to think about that at modern concerts too.


      • #18
        Originally posted by dubberlang
        I got the privacy protect virus and spent all night deleting it. How would you even know if you use Linux?
        I doubt Linux is the problem here. It's probably my browser.
        I didn't bother looking because stuff like that often listens to user agent strings (browser versions) and I didn't feel like checking them all.

        Anyway, I checked using an Internet Explorer 6 (Windows) user agent, and no strange scripts were sent to me. It might be in the Flash thingy, but I really can't tell.

        Just make sure you use newest versions of software (and no Internet Explorer) and I think you should be just fine (because why waste a 0-day on sending people a "privacy protect" virus?).

