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Celebrities Into Pee

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  • Celebrities Into Pee

    By now, I'm sure we've all heard that Ricky Martin and Sarah Silverman are into pee, but does anyone know of any others? Have any gone on record as being into wetting, golden showers, desperation, or any other category of pee?

    Thanks in advance if you know of some.

    (We need someone famous to come out and let the world know we're not a bunch of sick freaks. Well, maybe we are! LOL! )

  • #2
    I had no idea ricky was and had a suspicion that sarah was...

    How and where have they expressed this and what are they into specifically?


    • #3
      Ricky Martin claimed he liked to "do the golden shower" in the shower a few years ago in an interview.

      Sarah Silverman was featured on the now-defunct Elite Gold site wearing a T-shirt that said, "I like pee." This, too, was about 7 years ago.

      (A good internet search will confirm these 2 claims.)

      Now, I'm hoping for more!


      • #4
        Realistically, we'd have to expect the percentage of celebrities into peeing is pretty much the same as the general population. Estimates vary depending on the extent of interest.

        We might suppose that 20% express some fascination, 10% enjoy peeing in unconventional places and 2% are into sexual peeing. Pick your favorites and run the numbers and fantasize.

        There have been a some references involving female celebs. The top candidate is most likely Madonna. After seeing a photo of her in "People" magazine about 10 years ago where Britney Spears is showing of her gorgeous derrière with a big wet spot, I've thought she is one of us. The clip from Saturday Night live with Elle Macpherson makes me think she is too.


        • #5
          My comments above are garbled. I'm saying that Madonna is the most likely top candidate for celebs into pee. Check out the cover her book "The Girlie Show" as well as various references in her book "Sex."

          The photo of a wet derriere was that of Britney herself not Madonna. Despite all the harrassment Napoleon III used to receive on the old board, I think we can be confident that Ms. Spears is also one of us.

          Including Elle Macpherson is a bit of a stretch, but the look on her face in reaction to wetting her pants on SNL is that of satisfaction.


          • #6
            No doubt I will be accused of putting everyone on a downer but it is highly unlikely that a suit being used for a fashion shoot would first be given to the model to wear during a long flight - the creases etc would make it unusable and I cannot imagine the magazine, the designer, all the staff etc being ok with it. It just sounds like complete bollox.

            But the fantasy is a good one!


            • #7
              One of the "founding fathers" of Classic American Rock-n-Roll, the immortal Chuck Berry, is hugely into it. He had a fair bit of legal trouble in this regard 10 or 15 years ago.
              Later!- Vic


              • #8
                I have not seen the Elle McPherson SNL thing...anyone have some evidence of that? Pardon my asking for those of you who have seen it a zillion times. LOL Although I've been around the wetting world for like 15 years now, I somehow missed this.


                • #9
                  I believe I heard rumors not that long ago (maybe 18 months or so?) that Drew Berrymore had a reputation for kinky sex in hotels that included golden showers...take it for a grain of salt unless some tangible evidence ever surfaces...

                  I also suspect that one of the major writers for the sitcom Friends - perhaps Marta Kauffman, given the fact that during episode live commentary, she is always the one laughing hardest at the pee-related humor - has a notion toward the fetish or is at least aware of it enough to find it interesting grounds for comedy.

                  About every few weeks there's a new celeb post on WS forums though...one wonders why we obsess so much about our entertainers' personal lives.


                  • #10
                    Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas

                    It is very likely that Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas are into watersports but they have taken steps to hide their fetish. Those who live in the US will be familiar with a TV program called Entertainment Tonight. On August 11, 1995 Entertainment Tonight promised to show pictures of Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas on a wild vacation in a rented house on Long Island during a segment to be aired on August 14. Expecting to see coverage on the law suit against them for trashing the house and urinating on the floors and bed I watched the program on August 14. During that program, there was no mention of Melanie, Antonio or the pictures. This is strange when an entertainment news program suddenly pulls an entertainment news story that was announced!

                    In August 1995 Melanie Griffith received media attention when she responded to a law suit charging her with trashing a house she had rented in the Hamptons on Long Island. The law suit alledged that in addition to breaking various household items, there was urine on the carpets and the bed.

                    My guess is that Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas had a wild weekend of running through a rented house and peeing on each other and in the bed but then they did their best to cover up the negative publicity. They enjoy watersports together but don't want anyone to know for the sake of their careers.


                    • #11
                      I just discovered that this topic was brought up before on the Wet Set Forum back in 1998. See:



                      • #12
                        Don't scream at me but I do prefer the look of the old style forum. It's much easier to read. Just my preference of course.


                        • #13
                          Thanks so much, Patches, for your posts. I think it's fair to assume that Melanie Griffith is into pee. Or, maybe, just her mate. Either way, I like it. I did not know about all of that. Thanks again!


                          • #14

                            Heard a rock version of 12 days of Christmas about sex, when they got to 5, 5 golden showers. unfortuneatly I missed who sings it.


                            • #15
                              rcr293, apparently there have been lots of versions of the 12 days of Christmas with the 5 golden showers reference. Any rock group could have decided to use one of the versions as a parody. Here are some references to the different versions:


                              Take you pick, have a laugh, or better yet, make it into a ring tone for the rest of us to put on our smartphones!

