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FYI: Megaupload shut down by Feds.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Apemantus
    I have one simple question - considering how piracy has rocketed and yet film and music sales have not taken an equivalent hit and in many instances (not all, not necessarily across the board) have gone up - this would indicate that many pirates are taking something they wouldn't have paid for?
    As you point out, entertainment such as music and DVDs are a luxury item. It is something that most of us can live just fine without. Sure, we like to have them, but if we can't afford it we won't buy it.

    Online piracy is through the roof primarily because it is so easy to do. Thirty minutes (or less) of work can get you pretty much anything you want... movies, shows, music, porn, etc.

    This is why, in my mind, it goes back to a pricing thing. Why pay $20+ for a DVD or CD when it can be obtained for free with a little effort online.

    If you don't want people to pirate things you have to make the price so low that people will just pay it and get a legal copy instead of putting in the work online to pirate it.

    Besides... artists aren't the ones making money off of CD sales anyways. Some 2/3 of profits from album sales goes to the record company. (source: http://www.techdirt.com/articles/201...82610186.shtml)

    We know the record company's expenditures don't come near to touching the percentage that they bring in, so you really can't tell me they couldn't cut prices by 25% and not still be doing extremely well.


    • #17

      Originally posted by burningblood97
      I'm okay with this. I mean, I'm not happy megaupload was shut down, but at least they suspended SOPA/PIPA. This is a fair compromise IMO.
      "Suspended", in political thoughts, usually means the politicians go to the back door approach to enact bits and pieces of legislation by attaching ammendments to other bills, eventually attaining their goal. When a lot of "campaign" money is donated by individuals, corporations or organizations in a candidate, they expect something in return from that candidate.
      News media rarely publishes or broadcasts pending legislation that does not fit their agenda. About the only way you can become aware of discreet legislation for a particular subject is currently through internet sources.
      SOPA/PIPA, if enacted, will satisfy a lot of copywrite holders and will certainly make a lot of lawers richer overnight. But the way SOPA/PIPA can be interpreted will probably mean the end of most useful search engines and other on-line contacts, including the "unfit for children" sites.
      Also please be advised that the US has signed the ACTA (Anti Counterfieting Trade Agreement) with other countries. Similar to SOPA/PIPA, and finalized by other nations, this will probably become administered by the UN! I guess our constitution doesn't mean much anymore, it was written for the people but has now become the toy for politicians to play with and interpret the way they see fit.

      ...thanks to the 545 lawyers who administer the USA.
      Last edited by Rayford21; January 28, 2012, 01:03 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rayford21
        "Suspended", in political thoughts, usually means the politicians go to the back door approach to enact bits and pieces of legislation by attaching ammendments to other bills, eventually attaining their goal.
        Quite possibly... though through this Google, Wiki and several other sites have learned that they can be quite... political... when necessary.


        • #19
          Here are words from a senator who si also a family friend.

          "If you don't like what the government is doing, FUCK YOU. We control you, you do not control us. We get a retirement after 2 years of work. We get health benefits FOREVER. You are screwed. Lawyers are worthless fucks who make us more money. Illegal drugs make us money, unconstitutional things we pass make us money.. All the government cares about is money. Fuck the people. Fuck you all."

          They were quoting to me the words they heard from the others.
          That is government. The only option is to politically over throw all government and make them direct democracies again.

          That would get rid of ACTA, SOPA, PIPA, and all the other crap.


          • #20
            Originally posted by genxer
            Here are words from a senator who si also a family friend.

            "If you don't like what the government is doing, FUCK YOU. We control you, you do not control us. We get a retirement after 2 years of work. We get health benefits FOREVER. You are screwed. Lawyers are worthless fucks who make us more money. Illegal drugs make us money, unconstitutional things we pass make us money.. All the government cares about is money. Fuck the people. Fuck you all."
            Although one would never be surprised at the things American (and indeed other countries') politicians say, that sounds more like a comedian or cynic's interpretation of what a senator said rather than their actual words. I imagine it may even make it to the urban myths website before long, but yup, I call bullshit.


            • #21
              Damn government.

              All I used Megaupload for was to watch "Super Sentai." The company that owns the franchise, Toei, won't air those shows outside Japan; they only allow the Western world to view the butchered and heavily edited Power Rangers version. So thank you so fucking much for cutting me off, Uncle Sam.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Apemantus
                Although one would never be surprised at the things American (and indeed other countries') politicians say, that sounds more like a comedian or cynic's interpretation of what a senator said rather than their actual words. I imagine it may even make it to the urban myths website before long, but yup, I call bullshit.
                Eh... nobody in government would actually say those words, but we know it is exactly what many of them are thinking.

                The clock has been ticking on the American form of government for about 5 years now... it may take another ten years but the system will eventually collapse under the weight of its own corruption.

                Remember folks... ALL empires fall.

