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She is still going strong

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  • She is still going strong

    Not particularly good, but worth having a look at. She has quite a few on YT now.



  • #2
    Se sure is the genuine article!

    But would be nice if the had someone to film her


    • #3
      I love her voice in her videos. Especially when she's wet in a more public place and you can hear the excitement in her voice. She is thrilled and nervous and slightly embarrassed all in one. It's awesome.


      • #4
        spoke too soon

        lol her account has been 'terminated due to community infringement', I bet there is some 60 year old virgin battleaxe in charge of youtube who keeps blocking all these vids


        • #5
          She needs to go somewhere other than YouTube... Everybody knows they shut down wetting channels pretty much as soon as they start to get any real volume of hits...


          • #6
            Account has been terminated. It's already gone.


            • #7
              I think she moved to XTube and Metacafe or something. She seemed to be pretty pissed off.


              • #8
                She said she didn't like XTube because of its creepy hardcore nature--who can blame her. I myself had to add about a dozen URLs to my local hosts file to keep their damn pop-ups from exploding all over my desktop, 1998 style.

                She has an "emergency back-up" Youtube channel. You can find it by searching for KiTTYReCKless. I'm not posting it here because you'll notice her other channel went dark about a day after it was linked in this thread.

                Unfortunately, to see her videos on that channel, you'll have to PM her for the links to each one. I refuse to deal with trying to remain under-the-radar at Goolge, which means I don't have a Youtube account, so, so much for that. Maybe someone here who's more adventerous can get the links, watch them, copy the videos down and upload them somewhere for the rest of us. I doubt she'd mind if her videos were redistributed, but you could always ask her first to be polite.

                She also said she's going to upload her vids onto her Facebook profile, which she links on her backup Youtube channel. I'm even more dubious that they'll be readily available there, and it's even harder to stay annonymous on Facebook.

                You can follow her exploits in writing by reading her Experience Project posts:


                Though she doesn't keep it updated much. Maybe someone just needs to let her know about the friendly, easy-going board here at Wetset.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Drying
                  I think she moved to XTube and Metacafe or something. She seemed to be pretty pissed off.
                  She has every right to be pissed off. The people reporting her to YouTube aren't randoms. They are people from here. She spends the time and energy to do something genuine and it gets thrown in her face. This is exactly why real women lurk, who the fuck would want to go through that BS all the time.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by wetfan
                    She has every right to be pissed off. The people reporting her to YouTube aren't randoms. They are people from here. She spends the time and energy to do something genuine and it gets thrown in her face. This is exactly why real women lurk, who the fuck would want to go through that BS all the time.
                    What makes you think she was reported?

                    It is extremely easy for Google to use data mining techniques to point their employees to suspicious videos. One way would be to look at the videos watched by people who watch a lot of videos that get flagged or removed. Or how about the domain in the referer header in the http request (in other words: the domain name of the website that sent them there)? Quite easy to keep an eye on the websites that bring in a lot of viewers to such videos.
                    There are many ways to automate such processes, and I'm quite certain that Google, which is big on context-sensitive ads, will use them.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Drying
                      There are many ways to automate such processes, and I'm quite certain that Google, which is big on context-sensitive ads, will use them.
                      I'm sure you're right. I've always been convinced that Google either auto-flag or reduce the threshold for flagging on videos that are regularly viewed by people who came from known adult websites. That's why I've always thought that people should untick the "automatically parse links in text" option when they post links to Youtube. It stops the forum making addresses into links so you have to copy/paste them instead. That way the referrer is not sent and YT have no way to know where you found the link. There's no need to faff about putting unnecessary spaces into the URLs, just don't make them clickable links...

                      The people who think there's some kind of human at Google who monitors Wetset and other adult sites for YT links are almost certainly mistaken, it's all automated, I'm sure of it - manual processing with humans is simply not in keeping with Google's way of doing things. Not posting directly clickable links to YT videos would be an easy way around that. Whenever I say this I get shouted down by people who don't understand what the Referer [sic] header is, how it works, and when it is (and is not) sent, though


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Drying
                        I think she moved to XTube and Metacafe or something. She seemed to be pretty pissed off.
                        Well if she wasn't pissed off before, she sure is now--this is on her remaining Youtube channel:

                        I'm quitting YT! I'm sick of the flagging and dislking of my vids. I'm sick of having to make a new account every 3 weeks. I'm sick of all the fucking assholes on here that have nothing bettar to do, but follow me around and report me for no reason. What I'm/was doing is not porn. Only one time I deserve it. So Fuck You to those that reported me or disliked my vids. You're a piece of shit and I hope you die. To everyone else thank you as always. You can still stay in touch with me on FB and EP.

                        Right before that, she posted this:

                        Sorry guys I'm pulling the new vid due to the fact that even though it's unlisted Someone still trolled me with the dislike button. Going by the past that usually means it was also flaged So I'm deleting it. Sorry to those that didn't get to see it.

                        It looks like that new private video was up about an hour before she pulled it and stormed off.


                        • #13
                          I loved her stuff but honestly, she's an idiot for putting it on youtube and an even bigger idiot for acting the way she's acting. There are PLENTY of wetting and desperation videos on xtube. Her reasoning for not wanting to go to xtube is weak.


                          • #14
                            Anyone have a link to her FB page?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by wiseguy
                              I loved her stuff but honestly, she's an idiot for putting it on youtube and an even bigger idiot for acting the way she's acting. There are PLENTY of wetting and desperation videos on xtube. Her reasoning for not wanting to go to xtube is weak.
                              Sorry, but this is a young girl, just old enough for (legally) not being "too young". Please be a little more understanding. In a sense, I like her protest. It is youtube which has an idiotic policy. And not everybody wants to be in a row with the majority of xtube stars. We may regret it but just can't demand it of her. She is certainly addicted to the naughtyness we all love - but she draws limits. Nothing to criticize imho.

