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Marie & the floor urinal (wet fun!!)

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  • Marie & the floor urinal (wet fun!!)

    Last night my Dear Wife Marie had a rare event- she had to work late alone. Even though her office building is locked up tight & secure, she asked me to come hang out for the couple of hours she'd need to finish, because being alone in the building "creeps her out" big time.
    Being a loving hubby, I went. Took a good book, had some Diet Cokes from her little office fridge.
    Eventually, she had wrapped up what she needed to do, & we got ready to go home. I needed a stop at the men's room- the Cokes were kicking in.
    "HEY! Don't leave me!" Marie says. "I told you I'm scared to be alone here!"
    "Well, Honey, I gotta go! I can't wait until we get home!"
    "OK- But I'm coming in too. If I was OK to be alone here, there'd be no point in you coming at all!"
    So Marie comes in the men's room with me.
    "Look at that!" She exclaims, pointing to the old-time urinal, the type inset into the tile floor. She had only ever seen the type of urinal that mounts on the wall.
    "Yeah, babe, now I gotta USE it!"
    She gets that cute, crazy look in her eye, the look I don't see enough of these days, & says- "I wanna watch!!"
    Marie darts in front of me, straddles the urinal, facing me, pulls her dress up, bunching it at her waist. "OK, mister! Aim carefully! You'd BETTER not get any pee on me!"
    She's doing that mind game she does where she screws with my innate inhibitions. She does it well.
    I let loose, perfect aim between her knees.
    "Pretty good, but too easy" she says. She starts scooching her legs closer together.
    "HEY!" I exclaim.
    "Vic, I trust you..." she coos.
    Suddenly, she JUMPS both feet together, STANDING in the urinal.
    I'm in full, mid-stream flow, drenching her shins, filling her black ballet flats.
    My heart is banging like a jackhammer.
    I finish- she drops to her knees, looks up at me, licks the last drop off, and pops me into her sweet mouth.
    A wonderful surprise- we both slept well that night!!
    Later!- Vic