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More Genuine Accidents

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  • I like the looks and the shape of this woman and the way she inconspicuously inspects the damage with her hand:


    she inspects the stain with her hand.jpg


    • Originally posted by dalton View Post
      New to me. She peed her pants laughing while lying on the ground wearing pinkish shorts.


      she peed lying on the ground wearing pink shorts.jpg


      • Originally posted by dalton View Post
        New to me. She peed her pants laughing while lying on the floor wearing pinkish shorts.

        That vk.com profile has some really good stuff. I've probably seen about 75% of it, but he/she/they have some vids I have not seen, and they are really good


        • Many of you may have seen the video going around of a woman trying to break into her own house. She is hoisted up through an awning window by her friend, but once inside, she's caught upside down, her boobs come out of her gown and she hangs there while her friend bends over laughing. This is a video interview of the two women by a BBC show: hxxps://www.facebook.com/ThisMorning/videos/350821874581747 At about 1:30 in the interview, one of the interviewers says, "and when you say, you let go of everything, you actually did let go of everything, you actually wet yourself, didn't you?" The woman responds, "I weed around my neck, yeah. Yeah, I did." "So was it dripping? So we don't see that. It's dripping down your neck ..." (replace hxxps with https)


          • Girl wets herself from fear on slingshot / rollercoaster



            • Thanks Aloo!

              This is an amazing and very rare clip. The movements of her muscles before she starts peeing. The explosion of warm urine in her panties and jeans. The stain growing bigger and even glistening and some slight movements while peeing. If only we could see the aftermath and the walk of shame afterwards.

              Here's a cropped gif of the unfortunate situation, without the TikTok stuff. You might have to wait a couple of minutes until the gif has fully loaded or download it to your computer:


              fear wetting in slingshot_a.jpg
              fear wetting in slingshot_b.jpg
              Last edited by dalton; February 15, 2024, 05:08 AM.


              • I don't find this one particularly appealing, but it qualifies as a genuine accident. Bodycam video of police officers confronting an intoxicated woman in a grocery store. Store employees told police that she had "urinated in an aisle," and refused to leave the store.

                At about 24:00, as the woman is leaving the store with officers following her, you can see a wet patch in her crotch.



                • This is new to me...

                  It is probably not a candidate for the best real accident video ever found LOL

                  But worth a look.

                  It is very short: only nine seconds. No audio. No view of the girl's face.

                  But it looks like a genuine accident, with a magnificent view of the girl's ass as she pisses in her jeans.

                  Girl is probably wasted. Her friends are helping her walk up the stairs.



                  File size = 1.50 MB


                  • That was great! Too bad it's so short. There must be a longer clip with sound and more context out there, right? Would love to see it.


                    • That’s a staged one unfortunately. Can’t remember which wetting site it was made by but it’s one of the main ones


                      • Originally posted by Aloo View Post
                        That’s a staged one unfortunately. Can’t remember which wetting site it was made by but it’s one of the main ones
                        After I watched it a few times, I started to think that maybe it could be a clip from a something that was commercially produced

                        The camera work just seemed a little too good to be true LOL


                        • it's from lovewetting.com.
                          The Model is Lexi Dona: https://www.lovewetting.com/wetting-...=1&apply=apply
                          The Clip is from 2015-11-20, but is no longer available there, probably because of the drunken content.


                          • Originally posted by jean View Post
                            it's from lovewetting.com.
                            The Model is Lexi Dona: https://www.lovewetting.com/wetting-...=1&apply=apply
                            The Clip is from 2015-11-20, but is no longer available there, probably because of the drunken content.
                            Can you add me as a friend on ThisVid? I can't message you or submit an add request because you are in do not disturb status
                            My username is qmx4871


                            • This is a treat. Posted on TikTok on 14 November.


                              Hot Latina girl wets her pants in a convenience store.

                              At first I thought this might be a staged stunt for TikTok.

                              But I think this is real. This girl is not exactly an influencer, yet. But she is seriously trying to gain a following. Have a look at her TikTok page:


                              And have a look at the comments for this particular video:


                              You have to drill down a bit into the comments, but the girl is communicating and interacting with her followers, and talking about what happened.

                              In one comment she writes, "I was recording the whole time I went in there bro I record everything."

                              Later in the comments one of her followers suggests that she go to the doctor, and she says "I’m going to cuz fr I think it’s my bladder."

                              If this was staged, she has done a fantastic job of making it ambiguous.

                              This is a young adult who is accustomed to living most of her life online. Her life is a reality show, and she doesn't edit out the weird or embarrassing parts.

                              And I won't be surprised if this launches her TikTok career. This particular vid has 4.6 million views. All of her other vids have 200K views and under. This might be her big break LOL

                              She'll be 35 years old doing an interview someday: "Yeah, it was wild. My TikTok following took off when I posted a video of me peeing my pants in a convenience store."

                              Last edited by Lawrence; December 7, 2024, 10:30 PM.


                              • Amazing find, Lawrence, thanks a lot!

                                I think it's a genuine accident. In one of the other videos she explains that she has a condition and that this is her 2nd accident. She also tells she went to the bathroom, but there was a line of 5 people. Some woman simply have this. There's another TikTok girl who has the same, openly talks about it and even shows how her pull-ups look under her pants. She thinks her bladder issues are due to an eating disorder, she overcame.

                                It's a very rare video, since it's from her own point of view and her sport shorts are kinda cute (should have been pale blue or white, though). I's like a first person shooter game, but now it's a first person pants wetter. Very rare, I think I have never seen anything like it.

