Nice find! I can't watch the page in Europe, but I managed to download the video, using an online TikTok down-loader, so I can't read the comments.
It looks like some kind of Cosplay party, or something. To me it looks like the girls is indeed emptying her bladder. She is almost in a semi-squat. Some other people are watching this like: WHAT IS SHE DOING? And the girl puts her hands on her head, like saying OH, NO! I'M HAVING AN ACCIDENT!
This one is not new. The date on TikTok is October 2020. Don't know if it has been posted here before.
The video is only 15 seconds. But it's a good one. Real accident in jeans, visible wet patch, and a stream on the pavement.
Many of the comments on Tiktok are kind of inane, and it does not appear that the creator has responded. But some might enjoy reading the comments.
I can't even tell for sure if the girl who wet her jeans is the girl who owns the TikTok account or some other girl. Most of the videos on the account have two girls in them, and they look a bit alike LOL But some of the comments imply that the girl who peed herself is indeed the account owner.
Thanks Lawrence, nice find! And thanks Al Gore for the Internet.
Although it's a small video, it's very nice and interesting. You can see the stain appear in her faded jeans, which is rare. It's a genuine accident caught on camera. Also, she instinctively tries to stop the flow by crouching down and sitting on her heel to apply pressure down there. This heel sitting phenomenon has been reported here before, but is rare and I can't remember that I've seen it caught on video. It looks like she's an experienced pants wetter (Giggle incontinence).
This one is not new. The date on TikTok is October 2020. Don't know if it has been posted here before.
The video is only 15 seconds. But it's a good one. Real accident in jeans, visible wet patch, and a stream on the pavement.
Many of the comments on Tiktok are kind of inane, and it does not appear that the creator has responded. But some might enjoy reading the comments.
I can't even tell for sure if the girl who wet her jeans is the girl who owns the TikTok account or some other girl. Most of the videos on the account have two girls in them, and they look a bit alike LOL But some of the comments imply that the girl who peed herself is indeeed the account owner.
This was posted to TikTok about four months ago. Only nine seconds, but definitely worth a look.
I wish I could figure out why someone is screaming "stop." To me it looks like the girl who peed her jeans is posing for the camera, and it also looks like she is filiming the accident with her own phone. She is not the one screaming "stop."
So is someone else who is with her objecting to the fact that the accident is being captured on video?
Or is she telling her to stop peeing? LOL Not likely. Looks like she's pretty much done.
Also kind of curious that the person is screaming "stop" in English, but the caption and all the comments are in Italian.
The caption in Italian says:
and when I say "enough laughing, I'm pissing myself", I mean it...
Many of the comments are interesting. Many appear to be chiding the creator, i.e., offering support for the one screaming to stop, witih comments that say things like "some things are not meant to be shared."
But if the girl who pissed herself is okay with it, well, then who gives a flying fuck, right? LMAO She is totally showing off.
This has been on TikTok for three years. I saw it for the first time tonight.
Girl totally wets her pants laughing during a card game. The video is almost three minutes. Great dialogue and awesome views of her wet pants and a puddle on the floor.
Use low volume. There is some high-pitched laughing and screaming. And the guy is a complete dick. And the girl is a little plump.
In the subgenre of genuine accidents, I rank this around the 85th percentile.