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Movie Clips

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  • #16
    Conejo en la Luna (Rabbit on the Moon) - 2004 Jorge Ramírez Suárez

    A woman is held captive in a room and asks to be let out so she can pee, but no one opens the door for her. Finally she pees in her jeans, with the drops of urine barely shown falling from her pants as she cries. A man comes in afterwards, sees the small puddle on the floor, and tells the guard to she should be let out to use the bathroom when necessary. The scene is not very realistic as the captive woman must have had a full bladder and we see only a few drops and a small puddle.

    conejo en la luna - rabbit on the moon - 2004 jorge ramírez suárez_cut.avi

    30.7 MB - 00:02:11 720 x 544 edit - es - no subs


    conejo en la luna - rabbit on the moon - 2004 jorge ramírez suárez_cut_01.jpg
    conejo en la luna - rabbit on the moon - 2004 jorge ramírez suárez_cut_02.jpg
    conejo en la luna - rabbit on the moon - 2004 jorge ramírez suárez_cut_03.jpg
    conejo en la luna - rabbit on the moon - 2004 jorge ramírez suárez_cut_04.jpg


    • #17
      The recently released "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once" (still in theaters in the USA) has a brief wetting scene. I can't post it because it's still in theaters. Not to give too much away, Michelle Yeoh plays a woman who is preoccupied with her failing business and bad relationship with her daughter, when she's contacted by the doppelganger of her husband who tells her he's from another parallel universe and that she is the only one who can save the multiverse. In order to jump from one universe to another, she must do something strange, such as profess her love to a stranger or turn to the left when she's expecting to turn to the right. At one point, she's instructed to wet herself. She refuses, but later, she does wet herself, and this is shown very briefly. Maybe when the movie is released to youtube or elsewhere, I or someone else can post it here, but I don't know when that will be. In the meantime, you can see for yourself if you go to the cinema.
      -- AT


      • #18
        The Dead Ones - 2019

        A blonde high school girl pees in her faded jeans from terror while being confronted by school shooters. It's not done very realistically. After the initial wetting, her pants seem to be dry for a moment, seconds later. In a second scene, her pants are wet again, but the stain is now different.

        @The PML: this movie was not released in 2020. The initial release was in 2019.

        the dead ones - 2019_cut.mp4

        18.6 MB 00:01:12 1280 x 714


        the dead ones 2019_01.jpg
        the dead ones 2019_02.jpg
        the dead ones 2019_03.jpg
        Last edited by dalton; June 9, 2022, 11:35 PM.


        • #19
          This is a great thread! Kudos to Lawrence for starting it.


          • #20
            Originally posted by 2prnot2p View Post
            In the opening scene of Eyes Wide Shut (1999), we see Nicole Kidman sit on the toilet and pee as she and her hubby, Tom Cruise, are getting ready to leave for a party.

            Nicole Kidman needs to just do the pee movie every director seems to want her to do. And that we all want her to do.


            • #21
              Originally posted by AccidentalTourist View Post
              The recently released "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once" (still in theaters in the USA) has a brief wetting scene. I can't post it because it's still in theaters. Not to give too much away, Michelle Yeoh plays a woman who is preoccupied with her failing business and bad relationship with her daughter, when she's contacted by the doppelganger of her husband who tells her he's from another parallel universe and that she is the only one who can save the multiverse. In order to jump from one universe to another, she must do something strange, such as profess her love to a stranger or turn to the left when she's expecting to turn to the right. At one point, she's instructed to wet herself. She refuses, but later, she does wet herself, and this is shown very briefly. Maybe when the movie is released to youtube or elsewhere, I or someone else can post it here, but I don't know when that will be. In the meantime, you can see for yourself if you go to the cinema.
              -- AT
              Hey there AT,
              I found a link to the movie. Here ya go:


              • #22
                Thanks for the effort. I found a weird cam recorded version of this movie, full of casino ads. The scene is nothing special and the movie is totally weird to my opinion.

                Originally posted by times6like9these View Post

                Hey there AT,
                I found a link to the movie. Here ya go:
                Last edited by dalton; July 4, 2022, 06:55 PM.


                • #23
                  Dag & Nat - S01E03 2022

                  Posted here: https://www.wetandmessy.org/forum/pu...404#post400404

                  dag og nat - s01e03_cut_02.jpg


                  • #24
                    we have the scene of that? https://thepml.net/view/1350/


                    • #25
                      Peppermint 2018

                      Five years after her husband and daughter are killed in a senseless act of violence, a woman comes back from self-imposed exile to seek revenge against those responsible and the system that let them go free. In this scene a young woman wets herself in fear when she is threatened by Riley with a gun.

                      peppermint 2018_cut.mp4
                      13.4 MB 00:01:31 1280 x 534


                      peppermint 2018_cut_01.jpg
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                      • #26
                        Untogether 2018

                        This is a great wetting scene from a main stream movie!

                        Tara (Lola Kirke) is desperate to pee at a park. Her boyfriend tells her she can use the nearby public restrooms, but she won't. She apparently pees in her pants, and her wet pants are shown later, but it's difficult to see. She gets into an argument, telling her boyfriend: 'What, I'm sure I'm not the first kid that pissed myself at that jungle gym'. Back home she takes off her wet pants and asks her boyfriend: do you want those washed? Her bare butt is very briefly shown and she's also seen standing, holding her wet trousers and wearing a tank top and jacket only.

                        Because the conversation is essential, I increased the volume of the clip a bit. I also increased the brightness, because some things are difficult to see in the original uncut movie.

                        untogether 2018_cut_increased brightness and volume.mp4
                        20 MB 00:02:28 1280 x 534 https://www.sendspace.com/file/fn6w2w

                        untogether 2018_cut_increased brightness and volume_01.jpg
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                        untogether 2018_cut_increased brightness and volume_05.jpg
                        Last edited by dalton; September 2, 2022, 10:42 PM.


                        • #27
                          Room 203 - 2022

                          Two best friends and roommates are terrified by the vengeful spirits dwelling in their apartment. Izzy pees herself in fear after a possession phase in front of Kim.

                          9,76 MB 00:01:19 1280 x 532


                          room 203 - 2022_cut_01.jpg
                          room 203 - 2022_cut_02.jpg
                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            Killing Ground - 2016

                            A girl named Em (Tiarnie Coupland) wets her jeans shorts in fear while being held at gunpoint. The actress was 19 at the time of shooting.

                            killing ground_cut.mp4

                            38,4 MB - 00:02:55 1904 x 800


                            killing ground_cut_01.jpg
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                            killing ground_cut_03.jpg


                            • #29
                              It's curious that no one has mentioned a wetting scene from an A Class movie. Still Alice from 2014. The lead actress, Julianne Moore, pretty much swept the table for awards. I bet this is the only time an actress whose enuresis was clearly shown can make that claim.


                              • #30
                                I don't know what film this is from, and I can't figure out what language it is, either. But it's worth a look.

                                The video is less than a minute, and the file is less than 3MB.

                                Girl in the passenger seat of a car wets her jeans in fear and panic when she witnesses a rather brutal murder.


