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Greatest Night Ever

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  • Greatest Night Ever

    My boyfriend Richard and I met after work at one of our favorite taverns. We had some dinner and a few drinks, then left. Since it is near our house, he had walked, while I had driven, but I was a bit tipsy and we decided that he would drive home.

    I started teasing him about the bald patch that is beginning to appear on his head. Last time I did that he had pushed me up against the side of the car and tickled me without mercy until I wet my pants. Even though that had not been on my mind in the beginning, I found myself suddenly "in the mood."

    I should mention that we both fantasize a lot about my doing it in public, but like most people I can never get up the nerve.

    I kept teasing him, knowing what would happen. And so it did. He pushed me up against the side of the car again and, knowing that I had knocked back about four glasses of wine and not used the bathroom on my way out, he began to tickle me.

    Soon I lost control and felt the delicious sensation of liquid warmth spreading over my rear end and soaking my white nylon full briefs, quickly followed by total loss of bladder control and a full-on waterfall surging down the right leg of my faded jeans all the way to the pavement. He didn't stop tickling me until I was completely empty.

    It was at that moment that the magic happened. Two guys were leaving the tavern, and walked right by us on their way to their cars. The first time Richard had tickled me in this particular parking lot, we had fantasized about whether anyone saw me, but we could not be sure.

    This time there was absolutely no doubt. Both guys were staring at us with their eyes popping out of their heads, but when they saw us turn and look back at them, they turned away, pretending they just didn't see anything. We knew differently.

    That made us so horny that we had trouble controlling ourselves even for the two blocks it took us to get home. Then he fucked me so hard I thought he was going to go right through me and come out the other side.

    Even though I cannot muster the nerve to wet myself in public deliberately, this sort of thing has always been a big fantasy for both of us, and the fact that it has now really happened was one of the sexiest moments either one of us ever experienced.

  • #2
    Lucky girl, and even luckier guy..Wish I had a g/f who wet her pants when tickled...Sigh!!


    • #3
      Let me say again that your boyfriend is one lucky bastard! I wish I had a gf like you--you wouldn't happen to have a sister as cool as you, would you?


      • #4
        Thanks for posting!! This board may have some life left in it yet!!
        Best Wishes- Vic


        • #5
          Thanks, Vic, as well as for your remarks about "give-and-take" on the other thread. I have enjoyed your stories about your fun with your wife Marie, and I wish that more people would share their experiences. There used to be a few women on the board, and I have been in touch with some of them through email for quite some time. There is a common belief that they were "driven away" by flamers, but the fact is that most of them left because of boredom. Seriously, why on earth would an actual heterosexual woman be the least bit interested in those silly you-tubes? I used to come here a lot more often than I do, but it really is pretty dull, so I extend my deepest thanks to those who, like you, share your life with us.


          • #6
            Silly You-Tubes

            I have to add- WHY would ANYONE of ANY gender or sexual preference find "youtubes" of giggly adolescents to be entertaining??!!
            "The most erotic part of the human body is between the ears"...
            Best Wishes- Vic


            • #7
              Totally agreed.... Real eroticism is about imagination.

              Water sports is.... how shall I say it?,,,, VERY VERY VERY imaginative!!!


              • #8
                I want to chime in agreeing with Maria and Vic. Those of us who like erotic wetting won't take much enjoyment from inane YouTube teeny-boppers wetting their pants while their chums giggle and shriek mindlessly.

                Perhaps we have substantial life experience, along with partners who either share the kink or are willing to indulge us, and take our pleasures from the not from virtual world of YT but from our daily lives.

                We share stories here from time to time and relish those others might post. We can get aroused by truly erotic videos like those posted by Toiletcontroller a few threads down.

                De gustibus non est disputandum, so some people who come here may get turned on by non-erotic wetting. I, for one, shut such clips off as soon as the content is clear.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vic
                  I have to add- WHY would ANYONE of ANY gender or sexual preference find "youtubes" of giggly adolescents to be entertaining??!!
                  And others would be baffled as to why anyone why would be aroused by pretend fiction stories and other men's jackoff fantasies. To each their own.
                  Last edited by Razz; September 8, 2012, 02:09 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Razz
                    And others would be baffled as to why anyone why would be aroused by pretend fiction stories and other men's jackoff fantasies. To each their own.
                    Why so confrontational? Sheesh

                    I believe the OP gave a real account - nothing about it sounds false to me and I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of the original poster. I'm sure some stories shared here are false, but why assume that about everyone?

                    Please Maria - keep up the good sharing...I've been around experience project on occasion, but none of the groups I've checked out seem active enough and most of the posters are idiots who say "hot story" to everything, even stories that describe painful childhood memories and such. peesearch used to be a good forum, but was overrun by tyrannical e-czars who have no tolerance for people with opposing viewpoints. And this forum seems to have very limited activity on the story front. I, personally, used to like the video stuff better (though not the giggly teenage drunken doofuses on YouTube...attempts at real eroticism), but then I grew up and realized that stories gave me the power to extend into my imagination and imagine possibilities with my current crush - then my girlfriend - then my fiance.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by quietpr11

                      by tyrannical e-czars who have no tolerance for people with opposing viewpoints.
                      Like this guy?

                      Originally posted by Vic

                      I have to add- WHY would ANYONE of ANY gender or sexual preference find "youtubes" of giggly adolescents to be entertaining??!!
                      Although I will say i don't find videos of "adolescents" to be entertaining either. But he's still condemning those here who prefer "real" videos over "erotic stories." When you come on here and bitch about the intolerance of the people who bitch about stories you're just as bad as they are.


                      • #12
                        Hey, guys, calm down! I didn't want to start a war. I just wanted to share some fun experiences.


                        • #13
                          Sorry Razz, but that's a bit like saying the girl who punches a stranger for trying to grope her is just as bad as the stranger. I was defending Maria from your incredibly rude post. There's nothing intolerant about insisting on civility. If you don't like to read and use your imagination...that's your prerogative - don't read the thread. But there's no need to get snippy.


                          • #14
                            Thanks, quiet one. From now on I shall label my posts with the word "Discussion" in the heading. Those who, like Vic, L Hansen and yourself, prefer to discuss real human feelings and experiences, will know that this is not just another youtube link. Those in search of youtube will hopefully know that this is a different kind of post, and can easily ignore it rather than waste their energy by flaming me.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by quietpr11
                              Sorry Razz, but that's a bit like saying the girl who punches a stranger for trying to grope her is just as bad as the stranger. I was defending Maria from your incredibly rude post. There's nothing intolerant about insisting on civility. If you don't like to read and use your imagination...that's your prerogative - don't read the thread. But there's no need to get snippy.
                              I was talking to Vic not Maria. I didn't even read Maria's story. Vic saying
                              "I have to add- WHY would ANYONE of ANY gender or sexual preference find "youtubes" of giggly adolescents to be entertaining??!!" doesn't indicate to me that he's insisting on civility. He was the one being intolerant of someone else's kick to begin with.

