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Our Foreplay

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  • Our Foreplay

    My boyfriend Richard and I are middle-aged folks who enjoy sexual wetting as part of our foreplay. We might have been inhibited about "kinky stuff" when we were younger, but after a certain age .... Hey, anything that's harmless fun between two consenting adults is COOL.

    We tried it in the bedroom but found it tedious always to be worrying about grabbing a towel or something to preserve bedspreads, carpets, and so on. Then I stood in the bathtub and cut loose, but we found it a bit too clinical for our tastes, not very spontaneous.

    Now we have found something that REALLY turns us on. Though Richard lives in a small apartment, I have a little house with a nice backyard, and a fence high enough for a certain amount of privacy. We like to sit in the yard in the sunset, in plastic chairs (which wash off easier). We open a bottle of wine and enjoy a few romantic toasts as the sun goes down. He seldom drinks much. It was Shakespeare who said that wine makes men eager for sex but "takes away from the performance." Since Richard is in his fifties, we are pretty cautious about that. On the other hand, I always go ahead and drink enough to get hot and slutty as well as have a full bladder.

    As the sun goes down, we crank up the romance. We say hot sweet things to each other. We begin to make out passionately and in great earnest, and when we reach the point of great arousal, I let go and pee in my pants.

    We can hardly wait to get to the bedroom. Sometimes we hurry so fast we are almost tripping over each other. He gets as hard as he did when he was 19, and I feel like a full-on sex goddess.

    Great fun.

  • #2

    EXCELLENT post!! Thanks for sharing! You two sound like you've found a GREAT niche in life!
    Please keep posting!- Vic
    P.S. I'm hoping to add some new stories before long, but, alas, still workin' on that...


    • #3
      I agree that the bathtub is way too clinical. Put a mattress pad on that bed and you won't have to worry about it. Bed is definitely one of the best places for pee play.


      • #4
        Better than a mattress pad even...they make completely crinkle/plastic free waterproof mattress liners now - I have one which came with my bad that reflects a full bladderfull from me (and believe me...that is a lot of pee) without any problems...a quick wipe with a towel after you've cleared the sheets for washing later on and boom...dry bed ready for new linens - and you don't have to do that before the sexual fun...only after and at your own pace.

        My fiance knows that I've tested my mattress cover out and found it able to stand up to a "big spill" though she doesn't yet know that I'm talking about pee...heh...but trust me when I say that if you google waterproof mattress cover, you'll find some great stuff.


        • #5
          Thanks for sharing, Maria. The two of you have a great setting to engage in foreplay and then get quickly to the aftermath. Living in Florida, we usually use our enclosed patio to enjoy the kink, something we can do year round.

          As you'll surely agree, a shared fantasy makes for a hot sex life even at an age when many have lost interest. Of course a good, broad-based relationship is necessary for high conmpatability, but the sexual tension/release that results from really pleasing each other is the whipped cream and cherry on one's sundae.


          • #6
            Originally posted by quietpr11
            Better than a mattress pad even...they make completely crinkle/plastic free waterproof mattress liners now ... google waterproof mattress cover, you'll find some great stuff.
            Mine is plastic on the bottom and cotton on top, so there's no plastic feel when laying on it. It feels like you're peeing right into the mattress. Which is how it should feel. I got it at Target, I've also seen them at Walmart.

            QuietPr, could you post a link to the one you have? You have me curious.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Peevert
              Mine is plastic on the bottom and cotton on top, so there's no plastic feel when laying on it. It feels like you're peeing right into the mattress. Which is how it should feel. I got it at Target, I've also seen them at Walmart.

              QuietPr, could you post a link to the one you have? You have me curious.
              Well...this is the same company at least:


              they're temporarily out of stock at Amazon...but they have that brand everywhere. Really good lightweight cover...doesn't take any effort to wash it after I've "used" it...just a quick two-second towel-off and a new sheet on top and bam...no fuss, no muss.


              • #8
                serendipity is funny - I had to do laundry anyway today, but between reading this thread (and being inspired to prove my point re: my mattress liner) and my dinner plate partially flipping out of my hand and spilling buttered noodles on my sheet, I had no reason NOT to have a bit of fun this evening...HA!

                Zero evidence of said fun within one minute of standing up after said fun.


                • #9
                  Plastic sheeting and so on wouldn't be our style. We're not into any of the AB stuff, though we respect those who are. What really turns Richard on is when his reclusive little bookworm suddenly does something naughty and behaves like a bit of a slut. And what really turns me on is when I can let that side of my personality come out of the closet and feel safe about it because I know I am with someone who is loving and supportive. If I caught one of his pals trying to look up my skirt, I would probably give him an eyeful of panties just because Richard would love to see me play the bad girl. Hopping down from the bar stool with a wet behind is in precisely the same category of experience, precisely the same kind of turn-on.

                  Not everybody's bag, just ours. I'm just sharing.


                  • #10
                    NO to plastic bedding!!!

                    Wet play is a (subset) part of our intrinsic natures as mammals- I say- GET OUTSIDE!! YOU WON'T BE SORRY!!
                    Best Wishes, Best Luck- Vic


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Maria
                      Plastic sheeting and so on wouldn't be our style. We're not into any of the AB stuff...
                      1. It's not "plastic sheeting". It's having a protective covering underneath the sheets so you can be free to do whatever you want to do in bed.

                      2. Although I've enjoyed AB fun, this is not "AB stuff". This is pee stuff. Being able to pee in bed. Whether it's bed wetting or golden showers or peeing during orgasm or whatever. I don't know where you got the idea that this is AB related.
                      Last edited by Peevert; September 29, 2012, 08:41 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by quietpr11
                        Well...this is the same company at least:
                        Thanks, QP


                        • #13
                          It's funny or sad how a nice post like the one with which Maria started this thread got off track by heading into a tangent on bed protectors and why pee play in bed should be part of everyone's kink.

                          Those who like it, and I'm among them, most likely have mattress covers that are more convenient than plastic or rubber sheets or piles of towels, and those who prefer other paces to get wet probably won't be transformed into fans by incorporating quiet protectors.

                          The key to mutual happiness is something special between partners. All of us have our own wiring, and finding someone with similar tastes makes life all the more pleasurable.

                          Once again, de gustibus non est disputandum (let's not debate our preferences) or more prosaically to each his/her own.


                          • #14
                            Just to be clear...I was not debating preferences...I was just offering an idea, since it didn't sound like Maria had looked into what is available in natural bed protection. She said she tried the bed thing but didn't like having to run to get towels...I was saying that sort of thing is not necessary anymore.

                            The covers and such that we are using now aren't AB_like, they don't feel like anything other than your mattress or your sheets, and they allow for total freedom during sex. Just wanted to make sure she was aware so she wasn't missing something that might be fun for her. If she doesn't care for the bedroom as a place for this kind of thing...I wish her all the fun in the world in the many ways she's found that do give her that special something of a thrill.


                            • #15
                              BTW, just FYI, Maria...the link I provided was to a product that is commonly sold with mattresses right out of the showroom now and most people have things like that who get a new bed because it's hypoallergenic (fights dust mites, dander, human skin, mold and such) AND insures the mattress against a real accident (food spillage, nighttime drunken incontinence, that sort of thing)...it wouldn't even be considered fetish material, let alone adult-baby gear. LOL

                              But that's the last I'll say on that...I just wanted to be clear what we were actually talking about.

