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Sexually Active Women more likely to wet

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  • Sexually Active Women more likely to wet

    This study is not surprising to me.. after a lifetime of girl watching


  • #2
    Originally posted by nonobadpony
    This study is not surprising to me.. after a lifetime of girl watching

    Someone wrote about hovering over the toilets. If that's true then I hope that a friend of mine keeps doing it and probably will wet her pants in front of me one of these days. She likes to go to the bathroom when the urge it's almost unbearable so this could happen


    • #3
      I have to say...the battle is 99% fought and won if you know someone who likes to hold it to the last second. The fact that she likes being desperate suggests she has made the implicit biological connection between desperation and sexual arousal/gratification. It's not usually that hard to go from that to making the further connection between actually peeing and sexual release.


      • #4

        I agree PR that girls that hold are more likely to wet. Growing up my older sister was a holder, I was aware that she occasionally wet up to Jr High age. Don't know if she continued. I once worked with gal who held all day at work and would announce that she really had to pee but she never went. Because she was so open about it I came out and asked her if she ever miscalculated and wet her pants... she insisted that she never did... ?


        • #5
          Thanks for the link. Interesting stuff indeed. A shame for these women that there aren't more of us understanding men, who could transform their embarrassment into a thrill.

          Ho hum.


          • #6
            I think she might like it. Even when we're at the beach and the bathroom is closer she will pee in the ocean and if she goes to the showers even if the toilets are right there she prefers to pee through her swimsuit in the shower stalls. She acts desperate in front of me and says things like if someone presses on my bladder I will pee my pants or if I laugh I'm going to pee myself


            • #7
              Originally posted by johnnyc82
              if someone presses on my bladder I will pee my pants...
              I think you should at least consider gently pressing on her bladder next time she says that. Or maybe tickling her.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Peevert
                I think you should at least consider gently pressing on her bladder next time she says that. Or maybe tickling her.
                That sounds like a freaking great idea


                • #9
                  I agree as well without a doubt if a girl is gonna hold she is gonna gush : )


                  • #10
                    I went with her to the beach and I couldn't tickle her but she said that she had to pee really bad but that she didn't want to get in the water because the tide was choppy and the water really cold so she went behind a palm tree and some bushes that were really and i mean really close to us. She covered herself with a towel while she peed but I could hear everything. After she peed she told me that she felt like a boy when they pee out in the open but without having to shake the last drops (like we do) (first time she peed like that in a public place). After she said that I said that they only had to pull aside the crotch and pee (she was wearing shorts on top of her bikini bottom) and she told me that she only pulled aside the crotch of her shorts but not the crotch of her bikini so she peed through them

