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Patches, My Love

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  • Patches, My Love

    Patches, my love, where have you gone?!

    My hard drive where I had the video with the woman drenching herself in the restaurant at the Falls self destructed. And the backup drive also stopped working, not a virus just a bad coincidence. They’re repairable, although it’ll cost between $600 and $1000 each, so it’ll have to wait a bit.

    In the interim, would you please send me a link to the video?

    Thank you, my love.

    - Your future husband

  • #2
    Originally posted by Peevert View Post
    Patches, my love, where have you gone?!
    Peevert, my love-sick little puppy... I moved and it has taken a while to get my computer set up again.

    Originally posted by Peevert View Post
    IMy hard drive where I had the video with the woman drenching herself in the restaurant at the Falls self destructed. And the backup drive also stopped working, not a virus just a bad coincidence. They’re repairable, although it’ll cost between $600 and $1000 each, so it’ll have to wait a bit.

    In the interim, would you please send me a link to the video?
    I am sorry to hear of your loss. I can send you a link to that video as soon as I find the external hard drive with that video and get it connected to my computer. It may take a while.

    Originally posted by Peevert View Post
    Thank you, my love.

    - Your future husband
    In your wet dreams but not in this lifetime.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Patches View Post

      Peevert, my love-sick little puppy... I moved and it has taken a while to get my computer set up again.
      Closer to Love Canal or further away?

      Originally posted by Patches View Post

      I am sorry to hear of your loss. I can send you a link to that video as soon as I find the external hard drive with that video and get it connected to my computer. It may take a while.
      I shall wait patiently, my love.

      Originally posted by Patches View Post

      In your wet dreams but not in this lifetime.
      lmao! I never thought I’d have the yarbals to pee my pants at movies and you got me started doing that. So anything is possible!


      • #4
        Pee S:

        While I’m being a pain in your backside, could you also repost Melissa peeing her pants on Santa’s lap at the Summit Mall? I could offer you my undying eternal love, but you already have that.

        Thank you, my love


        • #5
          Please disregard I’m losing synapses.


          • #6
            This thread makes me cringe


            • #7
              Originally posted by Aloo View Post
              This thread makes me cringe
              Not sure why. She knows I'm just messin with her.


              • #8
                Ohh... cringe?
                Can I play too..

                *hums to himself * Peevert and Patches sittin' in a tree.. p - i - s - s - i - n - g

                Apparently she wont marry you, but i think if you ever did met in a tree, probably so she could hand you a dvd of whatever video you managed to missplace this time, she would totally be willing to ruin some clothes with you!

                Also it is summer down south.. you wouldnt even need to get changed after..
                Uhh and they all lived wettily ever after?

                Well that is probably the shortest story I ever wrote..

