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Odd News Story (Video)

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  • Odd News Story (Video)

    This is a rather bizarre story about a case in Pennsylvania, in which a couple was arrested after they allowed their young daughter to ride in a dog cage in the back of their pickup truck. (Their dog was in the cage, too.)

    What does this have to do with wetting, you ask?

    The couple was interviewed by a local reporter about the incident. In the video of the interview, at about 1:25, the woman walks away. It's very brief, and it's not a good angle. But it sure looks like there is a huge wet spot on the back of her gray sweatpants...



  • #2
    An interesting case . Though I can see where they broke the law . In allowing the girl to ride in the cagw with her dog . While the pick - up was on the Highway . Which is illegal in most states . Had it been on a rural road , No , in that sense .

    As in regards to whether or not the wife wet herself is debateable . Since I couldn't quite see the wet patch on the back of her grey sweat pants , but , that doesn't rule out . That she actually did wet !

    Dusty Harold


    • #3
      That was a total waste of my time!!What in the world did you see there?Not ragging on anyones post,but that was crazy...... just sayn Gastonnc


      • #4
        When she turns away at 2:02 the bottom right side of her shirt is wet. And possibly the back right leg of her sweats. But it appears to have been raining so yeah I don't think there's anything to see here. Had they been riding on a motorcycle? I watched with the sound down since I'm not in the mood to hear dumb hillbillies talking at the moment.


        • #5

          oh come on it was raning and evrything was wet and they had been on there bike thats why she is wet this is not rocket science people ! open your eyes


          • #6

            What kind of trashy scumbags are these people? Fuckin rednecks


            • #7

              According to the news story, the parents decided to allow the girl to get in the cage with the dog, because the dog was crying.

              Apparently the dog didn't like being in the cage, in the back of the truck, while the rest of the family was up in the cab of the truck.

              It sounds like the girl wanted to be with the dog, so he wouldn't be so lonely in the back...

              Why is everyone criticizing this family? What they did simply shows that they really care about the well-being of their companion animal.

              Their daughter could become a poster child for PETA.



              • #8

                So I don't usually participate in arguments on message boards, especially off topic ones, but if you let you 10 year sit in a crate with a dog in back of a pickup truck, the chance of her dying if the car crashes increase significantly. My point is you don't listen to a 10 year olds opinion on this. You act like parents and tell your kid no. 10 year olds are not exactly rational.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dubberlang
                  My point is you don't listen to a 10 year olds opinion on this. You act like parents and tell your kid no. 10 year olds are not exactly rational.
                  I think you're substantially over-estimating the intellect of the parents here. I mean, FFS, lets count up their mistakes:

                  1) Letting the kid ride in the cage
                  2) Not telling the news reporter to fuck off.
                  3) Admitting to what they did and that he knew it was dangerous, on camera, knowing it would be on the news that evening.
                  4) Making themselves look fucking stupid by making dog crying noises in front of said camera.
                  5) And so on...

                  They're not exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer, obviously.

                  Anyway, on topic. It's raining, they're wearing biker gear. They got wet. Just rain splash, almost certainly not pee, case closed (but not the criminal one, yet :P).

