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Intentional Wetting for your enjoyment!

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  • Intentional Wetting for your enjoyment!

    For those of you who like to watch girls intentionally wet their pants, there is a new clip on Y/T at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sXkZGTeRA4

    You will also want to click on the uploader's name "datwix" because there are a lot of other wetting clips that have been posted too... some of them very recently.

  • #2
    A Good Collection

    Hi Patches ,

    I wanted to say , good to see you are here again ! The clip the link was to was a Very Good One to watch and enjoy . Along with the others clips . That I also watched . After clicking on the name that had posted them on Y/T .

    Appreciate it very much . You have a knack for finding the most interesting video clips of young women wetting themselves . Which is always Great to watch and comment on . When a P.O.V. is added to the mix .

    Question , for you / others on here . Which is ; Do you think . There are more young women involved in wetting for their pleasure . Then in the past Since the inter net has become more user friendly at present times / has it remained steady . With only a few indulging in this pee fetish of wetting their pants ?

    This question is open to anyone that wants to respond to this thread . I would be interested to know if there's a difference among young women of today . In enjoying this pee fetish . We all share in on here .

    Thank You , Patches , for what you had posted on here .

    Dusty Harold


    • #3
      Good Question - No Answers!

      Dusty, you pose a good question about the number of females who wet for pleasure. Unfortunately, there are no statistics on this nor is there likely to be any definitive studies on the subject.

      Just using Y/T as an example, I suspect that many of the girls who post wetting videos are doing it for the attention than because it is a sexual pleasure they want to celebrate. They have peer pressure from their girlfriends (and sometimes their boyfriends) to make a wetting video. Or some many want the attention they get from seeing their videos get lots of hits and they have discovered that making a wetting video will get them quite a few hits. Or they may make a wetting video because of a dare from their friends or because they lost a bet. Obviously there are some girls who make wetting videos just because they enjoy it and we have all seen those video clips too.

      Perhaps I can offer a unique perspective because of the number of videos I have made over the years. The majority of the girls who have done scenes in my videos do it for one reason: the money! They obviously have no problem with wetting themselves or they would not do it at all. They are usually more concerned with the reaction from their boyfriends, husbands, or other family members in their decision to be in video scenes or not.

      That said, there are a minority of girls who have been in my videos who do it because they enjoy it and get pleasure from it. There have been some who started doing scenes and then discovered how much they enjoy wetting themselves and they make it a regular part of their activities even off camera and try to involve a partner if they have one.

      I am not going to reveal which girls have done scenes simply for the money and which ones enjoy it for pleasure so don't ask. I will disclose an interesting fact that applies to both those who do scenes for money and those who wet themselves on and off camera for pleasure. After doing scenes for a while, many of the girls will "forget" and just wet themselves. Just like we are taught as children and conditioned to hold our pee, they have become "un-potty trained" and lost that conditioning because of doing scenes. That has led to some funny and embarrassing situations that were never recorded on camera. Also, some girls have discovered that because of doing wetting scenes, they have lost some of their bladder control and even when they are trying not to wet themselves, they cannot control their bladders and they just lose it.

      I know TV Guy from HD Wetting reads this forum periodically. He may have some interesting observations from shooting his own videos that he can share with our community. I hope he sees this and jumps in.

      The bottom line is that there is no answer to your question about whether more girls are wetting themselves in this Internet age than the number who have wet themselves in the past for their own pleasure or the pleasure of their partner. There is just no way to know.


      • #4
        I think Patches correctly pointed out that the majority of clips on YouTube are not posted, if I may paraphrase her, "to celebrate sexual pleasure." Since wetting, either in private and much more so in public, is a taboo, we've seen numerous YouTube clips that show up here are often intended to embarrass the wetter or to show something the poster finds weird or disgusting or funny or to show involuntary incontinence associated with drunkenness or fighting.

        What the internet does is make everything public. This enables people to search for sexually oriented topics, which, as few as thirty years ago, was a rather difficult task. We of the 21st century can easily discover that there are other people who share the same fantasies as we do. This brings topics that were previously kept in our bedrooms, if we are lucky enough to have a like-minded or indulging partner, or, if not, the hidden recesses of our psyches, into the view of anyone who searches for them with the consequence that more of us have discovered and will discover others are also aroused by wetting.

        While occasional wetting clips posted on YouTube appear because of erotic intentions on the part of the poster, all of those on X-Tube and other sexually oriented sites are posted for erotic reasons. If we want to know how many people are turned on by wetting, perhaps the best way estimate is to analyze the number of posts with wetting on general adult-oriented sites and compare it with the number of posts having other erotic themes. The percentage is unlikely to show that our kink is common or that we're not growing rapidly.


        • #5
          Appreciate The Reply

          Patches ,

          I do thank You , for your response . It does shed light on a question . That might not be answered . Though what you had posted is very informative and insightful of the difference there is out there today . As well as in the past . On who wets for money . To who wets for pleasure . I will never ask you to divulge who did what . As I will judge that on my own in the many fantasies I have had of the current girls . You have filmed before .

          I do hope , TV GUY of H.D. Wetting will add His feed back on here as well . I had the unique opportunity to have corresponded and become friends with the fetish model , Mikki Avalin , in getting to know her about Her interests in the pee fetish . We all share on here . She enjoyed wetting herself in front of the camera and told me once . She usually got very Horny while being filmed ! Which to me was very interesting as well as very arousing to know By just watching Her wet Her pants ! So Very Well ! That also includes some nude peeing to add to it all! Mikki , was a special girl I will always respect and cherish , for what she and You , have given me over the years . That is Friendship that I will always have with the 2 of you for all times and very thankful for it . Since I have lost contact with Her . Ever since she had moved and no longer is being filmed at H.D.Wetting

          So we might never know the truth in answer to this question , but , it's interesting to ponder it .

          Thank You , so much Patches , I appreciate what you have given us here .

          Take Care ,

          Dusty Harold .


          • #6
            PP1 ,

            An interesting point you have made . That would be interesting to delve into some time, if any one would like to try and do .

            Thank You , for posting and sharing what you thought about this .

            Dusty Harold


            • #7
              Hi Patches, love your stuff and miss your videos. Perhaps without revealing any names or giving anything away, you could tell us the tale of one of these unplanned and unfilmed embarrassing situations? Like what happened and how, wearing what? If you can, I would love it.


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              • #8
                Hi Patches.

                I lurk here all the time and, believe it or not, your stories from like 17 years ago are what got me interested in this subject. Well, actually it was probably a couple of Penthouse letters from the 80s, but your stories really pushed me over the edge. Back in the early Internet days I had no idea that this fetish was common: or at least common enough that a significant number of people were also interested.

                Anyway, thank you for years of enjoyment and your well-articulated stories and posts.


                • #9
                  Three Tales


                  I really wasn't expecting nor prepared for your question so I had to think about it a little bit to reflect on what incidents were the most embarrassing situations. I have actually recalled 3 separate situations with 3 different girls that stand out as worth telling everyone about. One of them I actually witnessed and the other 2 I heard about afterwards (you know, during some "girl talk").

                  The one I witnessed was from a time my husband and I went out to dinner at Red Lobster with one of the models and her boyfriend. He knew all about her video scenes and had actually watched a couple of them but he was not overly interested in the videos. We had all had a few drinks during dinner but none of us were desperate. The model simply planned to stop in the restroom when we left the restaurant since the restrooms are always located right by the exit at Red Lobster. One of us told a really funny joke that got us all laughing very hard. I don't even remember what the joke was or who told it. Suddenly the model wet her pants and not just a little bit but she really flooded them so her pee was running on the floor under the table. Her boyfriend who was sitting beside her (we were in a booth) looked down at her wet pants that were still glistening with wet pee running through them and he suddenly became very aroused which was evident to all of us because of the size of his erection that could be clearly seen through his pants. I don't know who was the most embarrassed - the model or her boyfriend! Both of their faces turned from laughter to a bright red color.

                  This model told me a few months later that her boyfriend tried to tickle her a few times to try to make her wet her pants when they were at home but that did not work because it only made her mad. However, he would catch her off guard with a well timed funny joke and sometimes she would involuntarily wet her pants which always got him aroused and he would chase her around the house until he caught her. She did not give me any more details than that.

                  Another model told me about an embarrassing situation that happened to her. She knew from some of our scene scenarios that it was possible to pee while she had an orgasm. She decided she was going to teach herself to do it. When she was home alone, she would wait until she had to pee fairly bad and then take her vibrator to the bathroom, sit on the toilet, stimulate herself with the vibrator, and try to pee right as she reached her climax. At first she had trouble getting the orgasms and peeing coordinated but eventually she was able to do it every time. It soon became so much of a habit that she could not have an orgasm without peeing at the same time.

                  This wasn't a problem until she got a new boyfriend and one night he was giving her oral sex on the bed. As she reached a climax through his oral stimulation, she peed right in his face! They both just looked at each other in shock! She tried to tell him it was female ejaculation but he was smarter than that and knew it was pee. She also quickly discovered that he was not upset but he liked it! From that point on, they just made sure they had protection on the bed whenever they had sex. In this case, the embarrassment did not last long for either one of them.

                  The third situation was told to me by a model for whom watersports became a central part of her life. She had a couple of young kids and a husband who worked nights. She also had a rec room with a tile floor at her house. After dinner, she would begin drinking lots of liquids until it was time to put her kids to bed. They were sound sleepers who would go right to sleep without a lot of fuss or attention. Once she was sure they were asleep, it was time for her special fun! She would have different outfits she would wear. She would fix herself a couple of alcoholic drinks, go to her rec room, and decide what sort of fun watersports game would entertain her fantasies for the rest of the evening. Sometimes she would play a game of holding her pee as long as she could and then seeing how large a puddle she could make on the floor while sitting in it with some favorite outfit. Sometimes, she would play peeing games instead of wetting games and one of her favorites was to see how far she could shoot her pee across the room while she was sitting naked on the floor.

                  Well, this was the game she was playing one night when her husband came home early and she never heard him come in the house. He entered the rec room just in time to see his naked wife sitting on the floor shooting a stream of pee half way across the room in a large arc. They just looked at each other for about 2 minutes in total shock. I was never told what happened after that so let your own imaginations and fantasies determine what might have happened next.


                  Thanks for the complement!


                  • #10
                    Fantastic tales !

                    Patches ,

                    I would like to relate one such interesting incident you had told me some time ago . About filming a scenario on a slide . That I had suggested to you in trying one time in the past . With 2 models and what had happened after wards / should I let you tell what had exactly happened . During filming of that scene . I don't wish to embarrass you in what occurred , but , it would seem some what fitting to add it on here in what you had just related ?

                    Dusty Harold


                    • #11
                      Another embarrassing incident

                      I believe the incident Dusty is referring to is Scene 11 from Patches 53. The camerman that I refer to in the scene description is me!

                      The scene had to be set up very quickly because both girls were very desperate. As you can see from the pictures of the scene at http://www.patches.net/videos/patches/p53.php the light is all wrong since the scene is backlit. There was nothing that could be done about that because other people were around and the scene had to be shot immediately.

                      When Mela came down the slide and was peeing all the way from the top of the slide to the bottom, she splashed her pee all over me because I was standing too close to the bottom of the slide. I had to stand there to keep the sunlight from shining directly on the camera lens and since the lens opening was set to automatic, it would have made the picture totally dark if I allowed the sun to hit the lens. There was no time to make any camera adjustments. We just had to run to the location and shoot the scene because the girls were so desperate.

                      As Mela hit the bottom of the slide, all the pee that she had been pushing down the slide between her legs just shot off the bottom of the slide and drenched me! The girls thought this was really funny! I didn't! I did not have a change of clothes with me like the other girls did.


                      • #12
                        An Embarrassing Moment , But , A Great Scene !

                        Patches ,

                        Didn't mean to put you in the spotlight in telling this interesting scene . That I had requested to be filmed . Sorry , for what had happened to you on that particular day .

                        Thought it would have been a good one to tell on here . Since now the video / DVD is out and ready to purchase at Patches Place . That take it from me . it's a Excellent DVD to get and watch . As I really did enjoy it very much !

                        That all the girls that had appeared in this DVD . Actually , I believe , really enjoyed themselves quite a lot in what they all did . Plus what happened in front as well as behind the scenes . That really matters the most of all . To all of us here . That appreciates and enjoys . What it all takes to film such videos . That you have made over the years . That's what's important to know appreciate and enjoy watching . As well as knowing what all had occurred in setting such a scene[s] as this and others up in making a DVD like this one to sale . That's what I been looking for , for some time now . In knowing what all had happened while filming such videos You had made over time .

                        The inside story of how Patches & Patches Place became a all time favorite place for , myself , and I Hope for others to come to , appreciate and really enjoy what you had to offer . Since there wasn't , in my opinion , that had what you had for sale on Your web site . That no one else had on theirs in quality and diversity of what you made available to those in the U.S.A. and other parts of the world .

                        In closing . I want to say how much I appreciate , for what You had made over the years . That had impressed me so immensely in what all I had found on there. What all I had learned , bought , watched and thoroughly had enjoyed in knowing finding out . What this fetish and those who indulge in it had taught me about this I now have and enjoy in .

                        The knowledge I have gained in what all I have learned over time . Really had impressed me , inspired me and has encouraged me to embrace it

                        You are a great Teacher , Patches , I just wanted you to know how much an influence you had on me in what you had provided by your DVDs and the web site you once owned . I know it's a bit much in what I have said , but , this's how I feel on what you have given me that I had not found else where in my life ............................

                        Thank You , so much for that for sharing what You have done over time ! !

                        Dusty Harold


                        • #13
                          Thank you Patches for your account. I wish I was in that Red Lobster and I would have traded places with you behind the camera any day, lol. But seriously, thank you for sharing. I almost forgot all about this post as I have been spending a lot of time at another chat board that has role plays and I have discovered that I enjoy those a bit. I was thrilled to read your reply. thank you.

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                          • #14
                            I will try to contact TV GUY for his take on this . either by e- mail or by a P.M either way . Hope he will reply to this thread as well . I might be interesting to know .


                            • #15
                              "I am not going to reveal which girls have done scenes simply for the money and which ones enjoy it for pleasure so don't ask."

                              And I soooooooooo wanted to ask about Melissa.

