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A Question For Patches

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  • A Question For Patches

    Patches ,

    I have a question on a picture that was just up loaded on Wet Set photoboard . Under the title of '' Female Nude Peeing and Golden Showers '' section . That I wish for you to identify for me . Since it came from Patches Place , and looks like a very early photo of a young attractive brunette peeing openly from a pinic table into I think a swimming pool

    Can You tell me who this young woman is , by chance ? I can't seem to know her and it's really intrgues me in finfing out who she is and what video she was in . That had that scene of her peeing a golden stream So Very Well ! !

  • #2
    What page of which thread? How many posts down? I could
    almost certainly identify it for you, but I need to know where to look.
    Last edited by renopisser; July 21, 2013, 03:38 AM.


    • #3
      Question For Patches

      What I need to know is , who is the young brunette woman peeing from a picnic table into a pool . That has a caption on the left side that says , '' Don't Pee in The Pool ! ! '' , which is a still capture off of a early made Patches video ?
      That I can't identify . As I have never seen this one before .

      The picture is located on the last page , 3rd one from right of the thread titled Nude Out door peeing on the Topic Header titled Female Nude Peeing & Golden Showers Located on the photo board section here on
      Wet Set .

      I know that Patches can identify this one easily . Because she most likely had filmed this video herself some time ago . That might not be listed on her website any more .

      If you can identify who this young woman is peeing into that pool . I would appreciate that . Though I know for sure Patches sure can and I Hope she will also

      Thank You

      Dusty Harold
      Last edited by Dusty Harold; July 21, 2013, 05:16 AM.


      • #4
        Do not remember who this is

        Dusty, it took me a while to figure out which pic you were referring to but I found it. It is obviously a pic that I put a logo on but it is not from one of my Patches videos. It is from some other video producer whose video we sold. I do not recognize the girl nor the video it is from. This is just a wild guess but it might have been from one of the "Mountain Man" or "Alori" videos. These were VHS videos from a long time ago and I simply do not remember.

        Does anyone else recognize this pic? Perhaps mikek2 knows where it is from since he is the one who posted it today.


        • #5
          Interesring Picture

          I was certain , Patches , that you would have known who and when this was made . That's interesting in knowing that even you couldn't place this one completely . I'm still pleased that you tried and appreciate the effort at doing so . It amazes me how long Patches Place , including all your film work . How many years that has been since you had started that website back in the mid 90's and had just sold it . Just almost a year ago come the 15 of August / Boy how things can change over time .

          Please , every one . I'm still learning the proper way to do everything on my computer . Especially when I find something of interest . That others might find as well . Though I haven't learn quite yet to be able to link to that picture in question . I'm not perfect . I still make mistakes that really gets me heated still at times .
          Though I would appreciate for any one else to see if this can be identified of where it or whom is in it peeing so very Wonderfully

          Anyone Else know ?

          Thank You , Especially You , Patcthes ! !

          Dusty Harold
          Last edited by Dusty Harold; July 25, 2013, 02:01 PM.


          • #6
            Just A Short Note @ Patches , / any one else that might be curiouis .
            I just got a reply from Mikek2 , on the question on the name of the model in that picture I had asked Patches and Mikek2 as well id either of them where the picture came from and whether it was one of the earlier Patches video , which Patches , herself , said it wasn't one she had filmed , but , it was from a producer from her website at that time .

            Thay Mikek2 said in his reply to me . That he couldn't identify the young woman , peeing in that pool . That the caption read '' Please , don't pee In the Pool ! "

            So there you have it , folks ! I do appreciate both Patches & Mikek2 for replying I Thank You , for giving me that information .
            @ Patches , I wish it might have been you, been photographed , being Naughty . Since you had a post / thread on here . of that title of not / to pee in your pool / Am I wrong again on that too ?

            Dusty Harold


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dusty Harold
              @ Patches , I wish it might have been you, been photographed , being Naughty . Since you had a post / thread on here . of that title of not / to pee in your pool / Am I wrong again on that too ?
              Dusty, you are correct that there was a recent post here with some banter about whether or not it was okay to pee in a pool. I made a comment saying people could pee in my pool anytime. So, you got the details right this time!


              • #8
                When needing the toilet

                Next time I come to the USA, I'll contact you if I think I might need an outdoor toilet, and see if I can use your pool, heee, hee!


                • #9
                  Dusty Harold ,

                  Stands tall again ! Now he's ready , for Georgia , cooking delights and some much needed company tonight ! !

                  Thank You , Patches , You put a smile on my face ! That I Hope , in my dreams That My Dream Girl . Will eventually come to me and give me some of her warmth ! In return I will surely give her a whole Lot of mine
                  in return as well ! !

                  Dusty Harold
                  Last edited by Dusty Harold; July 31, 2013, 02:47 AM.

