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First Post: Wife's Desperation During Ultrasound

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  • First Post: Wife's Desperation During Ultrasound

    I'm new to this forum & this is my first post.
    My interest in female desperation started when my wife was 3 months pregnant with our first child & I went with her to her first ultrasound scan. As instructed she had drunk plenty of water beforehand so her bladder was nice & full. The appointment was in the late afternoon & when we arrived we were told they were running about 30-40 minutes late.
    We sat down to wait but it wasn't long before my wife mentioned that she was getting really desperate for the toilet! Strangely, I found this a huge turn-on & began to watch her closely for signs of desperation. As the minutes passed she became more agitated - crossing her legs & squirming in her seat. I noticed her tugging at the waistband of her trousers trying to ease the pressure on her aching bladder - by now I had a huge hard-on!
    Eventually her turn came & we went into the examination room. My wife removed her trousers, lay down on the table & lowered her panties. Her abdomen was distended & there were marks where the waistband of her briefs had cut into her flesh. The ultrasound tech applied the gel which caused my wife to wince & bite her lip. Then the examination started. I was holding her hand & as the probe was pressed against her she gasped & gripped my hand tightly. As the probe was passed repeatedly over her swollen bladder she groaned with distress & gripped my hand tighter. Meanwhile I was loving every second of her ordeal!
    The ultrasound tech was friendly & supportive but by now my imagination was running wild & for some reason I had the idea that she too was enjoying my wife's suffering. She would have known how terribly desperate my wife was & I imagined her her taking great pleasure in making my wife suffer. I imagined her pressing a little harder each time, knowing exactly what it was doing to my wife as she repeatedly took her to the brink of wetting her panties! I was really enjoying watching my wife struggling desperately to control herself as she was taken to her limit!
    Eventually my poor wife couldn't take any more & she begged to be allowed to use the toilet. The ultrasound tech relented & I helped her off the table. She grabbed her trousers & hobbled into the toilet which was en-suite to the examination room. Even with the door closed we could hear her urinating. It was an incredibly powerful stream cascading noisily into the toilet bowl. She was peeing for ages & the sound was a huge turn-on (more evidence of how desperate she'd been to pee & what a terrible ordeal she'd had to endure!). I wondered if the ultrasound tech was also getting off on the sound of my wife urinating!
    When she emerged from the toilet she had put her trousers back on & was looking flushed. We left the hospital & returned home but on the way back she seemed annoyed & embarrased. When we got home she said she was going to shower. As soon as she was in the shower I was in the laundry basket checking out her undies. Her trousers smelt faintly of urine at the crotch but then I found her panties - sure enough, the crotch of her pants was soaking with her urine! She must have lost control at the last second & wet her knickers! This turned me on even more - I especially loved the thought that she'd nearly made it to the toilet but had been unable to hold on & had wet herself at the last minute!
    Does anyone else have any similar stories? I'd especially like to hear from any ladies who have been really desperate during their ultrasound scans or from any of their partners who have witnessed their wife or girlfriend's desperation.
    Look forward to your replies.

  • #2
    It sounds as if you're keeping this to yourself. Why not tell your wife what turns you on?


    • #3
      Here we go, another one who want to become "emotionally invested" in pee desperation. How did you know that`s just what everyone needs? Forget the stupid video nonsense, let`s talk about feelings and emotions!

      Congratulations on your child though!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Percival
        It sounds as if you're keeping this to yourself. Why not tell your wife what turns you on?
        I agree it's a good idea to look for a way to tell your wife what turns you on- not quite sure this is the avenue by which to approach that topic.
        Upon more reflection, I'm pretty CERTAIN you should take another approach...
        My humble 2 cents worth-
        Best Wishes- Vic


        • #5
          Originally posted by desp_fan
          Here we go, another one who want to become "emotionally invested" in pee desperation. How did you know that`s just what everyone needs? Forget the stupid video nonsense, let`s talk about feelings and emotions!
          To whom are you referring? Me?

          I just find it odd that people in a relationship would not discuss such matters. For me, a relationship without such discussions is not worth having. I realise that not everybody feels the same way.

          I like videos too, but that doesn't mean we can't discuss matters. Sorry if that's too boring or grown-up for you.


          • #6
            Originally posted by desp_fan
            Here we go, another one who want to become "emotionally invested" in pee desperation. How did you know that`s just what everyone needs? Forget the stupid video nonsense, let`s talk about feelings and emotions!

            Congratulations on your child though!
            Not quite sure what you mean by "emotionally invested". If you mean do I like female desperation then yes. If you mean do I also like talking about female desperation then also yes.
            I thought this forum would be just the place to talk about this kind of thing.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Percival
              It sounds as if you're keeping this to yourself. Why not tell your wife what turns you on?
              I've often talked to my wife about what turns each of us on however I've actually kept this one to myself as I'm sure it's an interest she wouldn't share.

              To be honest it's actually the desperation to pee element which turns me on as opposed to the 'watersports' element. It was the experience of her ultrasound examination which first got me interested.
              Since then I've been surreptitiously on the lookout for any signs of desperation. For instance she works flexible hours and in order to leave work early to beat the traffic she often works through her break. Many times she's arrived home absolutely frantic for the toilet. If I'm home at the time I'll purposely try to delay her just to prolong her desperation. Then when she eventually gets to urinate I like to listen. I especially enjoy it when she's peeing loudly and for a very long time as this just proves how desperate she must have been.


              • #8
                Hi and welcome. Thanks for sharing your story which I enjoyed enormously.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Adrian6970
                  Hi and welcome. Thanks for sharing your story which I enjoyed enormously.
                  Glad you enjoyed reading the story - I really enjoyed posting it & I hoped this forum would be just the place to share it.
                  For me it's the desperation element that I enjoy most & it seems to me that the ultrasound scenario is perfect if you get off on female desperation.
                  Not only was I turned on by seeing my wife so desperate for relief but it also got my (rather vivid) imagination working overtime & I began to imagine that the ultrasound tech was also enjoying it which turned me on even more! What would it be like, I wondered, if you were a woman into female desperation doing that job every day. This woman knew that every female who came to see her was desperate for the toilet giving her a certain 'power' over her patients. And, in my wife's case, circumstances had conspired to increase her power. The long delay meant that my wife was absolutely bursting by the time her examination started. The technician would have known this - in effect she was completely at this woman's mercy!
                  This thought that she was really enjoying my wife's ordeal was a massive turn-on and as the examination progressed I imagined her pressing a little harder every time, knowing what it was doing to my wife, enjoying her groans as she felt her bladder weakening as she was repeatedly taken to the brink of wetting her panties!
                  I've fantasised about it many times since. What I'd give to be able to watch her doing her work every day - watching her pressing home the probe while the poor, desperate woman on the bed groans and struggles desperately not to wet herself!
                  Surely there's a market for a dvd of ultrasound scenarios?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by midlander
                    Glad you enjoyed reading the story - I really enjoyed posting it & I hoped this forum would be just the place to share it.
                    For me it's the desperation element that I enjoy most & it seems to me that the ultrasound scenario is perfect if you get off on female desperation.
                    Not only was I turned on by seeing my wife so desperate for relief but it also got my (rather vivid) imagination working overtime & I began to imagine that the ultrasound tech was also enjoying it which turned me on even more! What would it be like, I wondered, if you were a woman into female desperation doing that job every day. This woman knew that every female who came to see her was desperate for the toilet giving her a certain 'power' over her patients. And, in my wife's case, circumstances had conspired to increase her power. The long delay meant that my wife was absolutely bursting by the time her examination started. The technician would have known this - in effect she was completely at this woman's mercy!
                    This thought that she was really enjoying my wife's ordeal was a massive turn-on and as the examination progressed I imagined her pressing a little harder every time, knowing what it was doing to my wife, enjoying her groans as she felt her bladder weakening as she was repeatedly taken to the brink of wetting her panties!
                    I've fantasised about it many times since. What I'd give to be able to watch her doing her work every day - watching her pressing home the probe while the poor, desperate woman on the bed groans and struggles desperately not to wet herself!
                    Surely there's a market for a dvd of ultrasound scenarios?
                    I too like desperation as much as the actual wetting itself. Also I can well imagine ultrasound technician being the perfect job for desperation lovers!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Adrian6970
                      I too like desperation as much as the actual wetting itself. Also I can well imagine ultrasound technician being the perfect job for desperation lovers!
                      For me, it's all about the desperation. Prior to this ultrasound experience i had no interest in female desperation but this was a real eye-opener, like discovering a whole new facet of human sexuality.
                      It started in the waiting area when the long delay started to take effect & her initial discomfort gave way to acute desperation - I loved watching her squirm as her bladder got fuller! As her desperation increased I was treated to the sight of her her tugging at the waistband of her trousers as she tried in vain to relieve the pressure on her bladder and ease the torment. By this time I was hoping that the bulge in my jeans wasn't too obvious!
                      Things got even better when the examination started and the ultrasound tech began to work her over with the probe, repeatedly taking her to the brink of wetting her knickers. It was great hearing her groan with distress as she struggled to keep control, feeling her bladder weakening. At one point I was sure she was going to lose the battle and wet her panties right there in front of us. I guess for many on this forum that would have been the best bit but I was enjoying her ordeal so much I didn't want it to end.
                      When at last the examination was complete and she was able to relieve herself I really enjoyed the sound of her urinating. Even with the door closed it was really loud and she was peeing for ages - she must have been so desperate!
                      Later at home I was delighted to discover that she hadn't quite made it and had actually wet her pants! I just loved that she'd been so close but had lost control right at the end and soaked her knickers!


                      • #12
                        Does the Tech enjoy this, or is she completely blasé, like a dr. seeing nude patients? Most likely she has seen it all before and is indifferent, but who knows?
                        Is it significant that there has never been any posts here from ultrasound techs?
                        Years ago a friend of mine who knew of my interest told me that she had mentioned a miserable u-s scan experience to someone who was a tech and he was indifferent to her sufferings, (she held out, in absolute desperation, and just made it to the toilet after, running with only a hospital gown on,) he said that he had done many tests and 'frequently' the patient ended up either 'leaking' in her knickers or completely broke down and wet herself.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Paul Tester
                          Does the Tech enjoy this, or is she completely blasé, like a dr. seeing nude patients? Most likely she has seen it all before and is indifferent, but who knows?
                          Is it significant that there has never been any posts here from ultrasound techs?
                          Years ago a friend of mine who knew of my interest told me that she had mentioned a miserable u-s scan experience to someone who was a tech and he was indifferent to her sufferings, (she held out, in absolute desperation, and just made it to the toilet after, running with only a hospital gown on,) he said that he had done many tests and 'frequently' the patient ended up either 'leaking' in her knickers or completely broke down and wet herself.
                          In truth, I had no idea of knowing how the U/S tech was reacting to my wife's desperation. I tend to think of an interest in female desperation as a 'male' thing (unless some of the female contributors to this forum would like to correct me here).
                          The U/S tech was outwardly friendly & supportive but she still continued with the examination despite my wife's obvious distress. In my imagination she was enjoying her ordea as much as I was & I found this thought a huge turn-on - I loved the idea that she was getting off on my wife's desperation!
                          This got me thinking. Imagine having that job if you were a woman who got off on other women's desperation. Knowing that every woman who entered your room was desperate to pee & completely at your mercy! How tempting would it be to let the appointments run over by a few minutes each time so that those women unfortunate enough to be the last patients of the day were made to wait until they were absolutely bursting!
                          My wife's appointment was the last of the day & was over 30 minutes late starting & she was dying for the toilet. The U/S tech would have known exactly how desperate she was. I imagined how she felt as she ran the probe over my wife's bladder knowing exactly what it was doing to her - gleefully pressing a little harder each time, enjoying her power as she took her repeatedly to her limit. I imagined her getting off on the sound of my wife's groans knowing she only had to press a little too hard to make this poor woman break down completely & wet her knickers! Finally, when it was all over, I imagined her enjoying the sound of my wife urinating, listening with delight as she took ages to empty her bursting bladder!
                          It's pretty unlikely but if there are any U/S techs out there who use this forum it would be great to hear your stories. Also anyone else (male or female) willing to share their U/S experiences.

