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Picture on Ger's of girl wetting on a horse

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  • Picture on Ger's of girl wetting on a horse

    I would like to ask for your opinion of a wetting picture from gers fem desp site. On page 813, second row, last pic, you see a girl with a very wet jeans while riding a horse.

    I know some of you are really good in analyzing pictures or vids and I count on you now.

    If I see some content which could be interesting for me, I try everything to find out more about it.

    First, is it really pee or maybe a spill or wetness from splashes or she sat in something wet or whatever (shape of the stain, environmental circumstances and lots of other fact are here important)?

    Secondly I try to find out more about the story behind it, what happened, are there more pictures?

    Here are my thoughts about this picture:

    There's a a girl (unfortunately not the whole girl with her face, but she had nicely shaped legs) with tight jeans lying over her horse. She has a well defined wet spot from her butt down to her knees.

    It is easy to see that this wetness developed during she was sitting down. No wetness is shown on her calves or ankles so either it dripped down because of her angled legs while riding or she didn’t pee enough for this.

    There could be 3 possibilities what happened.

    First, the horse was wet from a previous rain, she sat on it and her pants get wet too (but the grass and plants or the path she was coming from looked completely dry, so I don’t think so).

    Secondly if it was a hot day and she rides without a saddle, the sweat from the horse could have soaked her jeans too (I don’t know whether it is possible that a horse can sweat so much, her jeans looked glistening wet).

    And the last opportunity, she really peed herself during her ride.

    I know that many girls need to pee during riding a horse because of the shaking or long rides or stalls without a toilet or a possibility to relief herself on the track.

    However, for me this is one of the better pictures and worth to think about a few minutes longer.

  • #2
    It's most likely from riding bareback on the horse. There's lots of pics like that on Instagram. But you never really know.


    • #3
      Whenever you ride a horse bareback for a while, especially when it's hot or you're riding hard, your butt and thighs get wet from combined body heat and perspiration. It's almost impossible to distinguish sweaty pants from peed pants, so there's no way to know for sure. Riding bareback is a chance for girls who like to pee their pants to get away with it. I once had a girl friend who fell into this category.


      • #4
        Yes, and don't forget, if you're riding hard, the horse sweats a ton too.


        • #5
          Peeing / Wetting While Riding A Horse

          I use to correspond with a fellow member on here . by the user name seeds2345 . Who on wrote to me about enjoying riding a horses and wetting on them . Whenever the need / urge came upon her . Which in fact . She freely admitted to me . That it would arouse so much . That she needed to get herself off . in rubbing Her wet pussy & clit in her riding shorts . Against the saddle horn to achieve a orgasm . Which was very pleasurable to Her in enjoying that type of activity at riding a horse and peeing while doing so

          Her experiences are recorde / written on Experience Project . That if you check out her profile on here . You will find links to some of Her own peeing experiences . That she has enjoyed in

          Dusty Harold


          • #6
            thanks for your replys and explanations, I really didnt know this about horses. you convinced me, shes wet from the horse, was a nice imagination that she pissed herself


            • #7
              Wet horse?

              I've done a lot of riding both English and western (with some dressage thrown in). The horse doesn't appear wet to me.


              • #8
                Originally posted by racer
                I've done a lot of riding both English and western (with some dressage thrown in). The horse doesn't appear wet to me.
                I believe that the saddle channels the pee to flow off and not get the Horse wet at all .
                This was also back up by what I had read about these experiences of a girl .That enjoyed in doing this very often . Who admitted to me in P.M.'s that she would be very aroused enough by both peeing , the wetness of her riding clothes the wetness of the saddle . That of rubbing on the saddle horn with her pussy and clit . In getting herself to cum
                That the Horse of course didn't feel any different at all

                Dusty Harold


                • #9
                  her jeans look to be soaked, not simply wet as they would be if it was sweat from her or the horse, so I think that she wet herself. A full flood of pee from her bursting bladder. Deliberate or not? No way of telling, but the fact that she lets herself be photographed suggests that it was either deliberate or she was not ashamed.
                  A former girl-friend who was into riding told me that sitting on a horse was the absolute worst position to be desperate: legs apart, and no hope of crossing them, jeans or jodhpurs pulled tight across a bursting bladder, and plenty of jolts from the horse to put more strain on the sphincter.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, I did horse riding lessons for 2 years, and nomatter how extensive the lessons or trips, girls and horses NEVER ended up THIS WET! I think this is pee for sure!
                    AND I'm LOVIN IT!


                    • #11
                      Thanks for your point of view. I found a story in my collection, posted on another forum in 2004:

                      I was riding with a group of people from a club I was in , when one of the ladies, Sue needed to take a piss. She & I were very good friends so she confided in me that her her need was urgent. I noticed as we were riding together that she would ocasionally grab her crotch & the expression on her face showed she was desperate to piss.I asked her to dismount , I'd hold her horse while she had a squat in the bush, but she was too shy she said!! Then she said in a few minutes if we don't get home soon I'll piss my pants altogether, because she was starting to dribble. Looking at her crotch I could see an obvious piss mark, she had started to to do wees in her pants. Just after that I lost sight of her for a few minutes because the dense tress made us ride single file, then we had to go down a steep hill for about 20 feet. As we started the descent Sue was behind me , we were only allowing one horse at a time to descend the hill, Sue's horse slipped slightly then regained its balance. This caused her to rise out of the saddle, the shock opened Sue's floodgates, she thoroughly pissed herself & was it obvious in light tan pants. We had to ride about another 1/2 mile to get home , she said she was awfully chafed & sore from the urine. She sqaid in future she will not be so shy!!!!!

