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What qualifies as an official pants pee?

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  • What qualifies as an official pants pee?

    Some people think a wet spot the size of a dime qualifies as a pants pee. I've known a few women that claimed they peed their pants, only to show me the tiniest wet spot on her crotch. I reassured them they did not (in my mind) pee their pants.

    Some go the other way, saying if the wet spot doesn't go past their knees its not really a pants pee.

    I'm somewhere in the middle. If the wet spot's larger than a softball (small melon for our European friends), its definitely a pants pee. Any smaller and I don't think it counts.

    That's why I'm proposing an IPPSB, or International Pee Pants Standards Board. Experts from around the globe (us) shall convene at an agreed upon location for the purpose of establishing exact criteria on what constitutes a full on pants wetting. This would put an end to all those fraudulent claims of peed pants, or lack thereof for people claiming not to have wet themselves.

    Certainly someone in this forum is a billionaire that can pay for the plane tickets, hotels, catering, demonstration models, press releases and so on for such a momentous event.

    I'm looking forward to all of your input on this important matter.

  • #2

    I know a certain fetish model . Who can answer this / even demonstrate a proper wetting technique . in what she like to do . While either being filmed for a video wetting / just in having fun with wetting herself for the fun of it
    Which I have proof both in the videos she has been in . plus what we had shared between both of us . Through E - Mail correspondence together. Should you really want to know

    Though I'm still interested in if anyone else will repond to this as well as I have done

    Dusty harold


    • #3
      Fantastic. Thanks for the input. Now that Dusty Harold's take care of the demonstration model component, we seem to be on our way.

      I'm assuming the IPPSB will want some standardized pants for the demonstration models. Tight jeans, khakis, girdles, etc. Those will need to be procured along with the plane fares, lodging, catering, press releases and so on.

      Would it would be valuable to conduct a straw poll on wet spot size before convening?

      I'm voting softball (very small grapefruit or melon) or larger.


      • #4
        I've usually reckoned on larger than a cup saucer, big enough that it's not just a wet spot but a noticeably large wet patch. Of course, crotch to ankle soaked pants is preferable! In the interests of common measurement, as saucers probably vary, I have measured one as about 5 inches (13 cm). So I propose the internaitonal standard for a wet patch as an area quivalent to a diameter of 6 inches (15 cm) to allow for it being irregularly shaped, which is 28 square inches (700 sq cm).

        Having looked at the (rather random) standards taxonomy, I reckon it belongs in IEC 80000-14 on telebiometrics related to human physiology. Or maybe we just create a new one ISO / IEC 80000-15.


        • #5
          I agree. There's nothing worse than hearing "i peed my pants" and seeing absolutely nothing.
          I was on a business trip a while ago and we were all out for dinner/drinks and one of the woman was fairly drunk. She went looking for a bathroom but everything was closed. Long story short, when she came back she said "good thing that bathroom was open, I almost peed myself". The crotch of her pants was clearly soaked. I wish more women would "almost" pee themselves like her!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Wet Trousers
            I've usually reckoned on larger than a cup saucer, big enough that it's not just a wet spot but a noticeably large wet patch. Of course, crotch to ankle soaked pants is preferable! In the interests of common measurement, as saucers probably vary, I have measured one as about 5 inches (13 cm). So I propose the internaitonal standard for a wet patch as an area quivalent to a diameter of 6 inches (15 cm) to allow for it being irregularly shaped, which is 28 square inches (700 sq cm).

            Having looked at the (rather random) standards taxonomy, I reckon it belongs in IEC 80000-14 on telebiometrics related to human physiology. Or maybe we just create a new one ISO / IEC 80000-15.
            WT, I'm nominating you to chair our technical committee. Great work.

            I like the saucer idea because its closer to a flat plane. A grapefruit or softball would have to be cut in half for an accurate measurement. Imagine the poor woman wondering why the heck you're holding a severed melon against crotch. A saucer would be far less alarming.

            A saucer is also a ready made template that can be procured just about anywhere. Fruit can be out of season, but there's always a saucer in the house.


            • #7
              The Symmetry Question

              It's usually men that may have an asymmetric wet patch, but with the newer synthetic materials and the popularity of tights, more women are having elongated wet patches when they pee themselves.

              I'd propose that if a wet patch is very narrow, it can still count as a pants pee if it meets or exceeds 7.5 inches.

              I'm open to other proposals. Due to the controversial nature of elongated or asymmetric wet spots, I think it would be nice to establish clear bylaws as first order of business. Roberts Rules of Order, 2/3rds majority for standards changes, an established quorum based on percentage of members present and so on.

              I'm looking forward to everyone's participation. Brandy and cigars will be served at the end of each session. All we need to do is find that billionaire.
              Last edited by PottyDance; May 17, 2016, 07:02 PM.


              • #8
                Right on--many women worry about leaking involuntarily, and the expression "I peed my pants" rarely means they emptied their bladders.

                Likewise, I agree that the material has a big impact on the size of the wet spot. It's possible to completely pee nylon and other synthetics without leaving much evidence.

                Focusing on the erotic side of our kink, I bet most wetting fans who come here prefer their women to pee in light colored cotton pants/shorts because of after affects of darkening and absorption/spread. A tiny squirt results in a very nice wet spot about 2 inches across and is highly stimulating if done intentionally as foreplay. Sure, the more she pees, the bigger the spot--but more isn't always better until we get private enough to do something about it.


                • #9
                  My gut feeling is that if the wetness passes the panties / underwear barrier, you've peed your pants, even if it's minor. But maybe we do need a stricter standard. I could agree with baseball / softball sized wetness.

                  Or, if I can suck on your clothing and taste your pee, you peed your pants. That's for females only.

                  Modeling input would help. Nikki? Patches?


                  • #10
                    Women's Input and Leadership Needed in IPPSB

                    Great input everyone.

                    We really need women's input too, and also in IPPSB leadership positions. Women describing how they view pee pants standards for themselves, and also to establish standards for when men pee their pants.

                    Should the wet spot standards be the same between genders? I don't see why not, but I don't want to proceed without equal participation.

                    I love watching women's reactions when a man pees his pants. I even thought about staging public accidents, but the situation never seemed quite right. I'd be happy to volunteer to model as long as its only women watching me. We all have to do our part.

                    Thank you all.
                    Last edited by PottyDance; May 18, 2016, 05:47 PM.


                    • #11
                      The sub-committee has suggested three related standards to achieve economies of scale while amending the standard:
                      • Pants wetting (seated) - The butt must end up all wet, measure to be developed.
                      • Pants wetting (standing) - The wet patch must meet the standard of a wetting and reach one or more knees or, in the case of shorts, the bottom of one or more legs.
                      • Underwear wetting - The wet patch on the underwear meets the standard of a wetting but either there is no wet patch on the outer clothing (eg, a woman in skirt peeing standing) or it is smaller than the standard for a wetting.


                      • #12
                        Pants Pee Standards

                        The size of the wet patch will depend on the clothes worn: knickers with or without lined gusset, or panty liner, thickness and colour of jeans. etc.... The standard size wet patch will change with any of these factors and other conditions. What is the difference between a 'pants pee' and a tiny dribble or leak?
                        I suggest that any release of pee lasting less that 2 secs., or less that 25 ml is a 'leak' not an official pants pee.
                        Do we need "International Standard Panties" and " Standard Outer Clothing" ??
                        I regard any wet patch that she cannot cover with her hand, and can be clearly seen in the ambient light, as an "Official Wetting" but really she should release the full contents of her bladder.

