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What's 'old' is new again (A revisiting, and reformulation)

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  • What's 'old' is new again (A revisiting, and reformulation)

    Greetings all,

    I'm new in a sense to actively participating on this forum, though I have been around the pages for years, enjoying (and sometimes commenting - had some trouble posting the last time I registered). Would love to see the 'good ol' days' of storytelling, both real, and fictional that this site was famous for a long time ago...so, I'm hoping to contribute some of my own accounts, writings, and experiences, and expand on others and would be happy to kick-start a bit of a resurgence with more than just posting links and pics (though nothing wrong with that either). Just getting back to writing though, as a forum like this is well-suited for, is a priority for me. So, hopefully you'll enjoy, as I do many of of the other member postings on here!

    I discovered the pleasures of the wetting and watersports lifestyle as a young man, when I was very lucky to have been introduced to it by my first girlfriend, and then subsequent other partners, over the years, right up to and including my lovely wife. In fact, it was a topic of interest that I established with my wife quite early on when we were still dating, and her continued and enthusiastic interest in wetting and watersports is certainly one of the reasons we are still together after all these years. I'm sure in time, I'll share many of these experiences.

    I'm going to start though by posting in the long form section ('Full Length Stories') one of the fictional stories I wrote myself a number of years back, that is posted here somewhere on the back pages of the forum, and on another couple of sites. At the time, it seemed to get a decent response from the community, so I may in fact expand it, and this time of year is right for the inspiration of it!

    Stay wickedly wet and inspired,

    The Golden Alchemist

  • #2
    Good to meet you, Alchemist. I strongly believe that this alleged "fetish" is not as rare as many think, and that there are any fair number of couples (many who might be called "middle aged") who enjoy it --including me. Sometimes I talk about the antics of my boyfriend and me, and look forward to hearing about the "naughty fun" you and your wife have together.


    • #3
      Originally posted by GoldenAlchemist
      Greetings all,

      I'm new in a sense to actively participating on this forum, though I have been around the pages for years, enjoying (and sometimes commenting - had some trouble posting the last time I registered). Would love to see the 'good ol' days' of storytelling, both real, and fictional that this site was famous for a long time ago...so, I'm hoping to contribute some of my own accounts, writings, and experiences, and expand on others and would be happy to kick-start a bit of a resurgence with more than just posting links and pics (though nothing wrong with that either). Just getting back to writing though, as a forum like this is well-suited for, is a priority for me. So, hopefully you'll enjoy, as I do many of of the other member postings on here!

      I discovered the pleasures of the wetting and watersports lifestyle as a young man, when I was very lucky to have been introduced to it by my first girlfriend, and then subsequent other partners, over the years, right up to and including my lovely wife. In fact, it was a topic of interest that I established with my wife quite early on when we were still dating, and her continued and enthusiastic interest in wetting and watersports is certainly one of the reasons we are still together after all these years. I'm sure in time, I'll share many of these experiences.

      I'm going to start though by posting in the long form section ('Full Length Stories') one of the fictional stories I wrote myself a number of years back, that is posted here somewhere on the back pages of the forum, and on another couple of sites. At the time, it seemed to get a decent response from the community, so I may in fact expand it, and this time of year is right for the inspiration of it!

      Stay wickedly wet and inspired,

      The Golden Alchemist
      Hi Alchemist ,

      I think that this particular fetish you and so many here enjoy in with pleasure , fun .As well as so much arousal.
      Is the fact that we must keep it hidden / to ourselves . In what we all like in doing with it . As in mainstream life and compared to other fetishes out there. This fetish is somewhat looked down upon . By others who really don't quite understand . How fun , pleasing , arousing and relaxing it really is to let it all flow
      So Welcome to the Forums and by all means share what you like in doing. As it will ake for some interesting reading .

      Dusty Harold


      • #4
        Originally posted by Maria
        Good to meet you, Alchemist. I strongly believe that this alleged "fetish" is not as rare as many think, and that there are any fair number of couples (many who might be called "middle aged") who enjoy it --including me. Sometimes I talk about the antics of my boyfriend and me, and look forward to hearing about the "naughty fun" you and your wife have together.
        Thanks Maria, a pleasure to meet you as well. You are absolutely correct in your belief that the enjoyment of the wetter pleasures of life are certainly not so rare - at least that has been the experience of my wife and I. We have in fact shared such pleasures (and introduced, in some cases) the "wet life" with many other couples - though being a bit more open and adventurous may come part in parcel with the liberated lifestyle that we enjoy. One thing we have noticed with couples, and women in particular, is that if my wife is the one to make it "ok", then they are much more likely to "go" (in every sense of the word, ha!) along with it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dusty Harold
          Hi Alchemist ,

          I think that this particular fetish you and so many here enjoy in with pleasure , fun .As well as so much arousal.
          Is the fact that we must keep it hidden / to ourselves . In what we all like in doing with it . As in mainstream life and compared to other fetishes out there. This fetish is somewhat looked down upon . By others who really don't quite understand . How fun , pleasing , arousing and relaxing it really is to let it all flow
          So Welcome to the Forums and by all means share what you like in doing. As it will ake for some interesting reading .

          Dusty Harold
          Thanks for the welcome Dusty, will be for sure writing more especially of my wife and I, and our experiences. Agreed that at first blush, the enjoyment of this "fetish" is largely misunderstood, and I think I was very fortunate that for me, it was my first girlfriend who introduced to me the idea that such a thing could be pleasurable and erotic. A few more lovely ladies confirmed it for me, and by the time I had met my wife, taking the "risk" to share with her what I really liked didn't seem so daunting. I know that's not the "common" experience, and I really did luck out again in that my wife was already on board even before I met her.

