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Katie pt.2

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  • Katie pt.2

    Three nights later Katie got ready for bed again. Putting on a pair of pink pajama pants, which looked pretty cute on her, rising low enough to show a little bit of her boy-short panties, and tight enough to cling to her ass a little, with a white tank-top on top. The next morning she woke up to the sound of hissing, with a warm feeling around her crotch and butt. She sat up puzzled for a moment, before she realized what was happening. “oh fuck” she muttered as she quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom still peeing. There was already a dinner plate sized wet patch on her left butt cheek where she was laying down, and the inside of her left thigh had a growing streak as she ran to the bathroom, and yanked down her pajama’s and panties in one motion, and finished off in the toilet. “God what is happening to me” she whimpered to herself, humiliated that she just wet the bed.

    She didn't have time to sulk though, after all she had a test that morning in her statistics class. So Katie hid her wet pants and panties the best she could in her closet so her roommates wouldn't find them, showered and got dressed for the day. Katie pulled on a pair of skintight black leggings, and a longer aqua tunic that covered her butt, but still tight enough to show off her amazing curves and headed to class.

    She hated her stats class, and she felt it had nothing to do with her major which was acting, and had always dreamed of moving out to california to be an actress, but she knew she had to get past these damn college generals. On her way to class Katie realized that she had a slight urge to pee again, but figured that she didn't have time to stop by the bathroom before her test, and figured that if worst came to worst she could just leave in the middle of class. Katie walked in the door just on time, as the professor, a middle aged balding man who Katie thought could not be any more boring was handing out the tests, and Katie quickly took her seat. She always sat by Kevin, the cute boy who was also an acting major that she always had a crush on, and constantly flirted with during class. But because the tests were being handed out she just smiled at him, gave a cute wave and took her seat, Kevin smiled back, and made sure to quickly glance at her incredible butt in that tight tunic and leggings combo.

    Katie took the stack of tests from the girl sitting in front of her, took one and passed the rest back. But before she started she took a big gulp form her water bottle, momentarily forgetting that she already needed to pee. About fifteen minutes into the hour and a half long test Katie began to feel the twinge in her bladder a little more, and shifted her butt around, trying to readjust and find a more comfortable position for her bladder. Kevin noticed her shuffling, and she just gave him a smile and shrug as if to say this test is hard, and Kevin smiled back.

    another fifteen minutes went by, and Katie was now shifting her weight from side to side more frequently as she could feel her bladder fill up, and decided that she needed to find a restroom, so she raised her hand and motioned for the professor to come over. The middle aged man slowly waddled over to her desk and leaned in. "ummm, can I be excused to powder my nose?" she asked shyly. But the professor looked at her and said a little too loudly for the quiet room "this is no time to be putting on make-up, you can do it after you've finished." Embarrassed, Katie said "no, I mean I have to pee." Kevin overheard her and looked up and Katie turned a little red. The professor however looked uninterested at her and said dryly "you can wait until you're test is done." And Katie embarrassed a little shifted her butt back again, and crosser her legs firmly and went back to her test.

    Another half hour went by of Katie working no her test, shifting her weight back and forth and crossing and recrossing her legs. Katie was really getting desperate now, and the pressure of her bladder was beginning to come in the form of intense waves, and once she uncrossed her legs she let go the smallest drop of urine into her panties, and Katie clenched her lips and quickly slammer her legs together again, and instantly raised her hand. Even more embarrassed this time as Kevin was aware of her situation. As her professor waddled over again Katie asked very quietly "please it's an emergency can I PLEASE use the rest room" The professor looked at her test "you only have a few questions left, you can go when you're done." Katie nodded shyly and turned beat red as realized Kevin heard their entire conversation.

    A few minutes minutes later, Katie was squirming very noticeably in her seat, but tried very hard not to grab her crotch in public. But then a strong wave hit her and she felt a one second spurt hit her panties again and she grabbed her crotch. Kevin again noticed this, and asked smiling to himself "you gonna be okay?" Katie noticeably distraught just nodded back, and looked up to the professor again longing for him to give her permission to go but ultimately decided it was useless and went back to her test, after all she only had 4 questions left.

    Katie hurried through the rest of her test, and once she was done she very quickly packed up her things, and stood. But as she did she felt another 2 seconds spurt of pee rush out of her and damped her panties. Katie just powered through it and speed walked to the front of the room, while getting a few looks from her classmates, threw down her test and raced to the bathroom down the hall. She was almost running now, and once she flung open the bathroom door she relaxed a little, and another 2 seconds spurt hit her panties. Again, Katie powered through it and slammed the stall door, yanked down her leggings and hiked up her tunic and peed mightily as soon as she was in position. she looked down at her white cotton panties which now had a definite yellow tint to them, and at her black leggings which she felt were slightly damp and moaned softly to herself "god, I just can't control myself lately" as she finished peeing and started cleaning herself up.
    Last edited by accident prone; March 26, 2011, 11:47 AM.

  • #2
    Why are you posting this in installments instead of all of it in one go?


    • #3
      because one, I'm just posting it as I write it, and two I plan on there being like 30-40 parts so I can't fit it all in one post


      • #4
        I demand that you write faster. Please take that as a compliment.

