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Katie pt. 3

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  • Katie pt. 3

    this will be the last section for a week or two, I'm going to be really busy coming up, so hope you enjoy

    It was now a little more than a week after her slight accident in stats class, and Katie was still having bed wetting problems, waking up peeing every other night it seemed. It had gotten to the point where she had a system in place to not have her roommates find out about her accidents, she would wake up early enough to throw her things in the wash, shower and have her laundry be done just as one of her roommates Claire was getting up. She was just glad that her building had free laundry.

    It was a Saturday, and Katie had been out late the night before drinking casually with some of her friend. She woke up around 11:00, and felt something strange to her. She felt cold and damp, but couldn’t place what it was in her groggy state. She felt the crotch of her sweatpants and couldn’t tell what that dampness was from. “Oh my god” is finally hit her, she wet the bed again, and this time she didn’t even wake up from it. Scared to remove the blankets, she closed her eyes and slowly peeled back the covers. She was absolutely drenched. Her grey sweatpants we saturated with urine all throughout her butt, her crotch, and completely drenching her left leg. Even the left side of her white tank top was stained and damp halfway up to her armpit. The mattress had a four foot wide puddle of urine soaking it. Katie looked over at the clock, and had a look of panic come across her face as she realized how late it was, how was she going to keep it a secret this time.

    Katie pressed her ear to her bedroom door to try and hear is her roommates were up yet, and didn’t hear anything. Thinking it was safe, Katie stripped off her wet pants, and bed sheets and threw them in her laundry, threw on a pair of clean white cotton bikini panties and a clean tank top and headed to her buildings laundry room, relieved to see her three roommates bedroom doors closed, meaning they were not up yet. Still though, it was too close of a call she thought to herself, something needs to be done soon. 21 year olds don’t pee their beds every night.

    She pushed out of her mind though, she was already late for her first rehearsal of her college theater production, and the director had always demanded the best from them, and being on time was a particular pet peeve of his. Katie was just excited to have landed the second female lead in the comedy. She was playing an over the top ditsy secretary who always flirting with everyone. It didn’t really match her personality but it was a fun role she thought. Katie was dressed simply but cute, her dark curly hair tied in a loose pony and thrown to one side over her shoulder. Wearing a pair of very tight, darker blue skinny jeans which really showed off her curvy butt, and a red fitted college t-shirt, with a scooped out neck that showed just a hint of her B-cup cleavage. After all there were some cute guys in the production and she was single.

    Her roommate Sarah was also in the production, and since she had the nicer car drove the two of them to Rehearsal. Sarah was definitely a stunner, 5’4 130 lbs, curvy with C breasts. Very trendy looking, with choppy layered, blonde hair which flowed down to her shoulders and dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans a blue top and black vest that showed off a nice little bit of cleavage. Once in the car, the two started to chat about nothing, what they thought of the play, guys they liked, nothing in particular. As they drove Katie noticed the slowly growing fullness in her bladder, and secretly wished she had been able to relieve herself before leaving. She wasn't desperate, but she hated the feeling of having to go through rehearsal with a full bladder, and wondered if she should have drunk all that water that morning. She had finished most of a quart of water earlier this morning at her house, drank another bottle for lunch, and was sipping from another bottle on the way to rehearsal, which probably wasn’t the best idea given her recent bladder problems. she wondered how much her bladder was going to be able to hold as she had not used the bathroom since her accident this morning. "I'll just go as soon as we get to the studio", she thought silently, and pressed her knees together slightly as she nervously placed her hands under her thighs. Sarah stopped at a traffic light, looked over Katie and asked, "What's wrong, you look nervous?"

    "Oh, nothing, I just have to go to the bathroom," Katie replied. She gazed at her thighs and tried to relax her legs so it didn't look so desperate. She really wasn't in any emergency yet, but the thought of going through a two hour rehearsal without any breaks made her uncomfortable, and she knew she'd have to go as soon as she got there or it would be a long day. She wished she had been able to drive, but she wasn't getting her own car until her birthday next month. A few more turns, a few more lights, and they arrived at the studio, Katie glanced at the dashboard clock and realizing they were running late. The two rushed out of the car, and hurried to the stage where they were supposed to meet. Bursting through the door and down the hallway, Katie started to head for the girls' room, but her hopes of a quick relief were dashed when she saw everyone start to begin in the big studio.

    "Damn," Emily cussed under her breath, "Now I've got to last all of rehearsal without a break, great, just great."

    It began with an introduction by the play director, going over some general things about rehearsals, and the play for the rest of the semester. And she grimaced and knew she was in for a long rehearsal. Breaks were strictly prohibited, the director always pointed out that during a performance if you had to go to the bathroom, you obviously couldn't leave the stage midway, and would have to learn to go before you started or hold it. Katie thought it was a stupid rule. Each time, after class, almost all of the girls would rush to the girls' room with a desperate look on their faces; especially given most everyone drank water during it. Katie and Sarah both used to joke about how they would almost have peed in their pants as they rushed after rehearsal to the bathrooms on days when they drank too much. The director continued to drown on about some finer points of the play, and Katie was already shifting her butt back and forth, and crossing her legs tightly. Sarah noticed Emily's nervousness and asked, "What's wrong, you look shaky today?"

    "Really? Um. Uh, I kind of have to pee, I didn't get a chance to go before class", Katie replied nervously. Sarah giggled, “well just try not to wet yourself, you don’t want Kyle seeing you like that.” Katie then glanced over at Kyle, the guy she had a crush on from her stats class, and got a little red realizing he too was in the play. "Come on, Sarah, I'm not in junior high anymore, I'm not going to have an accident like a little girl" replied Katie, half hoping that what she was saying would be the truth.

    His presentation was finally over and everyone began moving on to some warm ups exercises, improvisational things to help the cast get more familiar with each other. For a while it was tolerable for Katie, but as her body warmed up and class progressed, her bladder started to demand some attention. The director in a loud voice told everyone to pair up, and go over lines with each other for various scenes, and it just so happened that Katie was paired up to do a scene with Kyle. As everyone made their way to pairing up she passed Sarah "How are you doing", Sarah asked her.

    "Sarah, I really need to pee, like really bad now," Katie replied. "Well, you know he's not gonna give you a break until at least after this exercise , if even then, what are you gonna do? You're not like gonna wet yourself are you?" Katie could do nothing but shrug, with a worried look on her face.

    She locked eyes with Kyle, her scene partner, and gave put up her finger as to say “one minute” and walked over to the play director. “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom but I’ll be back in a minute okay?” the director looked at her, and calmly said “sorry, but I can’t have the rest of the group wait around for you, you can when were done with this exercise.” Katie pursed her lips together and nervously said “not a problem” and played with her hair and went over to rehearse her scene with Kyle thinking to herself “I’m 21 year old, I shouldn’t even have to ask permission to use the fucking bathroom.”

    Katie tried to push any thoughts of her bladder out of her mind, and decided to concentrate on memorizing her lines, and her scene partner Kyle. She walked over to the edge of the stage where he Kyle was sitting, being sure to wiggle her hips a little more for his benefit. “hi” she said is a high flirty voice. Kyle smiled at her “everything okay?” he asked. Katie looked up, “oh yeah, that was nothing” trying to brush off her increasingly urgent need to pee “you ready to do it”. Kyle looked down at his script and then up at her “yeah let’s do it”

    The two spent the next few minutes sitting on the edge of the stage going over their lines, and Katie had been successful putting her bladder out of her mind, sitting with her legs crossed tightly, and subconsciously wiggling her hips back and forth every so often. Eventually they came to the end of the scene, and Kyle went looked down at his script “you ready to go onto the next scene?” he asked. Katie’s mind went back to her pressure filled bladder, looked over her shoulder towards the exit longing to pee, then back to Kyle playing with her gorgeous long dark curly hair “yeah let’s do it” she said as she lifted her butt up, and slamming back down on the hard wood stage. Kyle seemed to notice her fidgeting “you okay?” he asked. Katie embarrassed that he noticed turned a little red “yeah I’m fine, trying to brush it off.” Kyle didn’t seem to believe her but didn’t know Katie well enough to push it and started to read his lines.

    Moments later as Kyle was reading a longer line Katie uncrossed and recrossed her legs, and felt a short spurt hit her panties as she did so. Katie bit her lip and turned white as she felt the wetness in her panties. “oh god not now, not in front of him she thought to herself” not even realizing her line was up. Kyle looked at her smiling “you sure you okay” he asked jokingly. Katie was now really embarrassed, pressed her legs tighter together and said “yeah.. sorry, I just… it’s nothing… sorry” then smiling awkward at him putting her hand on his knee. Kyle just smiled at her awkward but very cute recovery, but had a strong suspicion she needed to pee badly.

    Suddenly it was 30 minutes later and in the middle of reading her scene, Katie heard the play directors voice boom “okay everybody let’s go over the first act as a group” and motioned for the cast to come to the center of the stage. Kyle got up first and held out his hand to help up Katie. Katie gave a flirty smile at him and grabbed his hand. As soon as Katie’s butt left the floor she felt her bladder let loose a strong 3 second spurt into her tight skinny jeans, gasping audibly as she did. Katie could now feel the distinct warm wetness around her butt and thighs, and quickly thrust her right hand down to her crotch as soon as she gained her balance. Kyle, obviously noticed this and instinctively looked as her crotch. Katie was now beet red, knowing that she just had to be noticeable wet in her butt and thighs now, but not knowing the extent of the damage. Katie looked down at her crotch, didn’t see anything, but could feel the wet spot with her hand. And then looked into Kyle’s eyes and stuttered out “I’ll be right back” and started to speed walk towards the stage exit. Kyle’s eyes widened as he looked at her butt as she walked off, seeing a hand sized wet spot on the lower butt of her tight skinny jeans, that started to trail down her left thigh. Katie started tearing up as her back was turned to the cast of 20. The director saw Katie speeding off and called out “excuse me where are you going” Katie stopped in her tracks, turned around and moved her hand from her crotch and placed both hands in her back pockets. She bend forward at her knees, and felt another strong spurt hit her pants, about three seconds long. Katie’s eyes started to tear up “I really need to use the rest room.” And at that moment it seemed like the entire group took notice of her accident which was now somewhat obvious, as a small plate sized wet spot was on her crotch, and a wet trail on her left inner thigh went halfway to her knee. Most people just starred at her with their eyes wide and mouth open, including Kyle and her roommate Sarah. However there were a few girls who couldn’t help but laugh, but tried to hide it. Katie, for the first time spread her legs and noticed the damage, and moaned, humiliated that she wet her pants in front of her classmates. The director just looked at the poor girl and awkwardly said “do what you gotta do” and Katie turned around towards the exit. As her back was to the group she heard a loud laugh from one girl who clearly noticed her wet rear end. Which now had a large dinner plate size patch on it, and a fatter wet trail down to her left knee. Sarah gave a dirty look to the girl who laughed out loud, and the girl put up her hand as to say sorry to Katie’s roommate.

    Katie was now running down the hall to the bathroom, trying to avoid anymore damage. She entered the bathroom, and ran to the first stall, yanking down her pants and panties in one motion and finished peeing into the toilet. Once finished she looked down at her wet pants, and slowly pulled them back up and left the stall. She looked at herself in the mirror in the empty public bathroom and looked disgusted at herself as she examined the extent of her accident. Humiliated that not only her crush saw her wet her pants, but the entire production.

    She heard a knock at the door, and without a response Sarah slowly entered the bathroom and hugged the now crying Katie. “it’s okay sweetie” said Sarah softly “accidents happen… don’t worry no one will remember in a week” Then Sarah let go put her arm on Katie’s shoulder, I’ll be just outside when you’re ready. Katie then spent a few minutes dabbing at herself with paper towels, but with no luck she left the bathroom and she and Sarah drove home together in silence.