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Trump has a pee fetish

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  • Trump has a pee fetish

    In case you haven't heard, the rumors going around about Russia having some scandalous material they can use to blackmail Trump is actually some evidence they have about Trump having a pee fetish. Regardless of your political persuasion, you have to enjoy contemplating that Trump may be one of us.

    For your amusement, watch some of these stories:


    If you only watch one of the above clips, watch the last one while you pee your pants!

  • #2
    Well, I can tell you this much, his wives and girl friends have always been pretty hot. If any of them wet their panties, then I really should have voted for him.

    "Front Line", on PBS, said his first wife was absolutely in love with him and would do anything to please him. He still divorced her. He'd only do that if there were others. Can only imagine Marla Maples with a wet ass.

    Still find it hard to believe, he'd do that in Russia. he had to of known they'd tape it. He doesn't drink either. Sleeps four hours a night.

    Go figure. Me, on the other hand. I'd have no chance with the right hookers.


    • #3
      I am Russian. Personally I coud easliy belive this story. In fact I pay prostitutes in Russia to pee on me it cost 50$. But I also pay them to hold pee it cost 80-100$. So I even have pictrues of my "show".


      • #4
        I wonder if he's someone on here.

        Has anyone got the user-ID Orange-faced_fascist_retard?


        • #5
          Originally posted by leakyhelen
          Has anyone got the user-ID Orange-faced_fascist_retard?
          You'd better hope not as, otherwise, you've just violated the Board policy on not abusing other members, lol!


          • #6
            More of that "fake news" the Left is so busy spreading these days. There is no proof that Trump did any of the things in their most recent extravagant claim. Don't believe everything you read online folks.

            Now, as far as Russia having dirt on Trump... I'm sure they do. I'm sure they also have dirt on Obama, and Hillary and every other major player in our government... that's what foreign intelligence services are for, digging up dirt to hold over your enemy's head.


            • #7
              Jobsite gag of the day:

              What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean?

              Donald Trump has never had garbanzo bean all over his face...


              • #8

                At the risk of a political thread lol! (Wasnt there a south american candidate that went around nakked?)

                Not sure how much trickle down of credible news ever makes it to US syndicated news, but the intelligence report was found to have composed of little more than a bunch of random internet troll posts taken as fact.

                The Golden showers in russia post was taken from a 4chan satire post for one.
                Most of the other material came from similar suspect, satire, our outright fictional joke posts from sources like reddit and twitter. If the report even came from intelligence, it was either someone so incompetant as to boggle the mind, or someone deliberately trying to shame trump but also very lazy.

                Either way evidence seems to indicate its entirely bogus.


                • #9
                  Trump having a pee fetish is enough a reason to stop having one myself, so I hope it's just a made up story.


                  • #10
                    I want Trump's daughter to have a pee fetish.

