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It has been on Y/T 4 days so far
Surprised it lasted this long!
Originally posted by Jenelle.....aaaand it's gone.
Originally posted by DeltaFoxtrotYa know... most of these movies are just fine until people start posting links to them on certain popular fetish sites.
Let's think this through a little further. Suppose we wanted to provide a link to a Y/T channel because it contained a lot of good content that would be of interest to members of this forum. How could we do that? Could we use https://bitly.com/ or some other URL shortener? Incoming traffic would then come from bitly rather than the Wet Set forum. Right?
I don't agree at all Delta, we've been through this discussion 100 times in the past. And there is a way to redirect a link, but since I see no need for it, I'm not going there. Among other things, the only way to enforce it is if we had dozens of admins or Patches just stays logged in 24/7.
As for you Patches, the wettest of my wet dreams.Last edited by Peevert; May 10, 2017, 03:43 PM.
Originally posted by PeevertAs for you Patches, the wettest of my wet dreams.
Let's Try This!
If you are missing recent LW video clips, you can find them at the Nazi Palace by following this link: http://bit.ly/2ptJttU
Originally posted by PeevertI don't agree at all Delta, we've been through this discussion 100 times in the past.
Originally posted by PatchesAwwww! I am just your beautiful mystery girl because you don't know what I look like (unless you bought Patches 1 which has not been available for many, many years)!
Or, we could just trade pictures privately.
I bought Patches 1 back in the 90s, but haven't seen it for many years. The video now lies in a box in my loft. How about making a new video of you wetting yourself, Patches? Only available via private sale, of course...
What's that, Patches? There is better chance of receiving a wetting video from Catherine Zeta Jones? Come on now, I'm sure there's a way we can persuade you to make new wetting video...