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True Stories

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  • True Stories

    Well, a few have been complaining of the lack of content lately, so I thought I'd get my head out of my ass (after lurking for years) and add some content... and hope others might be inspired to add theirs.

    First off - I will not write fiction here. I'll simply recount, either as I recall an experience, or exactly as it was told to me e.g. from an ex girlfriend that is into WS like me.

    This ex girlfriend was my childhood sweetheart, then we separated for about 30 years before having an amazing (though short) time together... which we repeated a few times in the years since from time to time.

    Here is one of her later accounts. Her first experiences are really really amazing, but she can get pretty hard core, so I'm starting softer and we'll see how it goes.

    I had told her about my fetish and she encouraged me to tell her how I got into it and about my early experiences, so had shared some with her and here is her first response... (her writing from now on)

    "Awesome stories... been super busy though so will touch base with you next week with a couple of my own

    Just a little one to keep you going (her words):

    Yesterday I spent the day running from one classroom to another with a super full bladder, just didn't get time to pee. It was beyond uncomfortable and had receded to a dull ache in my groin. I new what it was and planned to relieve myself but just didn't get around to it.

    Classes finished at 8pm and all the students and staff had left, I returned to my office to replace the books etc I had been using and the urge was so strong, but then it went away again ...so being a bit lazy to walk up a flight of stairs to the bathrooms I thought I could wait a little longer and I would go at home.

    I went downstairs, set the alarm and locked the doors, the urge was back and urgent. I started to leak even though I was jiggling and holding myself. It ran over my hand gripping myself and down my leg onto the top step of the building.

    In a bit of a panic I grabbed my bag and tried to run towards the car but the movement made it come out of me faster, a trail of pee followed where I had walked despite my hand firmly clutching my groin. I knew I couldn't hold it and my pants were already wet (I remembered what you had wrote about your dark pants and thought no one would know) so standing between the car and the opened car door I relaxed my hold and let it come.

    Oh it felt so good, the relief combined with the warmth of the fluid running down my legs and the large puddle forming at my feet. I completely saturated myself but as happens I also completely aroused myself as well. I had to relieve both my urges when I got home so a long hot shower rubbing myself off to a massive orgasm while I peed (again) was my reward

    Have a great week"
    Last edited by Bazman; August 28, 2017, 08:16 AM.

  • #2
    Nice story! I take it she had dark trousers on so no-one noticed? Look forward to more accounts.


    • #3
      Yes, she typically wears dark slacks (trousers) for work as she teaches adult students.

      When with me, she would often wear a dress, typically a longish one (below the knee). One time I took her for a naughty weekend over to a beach resort in Australia and we went to casino one night just for fun. We'd had a few drinks and she was having a blast on the pokies when she started rocking back and forth on her chair. I whispered in her ear asking her if she was getting desperate and she nodded and said she really really needed to pee.... but didn't want to stop playing.

      Not long after that she started to gasp quietly, leaned forward, then grabbed my hand firmly and said "We have to leave now!"

      She literally led me out the casino, pulling me along (trust me I did no mind because I knew what was coming), and made a bee line for our rental car parked at the far end of the carpark. She barely made it to the car before spreading her legs, and she just gushed a waterfall from between her firmish legs, creating a puddle that gathered around her high heels, and ran a river away from the car... under carpark lights and probably on some security camera.

      It was so hot. I put my hand discreetly under her dress and fondled her hot wet and dripping pussy, then we ducked into the car and I drove about 2 minutes away to a rugby ground that was in darkness. I got her out of the car under the trees beside the park, and bent her over the car when she said she wasn't quite finished.... she finished over my hand between her legs with her dress hanging down, and then you can imagine what happened as I pulled her dress up, pulled her wet panties down just enough and gave her what she deserved and so desperately wanted for being such a bad girl.

      There were lots of those stories when we got together :-)


      • #4
        Did anyone see her or not?

        I don't often do it in public, but when I do, I always wonder if anyone has noticed. Dark pants don't always do the job,either. I know there are a few times I have been caught in the act.

        When I know that someone has seen me wet my pants, I am filled with strange mixed feelings. There's a part of me that feels humiliated and hugely embarrassed, just like a "normal" person would feel, but to me there is also something about the humiliation itself which is a little bit erotic. There is also another part of me, somewhat exhibitionistic and definitely kinky, that gets all hot and bothered at having been seen having an "accident" -- or more accurately an "incident" -- in public. Almost like a whole other personality. I call her my "fetish slut."


        • #5
          Hi Maria

          I love how you describe yourself. It is so much more erotic to have that combination of fear vs thrill as opposed to sheer daring without fear.

          Was my gf ever caught? I suspect she has been seen when she was walking home peeing her pants one of the many times when young - I should post up that story...

          When with me - we never got caught as such, but there was always the possibility a hidden passer by saw something. Perhaps security watching the carpark camera that night by the car; perhaps someone in an adjacent hi rise apartment had binoculars on us as she peed her panties under her sundress on the balcony and I then bent her over and gave it to her from behind as she looked out over the ocean and surf reflecting the moon.... and her own glistening moon. Perhaps a motorist got a fleeting glimpse of her very full diaper being pulled down off the side of a road - she wasn't a regular user but she did enjoy wearing one that trip :-) she kept cumming in wave after wave of orgasm for literally about 20km while I drove (was hard to concentrate on driving) as she peed her diaper, and I turned on the wi-vibe in her panties. She had it alternatively up both holes and on her clit, it drove her wild, and she skirted and peed when she came hard. In the end I couldn't stand it and pulled over and we went down a side forestry road where I had her bent over the back of the SUV with the rear door up so she could lean in. Was a very erotic trip that one. She loved to pee for me and be peed on. A naughty girl with a huge sex drive when in the mood. After 2 hard days of it we'd both be done, and life returned to normal lol


          • #6
            My first real girlfriend was when we were both only 13. We had a great time together but never had sex or even knew about watersports back then.

            30 years later we met up and discovered our mutual fetish. After we had reconnected a few times ;-) I asked her how it started for her (after sharing some of my past), and this is what she wrote..... some things edited for privacy reasons but the story 100% true. If you need a visual, she was bronze skinned (light tanned from being part Maori), dark long hair, with beautiful green eyes. She was trim, had smallish but perky boobies, and smallish hips but a nice little curve to her bottom. She had an athletic build I guess and was fun loving adn very passionate. Her story....

            "...today i decided to relax a bit and have some play time (first in many months) and wanted to share with you the first time I associated peeing with orgasm as well

            In the 1980's I used to live up Pukeko Road on the Coromandel in New Zealand and would go to town twice a week via the bus and return later the same day.
            At first would try to have a pee before I caught the bus in town, but I hated going in dirty toilets so I started to hold on.

            I found that if I took the bus home and had a full bladder, the pressure and the bumps and bends up the coast road meant that by the time I had to walk up the Pukeko Valley, I was so desperate for a pee that... well several times I would be so busting that I couldn't make it home without wetting myself.

            The first time I wet myself the relief was so good, but the embarrassment felt so bad. However by the time I was back home I was so horny that I had to rub my pussy until I came ...and the orgasm was so big it was great.

            So, I stated to drink a lot of water before caching the bus in town and then while walking up the road (a quiet rural road) as the urge grew to desperation I found if I rubbed myself while holding on, then started to leak/spurt into my panties, the rubbing while I peed would feel so much better.

            A combination of relief and possible public embarrassment especially as I had my hand rubbing my clit through my jeans at the same time that i was wetting myself.

            A while after a friend lent us a video from Germany that had a section of golden showers.

            The women would masturbate and then pee while coming over someone else and then the man would pee over her while she came. Then he would come over her face and breasts.

            I got so wet and horny watching it and so wanted to try it but my husband thought it was bad and threw the video out.

            After he went to work I opened the rubbish bag and took it out, just to watch one more time.

            I must have came at least 10 times that day. It was the first time I had come so much. I hid the video and found that if I drank a lot of water so that my bladder was over-full and then watched the video while I rubbed myself, I would have a multiple orgasm that would last for an hour or longer.

            I would pee myself and then squirt (first time for that as well) and then do it again and again each time I orgasmed.

            Unemployment was so great hahaha. I loved it and spent hours each day bringing myself off this way that by the time my husband came home I was exhausted from coming so much.

            But I still wanted to have someone pee on me while I came, I asked my husband many times to do this, he refused and I felt bad asking."

            She did meet someone who shared her fetish but that's another story


            • #7
              Nearly 3000 hits, wow.

              Even so, are these experiences worth sharing - or am I off the mark?

              I'd be a paying customer here except it's illegal in my country Stupid law. People can do all sorts of terrible things to each other and avoid charges, but a harmless wee can land you with a conviction.

              Anyway, I'm not looking for a pat on the back, just want to know if my experiences are enjoyable or if my telling of them needs to improve etc.

              I have more but do not wish to bore people

              They were not boring for me lolz


              • #8
                Pauls recount of past Nottingham experiences brings back a memory of my own:

                New years eve in Taupo back in the early 90's. I was crewing on a race car I sponsored and we stopped there at night to grab some dinner on our way to the race venue.

                Taupo is a beautiful town on a beautiful lake - with mountains in the backdrop and crystal clear blue water. Anyway, being new years, town was packed with young people wanting to party. I would have loved to party too, but was with the crew.

                As I got out of the car to stretch my legs and head to the nearest restaurant, I noticed this group walking towards, with a young couple lagging slightly behind hand in hand. What grabbed my attention was her wet crotch. I mean there was no hiding it - it was soaking.

                Now she had my full attention. I even commented to my friends (the race car owner and his wife) and they laughed, but obviously didn't share my fascination....

                I'm trying to hide the fact my eyes are out on stalks here - one of my first real sightings and it's right there in my face

                Backing up:

                The girl is beautiful, between 18-21. It is summer at New Years here so it was a warm evening. She has on a tank top, a light blue from memory, her hair was brunette, long and wavey, her eyes brown, she had the perfect body of a young woman her age, with medium sized boobies that sat proud through her top, great legs and lovely curved bottom with just enough flare to her hips.... the kind of girl you wanted to date in High School or in college.

                She was wearing daisey dukes - sawn off short denim shorts that never age, even now they never get old. Not so short you could see what she had for breakfast standing up, but short enough that, had she bent over, you would glimpse just a little cheek, just the bottom curve of it. However, as she was walking, it just covered her sexy ass, and she had a wonderful subtle camel toe ....that was soaking wet.

                Not just the camel toe was wet, the short bit of shorts that ran over her beautiful soft thighs was also wet - symmetrical left and right. As though she had pissed her pants. This was no drink spill or the pattern would be completely different.

                As she passed by, and we followed, her whole sexy bum was wet. She had sat in it to finish!

                I imagined that she was out with friends, they'd all had a bit to drink. Someone suggested "Let's go to the next bar... or XYZ and grab something to eat there".... she likely thought she should pee before heading out, but everyone was leaving and her boyfriend was pulling her. She knew she should resist but didn't want to be left behind, as the group was already on their feet and heading out.

                I imagine her bladder was pulsing, there were waves of tension ....that deep tickish but hot urge to pee, pleasant if you stop to enjoy it, but stressful in company or in a place you cannot relieve the pressure.

                The alcohol clouded her judgment and she chose not to make her boyfriend wait.... she told herself she could make it.

                But as they got outside the cooler night air hit her and a stronger wave rolled in, causing her to bend forward and bring her legs together. "damn, I shoulda gone potty" she likely said to herself or to her boyfriend

                But he just laughed it off and told her she could make it, and off they walked with the others.

                But the waves kept coming, and suddenly there was a leak.... that unexpected spurt that comes when we've had a few drinks and are holding it, desperate but still think we are in control.... then spurt.... followed by another.

                By now they are between cafe's/bars, there is no where to go, and she is peeing down her leg, but fighting for control.

                Suddenly, she freezes, she pulls her hand from her boyfriend and dives it between her legs and gasps "Oh no!"

                The floodgates open and she gushes down her legs - straight down so it does not spread very far up her crotch - a perfect symmetrical upside down V... a wet dark coloured ^

                Suddenly aware she is in public and people are watching her, she dives for the curbside and sits down - pissing uncontrollably, but it is all coming out the back of her shorts and once sitting the only tell tale is the pool of pee spreading from under her butt and between her legs, and running along the sidewalk.

                Finally she finishes, her boyfriend takes her hand and gently pulls her up, gives here a reassuring hug and they resume the walk.... right towards me. Gosh I wish I had a girlfriend do that.
                Last edited by Bazman; August 28, 2017, 10:03 AM.


                • #9
                  My boyfriend and I get a LOT of erotic mileage out of the fantasy that “someone might have seen me.” His own first experience with this fetish was when he was in his late teens and had a “sighting” of some girl who surrendered control and wet her pants while dancing at a rock festival – an ultimate Goddess to many guys here, I’m sure. And when I was younger, I was something of an exhibitionist and I kind of like shocking people, so the “wet in public” scenario is pretty powerful for both of us. I don’t do it very often because social inhibitions usually get the better of me, but every now and then my “fetish girl” instincts take over, and… OOPS!

                  A few months ago we went to check out a new club in the next town. It turned out to be an Irish pub kind of scene, more his kind of thing rather than mine, since he prefers beer and I prefer wine. He wasn’t drinking much because he had to go to work in the morning, so he was driving, and I guess I had a bit more than usual. I really should have gone to the Ladies’ Room, but I didn’t. We were telling funny stories, and soon I was laughing so hard that I was doubled over, trying to hold myself together so that all that wine didn’t pour out. Then suddenly it became one of those moments when the fetish girl instincts took over and I surrendered and just let it flow.

                  Well, it wasn’t quite as bad as having a golden waterfall pouring off the barstool, but I could tell that there was a big wet spot on the back of my pants. I was wearing light gray slacks, which is about as bad as it gets (unless you happen to be wearing white pants after taking a really big dose of Vitamin B, ha ha). It doesn’t matter how dim the lighting is, there is no way to hide something like that.

                  The weather was warm so the bf didn’t have a jacket, but I had a small one, more for fashion than for warmth. So when we made our exit, he walked close behind me and held the jacket close to my butt. He tried to look natural about it, but we all know that it doesn’t really look natural at all. I was afraid to look at anyone and kept my eyes down, but the bf said that a few guys were staring at me.

                  We walked across the parking lot, still with the jacket near my butt. We reached the car. Good luck, no one around. He opened the passenger door, and just as I was getting in, we noticed that there was another couple standing near their own car, talking. How could we have missed them? There was no way that they could not have noticed, and when we pulled out of the lot, I saw them giving me funny looks.

                  After we got home, my embarrassment faded and we started to let the whole thing make us really horny. I whispered in his ear and talked dirty. I told him there’s a pervert in every crowd, and one of the guys at the bar who was staring at me had probably shot the wad in his shorts without even touching himself. We had a good laugh on that one, and then the bf said that the guy in the parking lot probably got slapped upside of the head by his wife for staring at me like that, but now she was probably fast asleep while he was lying beside her, kept awake by a throbbing boner. That idea turned us on so much that the rest of the night was thoroughly delightful.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bazman
                    Nearly 3000 hits, wow.

                    Anyway, I'm not looking for a pat on the back, just want to know if my experiences are enjoyable or if my telling of them needs to improve etc.

                    They were not boring for me lolz
                    Not boring for me either! Keep it up, I like your stories.


                    • #11
                      Thanks Peedancer

                      Your boyfriend is a very lucky man Maria. I really hope the rest of the relationship is great too so it can last. That'd be awesome

                      Often when we find someone who is right into the same kinks, it all gets ruined by being incompatible on other key areas of life.... kinda like God has a sense of humour - e.g. you can eventually luck out and find a 1 in 100,000 partner that is wild in bed and right into the same kink - but they will drive you nuts so you can't live with them for long lol

                      Maria, your taste re public accidents is exactly what I would love in a girlfriend... not always into it so it becomes "normal", but enough that there is a regular tease.... perhaps followed up in the privacy of home.... but definitely the odd "special" occasion That's awesome Maria, you naughty girl

                      I had a public incident myself once - unintended. I have often wet my pants walking home along the coast late at night after having several drinks. Nobody can see unless they stopped and walked up, and I leave a long pee trail as a give-away, or sometimes, wait till bursting, leak for a few meters walking, then stop and just allow the peegasmic relief to flood over me.

                      I've also come across pee trails left by other walkers and I fantasise they were left by a lovely female.... the shorter steps, the tell tale puddles around the shape of bare feet as they have taken their shoes off to stop peeing in them.... lovely

                      But yeah - once I had a full blown accident in full daylight - right beside a main street, traffic everywhere

                      My wife at that time and I had been to a beer festival and I had sampled quite a few of the local craft beers by the time we left. She was into wine and was quite tipsy too. We didn't fancy an hour long drunken walk so decided to call a taxi after walking a couple of blocks.... and my need to pee became pressing.

                      I had been at the festival but had broken the seal and drunk more beers afterwards.... I knew I was in trouble. I said to my wife as we stood by the bus stop waiting on a taxi that I did not think I could make it home and feared I'd pee in the back seat.

                      She said "don't you dare". When i am drunk, my control is not great and a wave came and I spurted. This is a sure sign of the end. 2 more of those and the floodgates open at worst, or a constant slow flow begins in a pulse until it lets go into full stream.

                      I'm looking around, there is nobody right beside us, a few across the 4 lane road, too far I hope to see detail, the taxi is not yet in sight, and I am wearing dark navy blue shorts (summer).... so in my mind I'm thinking, "I can't piss in the taxi - I once had to sit in someone elses cold piss jumping into a taxi, and it is not cool to do that on purpose. I can't make it home, I'm leaking...

                      it's now or never, so next wave - for the 1st and only time in my life - in full public I just let go. A waterfall rushed down both legs - it was so hot and the relief was so amazing. I announced to her what I was doing, and pushed it out as hard as I could to avoid a long one that might still be going when the taxi arrived.

                      My wife stepped away in shock and said "Now you are embarrassing me!" But she did not run away, and we climbed into the taxi with my soaking wet shorts.

                      Sadly it did not turn her on. But I felt better

