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  • #16
    Thanks, Patches.

    I'll do that extract for Aloo when I get home then.

    I knew John thought he had sold some rights to one of his video editors for Europe and was then annoyed to find that included the UK as part of Europe (at the time, in case this gets read in a few years' time!) and the DVDs were available here in the UK. At least that provoked him or whoever he had sold the right to into issuing their own DVDs for a while!


    • #17
      I loved the X-streams videos, especially the first couple of series, as I hadn't seen public wetting videos as good as this before. And there have been very few as good as those since then. I think people are scared to make public wetting videos now. I was disappointed when John Dare stopped filming his videos. I wonder what he's up to these days?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Patches
        At the risk of sounding elitist, I think Walmart caters to a slightly lower socioeconomic class of people than Target does. Prices in both stores may be similar but the displays of products in Target cater to women more than men and are designed to appeal to the economic middle class. Middle class women still wet themselves but they are usually more discrete about it. Economically poorer women tend to be less discrete when they wet themselves because their cultural background does not have as strong disapproval of public accidents. I hope this opinion is not offensive to anyone.
        Actually I think it's quite accurate. And I shop at both. :P

        Originally posted by Patches
        Anyone familiar with my videos knows that I never did scenes in either Walmart or Target. I was an "equal opportunity risk taker" and did scenes in a variety of malls (open areas and food courts), Penneys, Sears, Victoria's Secret, drug stores, in restaurants and in front of them where customers could see the girls wetting themselves through the front window, etc. We even did a couple of scenes in horse drawn carriages! I didn't care where we shot public scenes as long as we could do it safely.
        And let's not forget SANTA CLAUS' LAP !!!!!!!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Peevert
          And let's not forget SANTA CLAUS' LAP !!!!!!!!
          Ahhh, yes, Patches 25! That brings back many memories! Melissa was seen by many mall shoppers in that scene as she sat on Santa's lap and wet her pants! Melissa did some brazen wetting scenes in malls and at Niagara Falls in that video and it was obvious that a number of people saw what she was doing by their comments. Every time Melissa was seen wetting herself in public, it just seemed to embolden her to do it again just for the attention and to hear what people would say when they saw her wet pants.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Patches
            Ahhh, yes, Patches 25! That brings back many memories! Melissa was seen by many mall shoppers in that scene as she sat on Santa's lap and wet her pants! Melissa did some brazen wetting scenes in malls and at Niagara Falls in that video and it was obvious that a number of people saw what she was doing by their comments. Every time Melissa was seen wetting herself in public, it just seemed to embolden her to do it again just for the attention and to hear what people would say when they saw her wet pants.
            Any chance of linking up with Melissa again and making new public wetting videos?! Or public wetting videos with anyone?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Scotsboy
              Any chance of linking up with Melissa again and making new public wetting videos?! Or public wetting videos with anyone?
              YES awesome idea. Come on Patches, you have the internet at your finger tips. You can trace down Sweet Melissa. She can make a new panty wetting video. And then I can marry HER since YOU don't want me.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Patches
                Well, at least I kept my administrator job on this forum! It pays so well that I am now set for life and won't need your financial support!
                LMAO, Patches


                • #23
                  Scene from X-Streams Pees and Queues

                  Hi Aloo,

                  Here's a link to download that X-Streams Pees and Queues scene from Sendspace: https://www.sendspace.com/file/1jqb5j. Be careful to click only the download link, not any of the more prominent ads which may link anywhere or offer malware.

                  I think there are two more X-Streams scenes openly in front of loads of people. Others were hidden in some way, eg, round the corner or under a table, or there were just occasional people walking past. I will extract those and add them to this post in the next few days.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Scotsboy
                    Any chance of linking up with Melissa again and making new public wetting videos?! Or public wetting videos with anyone?
                    I really don't know where Melissa is or how to find her. I am not making videos anymore plus I don't have the equipment. Making public wetting videos is much more risky now than when I was doing it. There are security cameras everywhere plus most people are walking around with smartphones that have excellent cameras that could be used to report your activities to the police. It is just not worth the risk!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Patches
                      I really don't know where Melissa is or how to find her. I am not making videos anymore plus I don't have the equipment. Making public wetting videos is much more risky now than when I was doing it. There are security cameras everywhere plus most people are walking around with smartphones that have excellent cameras that could be used to report your activities to the police. It is just not worth the risk!
                      Such a shame, although I understand. Do you still have contact with any of the other ladies you filmed? Are they wetters in their own lives? I hope so!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Wet Trousers
                        I think there are two more X-Streams scenes openly in front of loads of people. Others were hidden in some way, eg, round the corner or under a table, or there were just occasional people walking past. I will extract those and add them to this post in the next few days.
                        My favourite X-Streams scene was Carly wetting herself on Tower Bridge in London. There were loads of people walking by when she was wetting. A shame it's unlikely we'll see anything like that filmed again.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Wet Trousers
                          Here's a link to download that X-Streams Pees and Queues scene from Sendspace: https://www.sendspace.com/file/1jqb5j. Be careful to click only the download link, not any of the more prominent ads which may link anywhere or offer malware.

                          I think there are two more X-Streams scenes openly in front of loads of people. Others were hidden in some way, eg, round the corner or under a table, or there were just occasional people walking past. I will extract those and add them to this post in the next few days.
                          Here are the other two:

                          I have thought of another one in the last series on a train station, which I will also look out when I can.

                          Originally posted by Scotsboy
                          My favourite X-Streams scene was Carly wetting herself on Tower Bridge in London.
                          People will have been walking past on the bridge, but they went into an alcove beside and partly hidden by one of the towers supporting the bridge, so not as visible as these wettings.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Scotsboy
                            Such a shame, although I understand. Do you still have contact with any of the other ladies you filmed? Are they wetters in their own lives? I hope so!
                            I am still in contact with Georgia, Vicktoria, and Vanessa. Vanessa's mother just died yesterday and she is going through a hard time. None of these girls are regular wetters. Georgia will sometimes wet herself just for the fun of it when she gets drunk. All of them will occasionally wet themselves in public (like at a bar or restaurant which is dimly lit) just for the thrill of doing something daring to see if they can get away with it without being seen with wet pants or a dress. Vicktoria was recently invited to do a strip tease at a bachelor party and wet her panties as part of her dance. She agreed to do it as long as she got a bonus! She told me that all the guys at the bachelor party cheered as she wet herself.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Wet Trousers
                              People will have been walking past on the bridge, but they went into an alcove beside and partly hidden by one of the towers supporting the bridge, so not as visible as these wettings.
                              I disagree. Carly's wetting was as public as Liz & Helen's wetting, if not more so. There may have been an alcove, but she was still visible to passers by. I don't think anyone noticed Liz & Helen wetting as people were further away than they were with Carly's location.

                              Other very public wettings include Amy and her mother wetting in a busy shopping centre where there were probably security cameras and Katie & Emma wetting themselves sitting outside at a table in busy Covent Garden.


                              • #30
                                Here are the final two:

                                I'm not going to bother with the other ones suggested by Scotsboy. There weren't many people around on Tower Bridge because, if there were, 'John Dare' would have swung his camera round to show them. One person walked past afterwards, but that doesn't match Aloo's request, which I took to be for wettings in front of people who could see them. One thing about Carly's wetting was it seems she couldn't hold it any longer, while most X-Streams wettings were deliberate releases. Helen's and Liz's was completely visible to all sitting on the opposite bank as the streams were all down the concrete slope (and one of the cameras was there) and also anyone walking past on the road. Amy's and her mother's in the shopping centre (mall) were not seen by anyone, but probably were caught on security camera, as they got thrown out.

                                X-Streams public wettings tended to be where it was public and people were around, but not close by (for obvious reasons). If anyone else can think of any others that do match what Aloo was looking for, let me know and I will see if I can find them. I think there was one in a burger bar, again under a table, but with the pee running out, so that may qualify in the same way as Katie & Emma. John also roped in a few stooges but that was arranged and not genuine passers by.

                                Originally posted by Wet Trousers
                                Hi Aloo,

                                Here's a link to download that X-Streams Pees and Queues scene from Sendspace: https://www.sendspace.com/file/1jqb5j. Be careful to click only the download link, not any of the more prominent ads which may link anywhere or offer malware.

                                I think there are two more X-Streams scenes openly in front of loads of people. Others were hidden in some way, eg, round the corner or under a table, or there were just occasional people walking past. I will extract those and add them to this post in the next few days.

                                Originally posted by Wet Trousers
                                Here are the other two:

                                I have thought of another one in the last series on a train station, which I will also look out when I can.
                                Last edited by Wet Trousers; January 2, 2018, 04:49 AM.

