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I have the answer!

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  • I have the answer!

    What would it feel like if I pooped my Pants

    Most people won't admit if asked "have you ever wondered what it would feel like if you pooped your pants or panties?" Almost all of us have asked this question at least once. If you don't believe this then think about the last time you were caught in traffic due to an accident and you were squirming due to the need of the porcelain bole or a bush when none were available. If the traffic let up in time you run to the nearest restroom and the question fades into the historical mental file of, I hope I don't have to think about this again. On the other hand if the traffic didn't let up there was no reason to ask the question again because you found out the hard way as you sat in what was moments before the cause of your squirming. This article is for those who haven't experienced the sensation of or having the memory of a full load of last night's dinner between you and what you are sitting on.
    More than once I have had the opportunity to read the question "What would it feel like if I pooped my pants?" I asked this question some 58 years ago. In my case several years previously I had an accident while playing and got caught by my dad. Mom was near and intervened telling him she would take care of it. She did and told me that I shouldn't do this again or she would have to put me back in diapers. Several years later I asked the question "What would it feel like if I pooped my pants?" After all the last time was not clear do to fear of parental reprisal. I soon found out and on average I have refreshed my memory about once a week ever since, and that was about 58 years ago. So I feel quite up to the task of expressing a reasonable response to the question.
    To begin with diarrhea is something I do not class as an accident as it better fits into the category of an undesirable disaster never to be repeated but unfortunately happens to the best of us. In my life this type disaster has happened to me on three occasions. None of which I care to describe, think about, or repeat. In spite of the fact that most accident experienced by people are of the disastrous type some are of the more normal movement caused by lack of planning and the availability of a restroom.
    If you are new to this type of accident and have asked the question "What would it feel like If I pooped my pants or panties?" then read on. Just remember however if a picture is worth a 1000 words than experience is worth a million. Having said this, I must start by saying it is not for everyone and there is some risk but skiing has its risks too. I have read over a thousand stories of accidents and most skirt around or inadequately describe what it feels like. No one can fully give justice to the topic in words but I believe I can come closer to the answer than what I have read so far. Some say sarcastically if you want to know than just do it. Without some idea most shy away from the experience with such an answer and too many of them find themselves in the embarrassing situation of finding out at the most inopportune time. As far as his introduction goes "what does it feel like?" Isn't the right question. "What will all my senses tell me if I do this?, is the better question."
    I will start by using the not so hypothetical situation of a man alone in the privacy of his own home. Whet he feels applies to man and woman alike. so lets look at he constellation of senses and the message received by his intellect. He watching his favorite DVD with popcorn bowl in hand. He feels a fullness in his lower abdomen Which is a feeling that we are all so familiar with. Most would punch the pause button and go to the restroom. At this point I must remind the reader of senses you have long since learned to ignore. You sit on the toilet seat and though you haven't thought about it the act spreads your cheeks to minimize external contact with what you are getting rid of. You start to push and you have an internal and external sphincter mussel that beguine to open. You feel a irregular shaped lump push past the first and then the second. As you continue you feel the lumps of the irregular shape as it passes the outer mussel than it starts to smooth out and speed up then you feel the sphincter quickly close. Sounds technical doesn't it? That is because you have done this Ten thousand time and most of your senses are dulled by the repetition. The only other sense that is stimulated is the smell which you undoubtedly avoid by turning on the fan and leaving the room. Some of you will linger as you read a catalogue or your favorite book. Without thinking about it the smell slowly dissipates to be either a minor background odor or fades completely. It is still there! The next visitor who happens buy within a few minutes might teas you about the smell that you thought was long gone.
    Back to the lover of popcorn. The feeling of fullness has grown to urgency as he feels pressure against the inner sphincter. The question pops into mind "I wonder....?" "Should I?" "Why not I'm alone no one has to know?" His heart starts to speed up and a tingling sensation starts what is the beginning of an adrenalin rush. He is not sitting on the toilet seat so his cheeks are touching each other, a sense long time shut off due to their natural state of being. He is aware of the fact that something new is about to happen and he feels the lumpy contents of his bowels start to push past the first sphincter. He panics and clamps down and feels the pop move back to where it started. But determined to experience the mystery of sensations not felt before he pushes some more. This time the lumps pass the inner sphincter and touch of the outer one this triggers a push reflex. Now there is no going back.
    Your external surfaces are much cooler then inside of you. So any contact not use to such warmth will immediately pick up on the difference. As his mussels begin to push he feels each lump and bump of the poop as it expands he opening then he feels a strange warm semisolid mass start to push his cheeks apart. As this happens he realizes this is not all that bad and actually feels soothing and exceptionally good. Then it touches cloth which has been covering his back side without notice for hours. A strange sensation starts as the cloth starts to be pulled from all directions toward the semi hard mass making its exit. If he is experiencing the start of constipation it may crumble at first. These sensations will cause him to reach back with his hand to confirm what is happening. Yep he feels the lumps with is hand but the strong urge intensifies and continues. More lumps exit as he feels with his sensitive hand that the lumps are pushing his hand back. Each one emitting a soothing warmth felt every where it touches his bare skin. The lumps exiting him give way to a softer spreading warm mass warmer and more soothing than what preceded it. The increased warmth is no warmer than the lumps but because it conforms to any shape it comes in contact with the sensation is many time more intense and soothing.
    Now those of you reading this take a deep breath hold it for a few seconds place a towel over your mouth then lightly place your hand over the towel but allow yourself to exhale through the cloth. You will feel a warm moist sensation that is very pleasant. Our subject starts to feel this same moist pleasant feeling against is hand as the mass starts to spread primarily up his backside but at the same time he feels it pushing his hand further back and expand to each side. His senses are at this point almost overwhelmed as he continues to push not out of necessity but to automatically finish what he started. He feels his back passage gently close as he knows what he started is now over, or is it? Most of his senses switch from necessity to observation. What he has his hand on is now a oblong shaped warm hot bulge extending from his fingertips to his wrist. His sense of smell has picked up on what he did, but it is not significantly more pronounced than the last time he went in the bathroom. As he stands in shock at the multitude of senses triggered by his act it is easy to ignore the odor as the feel in his hand and sensation against him is this warm soft clinging bulge that sooths and makes him forget his troubles and the movie he was watching and makes the smell less of a nuisance. He runs his fingers over the bulge and he feels the pressure gently transmitted through to his skin. He pushes up on the mass and he feels the warm bulge slide to areas up to now were untouched. Similar spreading sensations are felt as when he was expelling it as he feels the clinging warmth.
    Curiosity gets the better of him and he looks in a full length mirror at what he felt grow behind him and into his hand and what he felt is confirmed by an enormous bulge. Now he wonders what will happen if he sits down. Finding a relatively soft chair or sofa he eases himself down. Now he feels some incredible soft spreading mass beneath him and in spite of his sitting he feels a pleasant soft contoured cushion unlike anything he has felt before.
    Deciding it is time to clean up he rises with heart still pounding and the feelings of adrenalin still present so he rises and heads for the rest room. All of his new sensations are not over yet as he reaches his full standing position the mass attached to him surprisingly falls free with a tug at his waist band. He starts for the restroom with legs slightly bent and feels the object in his pants swaying back and forth banging against his thighs. Disturbed by this he pulls up on his waist band and places his hand back on the bulge to hold it in place. He feels the softness return but cooler now and realizes that if it is placed against himself it is much better than banging against his thighs.
    If he thinks about it walking strangely serves no purpose. Whether walking squat or upright makes no difference once done it isn't going anywhere. One would think his hand holding it in place is to prevent further damage to his cloths or the floor but that assumption could not be further from the truth. The fact is whether done deliberately or by accident this impulse is caused by the pleasurable feeling of it against your skin.
    Once in the bathroom off comes the pants then the bulge drops again pulling more viperously on the waist band and with thumbs beneath the waste band the underwear is eased down as he feels the huge lump sways suspended in the crotch. His observation reveals a brown blob sharp at the top end descending to a oval then into a wide finger nestled in the crotch. Down the center is a ridge that conformed to his anatomy.
    Picking up the underwear he turns it inside out over the toilet as he watches it curl over then role into the bowl. It doesn't take much to realize that if he pushes down on the flush handle what he dumped in the bowl isn't going anywhere. He finds a stick or pencil and breaks the clog allowing it to go down. Stepping into the shower he washes himself off entirely. Then he rinses out his underwear and sees the stain if he knows what he is doing he will throw the underwear in the wash with some baking soda, soap and some bleach Then set the machine on the longest hottest setting. In most cases they will come clean. If they don't they are sterile and can be worn when there is little or no risk of being seen.
    Now having said all this keep in mind feelings of shame were not mentioned as our intrepid individual chose to do this in the privacy of his home. The possibility of a public accident follows us all; as defecation is a natural human function and all it take is the right circumstances and embarrassment will be the prominent sense over whelming you. By wearing tight underwear plastic pants and a second pare of tight underwear I have relieved myself in Wal-Mart, at gas stations and even had dinner without a single person other than myself knowing what I was sitting on.
    I know some may think I have a sexual deviant habit so let me just clear this up by saying ... Sex and what I do are totally unrelated. Any desire I have for a companion to do this would be limited to my wife and then only if she wanted to which she doesn't. If you say but it's nasty well so is being a trash collector. In fact what I do is less dangerous and immensely less dangerous then having multiple sex partners (HIV) or drinking in mountain streams (Guardia! Look it up.). After all what sometimes sits nestled in my pants has been carried inside me for a day before I let it out. Also I keep this discreetly to myself.
    One last thing; Why did I write this? Well as I said at the start have you ever asked; "what would it feel like?" I have heard and read this question several times and heard numerous jokes on the subject. I hope I have given an adequate answer to those of you who have not experienced it but wonder. Also if you try this, then if you have an accident in a less desirable situation than it won't be quite so devastating and you will have far fewer fears and better understand what to do.

    Holding it in is hazardous to your health as frequent unnecessary holding can lead to damage to your intestines, painful medical conditions and conic diarrhea. So if you have asked the subject question and you are adventurous and really want to know. The next time you are alone and the urge crepes up on you. Go in the bathroom and drain your bladder first. Never do both at the same time, if you can help it, the resulting mess is beyond description. Then gently push, If what you feel a solid lump knocking at your back door, Stop! Get dressed put on your favorite movie sit down with your favorite treat and wait. When the knocking becomes mildly intense. Stand up observe the adrenalin rush push and see if what I have described here is true. Than the next time traffic is too slow or you're on a long hike with no private place to go you now have an option that you know what the outcome is before you suffer needlessly.
    I have had discrete conversations where I have asked many ladies what they would do if they were too far from home and the urge hit them. The reason for the conversation stems from the fact that restrooms here in this state are no longer enforceable as Men or Women and women tend to be more modest about their privacy. This law ignores women's need for privacy as anyone can use either! Most women detest the idea of walking into a restroom to find a man in there. So in the course of conversation 60% say I'm not going into a public restroom ever in this state. In a follow up I ask well what will you do if home is too far away and you have to poop? The answer of course is variable but the 60% indicate sacrificing their underwear would be in order. Now I'm sure that most wouldn't really do that unless they stopped at a rest stop in desperation and found a man preparing to go into a stall. In such circumstances I believe a majority of the 60% would take the shower rather than stay in the restroom.
    If you have read this and decide to try what I described go ahead. Then share your story here on this web site. It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman wearing a dress, skirt or pants there are much worse things that can happen and a little soap and water does wonders. Who knows your experience may end needless suffering and encourage others to avoid the pitfalls of holding unnecessarily. Oh I almost forgot you will never have to ask again "What would it feel like if I pooped myself. " now you will know firsthand. tell us what you think. By pushing your inhabitations aside and telling us your experiences you may prevent someone from hurting his or her self.

  • #2
    What the fuck is all this


    • #3
      Wrong board, Dude

      You have answered a question that no one asked

      This part of the forum is for wetting

      Last edited by Lawrence; March 27, 2019, 01:49 AM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by AquaVitae
        What the fuck is all this
        Diarrhea of the keyboard

