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Where's the strangest place you've peed?

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  • Where's the strangest place you've peed?

    Ladies....I want your stories and or pictures or videos....even if you have to do it again...

    Question is: where's the strangest place you've ever peed? Or

    Where do you pee outside? I can tell you my story if you tell me yours.

  • #2
    Well, I'm not a lady but, how many are going to answer?
    • Off the top of a parking garage in high school.

    • On the side of a bar while leaning against it sipping a drink.

    • In my pants at a theater (Patches fault).

    • On the floor at a theater.

    • In my pants in my car.

    • In my bed (intentionally).

    • On a girl I was dating, in a motel room, and on the beach.

    • Outside, in my pants, during a hurricane, because everyone's windows were boarded up.

    • In my pants at a concert because it was raining so hard no one would notice.

    Need more ideas.
    Last edited by Peevert; September 26, 2019, 01:27 PM.


    • #3
      I guess the most daring would be on the sofa in the job centre when I was accompanying my friend.

      Peed in the pub, and in the club lots of times.

      I don't go to the cinema often but I always pee on the seat while watching the film.

      When I travel by train I usually pee on the seat too.

      Peed on my friend's sofa once between the cushions. I don't think she noticed.


