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Twelve Wetting Clips

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  • Twelve Wetting Clips

    I found 12 new YouTube wetting clips that were just posted a few hours ago. I have only seen 2 of the clips previously so most of them must be fairly new. Since they disappear if we post a link from this site to the clips and I found out last week that they disappear even if I tell you what to search for on Y/T to find them, I will save you all some time and disappointment and just give you a link to download them all from SendSpace. Grab them at:


  • #2
    Thank you

    Thank you Patches


    • #3
      Originally posted by Patches
      Since they disappear if we post a link from this site to the clips and I found out last week that they disappear even if I tell you what to search for on Y/T to find them...
      I'm guessing the Piss Nazis at You Tube will ensure they disappear anyway. I really don't think it's anything to do with us.

      And Thank You, Patches!
      Last edited by Peevert; February 10, 2020, 07:25 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Peevert
        I'm guessing the Piss Nazis at You Tube will ensure they disappear anyway. I really don't think it's anything to do with us.
        You are right, Peevert! I just looked at the user account where these clips were posted and it now says in red letters "This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy on nudity or sexual content."

        However, before the account was deleted, the user uploaded one more wetting clip which you can get at:



        • #5
          Korean girl pee in pants on stage during dance performance

          YouTube just keeps on giving us more! Here is a new clip I found today:



          • #6
            fakee lies

            Originally posted by Patches
            YouTube just keeps on giving us more! Here is a new clip I found today:


            fakeeeee u are lyining i dont see nothing


            • #7

              Click on the blue download button and save the file. It does not play in your browser.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Patches

                Click on the blue download button and save the file. It does not play in your browser.
                I don't know about the other 12 yet, but this one is bullshit. There's absolutely nothing to see.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Patches
                  it now says in red letters "This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy on nudity or sexual content."
                  I await comments proclaiming Youtube's use of brain-scanning equipment to determine what those filthy fetishists from Wetset are looking at and quickly delete it because you in no way linked to the videos on YT in this thread and yet, they were still rapidly deleted, as we all knew they would be.

                  Hopefully we can once and for all put to bed the ridiculous notion that Youtube spends the effort to monitor click-throughs from this site in order to determine what's naughty and what's nice.

                  The simple reality is that Youtube/Google are *really* good at developing algorithms, machine learning and other buzzwordy terms which automatically flag up content which shouldn't be on Youtube in short order and delete it. It has nothing to do with us, they look at a *much* broader picture. They do this because it is the *only* way they can police content. To do so any other way would be like trying to stuff a rag into the end of a fire hose to stop the water.

                  The standard procedure if you happen across something good on Youtube should be this: 1) Save it. 2) Post it. Don't worry about doing silly things with dots and spaces to break links, it makes no difference. 3) Re-upload the file you saved earlier when it *inevitably* gets deleted.

                  In an ideal world, the content we love would go somewhere more tolerant of it than Youtube but that's what we've got so that's the procedure we should follow...


                  • #10

                    The funny thing about Y/T is that there are older wetting clips still on Y/T from years ago and they never get taken down. Another thing I have observed is that if a user posts a variety of clips with different content and attracts a following, the user can post a wetting clip or two and they never get taken down and the user is never banned.

                    Recently, a Y/T user posted a variety of anime clips with no wetting in them. He also posted a variety of "wetlook" clips which must be acceptable to Y/T because many people have posted wetlook clips and they are never taken down. Then this same user just posted a couple of clips showing Japanese schoolgirls wetting themselves in class. The content was not very explicit in what is showed but it did contain shots of the pee puddle under their chairs. You can see them for yourself at:



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Patches

                      Click on the blue download button and save the file. It does not play in your browser.
                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgN7yyJ9Uhc&app=desktop here is video she dont see nothing


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by xazomaras
                        Between 1:05 and 1:15, furthermore between 1:38 and 1:52 her crotch is discoloured (the girl on the left!).

                        I like the clip.


                        • #13
                          No download from sendspace

                          My problem is that the Download button on sendspace does not work. I logged in, I accepted cookies - but nothing.

                          It used to work (after a minute of waiting the download would start), but not anymore.


                          • #14
                            I'm also having problems with the download link, so thanks to xaz for reposting a Y-T clip. The blond gal's crotch is much darker at the 1:50 interval, so what might have been called a shadow or dyed material at 1:05 sure looks like wetting to me. And as a big fan of Asian women, I also liked the clip.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by PP1
                              I'm also having problems with the download link, so thanks to xaz for reposting a Y-T clip. The blond gal's crotch is much darker at the 1:50 interval, so what might have been called a shadow or dyed material at 1:05 sure looks like wetting to me. And as a big fan of Asian women, I also liked the clip.
                              There's another clip in 1080p at a different angle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPSXJcrEh3c
                              It's quite clear between 1:40 and 1:50. What do you think?

