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Anyone know who she is?

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  • Anyone know who she is?

    I found these on a porn collection site
    Last edited by Jerome8080; August 7, 2020, 03:01 AM.

  • #2
    Here's some more of her
    Last edited by Jerome8080; August 7, 2020, 03:00 AM.


    • #3
      And some more
      Last edited by Jerome8080; August 7, 2020, 03:00 AM.


      • #4
        The rest can be found if u keep scrolling down.


        • #5
          Hi Jerome,

          I tried TinEye and Google's Reverse Image Search on several pics and could not find any results. These may be unique personal pics that do not appear anywhere else on the web. Good luck trying to find out who she is.



          • #6
            Thanks Patches I will.


            • #7
              This is unfortunately a tragic tale of youth, fun, misjudgment, broken trust and broken hearts. I’m telling it second hand but I think Paul at Wetset may remember / verify it and I dare say knew far more than what I gathered from the posts on here, back in the day.

              So, the pics are from around 15 years ago of a beautiful young lady called Besa. In addition to wetting pics, she also did diaper pics, all for the benefit of her then boyfriend, who’s name was Harley if I recall. He was a regular on the old WetSet photoboard and it seems, in his excitedness at having such an absolute babe as his girlfriend, shared the pics on the WetSet photoboard.

              However, that turned out to be a huge mistake because a) the internet went crazy for how hot Besa was and they went viral within our community, and b), most importantly of all, Harley had not discussed sharing them with her first. The outcome was a very angry Besa, a very single Harley, no more pics and some desperate efforts (in vain) to get the originals removed from the net. The last I heard, Besa was threatening to sue Harley, and he was still trying to get them deleted to atone for his mistake, years after they had broken up.

              I genuinely feel for all concerned. Harley clearly did something stupid and breached her trust, but he was young and hadn’t done it with malicious intentions. He just hadn’t realised what an uncontrollable beast the internet could be and the situation grew into something he’d never intended. Besa however still faces the fact that her image is plastered all over the wetting community, from Tumblr to Twitter and beyond, when all she was doing was trying to please her boyfriend. I can’t imagine it’s nice to have to live in the knowledge those kinds of images are everywhere online, for any friend, partner, boss or colleague to see years into the future.

              Harley has posted on here numerous times in the past asking for pics of Besa to be taken down from this site and my understanding was the they’re still banned on here, albeit they continue to come up everyone else that shows wetting or diaper content.

              Patches, perhaps Paul can confirm if these should be taken down?

              A quick Google revealed this old thread, if it helps:

              Last edited by Aloo; August 5, 2020, 11:59 AM.


              • #8
                The photos you posted here should probably also be deleted too. Yes she is hot, but is probably my age now and probably has a family.

                But if it is any consolation - There is an adult actress stage name Gina Gerson who has a fairly similar physique and face and if you added a year or two to the girl whos pictures you posted probably looks like her if she was slightly older.

                The consolation being Gina has done an absurd amount of wetty content, including some very premium stuff for most of the top 10 pee category photo/video companies - so finding her material should be rather easy.


                • #9
                  Some of the comments from the 2008 thread seem incredibly naive in today's environment...

                  Someone wrote that "There is NO WAY in hell you’d ever get these pictures off the internet. Once something is posted it is there to stay" and that "WetSet is a public domain site and aside from hosting the pics has no connection to them."

                  The world and the internet have changed a lot since 2008. While it is difficult to get photos removed once they have begun circulating on multiple websites, it is certainly not impossible. This is an evolving area of the law, and some lawsuits have been successful. Once you have a court order, you sometimes end up playing whack-a-mole, because the pics keep popping up on different sites. But there are lawyers and others who specialize in getting content removed from the web. It takes work, but in some cases it can be done.

                  This particular case does not appear to be "revenge porn," nor does it appear to involve any clear copyright violations.

                  A quick primer: Copyright issues can arise even when no money has ever changed hands, and even when a photo was taken without any commercial or profit-driven motive. In most cases, if a photo was taken in a noncommercial, nonbusiness context, the copyright belongs to the person who actually took the photo. So if I go on vacation to Disney World with my cousin, and he takes a pic of me with Mickey Mouse, he owns the copyright to that photo. And the fact that he sends me a digital copy does not change that. At least in theory, I do not have the right to share that photo without his permission. But because he owns the copyright, he can share it with anyone he wants.

                  On the facts of this case, the boyfriend took the photos, and then decided to share them, and that was not illegal. Certainly not in 2008 in the USA. Under copyright law, he took the photos, therefore he owns the copyright, therefore he has the right to share them with anyone he wants.

                  But there are other legal principles under which she may have the right to try to stop further sharing of the photos because they contain her image. As I said earlier, this is an evolving area of the law.

                  Her wishes should be respected.



                  • #10
                    Alr ig someone needs to take this thread down then.


                    • #11
                      Well done Jerome for deleting the pictures.

                      I think ultimately common decency comes into it. The girl wants the pictures gone, everyone should respect that and I think it reflects well on our community that everyone here agrees.

                      TBH now the pics have gone, it may be worth keeping the thread active so it can be referred back to if anyone else posts her pics without knowing who she is or what the history was?



                      • #12
                        Alr that’s a good idea


                        • #13
                          Some of you guys really should be wearing panties. FFS...
                          Last edited by Peevert; August 8, 2020, 01:35 PM.


                          • #14
                            Ok boomer lol


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Peevert
                              Some of you guys really should be wearing panties. FFS...
                              For respecting someone’s wishes? If common decency means “wearing panties” then count me in. Better than being a jerk about it.

