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Income Level Poll

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  • Income Level Poll

    I wanted to ask what income level everyone is on this board. There is no deeper meaning contained in my curiosity other than I'm curious to test a hypothesis out. My theory is that most people into this activity fall in the $40,000-$60,000 a year range. I don't really have many theories why I feel that way, but it just feels right. Perhaps the poll will tell us otherwise. Thank you to those who participate, and also to those who share my interest.

    $0 - $20,000
    $20,001 - $40,000
    $40,001 - $60,000
    $60,001 - $80,000
    $80,001 - $100,000
    $100,001 +

  • #2
    In the midst of a global recession I think you're going to find a lot more people in the 20-40 range than in the 40-60 range.


    • #3
      Dr. Undergirl, reporting in


      • #4
        Originally posted by Six Gun
        My theory is that most people into this activity fall in the $40,000-$60,000 a year range.
        Judging from all the trolls on these boards lately, I'd predict a high percentage of unemployed $0 income basement dwellers.


        • #5
          Unfortunately, I think you may be right. I figured that income level ($0-$20,000) will be the second highest. Judging from all the "Oh man, that video looks soooooooo hot, I'd buy it if I only had the money" posts about Nikki's videos, there has to be a lot of them. (If $20 is a lot of money to you, I feel for you). I'd like to think there are a lot of working professional or semi-professionals out there that need diapers as a stress reliever, however, but again I have no facts to back up that theory.

          Feel free to post your occupation, if you like. I'm proud of my job, (Pilot), and I love what I do for a living! Despite the number of trolls on here I'd also like to think that a good portion of us are smart people who are very self-aware and world-aware individuals. I was reading somewhere that there seems to be a high number of firefighters into diapers. Maybe it's the pressure of being so "manly" all the time that something that is "opposite of manly" is attractive as an escape. Maybe seeing all the horrible things that firefighters are subject to desensitizes them to where they don't think diapers are so bad. Whatever it is, it's a group I'd be glad to be part of my little niche here.



          • #6
            I'm a warehouse manager... product in, product out. Most of my day is spent behind a desk answering calls/e-mails.


            • #7
              Currently I'm working an as-needed part-time job as an usher or security guard(whichever is needed), but I'm looking for something more permanent.


              • #8
                money for nothin' ?

                While most will disagree... I dont believe the dollar figure is an accurate measure of ones intelligence.

                I was, in a former life, a Systems Analyst earning in excess of 90k AUD. In this job I had (comparatively) very little responsibility and affected the lives of very few people. I was also unhappy, trapped in the city and starved for stimulation.

                I then retrained and I am now an expedition group leader. I take groups of people on educational trips be it on foot, bike, boat or rope (or a mix of all of them). I am totally responsible for the lives of my group and the educational outcomes. I take these groups into harsh environments; alpine, caves, open ocean etc. My self esteem is strong, I am confident, outgoing, fit and i affect the lives of many and inspire them to take what they learn in the mountains home with them. I teach them things they will remember and use for their whole lives.

                I earn bugger all.

                Which is the better job?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nappy_and_pilchers
                  While most will disagree... I dont believe the dollar figure is an accurate measure of ones intelligence.

                  I was, in a former life, a Systems Analyst earning in excess of 90k AUD.

                  I then retrained and I am now an expedition group leader.

                  I earn bugger all.

                  Which is the better job?
                  Most of the really worthwhile jobs pay very little. Ask any teacher, soldier or Police/Fire/EMT. They don't do it for the money.


                  • #10

                    I am a peon at a major store chain till I get find something more in my training in education.


                    • #11
                      I think you need to some how tag an age to it, since retired, college kids, and high school might be skewing your results.

                      Maybe add a $0 to X (Student) Vs. $0 to X (Unemployed)


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I'm sure I could throw in all sorts of factors, such as where you live, manual vs. skilled labor, age, education, etc. And I agree, I don't believe there really IS a correlation between intelligence and income, but unfortunately income is a large factor in which "class" we fall in to, and I theorize that this is a middle-class activity. (Although there is a surprising number of $100k+ responses, which if people are responding truthfully is a little surprising. If anything I think that could be a fascinating statistic and maybe, just maybe the sort of psyche that goes with being a diaper wearer could provide the self-confidence and self-discovery that could be a helpful key to success). Money itself doesn't define who you are, and neither does it define success. I'm sure there are plenty of $0-$20,000 diaper wearing earners that are much happier than $100,000k + earners who don't wear diapers. In fact, I guarantee it to be true in some cases.
                        Thanks for participating, everyone. Looks like we CAN have a non-troll infested thread now and again.



                        • #13
                          As a resident troll, according to some at least, let me put my tuppenceworth in. The lowest income bracket may well not be online. As ubiquitous as the net is in the modern world, there are still swathes of the population that do not have broadband and/or any online access. Equally, it is plausible that the middle income bracket equates to people who have time to frequent these boards but just means that people in that income bracket are the onlne timewasters, rather than meaning that income bracket includes most wetters etc. Finally, as you can't control what people tick, this sort of survey will always have people who skew the results by claiming to be an income different to reality.

                          My troll conclusion - any assumptions drawn from these results are worthless in a scientific sense and if they seem to correlate with your views, that is more likely due to a skewed survey and viewpoint than reality.


                          A supposedly resident troll


                          • #14
                            oh and another thing...

                            in a similar manner to the lower income people not being online... i propose that some of our upper income fetishists would choose to stay very anonymous.


                            • #15
                              What I was going for in my additional stats comment is, I'm guessing that alot of the folks in the 0 to 20k range might be a student of some sort.

                              So that range may not be full of poor folks, but people who havent yet entered the full time job arena. Who may eventually end up in your target pay range.

                              Although I'd have to say I doubt that earning denotes you kink, except for maybe the folks with huge amounts of BD gear, who's house is big enough for a full size dungeon, with medical tables and stirups and shit.

                              You gotta have some serious cash to devote and entire room of your house to a fetish. As someone who falls right into the middle class area, I know I dont have room in my house for a huge bondage cross or wall I'm willing to lose to shackle mounts, or what ever other crazy shit folks have in their house.

